12 research outputs found

    Preparing the Future Teacher for Working with Children With Disabled Health in the Conditions of a Little Rural School

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    The article attempts to substantiate the need to organize the process of preparing future teachers to work with children with disabilities in a small rural school. The results of the diagnostic research aimed at studying the organizational and content features of the educational process at the university in order to prepare students to work with students with developmental disabilities. The research materials will allow designing the process of preparing primary school teachers for this work.Предпринята попытка дать обоснование необходимости организации процесса подготовки будущих педагогов к работе с детьми с ограниченными возможностями здоровья в условиях малочисленной сельской школы. Раскрываются результаты диагностического исследования, направленного на изучение организационно-содержательных особенностей образовательного процесса в вузе с целью подготовки студентов к работе с обучающимися с нарушениями развития. Материалы исследования позволят спроектировать процесс подготовки учителей начальных классов к указанной работе

    Architectural markers of the district: brand or business card?

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    In the article authors differentiate concepts of image, brand and architectural business card of the urbanized space. Architectural markers of the district are considered as carriers and visual sources of historical and cultural information: the external parameters of the building imply concrete cultural and historical meanings.В статье разграничиваются понятия имиджа, бренда и визитной карточки урбанизированной среды. Рассматривается особенность архитектурных маркеров местности как носителей и визуальных источников информации исторического и культурного характера: как внешние параметры здания отсылают к тем или иным культурно-историческим смыслам

    Image of Higher Educational Institutions: Features of Perception by Graduating Class Students

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    The article is devoted to the problem of forming the image of higher educational institutions in the conditions of increasing competition in the regional market of educational services, as well as between regional and metropolitan educational institutions. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of perception of a higher education organizations image by pupils of graduating classes. The results of online survey of high school pupils from Volgograd and Volzhsky and the series of in-depth interviews with graduate pupils are presented. The results of the study demonstrate the subjective perception by potential applicants of the essence of image of higher educational institutions, limited by the specifics of their social experience and status of schoolchildren. The key components of the image of universities, according to Volgograd pupils, include the image of educational services and teaching staff, social and visual image, that corresponds to the priority of the activities of educational organizations and correlates with the results of All-Russian and regional sociological studies. The effectiveness of Internet resources as a source of information about universities, that was revealed by the results of a survey of pupils, reflects the general trends of the digital society, and the high importance of personal contacts reflects the specifics of the regional image of educational institutions. The current image of the main universities of Volgograd is characterized by reflects of the final grades quite positively, however, a third of the study participants found it difficult to assess the key image components, that indicates the need to improve the efficiency of educational organizations in their formation. At the same time, the most relevant is the construction of a positive image of the teaching staff and the internal image of local educational institutions, reflecting the specifics of their socio-psychological climate. The recommendations to improve the effectiveness of image-forming activities, that were proposed by the authors, are related to the expansion of the representation of universities in the Internet space, the involvement of teachers and opinion leaders from among the student community as content authors, as well as the development of interactive communication with potential applicants

    Анализ действия Т-лимфоцитов периферической крови больного на клетки почечно-клеточного рака в модельных системах

