546 research outputs found

    Transnational spaces, transitional places : Muslimness in contemporary literary imaginations

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    This dissertation focuses on contemporary literature in English produced by writers of Muslim origin. My study analyzes Laila Lalami's The Moor's Account (2014), Leila Abuela's The Kindness of Enemies (2015), Diana Abu-Jaber's Crescent (2003), Elif Shafak's The Saint of Incipient Sanities (2004) and Randa Jarrar's A Map of Home (2007), and Leila Aboulela's Minaret (2005), Shelina Janmohamed's Love in a Headscarf (2009), and Tanwi Nandini Islam's Bright Lines (2015) to explore and illuminate the ways in which Muslim diasporic subjectivity is being reconfigured in contemporary literary imaginations. Guided by developments in Muslim literary studies, postcolonial and diaspora theories, this dissertation examines, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the particular conjunctures of literature, Muslimness, displacement, and belonging within the new analytic framework of Muslim diaspora space. This project seeks to move beyond the set of discourses -- radicalization vs. secularization; Islamism vs. liberalism-- that have defined Muslimness to highlight alternative positionalities in between. My analyses of the chosen texts through the lens of Muslim diaspora space, I argue, shift the focus from the preconceived notions about the authors' positionality as Muslim to the ways in which they create complex characters that represent the variety of Muslim discourses and practices. Rather than focusing on such over-asked questions as "Is the text Islamic or secular?" and "Western or Muslim?," Muslim diaspora space as a mode of analysis highlights how the writers negotiate the concepts of Islamic vs. secular and Muslim vs. citizen by redefining "Muslimness" as well as "western-ness."Includes bibliographical reference

    An empirical study on fair trade : how effective is it on export values?

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    Ankara : The Department of Economics, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 2013.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2013.Includes bibliographical references.This thesis analyzes an ambitious attempt in the history of trade, Fair Trade --an initiative that aims at benefiting producers from developing countries through setting minimum prices, paying producer premiums, allowing them to enter developed markets, and taking measures for improving productivity. Although Fair Trade is of increasing importance in both practical and academic areas, the current study is the first one that formally studies its effects. This thesis studies empirically, using a unique dataset, whether participation in Fair Trade helps countries increase their agricultural exports. The empirical results show that the effect exists only in some cases: participation in Fair Trade can be associated with an increase in the agricultural exports of middle-income and Latin American countries, but not of other participating countries. Such a differential effect might be attributed to Latin American countries’ importance in Fair Trade products, Fair Trade products’ importance to Latin American countries’ exports, and differences in countries’ absorptive capacities.Kuyucu, ElifM.S

    Bariatrik Cerrahi Uygulanmış Hastaların Ameliyat Sonrası Altı Ay Ve Üzeri Sürede Vücut Ağırlığı Kaybının, Besin Tüketim Durumunun Ve Bazı Biyokimyasal Bulgularının Belirlenmesi

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    Obezite ve obeziteye bağlı metabolik bozukluklar yüksek morbidite ve mortalite ile ilintilidir.Bariatrik cerrahi (BC) morbid obezlerdevücut ağırlığı kaybı ile komorbiditenin iyileştirilmesinde etkin bir yöntemdir.Bu çalışmanın amacı bariatrik cerrahi ameliyatı geçirmiş hastaların ameliyattan sonra 6 ay ve üzeri sürede vücut ağırlığı kaybı, besin tüketim durumu, beslenme alışkanlıkları ve bazı biyokimyasal bulguların değişimlerininsaptanmasıdır. Çalışma Gaziantep İlinde bir özel hastanede 30 hastada (14 erkek, 16 kadın) yürütülmüştür. Bireylerin demografik özellikleri, beslenme alışkanlıkları, besinlerin tüketim sıklığı ve fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri, 24- saatlik besin tüketim durumları belirlenmiştir. Laparoskopik sleeve gastrektomi (LSG) öncesi ve sonrası bazı antropometrik ölçümler, hekim kontrollü olarak rutinde yapılan biyokimyasal ve hematolojikanalizler (açlık kan şekeri, insulin düzeyi, HbA1c, total kolesterol, düşük (LDL) ve yüksek dansiteli(HDL) kolesterol, serum demiri, hemoglobin, alanin aminotransferaz (ALT), B12) değerlendirilmiştir. Bireylerin %56,7’si 30-44 ve %26,6’sı 45 ve üzeri yaş grubundadır.LSG öncesi bireylerin%52,9’unda tip 2 diyabet,%23,5’inde karaciğer yağlanması, %5,9’unda hipertansiyon belirlenmiştir.Ameliyat sonrası bireylerin %73,3’ünün hastalıklarında düzelme görülmüştür,%53,3’ü besin desteği (%82,4’i protein hidrozialtı,%17,6 multivitamin mineral) kullanmaktadır.Ortalama günlük enerji alımı erkeklerde 728,2±250,8 ve kadınlarda 828,8±257,1 kkal’dir. Enerjinin karbonhidrat, protein ve yağdan gelen oranı erkeklerde %32,9±12,6, %24,2±8,1 ve%42,9±12,2,kadınlarda%32,9±9,7, %22,4±7,2 ve %44,6±8,8’dir.Vücut ağırlığı ve BKİ değerleri LSG öncesi ve sonrası erkeklerde 139,9±29,8 ve 98,3±17,8 kg (ortalama kayıp: %29,7; p<0,05), 42,9±8,5 kg/m2 ve 30,7±5,8 kg/m2 (p<0,05), kadınlarda 109,3±15,4 ve 71,8±12,8 kg (ortalama kayıp: %34,3; p<0,05), 41,0±5,3 ve 27,0±4,9 kg/m2 (p<0,05) bulunmuştur.Tüm antropometrik ölçümlerde istatistiksel anlamlılık göstermeyen düşmeler gözlenmiştir.Erkeklerde ALT (p=0,007, p<0,05), kadınlarda insülin (p=0,005, p<0,05), total kolesterol (p=0,016, p<0,05), LDL-K (p=0,004, p<0,05), ALT (p=0,004, p<0,05) düzeylerinde anlamlı düşmeler belirlenmiştir. LSG uzun dönemde vücut ağırlığında önemli kayba ve antropometrik ölçümlerde, biyokimyasal parametrelerde ve morbiditede azalmaya neden olmaktadır


