9 research outputs found

    Influence of protein (human galectin-3) design on aspects of lectin activity

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    The concept of biomedical significance of the functional pairing between tissue lectins and their glycoconjugate counterreceptors has reached the mainstream of research on the flow of biological information. A major challenge now is to identify the principles of structure–activity relationships that underlie specificity of recognition and the ensuing post-binding processes. Toward this end, we focus on a distinct feature on the side of the lectin, i.e. its architecture to present the carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). Working with a multifunctional human lectin, i.e. galectin-3, as model, its CRD is used in protein engineering to build variants with different modular assembly. Hereby, it becomes possible to compare activity features of the natural design, i.e. CRD attached to an N-terminal tail, with those of homo- and heterodimers and the tail-free protein. Thermodynamics of binding disaccharides proved full activity of all proteins at very similar affinity. The following glycan array testing revealed maintained preferential contact formation with N-acetyllactosamine oligomers and histo-blood group ABH epitopes irrespective of variant design. The study of carbohydrate-inhibitable binding of the test panel disclosed up to qualitative cell-type-dependent differences in sections of fixed murine epididymis and especially jejunum. By probing topological aspects of binding, the susceptibility to inhibition by a tetravalent glycocluster was markedly different for the wild-type vs the homodimeric variant proteins. The results teach the salient lesson that protein design matters: the type of CRD presentation can have a profound bearing on whether basically suited oligosaccharides, which for example tested positively in an array, will become binding partners in situ. When lectin-glycoconjugate aggregates (lattices) are formed, their structural organization will depend on this parameter. Further testing (ga)lectin variants will thus be instrumental (i) to define the full range of impact of altering protein assembly and (ii) to explain why certain types of design have been favored during the course of evolution, besides opening biomedical perspectives for potential applications of the novel galectin forms

    How galectins have become multifunctional proteins

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    Having identified glycans of cellular glycoconjugates as versatile molecular messages, their recognition by sugar receptors (lectins) is a fundamental mechanism within the flow of biological information. This type of molecular interplay is increasingly revealed to be involved in a wide range of (patho)physiological processes. To do so, it is a vital prerequisite that a lectin (and its expression) can develop more than a single skill, that is the general ability to bind glycans. By studying the example of vertebrate galectins as a model, a total of five relevant characteristics is disclosed: i) access to intra- and extracellular sites, ii) fine-tuned gene regulation (with evidence for co-regulation of counterreceptors) including the existence of variants due to alternative splicing or single nucleotide polymorphisms, iii) specificity to distinct glycans from the glycome with different molecular meaning, iv) binding capacity also to peptide motifs at different sites on the protein and v) diversity of modular architecture. They combine to endow these lectins with the capacity to serve as multi-purpose tools. Underscoring the arising broad-scale significance of tissue lectins, their numbers in terms of known families and group members have steadily grown by respective research that therefore unveiled a well-stocked toolbox. The generation of a network of (ga)lectins by evolutionary diversification affords the opportunity for additive/synergistic or antagonistic interplay in situ, an emerging aspect of (ga)lectin functionality. It warrants close scrutiny. The realization of the enormous potential of combinatorial permutations using the five listed features gives further efforts to understand the rules of functional glycomics/lectinomics a clear direction

    Influence of protein (human galectin-3) design on aspects of lectin activity

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    The concept of biomedical significance of the functional pairing between tissue lectins and their glycoconjugate counterreceptors has reached the mainstream of research on the flow of biological information. A major challenge now is to identify the principles of structure-activity relationships that underlie specificity of recognition and the ensuing post-binding processes. Toward this end, we focus on a distinct feature on the side of the lectin, i.e. its architecture to present the carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). Working with a multifunctional human lectin, i.e. galectin-3, as model, its CRD is used in protein engineering to build variants with different modular assembly. Hereby, it becomes possible to compare activity features of the natural design, i.e. CRD attached to an N-terminal tail, with those of homo- and heterodimers and the tail-free protein. Thermodynamics of binding disaccharides proved full activity of all proteins at very similar affinity. The following glycan array testing revealed maintained preferential contact formation with N-acetyllactosamine oligomers and histo-blood group ABH epitopes irrespective of variant design. The study of carbohydrate-inhibitable binding of the test panel disclosed up to qualitative cell-type-dependent differences in sections of fixed murine epididymis and especially jejunum. By probing topological aspects of binding, the susceptibility to inhibition by a tetravalent glycocluster was markedly different for the wild-type vs the homodimeric variant proteins. The results teach the salient lesson that protein design matters: the type of CRD presentation can have a profound bearing on whether basically suited oligosaccharides, which for example tested positively in an array, will become binding partners in situ. When lectin-glycoconjugate aggregates (lattices) are formed, their structural organization will depend on this parameter. Further testing (ga)lectin variants will thus be instrumental (i) to define the full range of impact of altering protein assembly and (ii) to explain why certain types of design have been favored during the course of evolution, besides opening biomedical perspectives for potential applications of the novel galectin forms.Open Access funding provided by Projekt DEAL. We gratefully acknowledge inspiring discussions with Drs. B. Friday, A. Leddoz and A. W. L. Nose, valuable input during the review process and generous fnancial support by an NIH Grant (No. CA242351; to M.C.)

