20 research outputs found

    Conceptual Background of the School System Reform of Physical Education in Ukraine

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    Despite modern requirements and the reform of the education system in Ukraine, the problem of health and the level of physical development of children of both school age and youth has not been solved yet and remains a burning issue. Studies conducted by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine show that 45 % of students suffer from various chronic diseases, 66 % have a violation of posture, 19 % of senior pupils have high blood pressure, etc. That is why, the purpose of this research is to reveal the conceptual background that determines the importance of physical education in the modern educational system. The article shows the necessity of strengthening the health-improving focus of school physical education lessons. The approximate educational program for physical education at school has been proposed. The necessity of introducing physical culture and recreation hours in a school day, the need to strengthen athletic classes, the introduction of the theoretical course of the principles of a healthy lifestyle, the issues of material support for physical education at school, promotion and management of physical education and other issues dealing with the implementation of a healthy lifestyle not only for students, but also for other population groups have been studied

    Is corporate governance a significant factor in corporate social responsibility disclosure? Insights from China

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    This comprehensive study delves into the intricate relationship between corporate governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD) within the framework of China’s institutional landscape. By analyzing an extensive dataset comprising 35,435 firm-year observations from 3,889 A-share listed companies spanning the years 2006 to 2019, the research scrutinizes various governance mechanisms, including board size, independence, CEO duality, and ownership concentration.The investigation affirms that larger boards and a higher proportion of independent directors exert a positive influence on CSRD. In contrast, a substantial shareholding ratio held by the largest shareholder proves to be a hindrance to the transparent disclosure of CSR initiatives. While the impact of CEO duality on CSRD is noted, the statistical significance of this relationship remains inconclusive.These findings underscore the nuanced dynamics of governance and ownership structures in shaping CSR initiatives. The findings highlight the nuanced impact of governance and ownership structures on CSR initiatives, offering valuable insights for managers and policymakers navigating CSR strategies in China’s business landscape. The insights garnered from this study hold valuable implications for both corporate managers and policymakers navigating the landscape of CSR strategies within the unique contours of China’s business environment. AcknowledgmentThis paper is co-funded by the European Union through the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) within the project “Embracing EU corporate social responsibility: challenges and opportunities of business-society bonds transformation in Ukraine” – 101094100 – EECORE – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH-UA-IBA / ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCHRSCH https://eecore.snau.edu.ua/Oleh PASKO expresses sincere gratitude for the support received from the Kirkland Research Program, generously provided by the Leaders of Change Foundation established by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation

    2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON)

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    In this article is considered of experimental results of using the multidifferential type of a transducer at two excitation mode - pulsed and harmonic. The research was carried out on the plates-type samples made of steel and aluminium alloy which had artificial defects like crack. It has been described the analysis procedure signals informative parameters from multidifferential type transducer. The signal amplitude, decrement and frequency of natural oscillations have been used as informative parameters of the transducer signal at the pulsed mode of excitation. The research of multidifferential type of the transducer at harmonic excitation mode was carried out on the frequency which was equivalent to natural oscillations frequency at the pulsed mode of excitation. It is given the experimental results of evaluation of the electric conductivity and cracks depth influence to signal informative parameters. The general character of dependencies of the signal amplitude, decrement and frequency at pulsed mode excitation of the transducer from crack depth in testing samples are found. Also, sensitivities of the signals informative parameters of multidifferential type transducer at both excitation modes to crack depth variation have been defined

    «Приладобудування: стан і перспективи», XVІ Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція

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    Одним з актуальних напрямів розвитку вихрострумої дефектоскопії є використання імпульсного режиму роботи вихрострумового перетворювача (ВСП) [1]. Інформативні параметри контролю отримують з аналізу амплітудно-часових і частотних характеристик сигналів ВСП. Метою доповіді є дослідження роботи розробленого макета [2] системи вихрострумої дефектоскопії та удосконалення методики опрацювання сигналів ВСП, яка ґрунтується на аналізі цих сигналів в часовій області на основі дискретного перетворення Гільберта. Система перевірялась на контрольному зразку у вигляді алюмінієвої пластини з тріщинами глибиною від 0.1 до 3 мм і розкриттям 1мм

    Study of the efficiency of sweet potato growing in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine by different methods of soil mulching

