431 research outputs found
Shift in the political focus of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) from 2010 to 2015
Diatom and microarthropod communities of three airfields in Estonia – Their differences and similarities and possible linkages to airfield properties
Even though airfields, which are often anthropologically modified natural areas, are continuously influenced by human activities, their soils are still dynamic ecosystems containing various habitats for microscopic groups of organisms which are often ignored. In this exploratory study, the microarthropod fauna, Collembola (Hexapoda) and oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida), and diatom (Bacillariophyta) flora were identified in three Estonian airfields, both runway sides and snow-melting sites were investigated. The communities of these airfields shared approximately 10–60% of the species belonging to each studied bioindicator group. The shared species were generally characteristic of a broad habitat spectrum. Communities were also characterized based on their species richness and diversity and in relation to location and the purpose of different airfield areas (e.g. snow-melting sites vs. runway sides). Also, species indicative of a specific airfield or purpose of the area within the airfield were identified using Indicator Species Analysis. Some possible linkages between airfield properties and communities, e.g. airfield that had highest pollutant concentrations had also maintained high diversity and species richness, were noted. Despite the contamination levels the airfield soils had still maintained a functioning soil ecosystem
The Use of Medical Plants in Estonia Then and Now
Bakalaureusetöö loodusturismi erialalAjaloolased on välja selgitanud, et juba sumerid kasutasid taimi enda ravimise eesmärgil.
Isegi piiblis on mainitud ravimtaimede kasutamist. Väga olulised olid ravimtaimed ka vanade
kreeklaste jaoks, kes pöörasid suurt tähelepanu inimeste ravimisele taimedega.
Erinevad ravimtaimed kasvavad väga erinevates kasvukohtades. Suurem osa ravimtaimi
kasvab metsa ning niidu kooslustes, aga ravimtaimi võib leida erinevatest soo- ja raba
kooslustest. Mida mõistetakse ravimtaime all? Ühe seletusena võiks ravimtaimi käsitleda, kui
taimi, milles sisalduvad teatud taimsed bioaktiivsed ained. Nende ainete toime või mõju
inimorganismile võiks haigusnähte leevendada. Ravimtaimi on võimalik väga erinevat
kasutada, tehes neist raviteesid, ekstrakte, tinktuure, raviveinisid või salve. Kõik oleneb, mis
meetodil inimene soovib ravimtaimi kasutada. Traditsioonilised ravimeetodid on muutumas
tänapäeval aina populaarsemaks. Eestis kui ka mujal maailmas räägitakse erinevates
meediaväljaannetes ravimtaimede kasulikkusest, kasutusvõimalustest ning tehtavatest
Uurisin õpetajate, endiste õpetajate ning hariduse omandajate käest, kui hästi või halvasti nad
tunnevad erinevaid ravimtaimi. Koostasin küsitluse, mis koosnes 12 erinevast küsimusest, kus
ma tahtsin teada saada, mida eelnimetatud kontingent teab ravimtaimedest, palju nad ise
korjavad, kuidas säilitavad ning mida on neile õpetanud nende vanemad ning vanavanemad.
Küsitluses osales kokku 67 inimest, neist 62 olid naised, ülejäänud meessoost. Kõige noorem
vastaja oli 14 aastane ning kõige vanem 90 aastane. Küsimustikku analüüsides selgus, et
vastajad olid teadlikud enamikest populaarsematest ravimtaimedest, enim mainiti
teekummelit (Chamomilla recutita), piparmünti (Mentha piperita), kõrvenõgest (Urtica
dioica), harilikku nurmenukku (Primula veris), jpt. Kokku mainiti küsimustikus 56 liiki
erinevaid ravimtaimi (Lisa 1.). Võib öelda, et Tartu haridustöötajate ja haridusomandajate
teadmised ravimtaimede kohta on head ning inimesed teavad päris hästi, mis taim millise
häda korral aitab, millala neid korjata ning kuidas säilitada.Different herbs tend to grow in very different places. Most of the herbs used for healing grow
in forests and meadows where the conditions for rapid growth are optimal. Rare herbs can
also be found in bogs and marshes, especially those who tend to like damp places or
waterbodies. But what do we mean by a medicinal plant or herb? One definition would be that
a herb is a plant that produces certain bioactive substances. These substances or chemicals
should relieve symptoms of some disease. Medicinal herbs can be used in different ways – to
brew teas out of them, to make extracts, tinctures, herbal wines and salves. It all depends on
how a person wishes to use herbs. Traditional medicine is gaining popularity lately, it seems.
