144 research outputs found

    Description of Perithreticus neglectus sp. n. from the West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania (Diptera, Psychodidae)

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    Background The Psychodinae of the Afrotropical Region remain poorly understood. Slightly under 200 species have been described, but many countries have received very little attention from collectors and even countries where significant collection efforts have taken place have rarely had their collections studied in detail by specialist taxonomists. New information Perithreticus neglectus sp. n. is described from the West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, based on a male specimen collected in 1990. The new species is similar to Perithreticus anderseni Kvifte, 2015, which occurs in the same forest reserve, but can be separated by several genitalic characters, including the hypandrium well-developed with sclerotised anterior and posterior margins, gonocoxites narrower, the gonostyles with the slender apex shorter, the parameres shorter without pronounced basolateral projections and the surstylus with slightly fewer tenacula. The world fauna of Perithreticus now comprises five described species, of which two occur in the Afrotropical Region.Description of Perithreticus neglectus sp. n. from the West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania (Diptera, Psychodidae)publishedVersio

    Video Recommendations Based on Visual Features Extracted with Deep Learning

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2022-06-01When a movie is uploaded to a movie Recommender System (e.g., YouTube), the system can exploit various forms of descriptive features (e.g., tags and genre) in order to generate personalized recommendation for users. However, there are situations where the descriptive features are missing or very limited and the system may fail to include such a movie in the recommendation list, known as Cold-start problem. This thesis investigates recommendation based on a novel form of content features, extracted from movies, in order to generate recommendation for users. Such features represent the visual aspects of movies, based on Deep Learning models, and hence, do not require any human annotation when extracted. The proposed technique has been evaluated in both offline and online evaluations using a large dataset of movies. The online evaluation has been carried out in a evaluation framework developed for this thesis. Results from the offline and online evaluation (N=150) show that automatically extracted visual features can mitigate the cold-start problem by generating recommendation with a superior quality compared to different baselines, including recommendation based on human-annotated features. The results also point to subtitles as a high-quality future source of automatically extracted features. The visual feature dataset, named DeepCineProp13K and the subtitle dataset, CineSub3K, as well as the proposed evaluation framework are all made openly available online in a designated Github repository.Masteroppgave i informasjonsvitenskapINFO390MASV-INF

    Description of Perithreticus neglectus sp. n. from the West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania (Diptera, Psychodidae)

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    Background The Psychodinae of the Afrotropical Region remain poorly understood. Slightly under 200 species have been described, but many countries have received very little attention from collectors and even countries where significant collection efforts have taken place have rarely had their collections studied in detail by specialist taxonomists. New information Perithreticus neglectus sp. n. is described from the West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, based on a male specimen collected in 1990. The new species is similar to Perithreticus anderseni Kvifte, 2015, which occurs in the same forest reserve, but can be separated by several genitalic characters, including the hypandrium well-developed with sclerotised anterior and posterior margins, gonocoxites narrower, the gonostyles with the slender apex shorter, the parameres shorter without pronounced basolateral projections and the surstylus with slightly fewer tenacula. The world fauna of Perithreticus now comprises five described species, of which two occur in the Afrotropical Region.Description of Perithreticus neglectus sp. n. from the West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania (Diptera, Psychodidae)publishedVersio

    Temporal changes in plant available phosphorus in a long term experiment growing winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) on Rothamsted, England

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    Fosfor er eit næringsstoff naudsynt for alt liv, men det er ein avgrensa ressurs som på avvege kan føra til uynskja algeblømingar. Difor er det viktig med god fosforbruk i landbruket, der det kjem mykje mat frå den tilførde fosforgjødsla. Fosfor bitt seg sterkt i jorda, og plantane må bruka krefter på å taka det opp. Det er ikkje semje om korleis fosforbindinga endrar seg gjennom vekstsesongen, då det er gjort lite forsking på feltet, og resultata har vore varierande. På forsøksfeltet "Exhaustion Land" (starta i 1856) på Rothamsted i England vart det hausta jordprøver og kveiteplantar 10 gongar millom mars og august. Plantane vart vegde og målt fosfor i, og jordprøvene blei analysert for plantetilgjengeleg fosfor ved landbrukstesten Olsen P metode og DGTar eksponerte i 6, 24 og 72 timar. Resultata viste at total plantetilgjengeleg fosfor endrar seg lite gjennom vekstsesongen, men at den mest plantetilgjengelege delen (målt med DGT eksponert i 6 timar) vert større tidleg i vekstsesongen, for so å verta umåleleg liten. Dette er tolka som at plantane gjer tungt plantetilgjengeleg fosfor om til lett plantetilgjengeleg fosfor, for so å taka det opp. Plantane gjer tungt plantetilgjengeleg fosfor om til lett plantetilgjengeleg tidlegare i sesongen enn hovudopptaket deira av fosfor. Jorda etterfyller det tungt plantetilgjengelege fosforet geokjemisk, og fort nok til at tungt plantetilgjengeleg fosfor ikkje vert utarma i laupet av ein enkel vekstsesong. Kjennskap til den geokjemiske fosforbufferen kan hjelpa foredlarar i planteal for fosforfatig jord, og kunnskap om planteopptak og endringar gjennom sesongen kan vera til nytte i gjødslingsrådgjevinga.Phosphorus is a macronutrient essential for all life, but it is a limited resource and it's unwise use can cause detrimental algal growth. Therefore, an effective agricultural use of phosphorus, where large amounts of food is produced from the applied phosphorus, is important. Phosphorus binds strongly in soils, and plants need active mechanisms for it's uptake. There is no general agreement on the seasonality of phosphorus binding, as there is done little research on the field, and the results are diverging. On the long-term experiment “Exhaustion Land” (established 1856) in Rothamsted, England, soil and plant samples were harvested 10 times from March to August. The plants were weighed and phosphorus analysed, and the soil samples were analysed for plant available phosphorus by Olsen P and DGTs exposed for 6, 24 and 72 hours. The results showed total plant available phosphorus changing but little trough the growing season, but the most available part (measured by DGTs exposed for 6 hours) increases early on, for then being depleted below the limit of detection. This is regarded as the plants transforming more heavily plant available phosphorus to more easily available phosphorus before uptake. The plants transform heavily plant available to easily available earlier on in the season than their main uptake of phosphorus. The soil buffers the heavily plant available fraction geochemically, and fast enough for the heavily available phosphorus not to be depleted over the course of a single growing season. The geochemical buffering of P could influence breeding for low P environment, and a general knowledge of P seasonability and plant uptake could advise the farmes on when to fertilise.M-MIN