63 research outputs found

    Understanding the organisational structure of fisheries crime in well-regulated fisheries

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    Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing is recognised as a global environmental, economic, and social problem, taking place in all kinds of fisheries. Preventing it is however difficult and there is a continuous need to expand the knowledge base on how the issue can be addressed. In this article we study fisheries crime from an environmental criminology approach by conducting a crime script analyses to describe the organisational structure of unreported fishing in a well-regulated fishery. The approach gives detailed insights into the different steps in the crime commission process in the Norwegian coastal cod fisheries. The crime script technique is expanded to also include an analysis of the regulatory framework designed to prevent illegal fishing activities. The main MCS mechanisms to prevent illegalities are present but the diversity in the industry makes the implementation of universal prevention mechanisms difficult. The analysis highlights the fisher-buyer dialogue and interactions prior to misreporting as a core aspect to the organisation of the violations, and difficult to regulate. When linking regulations and guardianship to different steps of the crime we discuss the identified vulnerabilities in the resource control system and present some possible intervention points and prevention mechanisms to be considered by policymakers.publishedVersio

    Snøkrabben - en forvaltningsutfordring

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    Stomi og mestring

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    Studentarbeid i sykepleie (bachelorgrad) - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Learning for Sustainability in Horticultural Production in Arctic Norway

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    Sustainability learning is gaining popularity as an important field within sustainability research, where farm sustainability can be understood as a learning process. In this study, we seek to reveal the sustainability learning process of farmers, utilizing a framework distinguishing contextual factors (where? and when?), knowledge (what?), motivation (why?), and process (how?). The article presents a participatory inquiry mixed-methods approach, utilizing results from sustainability assessments on five farms with the SMART-farm tool as a unifying starting point for further discussions on sustainability learning in farmers' interviews and stakeholder workshops. Empirically the study is set in the horticultural production in Arctic Norway, where few studies on sustainability have been undertaken. The study shows how both the complexity of the concept of farm sustainability and contextual factors influence the sustainability learning process, for instance by giving rise to a vast number of conflicting issues while working toward farm sustainability. The sustainability learning process is found to be predominantly a social learning process. The theoretic contribution of the study lies in its novel framework that can be used to reveal important aspects of the sustainability learning process, as well as to contribute to the literature on how to proceed from sustainability assessments to implementation. A key finding from the study is that farmers will require continuous assistance in their processes toward farm sustainability, but for this to be possible, knowledge, sources of knowledge, and learning platforms for holistic sustainability need to be established

    Bruk og etterbruk av rensefisk i norsk lakseoppdrett fra et samfunnsøkonomisk perspektiv

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    Bruk av rensefisk, spesielt rognkjeks (Cyclopterus lumpus), i norsk lakseoppdrett har økt kraftig som følge av strengere miljøkrav og økende kostnader til lusebekjempelse. Mange oppdrettere opplever en god effekt av metoden, men samtidig skaper den utfordringer. I merden sammen med laks er rensefisk utsatt for stress, sykdommer og skader, noe som fører til høy dødelighet. I tillegg er praksisen med destruering av fisk etter bruk omstridt. Vi bidrar til diskusjon om bruk av rensefisk med en samfunnsøkonomisk analyse gjennomført etter krav i Utredningsinstruksen. Studien viser at det er stor usikkerhet ved kvantifisering av effektene for oppdrettere, miljø, fiskevelferd og leverandører. Velferd av rensefisk er betydelig redusert mens bidrag til lusebekjempelse for hele industrien ikke er bekreftet. Metodiske implikasjoner for måling av samfunnsnytten av tiltak i miljøforvaltningen er drøftet.publishedVersio

    Salmon farming in the North: How do we regulate growth?

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    Source at https://framsenteret.no/fram-forum/Aquaculture has become a major part of global food production, and according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, it is now the fastest growing animal food-producing industry. In the North, further growth in salmon farming is expected. What mechanisms are in place to regulate this growth

    CRIMAC cruise report: Development of acoustic and optic methods for underwater target calssification - G.O. Sars 22.11 - 03.12 2022

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    The overarching objective of the survey is to collect data to support the CRIMAC activities and to collect data for the LoVe observatory. CRIMAC is a center of research-based innovation funded by the research council of Norway through their center for research-based innovation program (SFI). Sustainable, healthy food production and clean energy production for a growing population are important global goals, and CRIMAC will contribute to these by obtaining accurate underwater observations of gas, fish, nekton and other targets. The data will be used in conjunction with CRIMAC data from other surveys to build a reference data set for optical and acoustic target classification. The classification libraries will be used for developing methods and products toward the fishing industry and marine science. The survey was divided into two legs where leg one mainly focused on trawl instrumentation and data collection for behavioural studies on fish-trawl interactions. The main objectives of this part were to test in-trawl camera systems and data processing from such systems, test and develop trawl instrumentation and acoustic and optic monitoring of herring behaviour in relation to the trawl. The second leg of the survey focused mainly on broad band acoustic data, including sizing of fish using broad banded acoustics, noise estimation, calibration, time series consistency when changing to broad band acoustics, gas seep detection as well as performing the standard IMR LoVe transect.CRIMAC cruise report: Development of acoustic and optic methods for underwater target calssification - G.O. Sars 22.11 - 03.12 2022publishedVersio

    Inter-municipal coastal zone planning and designation of areas for aquaculture in Norway: A tool for better and more coordinated planning?

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    Coastal zone planning raises issues that transcend municipal borders, in particular those related to designation of areas for aquaculture. The most recent trend in further integration in Norway is intermunicipal coastal zone planning. Nine planning processes in six counties, involving 65 municipalities, have been conducted in recent years. This study investigates how or to what degree inter-municipal cooperation enhances coastal zone planning in general and planning for aquaculture production in particular. By identifying what forms of cooperation are taking place in the nine processes we found that the inter-municipal coastal zone planning processes in Norway have resulted in full inter-territorial coordinated planning of the coastal zone in several cases. All processes have to a high degree, resulted in the coordination of the process and the development of common tools and standards, but also to a certain degree of coordination of content. This study therefore supports the assumption that intermunicipal coastal zone planning only will remedy some of the challenges of piece-by-piece planning of the coastal zone, particularly related to planning for aquaculture production. We contend that intermunicipal coastal zone planning contributes to a broader and more holistic perspective on the use of the coastal zone than the municipalities would otherwise have, and that this first generation of intermunicipal coastal zone plans may be a first step towards a more integrated approach to coastal zone planning.acceptedVersio