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    Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a new crop for soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine, the active implementation of which is hindered by the lack of recommendations on technological aspects of cultivation. One of the important technological measures for growing sweet potatoes is the use of soil mulching, which improves the water regime and regulates the thermal regime of the soil; prevention of weed growth and growth of sweet potato shoots to the soil. Thus, the aim of the research is to determine the efficiency of growing sweet potatoes in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine by different methods of soil mulching. Field research was carried out on typical low-humus light loamy chernozem on loess loam. It was noted, that when growing sweet potatoes on ridges, the introduction of mulching the soil with black polyethylene film provides more active growth of the vegetative mass throughout the growing season (5.33 shoots/plant with a total length of 252.1 cm), while growing without ridges has a positive effect on plants growth due to the general absence of mulch (2.53 shoots/plant with a total length of 107.8 cm). The use of ridges and mulching the soil with black polyethylene film causes the yield of sweet potato tubers at 34.8 t/ha, while the mulching of the soil with straw, the yield was 18.3–21.9 t/ha, without mulching – 13.0–17, 1 t/ha. Mulching with black polyethylene film ensures the accumulation of vitamin C and starch in sweet potato tubers. When growing the culture on ridges by this method of mulching, the maximum level of vitamin C according to the experiment (4.78 mg/100 g) and starch (11.73 %) was noted. The introduction of mulching and ridge formation involves additional material and labor costs, but helps to reduce weed control and tuber digging costs. When growing sweet potatoes on ridges with mulching with black polyethylene film, the minimum additional labor costs for the formation of a unit of yield (1.95 man-minutes/kg of tubers) were noted, while without mulching and without ridges this figure was 6.76 man-minute/kgSweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a new crop for soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine, the active implementation of which is hindered by the lack of recommendations on technological aspects of cultivation. One of the important technological measures for growing sweet potatoes is the use of soil mulching, which improves the water regime and regulates the thermal regime of the soil; prevention of weed growth and growth of sweet potato shoots to the soil. Thus, the aim of the research is to determine the efficiency of growing sweet potatoes in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine by different methods of soil mulching. Field research was carried out on typical low-humus light loamy chernozem on loess loam. It was noted, that when growing sweet potatoes on ridges, the introduction of mulching the soil with black polyethylene film provides more active growth of the vegetative mass throughout the growing season (5.33 shoots/plant with a total length of 252.1 cm), while growing without ridges has a positive effect on plants growth due to the general absence of mulch (2.53 shoots/plant with a total length of 107.8 cm). The use of ridges and mulching the soil with black polyethylene film causes the yield of sweet potato tubers at 34.8 t/ha, while the mulching of the soil with straw, the yield was 18.3–21.9 t/ha, without mulching – 13.0–17, 1 t/ha. Mulching with black polyethylene film ensures the accumulation of vitamin C and starch in sweet potato tubers. When growing the culture on ridges by this method of mulching, the maximum level of vitamin C according to the experiment (4.78 mg/100 g) and starch (11.73 %) was noted. The introduction of mulching and ridge formation involves additional material and labor costs, but helps to reduce weed control and tuber digging costs. When growing sweet potatoes on ridges with mulching with black polyethylene film, the minimum additional labor costs for the formation of a unit of yield (1.95 man-minutes/kg of tubers) were noted, while without mulching and without ridges this figure was 6.76 man-minute/k

    Концептуальні передумови перебудови шкільної системи фізичного виховання в Україні

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    Despite modern requirements and the reform of the education system in Ukraine, the problem of health and the level of physical development of children of both school age and youth has not been solved yet and remains a burning issue. Studies conducted by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine show that 45 % of students suffer from various chronic diseases, 66 % have a violation of posture, 19 % of senior pupils have high blood pressure, etc. That is why, the purpose of this research is to reveal the conceptual background that determines the importance of physical education in the modern educational system. The article shows the necessity of strengthening the health-improving focus of school physical education lessons. The approximate educational program for physical education at school has been proposed. The necessity of introducing physical culture and recreation hours in a school day, the need to strengthen athletic classes, the introduction of the theoretical course of the principles of a healthy lifestyle, the issues of material support for physical education at school, promotion and management of physical education and other issues dealing with the implementation of a healthy lifestyle not only for students, but also for other population groups have been studied.Несмотря на современные требования и реформи­рования системы образования в Украине, нерешённым и острым вопросом стоит проблема здоровья и уровня физического развития детей как школьного возраста, так и молодёжи. Исследования, проводимые Министерством здравоохраниния Украины, свидетельствуют о том, что 45 % учащиеся страдают различными хроническими заболеваниями, 66 % имеют нарушение осанки, у 19 % старшеклассников отмечены завышенные показатели артериального давления и т. д. Поэтому целью исследований и данной работы являются концептуальные предпосылки, определяющие значение физического воспитания в современной системе образования. В статье раскрыты необходимость и усиление оздоровительной направленности уроков школьного физического воспитания. Предложена ориентировочная программа по физическому воспитанию в школе. Раскрыты вопросы необходимости введения физкультурно-рекреационного часа в режиме учебного дня школы, необходимость усиления секционных форм физического воспитания учащихся, введение теоретического курса основ здорового образа жизни, вопросы материального обеспечения занятий по физической культуре в школе, пропаганде и управлению физическим воспитанием учащихся и другие вопросы, способствующие реализации здорового образа жизни те только школьников, но и других групп населения.Незважаючи на сучасні вимоги та реформування системи освіти в Україні, не вирішеним і гострим питанням є проблема здоров’я й рівня фізичного розвитку дітей як шкільного віку, так і молоді. Дослідження, що проводилися Міністерством охорони здоров’я України, свідчать про те, що 45 % учнів страждають на різні хронічні захворювання, 66 % мають порушення постави, у 19 % старшокласників відзначені завищені показники артеріального тиску і т.д. Відтак мета дослідження – концептуальні передумови, що визначають значення фізичного виховання в сучасній системі освіти. У статті розкрито необхідність і посилення оздоровчої спрямованості уроків шкільного фізичного виховання. Запропоновано орієнтовну програму з фізичного виховання в школі. Розкрито питання необхідності введення фізкультурно-рекреаційної години в режим навчального дня школи, необхідність посилення секційних форм фізичного виховання учнів, уведення теоретичного курсу основ здорового способу життя, питання матеріального забезпечення занять із фізичної культури в школі, пропаганди й управління фізичним вихованням учнів та інші питання, що сприяють реалізації здорового способу життя не тільки школярів, а й інших груп населення

