25 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Pemilihan Makanan dan Faktor yang Berkaitan pada Remaja Putri di SMA Daerah Kota dan Kabupaten

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    This study was aimed to analyze differences in food selection and factors related to adolescent girls in the urban and rural high schools. The sampling technique used is the sample size difference of 2 proportions. Data was collected by giving questionnaires to respondents which included food choices and its related factors such as social media, body image, nutritional knowledge, food labels, and peers. Body weight and height used to measure the anthropometric data. The statistical test used in this research was the t-test. There were no differences in food choices, use of social media, perception of actual body shape, perception of desired body shape, and perception of ideal body shape in urban and rural (p 0,05). There were differences in actual body shape with BMI, nutritional knowledge, understanding food labels , and peer influence in rural and urban (p 0,05). Found differences in perceptions of actual body shape with BMI, nutritional knowledge, understanding food labels, and peer influence in urban and rural areas. There were no differences in food choices, but there were differences in factors related

    Senam Irama Lagu Gizi Seimbang Meningkatkan Kebugaran Pada Anak Sekolah

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    Physical activity on students in Jakarta is the lowest if it is compared to various regions in Indonesia. The low physical activity has an impact on the declining of health and fitness so that it affects toward the risk of various non-communicable diseases. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of gymnastics rhythm of Gizi Seimbang’s song to the level of fitness on students in State Elementary School Kebon Jeruk 08 Pagi West Jakarta. The type of research uses design experimental quasi research with design of Pre test - post test group control design. This design involves two groups of subjects, one is given an experimental group and one group is not enforced (control group). The population of this study are children aged 10-12 years old with 60 respondents (30 students of gymnastic group and 30 control group students) with gymnastics 3x/week for 12 times. Data analysis use t-dependent test, wilcoxon test because the data is not normally distributed. The result of the research shows that there is the influence of rhythmic gymnastics of Gizi Seimbang’s song to the significant fitness level (p value = 0.0001). Based on the results of this study, gymnastics rhythm of Gizi Seimbang’s song increases the level of fitness compared with control group on students in State Elementary School Kebon Jeruk 08 Pagi West Jakarta.Physical activity on students in Jakarta is the lowest if it is compared to various regions in Indonesia. The low physical activity has an impact on the declining of health and fitness so that it affects toward the risk of various non-communicable diseases. To know the influence of gymnastics rhythm of Gizi Seimbang’s song to the level of fitness on students in State Elementary School Kebon Jeruk 08 Pagi West Jakarta. The type of research uses design experimental quasi research with design of Pre test - post test group control design. This design involves two groups of subjects, one is given an experimental group and one group is not enforced (control group). The population of this study are children aged 10-12 years old with 60 respondents (30 students of gymnastic group and 30 control group students) with gymnastics 3x/week for 12 times. Data analysis use t-dependent test, wilcoxon test because the data is not normally distributed. The result of the research shows that there is the influence of rhythmic gymnastics of Gizi Seimbang’s song to the significant fitness level (p value = 0.0001). Based on the results of this study, gymnastics rhythm of Gizi Seimbang’s song increases the level of fitness compared with control group on students in State Elementary School Kebon Jeruk 08 Pagi West Jakarta