In Estonia and all over the world different magazines and newspapers have published articles
and reviews about the beneficial effect of medicinal herbs. Also, different universities around
the world have started to research medicinal plants.
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the knowledge about medicinal herbs. Therefore a
questionnaire was sent to teachers, former teachers and students. The questionnaire itself
consisted of 12 questions about what kinds of medicinal herbs they know, how many of them
have collected herbs themselves, how do they keep them and how much their grandmothers
and -fathers have tought them about medicinal herbs. 67 questionnaires were answered, 62 by women and 5 by men. The youngest of the respondents was 14 and the oldest was 90. After
analyzing the answers it came out that the respondents were mostly aware about the most
popular medicinal herbs, like chamomilla (Chamomilla recutita), mint (Mentha piperita),
nettle (Urtica dioica), cowslip (Primula veris), etc. It can be stated, that the teachers and
students have adequate knowledge about medicinal herbs themselves, of how to use and
preserve them and which herb is used for something
Üksildus kui sotsiaalne probleem Viljandi näitel
Structure of the deactive state of mammalian respiratory complex I
Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) is central to energy metabolism in mammalian mitochondria. It couples NADH oxidation by ubiquinone to proton transport across the energy-conserving inner membrane, catalyzing respiration and driving ATP synthesis. In the absence of substrates, ‘active’ complex I gradually enters a pronounced resting or ‘deactive’ state. The active-deactive transition occurs during ischemia and is crucial for controlling how respiration recovers upon reperfusion. Here, we set a highly-active preparation of Bos taurus complex I into the biochemically-defined deactive state, and used single-particle electron cryomicroscopy to determine its structure to 4.1 Å resolution. We show that the deactive state arises when critical structural elements that form the ubiquinone-binding site become disordered, and we propose reactivation is induced when substrate binding to the NADH-reduced enzyme templates their reordering. Our structure both rationalizes biochemical data on the deactive state, and offers new insights into its physiological and cellular roles.Data were recorded at the UK National Electron Bio-Imaging Centre (eBIC) at Diamond (proposal EM13581, funded by the Wellcome Trust, MRC and BBSRC) with help from Dan Clare and Alistair Siebert. This work was supported by The Medical Research Council, grant numbers U105663141 (to J.H.) and U105184322 (K.R.V. in R. Henderson's group)
Koeru valla imago kohalike elanike seas
The purpose of the thesis was to research and analyze different image elements of Koeru
Parish to give practical guidance for changing Koeru more attractive for different target
This paper consists of four chapters. The first one gives an overview of different
theoretical discourses that explain the concept of the image. The second chapter includes
background information about Koeru Parish. The second chapter also explains research
methods and research questions. The results and analysis of the research are presented in
chapter three. The last part of the paper lists main conclusions and practical advice in the
short and long term.
The study methods used for the empirical part were Osgood´s semantic differentiation
with a short questionnaire and semi-structured expert interviews. Semantic differentiation
revealed that Koeru Parish is „safe“, „developing“, „own“ and „opened“. In conclusion
image is positive. The results of semi-structured expert interviews were not that positive.
Semi-structured interviews revealed many shortages of Koeru.
The outcome of this research is that Koeru has different images in different target groups.
The largest gap between images was in the high school target group and the target group
which consisted of people who have moved away from Koeru. There is also urgent need
to solve the problems of living quarters, expand possibilities to spend leisure time and
invite companies to provide different services for local people. The positive conclusion
from research was that people are considering Koeru as a good environment for living.
Koeru has good opportunities to become the center of the region if it would be developed
by plans which are based on further research. Koeru has to clarify its strengths and
weaknesses in comparison to the neighbourhood. The subjective outcome from expert
interviews that Koeru has a better position than neighbour parishes must be confirmed by
further research before making any strategic planning.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2115576~S1*es
Visualization of Post-Processed CFD Data in a Virtual Environment
This paper discusses the development of a virtual reality (VR) interface for the visualization of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) data. The application, VR-CFD, provides an immersive and interactive graphical environment in which users can examine the analysis results from a CFD analysis of a flow field in three-dimensional space. It has been tested and implemented with virtual reality devices such as the C2, head mounted display (HMD) and desktop VR. The application is designed to read PLOT3D structured grid data and to display the flow field parameters using features such as streamlines, cutting planes, iso-surfaces, rakes, vector fields and scalar fields. Visualization Toolkit (VTK), a data visualization library, is used along with OpenGL and the C2 VR interface libraries, to develop the application. Analysts and designers have used VRCFD to visualize and understand complex three-dimensional fluid flow phenomena. The combination of three-dimensional interaction capability and the C2 virtual reality environment has been shown to facilitate collaborative discussions between analysts and engineers concerning the appropriateness of the CFD model and the characteristics of the fluid flow
Comparative evaluation of gooseberry cultivars
Aianduse õppekavalKarusmari on kasvuolude suhtes suhteliselt vähenõudlik, teda hinnatakse varajase küpsuse, kõrge saagikuse, heade dieetiliste omaduste ja mitmekesise kasutusotstarbe poolest. Karusmar-jasortiment täieneb pidevalt, uued sordid vajavad põhjalikku uurimist kahjustustele vastupida-vuse ja majandusliku tulukuse osas.
