40 research outputs found

    Building lean thinking in a telecom software development organization: strengths and challenges.

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    The potential shown by Lean in different domains has aroused interest in the software industry. However, it remains unclear how Lean can be effectively applied in a domain such as software development that is fundamentally different from manufacturing. This study explores how Lean principles are implemented in software development companies and the challenges that arise when applying Lean Software Development. For that, a case study was conducted at Ericsson R&D Finland, which successfully adopted Scrum in 2009 and subsequently started a comprehensible transition to Lean in 2010. Focus groups were conducted with company representatives to help devise a questionnaire supporting the creation of a Lean mindset in the company (Team Amplifier). Afterwards, the questionnaire was used in 16 teams based in Finland, Hungary and China to evaluate the status of the transformation. By using Lean thinking, Ericsson R&D Finland has made important improvements to the quality of its products, customer satisfaction and transparency within the organization. Moreover, build times have been reduced over ten times and the number of commits per day has increased roughly five times.The study makes two main contributions to research. First, the main factors that have enabled Ericsson R&D?s achievements are analysed. Elements such as ?network of product owners?, ?continuous integration?, ?work in progress limits? and ?communities of practice? have been identified as being of fundamental importance. Second, three categories of challenges in using Lean Software Development were identified: ?achieving flow?, ?transparency? and ?creating a learning culture

    Adopción de Metodologías Ágiles: un estudio comparativo entre España y Europa

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el estado de la adopciĂłn de metodologĂ­as ĂĄgiles en la industria software española comparĂĄndolo con la europea. Se han empleado cuestionarios, tanto en el contexto ĂĄgil como en el convencional, para evaluar el uso de diferentes metodologĂ­as y prĂĄcticas ĂĄgiles, estrategias empleadas en el proceso de adopciĂłn, factores que motivan su uso, asĂ­ como beneficios que reportan y limitaciones y retos que implican su aplicaciĂłn. En el entorno español, el estudio se realizĂł utilizando una muestra de organizaciones que participaron en el Ășltimo Agile Open Spain (2009). A nivel europeo, la encuesta se llevĂł a cabo en organizaciones del proyecto Flexi, pioneras en la adopciĂłn de metodologĂ­as ĂĄgiles a nivel mundial. La comparaciĂłn de resultados muestra diferencias interesantes en el proceso de adopciĂłn

    DevOps in practice : A multiple case study of five companies

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    Context: DevOps is considered important in the ability to frequently and reliably update a system in operational state. DevOps presumes cross-functional collaboration and automation between software development and operations. DevOps adoption and implementation in companies is non-trivial due to required changes in technical, organisational and cultural aspects. Objectives: This exploratory study presents detailed descriptions of how DevOps is implemented in practice. The context of our empirical investigation is web application and service development in small and medium sized companies. Method: A multiple-case study was conducted in five different development contexts with successful DevOps implementations since its benefits, such as quick releases and minimum deployment errors, were achieved. Data was mainly collected through interviews with 26 practitioners and observations made at the companies. Data was analysed by first coding each case individually using a set of predefined themes and thereafter perform a cross-case synthesis. Results: Our analysis yielded some of the following results: (I) software development team attaining ownership and responsibility to deploy software changes in production is crucial in DevOps. (ii) toolchain usage and support in deployment pipeline activities accelerates the delivery of software changes, bug fixes and handling of production incidents. (ii) the delivery speed to production is affected by context factors, such as manual approvals by the product owner (iii) steep learning curve for new skills is experienced by both software developers and operations staff, who also have to cope with working under pressure. Conclusion: Our findings contributes to the overall understanding of DevOps concept, practices and its perceived impacts, particularly in small and medium sized companies. We discuss two practical implications of the results.Peer reviewe

    Customer Involvement in Continuous Deployment: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Abstract. [Context and motivation] In order to build successful software products and services, customer involvement and an understanding of customers' requirements and behaviours during the development process are essential. [Question/Problem] Although continuous deployment is gaining attention in the software industry as an approach for continuously learning from customers, there is no common overview of the topic yet. [Principal ideas/results] To provide a common overview, we conduct a secondary study that explores the state of reported evidence on customer input during continuous deployment in software engineering, including the potential benefits, challenges, methods and tools of the field. [Contribution] We report on a systematic literature review covering 25 primary studies. Our analysis of these studies reveals that although customer involvement in continuous deployment is highly relevant in the software industry today, it has been relatively unexplored in academic research. The field is seen as beneficial, but there are a number of challenges related to it, such as misperceptions among customers. In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of the research field, we clarify the gaps in knowledge that need to be studied further

    Software process capability and maturity determination:BOOTSTRAP methodology and its evolution