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    ABSTRACTThe present study aimed to analyze the association between body fatness measures, i.e. body mass index (BMI) and percent fat mass (% FM) with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in young adults. Seventy five undergraduate students aged 19-21 years were included in this cross sectional study. Body composition was assessed by tetra polar Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis method, and CRF was determined as VO2 max level by conducting Balke test and flexibility by sit-and-reach test. Regression tests were performed to assess the associations between the body fatness measures and CRF. The mean (SD) % FM and BMI were 25.6 (8.3) % and 22.4 (4.2) kg/m2, respectively. Both BMI and % FM were inversely associated with VO2 max and flexibility. The associations of % FM with each CRF measure were stronger (% FM-VO2 max: R2=0.45, p<0.0001; % FM-flexibility: R2=0.16, p<0.0001) than those of BMI (BMI-VO2 max: R2= 0.12, p=0.002; BMI-flexibility: R2=0.07, p<0.0001). Including gender as a variable predictor greatly improved almost all associations. We suggest that %FM is a better predictor for VO2max than BMI. Further studies are needed to elucidate the relationships of body fatness measures adjusted for potential confounding factors with CRF measures other than VO2 max.Keywords: body mass index, cardiorespiratory fitness, percent fat massABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antara persentase lemak tubuh (PLT) dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dengan kebugaran kardiorespiratorik (KKR) pada dewasa muda. Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan melibatkan 75 orang mahasiswa usia 19-21 tahun. PLT ditentukan dengan metode tetra polar Bioelectrical Impedance dan KKR ditentukan dengan VO2max berdasarkan uji Balke dan fleksibilitas dengan uji sit-and-reach. Hubungan antara PLT dan IMT dengan KKR dianalisis dengan uji regresi. Rata-rata (standar deviasi) dari PLT dan IMT berturut-turut adalah 25,6 (8,3)% dan 22,4 (4,2) kg/m2. Baik PLT maupun IMT berbanding terbalik dengan nilai VO2 max dan fleksibilitas. Korelasi antara PLT dengan kedua komponen KKR lebih kuat (PLT-VO2 max: R2=0,45 p<0,0001; PLT-fleksibilitas: R2=0,16 p<0,0001) dibanding IMT (IMT-VO2 max: R2=0,12 p=0,002; IMT-fleksibilitas: R2=0,07 p<0,0001). Memasukkan gender sebagai prediktor variabel memperkuat semua korelasi kecuali antara PLT dan fleksibilitas. Diperlukan studi lebih lanjut untuk mempelajari hubungan antara komposisi tubuh termasuk faktor perancu potensial dengan fleksibilitas dan komponen KKR lainnya.Kata kunci: indeks massa tubuh, kebugaran kardiorespiratorik, persen lemak tubu


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the frequency of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on body fat of female university students. A quasi experimental design was applied by involving 21 undergraduate students who were divided into three groups of treatments moderate-intensity aerobic exercise intervention for eight weeks. The first group was two times a week, the second group was three times a week, and third group was four times a week. Primary data collected was included subcutaneous fat (triceps, abdomen, and thigh). The results showed that the third group has significantly difference in reducing body fats, namely 6.6 cm triceps, 5.4 cm abdomen, and 9.4 cm thigh (p<0.05).Keywords: aerobic exercise, body fat, moderate-intensityABSTRAKTujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh frekuensi senam aerobik intensitas sedang (low impact) terhadap lemak tubuh mahasiswi. Penelitian menggunakan desain quasi eksperimen dengan subjek berjumlah 21 mahasiswi, kemudian dibagi kedalam tiga kelompok perlakuan dengan melakukan senam aerobik intensitas sedang selama delapan minggu. Kelompok pertama diberikan perlakuan dua kali dalam seminggu, kelompok kedua tiga kali dalam seminggu dan kelompok ketiga diberikan perlakuan empat kali seminggu. Data primer terdiri atas lemak tubuh (trisep, abdomen, dan paha depan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada kelompok tiga terdapat penurunan yang nyata (p<0,05) sebelum dan setelah perlakuan sebesar 6,6 cm trisep, 5,4 cm abdomen dan 9,4 cm paha depan.Kata kunci: aerobik, intensitas sedang, lemak tubu

    Compliance level difference of tele-exercising obese office employee on body weight and body fat