    Reviewing challenges in the application of eddy current arrays and their impact on NDT efficiency

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    Eddy current arrays (ECAs) have gained significant popularity in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT) due to their ability to provide fast and accurate inspection results. However, several challenges associated with using ECAs in NDT need to be overcome in order to improve inspection performance. One of the primary challenges with ECAs is the impact of array size and geometry on inspection effectiveness. The size and shape of the ECA directly influence the sensitivity and resolution of the inspection process, making it challenging to optimize these parameters for specific inspection scenarios. Furthermore, the use of large ECAs can lead to increased noise levels and reduced inspection speed, negatively affecting the overall efficiency of the inspection process

    Some effective method of processing copper concentrate

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    Purpose. Using the special methods of processing it is proposed the forming of copper concentrate for further industrial usage. Methodology. The studies were carried on using continuous smelting of copper concentrates for the production of copper from sulfide concentrates by pyrometallurgical method

    Х Міжнародна конференція «Проблеми теплофізики та теплоенергетики»

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    Мета роботи. Розроблення та аналіз роботи системи діагностування теплоенергетичного обладнання з застосуванням технологій бездротового зв’язку на базі Bluetooth модуля.Висновки. Розроблена система діагностики, яка дає можливість досліджувати великогабаритні об'єкти в важкодоступних місцях за рахунок використання бездротового зв'язку Bluetooth. Наведено експериментальні дані випробування системи діагностування теплоенергетичного обладнання з використанням трансформаторного вихрострумового перетворювача.The purpose of the work. Developing and analyzing of the diagnosis system for the heat-power equipment using wireless technology based on Bluetooth module.Conclusions. The diagnostics system, which allows possibility testing the large objects in hard-to-reach places by using wireless Bluetooth, is developed. The experimental data of testing of the heat-power equipment diagnostics system using transformer eddy current probe are given

    Research of garlic preservation depending on treatment with hydrophobic protective coatings and growth-inhibiting substances

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    The aim of the work was to improve the elements of garlic bulb storage technology by using hydrophobic protective coatings, growth inhibitors. The study allows you to choose protective coatings of garlic bulbs for long-term storage and extend the duration of storage.It has been found, that the loss of weight of garlic bulbs during storage depends on the method of storage and type of treatment of garlic plants. Weight loss during storage in boxes with polyethylene inserts is reduced by 2 times, bulbs, treated with paraffin, – by 3.4 times. Treatment of plants with maleic acid hydrazide (MAH) reduces weight loss by 1.7 times. After 6 months of storage, the loss due to dry matter ranged from 51.7 to 69.7 % of weight loss.It has been found, that the treatment of plants by MAH helps to reduce losses due to germination of bulbs, damage by microorganisms, drying compared to the control version and storage in boxes with polyethylene inserts. The highest yield of 91.8 % of commercial bulbs is provided by their treatment with paraffin. Analysis of variance showed that the method of storage affects the preservation of garlic by 98 %, the development of diseases – by 54 %. Treatment by MAH affected the germination of bulbs by 98 %. Based on the obtained results, a correlation analysis was performed and the linear dependence of the weight loss of winter garlic bulbs depending on the peculiarities of the storage method was establishe