5 research outputs found

    High use of over-the-counter analgesic; possible warnings of reduced quality of life in adolescents - a qualitative study

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    Background Use of over-the-counter analgesics among adolescents has increased markedly. High consumption of over-the-counter analgesics among adolescents is associated with frequent pain, lower self-esteem, reduced sleep, lower educational ambition, binge drinking, higher caffeine consumption, and part-time employment. Knowledge about life experiences of adolescents who frequently use over-the-counter analgesics may be useful to prevent health problems. The purpose of the study was to increase knowledge about adolescents who suffer from frequent pain and have a high consumption of over-the-counter analgesics. Methods A qualitative study, employing one-on-one, in-depth interviews using a thematic interview guide. Data were collected in Norway in 2013–2014. Three boys and sixteen girls; aged 14–16 years, who continuously consumed over-the-counter analgesics were recruited from ten high schools in urban and suburban districts. Candidate participants were excluded if they were medically diagnosed with an acute or chronic illness, requiring extended use of over-the-counter analgesics within the last year. The interviews were taped, transcribed and analysed as text according to Kvale’s three contexts of interpretation: self-understanding, common sense and theory. Results All participants disclosed unresolved physical and psychosocial distress characterized as pain. Frequent pain from various body parts made everyday life challenging. Methods of pain self-appraisal and over-the-counter analgesics use often mimicked maternal patterns. Participants reported being raised under unpredictable circumstances that contributed to long lasting family conflicts and peer-group problems. Participants wanted to feel appreciated and to be socially and academically successful. However, pain reduced their ability to manage everyday life, hampered experienced possibilities for success, and made social settings difficult. Conclusions Childhood experiences influence how adolescents experience pain and use over-the-counter analgesics. Coping with difficult situations or attempting to mask symptoms with over-the-counter analgesics can perpetuate and amplify underlying problems. High consumption of over-the-counter analgesics and frequent pain may be warning signs of adolescents with possible health threatening conditions and reduced quality of life. These adolescent might be in need of support from school nurses and General Practitioners. This study identifies new perspectives that may lead to novel approaches to identify, guide, and support adolescents with frequent pain and high consumption of over-the-counter analgesics

    Hjemmesykepleieren i møte med den nedstemte pasienten

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    Bakgrunn: Hjemmesykepleier har en unik mulighet til å oppdage pasienter med depressive symptomer, ofte omtalt som nedstemte. Depressive symptomer kan forveksles med symptomer på andre lidelser eller aldring, og blir derfor ikke oppdaget. Hensikt: Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke hvordan hjemmesykepleiere beskriver den nedstemte pasienten som har enkelte depressive symptomer, og hvilke tiltak de utfører innenfor hjemmesykepleiers handlingsrom. Metode: Studien har et kvalitativt beskrivende design. Ti intervjuer ble gjennomført med hjemmesykepleiere i et byområde. Det ble gjort en beskrivende tematisk tekstanalyse av materialet. Resultat: Hjemmesykepleieren iden-tifiserer pasienter med depressive symptomer ved å se etter endring i pasientens vante mønster. Kjennskap til pasienten er vesentlig for å se endringen og skille den fra andre tilstander. Hjemmesykepleier iverksetter «det lille ekstra»-tiltak i forhold til den nedstemte pasienten. Det kan være samtaler om dagligdagse emner eller utforskning av pasientens bekymringer. På grunn av mangel på kontinuitet i arbeidet, har hjemmesykepleier en begrenset mulighet til å følge opp tiltakene. Konklusjon: Informantene beskriver endring i pasientens vante mønster som kjennetegn på den nedstemte pasienten. Informantene utfører tiltak i tillegg til vedtaket pasienten har ved å skyve på oppgavene på dagens arbeidsliste. Samtalen har en vesentlig rolle i tiltakene. Hjemmesykepleien kommer i et krysspress mellom pasienten på den ene siden og organisasjonens krav på den annen siden

    La perception parentale des soutiens aux familles migrantes ayant un enfant avec des besoins spéciaux en Suisse et en Norvège

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    Les familles migrantes ayant un enfant avec des besoins spéciaux sont confrontées à de nombreux défis, largement mis en évidence par la recherche. Cet article vise à identifier les soutiens fournis par l’intervention socio-professionnelle considérés par les parents migrants comme étant les plus efficaces pour l’enfant et le fonctionnement familial, par le biais d’une mise en perspective des politiques sociales de deux pays d’immigration européens différents. Les données sont issues de deux recherches qualitatives menées en Suisse et en Norvège auprès de parents migrants, au moyen d’entretiens individuels et collectifs. Les résultats montrent que les soutiens fournis par l’État sont plus importants en Norvège qu’en Suisse. Par ailleurs, les politiques sociales norvégiennes favorisent le maintien d’une activité professionnelle chez les parents et la socialisation précoce de l’enfant alors que celles de Suisse encouragent le soutien à domicile de la famille

    Associations between self-efficacy, bullying and health-related quality of life in a school sample of adolescents: a cross-sectional study

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    Background To better understand health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in adolescents, it is important to gain knowledge about factors associated with HRQOL. Being involved in bullying is a significant threat to health, and social and psychological well-being; further, such problems can last into adulthood. The aim of this study was to explore the role of general self-efficacy (GSE) and bullying in relation to HRQOL. We specifically sought to study the prevalence of bullying, as well as the associations between both bullying and self-efficacy and HRQOL in a sample of adolescents. Methods This was a cross-sectional study of 723 adolescents (12–18 years) attending schools selected using randomized cluster sampling. HRQOL was measured using the KIDSCREEN-52, self-efficacy was measured with the GSE scale, and bullying was measured using the two global questions from the Olweus bullying questionnaire. Multiple regression analyses were performed to explore how being bullied, bullying, and GSE were associated with variations in self-reported HRQOL. Results Of the 723 adolescents, 13% reported being bullied; there were no gender differences within this finding. However, more boys than girls reported that they had bullied others. Both being bullied, and bullying others, were associated with lower HRQOL; however, being bullied was associated with the lowest scores. Higher self-efficacy was associated with better HRQOL. Self-efficacy contributed significantly to predicting variation in HRQOL. Conclusions Being involved in bullying, as a victim or a bully, is associated with lower HRQOL. The association between GSE and HRQOL indicates that self-efficacy might be a resource for increasing HRQOL among adolescents. Our findings highlight the importance of targeting self-efficacy beliefs as an intervention strategy to improve GSE and HRQOL in adolescents involved in bullying