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    The problem of overnutrition and obesity tend to increase year by. Office employee are susceptible to physical inactivity and obesity. In context of current pandemic, exercising via online media, termed ‘tele-exercise’ may be an effective alternative intervention. However, the effect of compliance and timing of exercise on overall health-related output are still not often discussed. The  purpose  of  the study is to compare the effect of tele-exercise done during working hours vs. after working hours on obese office employee’s weight loss and improvement of body fat percentage, as well as their relation to compliance level. The design of this study is quasi-experimental design, with obese office employee as participants, which then grouped into after work exercise (AW, n = 36, 1-hour duration) and mid-work exercise (DW, n = 21, 30-minute duration). Total sampling was used since the target population were under 100 people. Exercises were done 3 times/week for 12 weeks. Data collected were sample characteristics, bodyweight, and percentage of body fat. Both timing of intervention is effective on reducing body weight significantly (p<0.05). Significant reduction (p<0.05) on percentage of body fat is only occurring in DW group. Compliance level for AW and DW group are 63.75% and 61.23%, respectively, and being insignificant to each other (p>0.05). The contribution of compliance in shorter exercise/DW on body fat loss and weight loss is 23.1% and 20.9%, respectively; while the contribution of compliance in longer exercise/AW is 11.3% on body weight loss. A short, mid-working exercise have the similar or even better effect than 1-hour after-work exercise session on weight loss and body fat loss. We recommend tele-exercising during working hours for at least 30 minutes to achieve significant body weight and body fat loss

    Hubungan Asupan Kalsium, Konsumsi Buah, Sayur dan Ikan Dengan Kadar Kolestrol Pada Pekerja Penanganan Prasarana Sarana Umum (PPSU) Kelurahan Cengkareng Timur

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    Cholesterol is a form of fat that has an important role for the body, but if the body has high cholesterol levels it will cause health problems in the form of fatty deposits which will be at risk of blockage of blood vessels. Based on the results of Basic Health Research, it shows that the prevalence in Indonesia with total cholesterol levels > 200 mg/dL is 39.8%, the high prevalence rate is one of the reasons for the increased mortality rate in Indonesia (RI Ministry of Health, 2018). Controlling cholesterol levels can be done by controlling diet such as intake of calcium, fruit, vegetables and fish. The research was conducted in Cengkareng Timur Village, from 19 October 2022 to 2 November 2022. The type of research is quantitative which is analytic using a cross sectional research design, the research sample is 84 respondents. Data analysis used the Spearman correlation test. Based on the research results, it was found that there was a relationship between calcium intake and cholesterol levels (p=0.000) with a value of r = -0.924, there was a relationship between vegetable and fruit consumption and cholesterol levels (p=0.002) with a value of r = -0.496, and there was a relationship between consumption fish with cholesterol levels (p=0.001) with a value of r = -0.351. Workers handling public facilities infrastructure in Cengkareng Timur Village are expected to be able to consume fruits and vegetables because workers' consumption of fruits and vegetables is less than 400 g/day accompanied by a healthy lifestyle

    Pembuatan Snackbar sebagai Makanan Tambahan Olahraga sebagai Sumber Tinggi Kalori