Uurimistöö eesmärgiks oli selgitada erinevate karusmarja sortide majanduslik-bioloogilisi omadusi (vastupidavust kahjustustele, saagikust ja marjade kvaliteeti).
Katsetöö toimus EMÜ Polli aiandusuuringute keskuse kollektsiooniaias 2020. aastal. Võrreldi seitset karusmarja sorti: ’Nesluhhivski’, ’Aristocrat’, ’Hinnonmäen punainen’, ’Sadko’, ’Hin-nonmäen keltainen’, ’Malahhit’ ja ’Polli esmik’. Teostati fenoloogilised vaatlused, hinnati tal-vekindlust ning haigustele ja kahjuritele vastupidavust; mõõdeti saagikus põõsa kohta, marja mass, seemnete arv marjas ning määrati marjade askorbiinhappe, tiitritavate hapete ja kuivaine sisaldus ning leiti mahla kuivaine ja hapete suhtarv.
Uuritavad karusmarja sordid erinesid majanduslik-bioloogiliste omaduste poolest. Karusmar-jasortidel talvekahjustusi ei esinenud. Tulenevalt istandiku vanusest (suhteliselt noor) ja eba-soodsast aastast jäi saagikus tagasihoidlikuks. Suurima saagikusega sort oli ’Sadko’. Suured marjad olid sordil ’Malahhit’. Antraknoos kahjustas enam sorti ’Polli esmik’. Suurim askor-biinhappe sisaldus oli sortidel ’Polli esmik’ ja ’Hinnonmäen punainen’. Väikseim hapete sisal-dus oli sortidel ’Hinnonmäen keltainen’ ja ’Polli esmik’. Ühe aasta andmete põhjal ei ole või-malik teha kindlaid järeldusi, vajalik on jätkata uuringuid järgnevatel aastatel.Gooseberry is relatively undemanding to growing conditions, it is valued for its early matu-rity, high yield, good dietary properties and diverse uses. The range of gooseberries is cons-tantly evolving, new cultivares need thorough research in terms of resistance to damage and economic profitability.
The aim of the research was to elucidate the economic-biological characteristics of different gooseberry cultivars (resistance to damage, yield and quality of berries).
The experimental work took place in the collection garden of the Polli Horticultural Research Center in 2020. Seven gooseberry cultivars were compared: ’Nesluhhivski’, ’Aristocrat’, ’Hinnonmäen punainen’, ’Sadko’, ’Hinnonmäen keltainen’, ’Malahhit’ and ‘Polli esmik’. Phenological observations were made, winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and pests were assessed; the yield per bush, the weight of the berry, the number of seeds in the berry were measured and the content of ascorbic acid, titratable acids and dry matter in the berries was determined and the dry matter / acid ratio of the juice was found.
The studied gooseberry cultivares differed in terms of economic and biological characte-ristics. There were no winter damage to the gooseberry cultivars. Due to the age of the plan-tation (relatively young) and the unfavorable year, the yield remained modest. The highest yielding cultivares was 'Sadko'. The ‘Malahhit’ cultivar had large berries. Anthracnose cau-sed more damage to the 'Polli esmik' cultivar. The highest content of ascorbic acid was in the 'Polli esmik' and 'Hinnonmäen punainen' cultivars. The lowest acid content was in the cultivars 'Hinnonmäen keltainen' and 'Polli esmik'. It is not possible to draw firm conclusions from one year's data, it is necessary to continue the research in the following years
Koolieelse lasteasutuse õpetajate arusaamad ja kogemused robootikavahendite kasutamisel õppetöös
"Mõneti on see nagu kunstniku töö": tagasisidestamine kõrghariduses – õpetajakoolituse õppejõudude arusaamad ja kogemused
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