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    Türk medyasının son otuz yılında basın sektörüne yönelik yatırımlar çeşitlilik göstermiştir ve basın işletmelerinin patronaj yapısını değiştirmiştir. 12 Eylül 1980'den önce çıkartılan ve Türk ekonomisinin yapısında radikal bir değişiklik yaratan 24 Ocak 1980 kararları Türk basınında holdingleşme sürecini başlatmıştır. Medya işletmeleri bu süreçten sonra iş adamlarının ilgisini çekmiş ve iş adamları medya piyasasına yatırımlar yapmıştır. İş adamlarının medya endüstrisine ilgi duyması ile beraber önce doksanlı yıllarda basın işletmeleri yerini medya holdinglerine bırakmış daha sonra medya işletmeleri dikey ve yatay yönde genişlemiştir ve Türk medyasında çapraz medya sahipliği artmıştır. Bu çalışmada Türk medyasının son otuz yılında yaşanan çapraz medya sahipliği konusu derinlemesine incelenmiş ve çapraz medya sahipliğinin Türk medya ekonomisine olan olumsuz etkileri üzerinde durulmuştur.Türk medyasında çapraz medya sahipliğinin gelişmesi so-nucunda sektör bu yönde büyüme gösteren az sayıda medya holdinginin kontrolüne geçmiştir. Medyanın holdingleşme sürecinde Türk endüstrisinde faaliyet gösteren medya gruplarının pazar payları araştırılmış ve CR (concentration ratio) ve HHI (Herfindahl- Hirschman Index) yoğunlaşma oranları hesaplanmıştır. Medyadaki yoğunlaşma oranları hesaplanmış ve otuz yılda medya endüstrisinin yaşadığı değişim üzerinde analiz yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda çapraz medya sahipliğinin önüne geçilmesi için yapılacak yasa tasarılarına referans olması açısından öneriler sunulmuş ve medyanın bağımsızlığını kazanması için medya sahiplik yasalarının yeniden düzenlenmesi gerektiği konusu üzerinde durulmuştur


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    The pandemic of Covid-19 has affected Turkey as well as all the World. The lockdowns that were lived have affected negatively all the economies to decrease. The days caused all industries to stop were faced again this period. Pandemic has affected people psychologically as well as economic. Pandemic has affected the production flow of some markets. Textile manufacturers have started to produce masks instead of clothes, More cleaning and hygiene materials such as cologne and disinfectant are started to be produced during that period. In this study the effects of pandemic to music production was explored. The music products that the musicians produced during the first period of the pandemic, which is March-June 2020, were analyzed and the lyrics of these songs were explored. In end of the study it was seen that the musicians who produced songs about pandemic preferred to use more the art satire and made comedy on the words corona, covid-19, bat and China. Key Words: Covid-19, Pandemic, Music, Songs, Coron

    Brain connectivity analysis from EEG signals using stable phase-synchronized states during face perception tasks