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    Latar Belakang: Salah satu permasalahan yang timbul dari kekurangan stamina dan daya tahan tubuh atlet menjadi permasalahan utama pada atlet olahraga karena dapat mempengaruhi hasil prestasi olahraga atlet. Prestasi atlet oleh asupan sehari-hari atlet selain itu pada waktu 2-3 jam sebelum pertandingan dapat diberikan camilan agar mudah dikonsumsi dan mudah dibawa kemana-mana. Tujuan: Menganalisis daya terima (aroma, warna, tekstur, rasa dan keseluruhan) dan menganalisis kandungan zat gizi snackbar tepung kacang hijau dengan penambahan tepung jagung. Metode:Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dengan menggunakan Desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan membandingkan 3 formulasi dari berbagai jenis formulasi tepung kacamg hijau dan tepung jagung yang ditambahkan ke produk snackbar yaitu F0 (0gr: 100gr), F1 (50gr: 50gr), dan F2 (100gr: 0gr). pengujian Zat Gizi yang dilakukan uji kadar proksimat. Penilaian Organoleptik menggunakan Formulir Likert dengan skala 1-5 terhadap 30 panelis konsumen Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah One Way Anova dengan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil:Berdasarkan Penilaian Hasil Zat Gizi dan panelis konsumen yang terpilih terpilih adalah F1 dengan kadar air 13,56 gr, kadar abu 1,85 gr, protein 25,56 gr, lemak 9,35 gr, karbohidrat 49,67 gr dan energi 466, 14 kkal. Kesimpulan: Adanya pengaruh penambahan tepung jagung terhadap nilai gizi snackbar. Ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap warna, rasa dan aroma. Kata kunci : Snackbar , tepung kacang hijau, tepung jagung, marathonLatar Belakang: Salah satu permasalahan yang timbul yaitu kurangnya stamina dan daya tahan tubuh atlet menjadi permasalahan utama pada atlet olahraga karena dapat mempengaruhi hasil prestasi olahraga atlet. prestasi atlet dipengaruhi oleh asupan sehari-hari atlet selain itu pada waktu 2-3 jam sebelum pertandingan dapat diberikan snack agar mudah dikonsumsi secara ringkas dan mudah untuk dibawa kemana-mana. Tujuan: Menganalisis daya terima (aroma, warna, tekstur, rasa dan keseluruhan) dan menganalisis kandungan zat gizi snackbar tepung kacang hijau dengan penambahan tepung jagung. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental dengan menggunakan Desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan membandingkan 3 formulasi dari berbagai jenis formulasi tepung kacamg hijau dan tepung jagung yang ditambahkan ke produk snackbar yaitu F0(0gr:100gr), F1(50gr:50gr), dan F2(100gr:0gr). pengujian Zat Gizi yang dilakukan uji kadar proksimat. Penilaian Organoleptik menggunakan Form Likert dengan skala 1-5 terhadap 30 panelis konsumen Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah One Way Anova dengan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil : Berdasarkan  Penilaian Hasil Zat Gizi dan panelis konsumen didapat formulasi terpilih adalah F1 dengan kadar air 13,56 gr, kadar abu 1,85 gr, protein 25,56 gr, lemak 9,35 gr, karbohidrat 49,67 gr dan energi 466,14 kkal. Kesimpulan: Adanya pengaruh penambahan tepung jagung terhadap nilai gizi snackbar. Ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap warna, rasa dan aroma

    Sering Konsumsi Kudapan Asin Berkaitan dengan Kenaikan Indeks Massa Tubuh Dewasa Muda

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    The current study is aimed at examining the relationship between exposure to fast food promotion, consumption of obesogenic food, and body mass index in early adulthood. This cross-sectional study involved 76 respondents aged 26–35 years. Those with personal mobile phones and social media accounts are included in this study. Exposure to fast food promotion (FFP) was assessed by structured questionnaires, while obesogenic food consumption (OBC) was determined by a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Body mass index (BMI) was drawn from weight and height measurements. A Spearman analysis was performed to find the correlation. This study found that neither the total score in FFP nor the total grams in OBC were associated with BMI. Interestingly, upon item analysis, one item in OBC (highly salted food) was significantly associated with BMI (r = 0.230, p-value = 0.046). Nutrition and health education specific to the reduction of salty foods should be promoted among young adults to prevent obesity. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara paparan promosi makanan cepat saji, konsumsi makanan obesogenik, dan indeks massa tubuh pada masa dewasa awal. Studi menggunakan rancangan potong lintang yang melibatkan 76 responden berusia 26-35 tahun yang dipilih secara purposive. Mereka yang memiliki ponsel pribadi dan media sosial termasuk dalam penelitian ini. Paparan promosi makanan cepat saji dinilai dengan kuesioner terstruktur yang terdiri dari tujuh item (nomor) pertanyaan tervalidasi sedangkan konsumsi makanan obesogenik ditentukan oleh Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ). Indeks massa tubuh (IMT) diambil dari pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan. Analisis korelasi Spearman dilakukan untuk menemukan hubungan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa baik skor total dalam paparan promosi makanan cepat saji maupun total konsumsi makanan obesogenik tidak terkait dengan IMT. Menariknya, setelah analisis item, satu item dalam perilaku konsumsi makanan obesogenik (konsumsi kudapan asin) secara signifikan dikaitkan dengan IMT (r= 0,230, p-value = 0,046). Pendidikan gizi dan kesehatan terkait pembatasan konsumsi kudapan asin harus dipromosikan di kalangan orang dewasa awal untuk mencegah obesitas