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    Background. The introduction of immunotherapy based on immune checkpoint inhibitors has significantly improve the effectiveness of kidney cancer treatment. Nevertheless, not all patients respond to such treatment and there are no reliable predictive markers. Therefore, the development of a model system for assessing the cellular immune response to a tumor seems to be an urgent task.Aim. Development of a model to assess the T-cell immune response was the focus of this study.Materials and methods. Primary tumor cell culture and peripheral blood T-cell fraction were obtained under standard sterile conditions. T-cell activation were perform via anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies. The cell index was assessed using the RTCA xCELLigence biosensor technology (ACEA Biosciences, USA).Results. Tumor and T-cells from the same patient were cultured together to assess the growth rate of the tumor cell population. Measurements were taken at 30-minute intervals. The duration of observation was 24 hours. It has been shown that non-activated T-cells do not affect the proliferative properties of cultured cancer cells. On the contrary, activated T-cells suppressed the proliferative properties of cancer cells, which was associated with an increase in the proportion of Т-cells carrying the HLA-DR receptor (CD3+HLA–DR+) because of activation. Tumor-specific T-cell activity can lead to three consequences: lack of effect, partial suppression of proliferative properties, and complete death of tumor cells. In the latter case, the absence of such cells was determined by flow cytometry.Conclusion. The developed approach makes it possible to evaluate the cytotoxic properties of T cells in relation to tumor cells in a particular patient. The advantage of this method is that the measurement can be carried out in the presence of immune checkpoint inhibitors. The proposed method may be useful for evaluating the treatment regimen within the framework of personalized therapy.Введение. Внедрение современных методов иммунной терапии на основе препаратов, блокирующих иммунные контрольные точки, значительно повысило эффективность лечения. В то же время не у всех больных наблюдается ответ на такое лечение и надежные предиктивные маркеры отсутствуют. Создание модельной системы для оценки Т-клеточного иммунного ответа на опухоль представляется актуальной задачей.Цель исследования – создание модельной системы для оценки Т-клеточного иммунного ответа на клетки рака почки больного.Материалы и методы. Первичную культуру из опухолевой ткани светлоклеточного рака почки получали в стандартных стерильных условиях клеточного бокса. Фракцию Т-клеток периферической крови выделяли из мононуклеарных клеток. Активацию Т-клеток проводили с помощью антител к CD3 и CD28. Оценку изменения показателя «клеточный индекс» выполняли с применением биосенсорной технологии RTCA хCELLigence (ACEA Biosciences, США).Результаты. Полученные клетки опухоли и фракцию Т-клеток от того же больного культивировали совместно в течение 24 ч, анализируя изменения численности клеточной популяции с интервалом 30 мин. Показано, что неактивированные Т-клетки не влияют на пролиферативные свойства культивируемых раковых клеток, в то время как активированные Т-клетки подавляли пролиферативные свойства раковых клеток, что связано с увеличением доли Т-клеток, несущих рецептор HLA-DR (CD3+HLA–DR+) вследствие активации. Оцениваемая опухольспецифичная активность Т-клеток может отсутствовать, проявляться частичным подавлением пролиферативных свойств или приводить к полной гибели опухолевых клеток. В последнем случае отсутствие таких клеток подтверждали методом проточной цитометрии.Заключение. Разработанная система позволяет оценить эффективность действия иммунных Т-клеток для конкретного больного, в том числе в присутствии ингибиторов иммунных контрольных точек, что может быть использовано в качестве прогностической оценки при выборе средств лечения

    Cognitive functions in patients with locally advanced breast cancer during treatment and long-term posttreatment perio

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    A retrospective analysis of the impact of chemotherapy on the cognitive functions of patients with locally advanced breast cancer during treatment and long-term posttreatment period revealed a direct correlation of the degree of cognitive dysfunctions in relation to the number of courses of chemotherapy and the time after its termination

    Quality of life in patients with locally advanced breast cancer with disease progression after combination treatment

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    Retrospective analysis of the long-term results of a study of quality of life in patients with locally advanced breast cancer wsurvival and disease progression after 3-5 years revealed that the quality of life in patients with recurrence substantially differed from that in those with good long-term results of treatment practically on all SF-36 scales

    Architectural markers of the district: brand or business card?

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    In the article authors differentiate concepts of image, brand and architectural business card of the urbanized space. Architectural markers of the district are considered as carriers and visual sources of historical and cultural information: the external parameters of the building imply concrete cultural and historical meanings.В статье разграничиваются понятия имиджа, бренда и визитной карточки урбанизированной среды. Рассматривается особенность архитектурных маркеров местности как носителей и визуальных источников информации исторического и культурного характера: как внешние параметры здания отсылают к тем или иным культурно-историческим смыслам

    Crystal structure of polymeric bis(3-amino-1H-pyrazole)cadmium dibromide

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    The reaction of cadmium bromide tetrahydrate with 3-aminopyrazole (3-apz) in ethanolic solution leads to tautomerization of the ligand and the formation of crystals of the title compound, catena-poly[[dibromidocadmium(II)]-bis(μ-3-amino-1H-pyrazole)-κ2N3:N2;κ2N2:N3], [CdBr2(C3H5N3)2]n or [CdBr2(3-apz)2]n. Its asymmetric unit consists of a half of a Cd2+ cation, a bromide anion and a 3-apz molecule. The Cd2+ cations are coordinated by two bromide anions and two 3-apz ligands, generating trans-CdN4Br2 octahedra, which are linked into chains by pairs of the bridging ligands. In the crystal, the ligand molecules and bromide anions of neighboring chains are linked through interchain hydrogen bonds into a two-dimensional network. The intermolecular contacts were quantified using Hirshfeld surface analysis and two-dimensional fingerprint plots, revealing the relative quantitative contributions of the weak intermolecular contacts