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordDegree of phase synchronization between different Electroencephalogram (EEG) channels is known to be the manifestation of the underlying mechanism of information coupling between different brain regions. In this paper, we apply a continuous wavelet transform (CWT) based analysis technique on EEG data, captured during face perception tasks, to explore the temporal evolution of phase synchronization, from the onset of a stimulus. Our explorations show that there exists a small set (typically 3-5) of unique synchronized patterns or synchrostates, each of which are stable of the order of milliseconds. Particularly, in the beta (β) band, which has been reported to be associated with visual processing task, the number of such stable states has been found to be three consistently. During processing of the stimulus, the switching between these states occurs abruptly but the switching characteristic follows a well-behaved and repeatable sequence. This is observed in a single subject analysis as well as a multiple-subject group-analysis in adults during face perception. We also show that although these patterns remain topographically similar for the general category of face perception task, the sequence of their occurrence and their temporal stability varies markedly between different face perception scenarios (stimuli) indicating toward different dynamical characteristics for information processing, which is stimulus-specific in nature. Subsequently, we translated these stable states into brain complex networks and derived informative network measures for characterizing the degree of segregated processing and information integration in those synchrostates, leading to a new methodology for characterizing information processing in human brain. The proposed methodology of modeling the functional brain connectivity through the synchrostates may be viewed as a new way of quantitative characterization of the cognitive ability of the subject, stimuli and information integration/segregation capability.The work presented in this paper was supported by FP7 EU funded MICHELANGELO project, Grant Agreement #288241. Website: www.michelangelo-project.eu/

    Symptomatic and asymptomatic candidiasis in a pediatric intensive care unit

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>This study aimed to examine the incidence, epidemiology, and clinical characteristics of symptomatic and asymptomatic candidiasis in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), and to determine the risk factors associated with symptomatic candidiasis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This retrospective study included 67 patients from a 7-bed PICU in a tertiary care hospital that had Candida-positive cultures between April 2007 and July 2009. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients, Candida isolates, antimicrobial and antifungal treatments, and previously identified risk factors for symptomatic candidiasis were recorded, and symptomatic and asymptomatic patients were compared.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In all, 36 (53.7%) of the patients with Candida-positive cultures had asymptomatic candidiasis and 31 (46.3%) had symptomatic candidiasis. Candida albicans was the most common Candida sp. in the asymptomatic patients (n = 20, 55.6%), versus Candida parapsilosis in the symptomatic patients (n = 15, 48.4%). The incidence of central venous catheter indwelling, blood transfusion, parenteral nutrition, and surgery was higher in the symptomatic patient group than in the asymptomatic patient group (P < 0.5). Surgery was the only independent predictor of symptomatic candidiasis according to forward stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis (OR: 6.1; 95% CI: 1.798-20.692).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Surgery was the only risk factor significantly associated with symptomatic candidiasis and non-albicans Candida species were more common among the patients with symptomatic candidiasis. While treating symptomatic candidiasis in any PICU an increase in the incidence of non-albicans candidiasis should be considered.</p

    Would FRAX define the high fracture risk if the patients were evaluated the day before hip fracture?

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the 10-year major osteoporotic and hip fracture risks in patients with a recent hip fracture. Material and Methods: The study population comprised 58 patients (32 male and 26 female, mean age 79.1 years) with a recent hip fracture. A bedside questionnaire including fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX®) variables and fall frequency was administered to the patients. The FRAX® 10-year major osteoporotic and hip fracture risks were calculated. Statistical analyses were performed to compare different age groups (60–69 years, 70–79 years, and ≥80 years). Results: The mean 10-year major osteoporotic and hip fracture risks were 13.9% and 78%, respectively. If the National Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines were taken into account according to major osteoporotic and hip fracture risks using FRAX® the day before the fracture, treatment would not be initiated in 75.8% and 18.9% of patients, respectively. There were significant differences between the age groups according to the 10-year major osteoporotic and hip fracture probability and fall frequency (p<0.001, p<0.001, and p=0.005, respectively). Conclusion: In our study group, the FRAX® 10-year major osteoporotic fracture probability had an underestimation in younger patients with a history of frequent falling and did not seem to improve the definition of high-risk patients. The 10-year probability of hip fracture by the FRAXObjective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the 10-year major osteoporotic and hip fracture risks in patients with a recent hip fracture. Material and Methods: The study population comprised 58 patients (32 male and 26 female, mean age 79.1 years) with a recent hip fracture. A bedside questionnaire including fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX®) variables and fall frequency was administered to the patients. The FRAX® 10-year major osteoporotic and hip fracture risks were calculated. Statistical analyses were performed to compare different age groups (60–69 years, 70–79 years, and ≥80 years). Results: The mean 10-year major osteoporotic and hip fracture risks were 13.9% and 78%, respectively. If the National Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines were taken into account according to major osteoporotic and hip fracture risks using FRAX® the day before the fracture, treatment would not be initiated in 75.8% and 18.9% of patients, respectively. There were significant differences between the age groups according to the 10-year major osteoporotic and hip fracture probability and fall frequency (p<0.001, p<0.001, and p=0.005, respectively). Conclusion: In our study group, the FRAX® 10-year major osteoporotic fracture probability had an underestimation in younger patients with a history of frequent falling and did not seem to improve the definition of high-risk patients. The 10-year probability of hip fracture by the FRAX® tool can classify populations at risk more effectively. tool can classify populations at risk more effectively. © 2015 by Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation