665 research outputs found

    The meanings of ‘organic’ branding in the Russian skincare industry

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    This paper will discuss the evolution in marketing communications characterised by the emergence of social media and the spread of online communities, as a result of which, consumers have become active co-constructors of brand identity in the market. The present research aims to bring companies’ attention to the process of brand co-construction with their customers, by considering different organic brand perceptions. It will specifically discuss how organic skincare online communities in Russia perceive and understand ‘organic’ branding and it will identify four major groups of members, who authorize, construct, analogize or abandon organic labels. The research will use the netnographic approach and thematic data analysis to examine online forums discourses. It will categorise different label interpretations into groups according to the meanings that online members assign to them

    Documenting the business processes of research centers

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    The article is devoted to the regulation of business processes on the example of a research center. The goals and objectives of process regulation are presented. The article describes what the regulation is and what it provides for the company

    Representation of Western and Eastern Culture in Hayao Miyazaki Animation

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    The article explores representation of Western and Eastern Culture using an example of Japanese animation of Hayao Miyazaki. By analyzing Miyazaki’s main images and techniques, the author shows the complexity and ambiguity of transcultural processes that, in turn, demand an expansion and revision of the main concepts of cross-cultural interaction.     Keywords: Japanese animation, Eastern culture, Western culture, intercultural dialogue, interpretation, adaptatio

    The ethics of success or self practices a la russe

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    Статья посвящена анализу современной ситуации в российской этике успеха. С помощью метода М. Фуко и концепта «парресии» предпринимается попытка моделирования топ-менеджера российского образца.The article is devoted to the analysis of a contemporary situation in the Russian ethics of success. By means of M. Foucault's method and a concept of «parresiya» an attempt of modeling of the top manager of the Russian sample is made


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    The article studies the mutual influence and teaching and research processes. Particular attention is paid to the scientific potential of the higher education system in the Russian Federation. The article deals with forms of attracting students to science through the organization of research work


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    The article studies the mutual influence and teaching and research processes. Particular attention is paid to the scientific potential of the higher education system in the Russian Federation. The article deals with forms of attracting students to science through the organization of research work

    The role of legal consciousness in the implementation of preparedness for the dangerous driving of road drivers

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    The article discusses the role of legal consciousness in enhancing the internal factors of preparedness for dangerous driving. The analysis of statistical data regarding traffic accidents is given. The external and internal predictors of dangerous driving are analyzed. The results of an empirical study showing the relationship of the style of driving a vehicle and the development of the legal consciousness of road users are discussed

    P02-012 - HAIDS in practice of Russian rheumatologist

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    Narrator and Epic Tradition: Uligers of Bura Barnakov

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    The article is devoted to the study of the heroic tales of the Buryat-Uligers, performed by B. Barnakov. Particular attention is paid to the repertory of this storyteller. The question of the preservation of the plot structure of works and storytelling memory in the conditions of the extinction of the epic tradition, when the epic environment and regular performance have already disappeared, is considered. The results of a comparative analysis of the plots of legends and their poetics are presented in the article. The relevance and novelty of the study is due to the fact that B. Barnakov’s legends have not yet entered the research field and have not become the subject of special study. In addition, the inclusion of one of the texts for publication in the series “Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East” makes a comprehensive study of the creative heritage of the uligersha relevant. The author pays special attention to stereotypes in these legends, highlighting intertextual and situational “common places”. The conclusion is made that the preservation of the narrative memory and the fullness of the repertory of the uligersha in the absence of a natural epic environment indicates the inertial stability of the epic tradition, due to the sacred nature of the heroic epos