    Imitating evolution’s tinkering by protein engineering reveals extension of human galectin-7 activity

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    Wild-type lectins have distinct types of modular design. As a step to explain the physiological importance of their special status, hypothesis-driven protein engineering is used to generate variants. Concerning adhesion/growth-regulatory galectins, non-covalently associated homodimers are commonly encountered in vertebrates. The homodimeric galectin-7 (Gal-7) is a multifunctional context-dependent modulator. Since the possibility of conversion from the homodimer to hybrids with other galectin domains, i.e. from Gal-1 and Gal-3, has recently been discovered, we designed Gal-7-based constructs, i.e. stable (covalently linked) homo- and heterodimers. They were produced and purified by affinity chromatography, and the sugar-binding activity of each lectin unit proven by calorimetry. Inspection of profiles of binding of labeled galectins to an array-like platform with various cell types, i.e. sections of murine epididymis and jejunum, and impact on neuroblastoma cell proliferation revealed no major difference between natural and artificial (stable) homodimers. When analyzing heterodimers, acquisition of altered properties was seen. Remarkably, binding properties and activity as effector can depend on the order of arrangement of lectin domains (from N- to C-termini) and on the linker length. After dissociation of the homodimer, the Gal-7 domain can build new functionally active hybrids with other partners. This study provides a clear direction for research on defining the full range of Gal-7 functionality and offers the perspective of testing applications for engineered heterodimers

    Deep learning approach to predict sentinel lymph node status directly from routine histology of primary melanoma tumours

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    Aim: Sentinel lymph node status is a central prognostic factor for melanomas. However, the surgical excision involves some risks for affected patients. In this study, we therefore aimed to develop a digital biomarker that can predict lymph node metastasis non invasively from digitised H&E slides of primary melanoma tumours. Methods: A total of 415 H&E slides from primary melanoma tumours with known sentinel node (SN) status from three German university hospitals and one private pathological practice were digitised (150 SN positive/265 SN negative). Two hundred ninety-one slides were used to train artificial neural networks (ANNs). The remaining 124 slides were used to test the ability of the ANNs to predict sentinel status. ANNs were trained and/or tested on data sets that were matched or not matched between SN-positive and SN-negative cases for patient age, ulceration, and tumour thickness, factors that are known to correlate with lymph node status. Results: The best accuracy was achieved by an ANN that was trained and tested on unmatched cases (61.8% +/- 0.2%) area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC). In contrast, ANNs that were trained and/or tested on matched cases achieved (55.0% +/- 3.5%) AUROC or less. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the image classifier can predict lymph node status to some, albeit so far not clinically relevant, extent. It may do so by mostly detecting equivalents of factors on histological slides that are already known to correlate with lymph node status. Our results provide a basis for future research with larger data cohorts. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Combining CNN-based histologic whole slide image analysis and patient data to improve skin cancer classification

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    Background: Clinicians and pathologists traditionally use patient data in addition to clinical examination to support their diagnoses. Objectives: We investigated whether a combination of histologic whole slides image (WSI) analysis based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and commonly available patient data (age, sex and anatomical site of the lesion) in a binary melanoma/nevus classification task could increase the performance compared with CNNs alone. Methods: We used 431 WSIs from two different laboratories and analysed the performance of classifiers that used the image or patient data individually or three common fusion techniques. Furthermore, we tested a naive combination of patient data and an image classifier: for cases interpreted as 'uncertain' (CNN output score <0.7), the decision of the CNN was replaced by the decision of the patient data classifier. Results: The CNN on its own achieved the best performance (mean +/- standard deviation of five individual runs) with AUROC of 92.30% +/- 0.23% and balanced accuracy of 83.17% +/- 0.38%. While the classification performance was not significantly improved in general by any of the tested fusions, naive strategy of replacing the image classifier with the patient data classifier on slides with low output scores improved balanced accuracy to 86.72% +/- 0.36%. Conclusion: In most cases, the CNN on its own was so accurate that patient data integration did not provide any benefit. However, incorporating patient data for lesions that were classified by the CNN with low 'confidence' improved balanced accuracy. (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)