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    Abstract Software process assessment and improvement came under the spotlight in the discussion of software engineering when the Software Engineering Institute published the maturity model for software process capability determination in 1987. Since then, several new approaches and standards have been developed. This thesis introduces a European software process assessment and improvement methodology called BOOTSTRAP, which was initially developed in an ESPRIT project starting from lean and kaizen philosophy. The focus is on the evolution of methodology and how it was developed, using an experimental research approach. The work covers also enhancements to the methodology investigated in the SPICE, PROFES and TAPISTRY projects. The enhancements expand the original methodology into new specific application areas, keep it compliant with new quality standards and certification, improve the efficiency of the assessment method, enhance the focus from process to product and strengthen improvement monitoring and support. To address these areas, the new BOOTSTRAP methodology releases offer tailored and enhanced assessment reference models and enhanced assessment and improvement methods. The new features also facilitate more frequent and even continuous assessments with software measurement-based indicators. The thesis explains the origin and features of BOOTSTRAP software process assessment and improvement methodology and how it was developed for professional use. The discussion starts with the evolution of the methodology. Then the new trends and demands are introduced and new features of the BOOTSTRAP methodology described. The conclusion discusses how the methodology developed to be able successfully to support professional software process assessment, to align it with the evolution of software engineering, to adopt the features and requirements of the underlying standards in order to conform to the requirements set by ISO 15504 standard and to become validated in practice.TiivistelmÀ Ohjelmistoprosessin arvioinnista ja parantamisesta tuli ohjelmistotekniikan keskeinen kiinnostuksen kohde kun Carnegie-Mellon yliopiston ohjelmistotekniikan instituutti SEI julkaisi kypsyysmallinsa ohjelmistoprosessin kyvykkyyden arviointiin vuonna 1987. SiitÀ lÀhtien maailmalla on syntynyt lukuisa mÀÀrÀ uusia malleja ja standardeja tÀlle alueelle. TÀssÀ vÀitöskirjassa esitellÀÀn eurooppalainen ohjelmistoprosessin arviointi- ja parantamismenetelmÀ BOOTSTRAP, joka kehitettiin alun perin Euroopan unionin ESPRIT tutkimusohjelman rahoittamassa projektissa lÀhtien japanilaisesta ohut-ajattelusta (Lean) ja sen jatkuvan parantamisen periaatteesta (Kaizen). Esitys keskittyy menetelmÀn kehittymiseen ja siihen miten menetelmÀ kÀytÀnnössÀ kehitettiin kÀyttÀen kokeellista tutkimustapaa teollisessa ympÀristössÀ. Työ kattaa myös alkuperÀiseen menetelmÀÀn tehdyt laajennukset, jotka syntyivÀt yhteistyössÀ SPICE, PROFES ja TAPISTRY projekteissa tehdyn tutkimuksen tuloksena. Tehdyt laajennukset mahdollistavat menetelmÀn kÀytön uusilla sovellusalueilla, takaavat menetelmÀn yhteensopivuuden alan laatu- ja sertifiointistandardien kanssa, parantavat menetelmÀn tehokkuutta, laajentavat menetelmÀn kÀyttöaluetta prosessin arvioinnista sisÀltÀmÀÀn myös tuotteen kehittÀmisen arvioinnin ja vahvistavat parantamisen seurantaa ja tukemista. Toteuttaakseen nÀiden uusien ominaisuuksien vaatimukset uudet BOOTSTRAP menetelmÀn julkistukset tarjoavat rÀÀtÀlöityjÀ ja laajennettuja mallikuvauksia arviointien tekemiseksi sekÀ entistÀ tÀydellisempiÀ lÀhestymistapoja arviointien suorittamiselle ja parantamiselle. MenetelmÀn uudet ominaisuudet mahdollistavat myös usein toistuvien arviointien suorittamisen ja jopa jatkuvan arvioinnin ohjelmisto-mittauksia hyödyntÀen. VÀitöskirjassa kuvataan yksityiskohtaisesti BOOTSTRAP menetelmÀn lÀhtö-kohdat ja ominaisuudet ja se kuinka menetelmÀ onnistuttiin kehittÀmÀÀn ammattimaiseen ohjelmistoprosessin arviointiin ja parantamiseen sopivaksi. Ensin kuvataan menetelmÀn kehittyminen ja sitten edetÀÀn alan uusien kehitystrendien ja vaatimusten esittelyyn siihen kuinka BOOTSTRAP menetelmÀ uudet ominaisuudet vastaavat nÀihin vaatimuksiin. Yhteenvedossa osoitetaan kuinka kehittÀmisessÀ onnistuttiin saamaan aikaan uusi menetelmÀ, joka sopii ammattimaiseen ohjelmistoprosessin arviointiin, vastaa kaikilta osin alan kehittymisen vaatimuksia, sisÀltÀÀ alan standardien vaatimukset tÀyttÀvÀt kÀytÀnnössÀ koestetut ominaisuudet, jotka takaavat menetelmÀn vastaavuuden ISO 15504 standardin vaatimuksiin

    Improving the State of Automotive Software Engineering

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    Specific requirements for assessing embedded product development

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