29 research outputs found

    Transformation in Estonia as reflected in families: insight into social stress and poverty

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    Marriage breakdown in Estonia

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    Informal Support Networks in a Changing Society - are Family-Based Networks Being 'Crowded out'?

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    "Using data from two nationally representative surveys (Estonian Living Conditions survey 1994, n=4,455; Estonian Social Survey 2004, n=8,906), we assess whether informal support networks have changed during the ten year period in Estonia. We hypothesize that during this period due to the establishment of a new welfare system and an overall increase in living standards, on one hand, and diversification of family forms and increased geographic mobility of the population on the other, family support networks have lost their functionality. Our findings show that informal support has decreased between relatives, while mutual helping activities with non-relatives – neighbours, colleagues and friends – have remained almost at the same level. We suggest that the developments in the Estonian society are ‘crowding out’ the instrumental support exchange in the kinship system and empowering social networking with nonrelatives." (author's abstract

    Transformatin process in Estonia: a challenge for social policy

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the new economic situation households have to face in Estonia and to discuss the new tasks and responsibilities of social policy in this new situation. The data used are based on a sample of 419 households monitored in January 1993. The study reveals that low income and unequal income distribution is characteristic of today’s Estonia. The average salary of households has continuously increased but the increase has all the time been lower than that of the cost of living. The article discusses the new socio-political tasks and responsibilities. The main task is to reach the optimal balance of limited resources between economic development and social expenditures. The state has to support disabled people who cannot work but it cannot take the responsibility of guaranteeing a minimum of living for everyone

    Schools for well-being? Critical discussions with schoolchildren

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    International quantitative studies among children, such as the Health Behaviour of School-Aged Children and the Programme for International Student Assessment have revealed a gap between learning outcomes and children’s subjective well-being across countries. The Children’s Worlds international study showed that liking school decreases from the second to the sixth grade. Compared to other countries the decrease is one of the biggest among schoolchildren in Estonia. The aim of the study is to find in-depth evidence to explain the low level of satisfaction with school life and reasons for the decrease in children liking school in Estonia. The analysis is based on data from eight focus group interviews with 12-year-old children in rural and urban schools. The study showed that children develop negative feelings from various aspects of school life that leads to criticism and a dislike for school. Bullying among children and behavioural shortcomings of teachers (including coping with personal distress) are the key factors that decrease the well-being of many children and cause a dislike of school. An ideal school-for well-being would promote physical, social and mental well-being for both children and teachers.peer-reviewe

    Informal Support Networks in a Changing Society – are FamilyBased Networks Being ‘Crowded out’?

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    Using data from two nationally representative surveys (Estonian Living Conditions survey 1994, n=4,455; Estonian Social Survey 2004, n=8,906), we assess whether informal support networks have changed during the ten year period in Estonia. We hypothesize that during this period due to the establishment of a new welfare system and an overall increase in living standards, on one hand, and diversification of family forms and increased geographic mobility of the population on the other, family support networks have lost their functionality. Our findings show that informal support has decreased between relatives, while mutual helping activities with non-relatives – neighbours, colleagues and friends – have remained almost at the same level. We suggest that the developments in the Estonian society are ‘crowding out’ the instrumental support exchange in the kinship system and empowering social networking with nonrelatives

    Jagatud mure on pool muret: Rahulolu kaasõpilaste ja koolieluga koolikiusamist kogenud õpilaste seas

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    Igal lapsel on õigus end koolis turvaliselt tunda, aga ometi kogevad paljud lapsed koolikiusamist ning tunnevad end seetõttu ebaturvaliselt. Koolikiusamine ohustab õpilaste vaimset ja füüsilist heaolu ning takistab õppimist, kuid tunnetatud abi vanematelt, õpetajatelt ja kaasõpilastelt võib aidata säilitada rahulolu koolielu ja kaasõpilastega. Artikli eesmärk on tõendada tunnetatud abisaamise tähtsust kiusamiskogemusega õpilaste koolirahulolu säilimisel. Kahefaktoriline dispersioonanalüüs Children’s Worldsi kolmanda laine Eesti 6. klassi laste andmestikul (N = 1079) näitas, et kiusamist kogenute rahulolu õpilaseluga on madalam kui kiusamist mitte kogenud lastel. Samas on õpetajatelt, kaasõpilastelt ja vanematelt abi saamises kindlad lapsed oma eluga õpilasena rahulolevamad kui need, kes abile ei looda. Seega võivad abisaamises kindlad õpilased säilitada rahulolu koolielu tahkudega kiusamiskogemusest hoolimata.   Summar

    On Major Conceptual Shifts within Research on Child Well-Being in Estonia

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight major shifts in research regarding children and childhood as a narrative of the author. It starts from presenting a retrospective of child poverty research in Estonia, and it is demonstrated how it has developed from the social and political acknowledgement of poverty as a social issue in the early 1990s. Then it revisits main shifts in theory and methodology of childhood research and reaches international comparative approaches to child subjective and relational well-being.Das Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit ist es, die hauptsächlichen Veränderungen in Bezug auf die Erforschung von Kindern und der Kindheit hervorzuheben. Die Arbeit präsentiert zunächst einen Rückblick auf die Erforschung von Kinderarmut in Estland und zeigt, wie sich die Forschung von sozialer und politischer Anerkennung von Armut als soziale Frage ab den frühen 1990er Jahren entwickelt hat. Dann geht die Arbeit auf die wichtigsten Veränderungen in der Theorie und Methodologie von Kindheitsforschung ein und gelangt schließlich zu internationalen vergleichenden Ansätzen zum subjektiven und relationalen Wohlbefinden von Kindern

    Od ubóstwa do jakości życia: dzieci jako podmiot w badaniach socjologicznych i na arenie politycznej Estonii

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    The aim of this paper is to present a retrospective of child poverty research in Estonia: how it has developed from the social and political acknowledgement of poverty as a social issue in the early 1990s onwards, and how child poverty research has contributed to the development of political thought. The paper follows the use of a new paradigm of childhood research, and revisits the methodological approaches and main research findings that have enhanced the understanding of children as a new policy interest group in politics.Celem artykułu jest prezentacja badań nad biedą dzieci prowadzonych w Estonii od wczesnych lat 1990, gdy biedę uznano za kwestię społeczną, aż do dzisiaj, oraz wskazanie wkładu badań nad biedą dzieci w rozwój myślenia politycznego. Autorka ukazuje zastosowanie nowego paradygmatu w badaniach nad dzieciństwem, dokonuje także przeglądu strategii metodologicznych i rezultatów badawczych, które przyczyniły się do konceptualizacji dzieci jako nowej grupy interesów w polityce społecznej