16 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Tanaman Penutup Tanah untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Jagung Manis Di Lahan Kering Vertisol Lombok

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    One of the obstacles in increasing maize production in Indonesia is the low efficiency of fertilizer use by plants as a result of low levels of organic matter in the soil. Although it only occupies a portion of approximately 2-10%, the role played by organic matter in the soil is very large, both in physical, chemical and biological aspects. One of the practical and efficient alternatives to increase organic matter in the soil is through the management of cover crops (TPT). In this study, individually or after being combined into one, three types of TPT were stocked before the harvest of the predecessor plant (rice). As a comparison, plots without TPT were also provided. Rice litter together with TPT biomass from each TPT treatment was returned to the soil after rice was harvested in a separate plot pattern. In each TPT treatment plot, fertilization treatments were made with a dose of 0 kg/ha NPK, 100 kg/ha NPK, 200 kg/ha NPK and 300 kg/ha NPK. The experimental results showed that TPT biomass had a positive impact on increasing the growth and yield of sweet corn on vertisol soils. Provision of cover crops in the form of a mixture of cowpea, mung bean and krotalaria tended to have a better effect than individual administration. From the results of this experiment, it is also known that the provision of precursor plant biomass combined with TPT biomass can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by 50-60% of the maximum plant requirement. 


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    Abstrak: Sampah organic rumah tangga yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat Desa narmada belum dikelola menjadi suatu produk yang bernilai ekonomi. Produk sampah organik dibuang begitu saja di lahan terbuka, di sungai atau dibakar. Karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memperkaya pengetahuan sasaran penerima manfaat dalam rangka membangun motivasi masyarakat untuk mengelola sampah organic rumah tangga menjadi kompos yang bermanfaat. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di Desa Narmada, Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Sebagai masyarakat penerima manfaat adalah ibu rumah tangga dari kelompok PaManSam “Pangolah dan Pemanfaat Sampah”. Aktivitas kegiatannya meliputi: 1) penyuluhan tentang peran dekomposer dan proses pengomposan; 2) pembelajaran teknis pembuatan dekomposer lokal dan pengomposan sampah organik. Hasil kegiatan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa 1) 60% dari peserta memberikan respon yang positif terhadap materi penyuluhan yang diberikan; 2) peserta menguasai materi penyuluhan dengan baik, sehingga diharapkan dapat memotivasi mereka untuk mengurangi volume sampah dengan program-3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) mulai dari sumbernya; 3) secara umum, peserta dapat membuat dekomposer lokal dan mengaplikasikannya dalam proses pengomposan.Abstract:  Household organic waste produced by the people of Narmada Village has not been managed into a product that has economic value. Organic waste products are simply dumped in open fields, in rivers or burned. Therefore, this service activity aims to enrich the knowledge of target partners, housewives, in order to build their motivation to manage household waste into useful compost. The activity was conducted in Narmada, west lombok regency. The beneficiary partners are housewives from the PaManSam“Pangolah dan Pemanfaat Sampah” group. Activities include: 1) counseling on the role of decomposers in composting 2) the practice of making local decomposers and composting organic waste. This result shows that 1) 60% of the participants gave a positive response to the extension materials provided; 2) 50% of the participants master the extension material well, so it is hoped that it can motivate them to reduce the volume of waste with the 3R program (reduce, reuse, recycle) starting from the source; 3) generally, the participants can make local decomposers and apply it in composting

    Sosialisasi Pemupukan Berimbang Spesifik Lokasi Untuk Tanaman Jagung Di Kabupaten Dompu

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    Farmers' understanding of how to fertilize efficiently and effectively is not yet fully mastered. Most farmers often fertilize crops beyond the recommended dosage. This community service aims to (1) increase farmers' understanding and knowledge of the quality of fertilizers and balanced fertilization technology to achieve the use of fertilizers that are relatively efficient, (2) disseminating balanced fertilization technology with the correct rules. This activity was started with an explanation of fertilizer and balanced fertilization technology, then continued with a balanced fertilization demonstration in Mumbu Village, Woja Subdistrict Dompu District in the planting season of MK 1 in 2018. As the target partner was the Bina Baru Farmer group, Mumbu Village, Woja Subdistrict, Dompu District and as a working partner is a local agricultural extension agent (PPL). The community service team acts as a facilitator, while the local PPL is tasked with assisting the farmers' demonstration activities. This community service activity uses a participatory approach starting from the beginning to the end of the activity in making decisions. The results of community service activities show as follows (1) there is an increase in farmers' understanding of the quality of fertilizers and determination of fertilizer application based on fertilizer quality in applying the site-specific balanced fertilization concept and (2) mastering the application of balanced fertilizer application technology with the 5 T. rule. The application of proven balanced fertilization technology can increase yields from 9 tons per ha (how to fertilize farmers) to 12 tons per h

    Dynamic of Change in Soil Physical Properties and SoyBean Growth through The Application of Biochar on Lombok Vertisols

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    Vertisol is a type of soil whose mineral fraction is dominated by 2:1 type clay minerals (smectite) which have the property of swelling-shrinking periodically as the soil water content changes. However, these physical properties can be improved by the application of biochar so that it can support plant growth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biochar on changes in the physical characteristics of vertisols soils and growth performance of soybean plants. This research was conducted in Kawo Village, Pujut District, Central Lombok. This study was designed to test the application of two types of biochar, namely rice husk biochar (BS) and corn cob biochar (BJ) at several doses, namely 0, 15, 30 and 60 g/kg of vertisols soil and design using a randomized block design with 6 replications. The parameters measured were unit weight, soil density, porosity, soil tensile strength, available water capacity, aggregate stability, cole value, crack pattern and soybean growth test. The results showed that the application of biochar could improve the physical properties of vertisol soil and also has implications for improving the growth of soybean plants. Observational data showed that a dose of 60 g/kg of biochar, both rice husk and corn cob biochar, showed better changes in soil physical properties compared to biochar doses of 15 g/kg, 30 g/kg and without the addition of biochar. Besides that, the treatment of rice husk and corn cob biochar at a dose of 60 g/kg gave better vegetative growth of soybean plants

    The Nutrient Uptake Efficiency, Crop Productivity and Quality of Rice Bean in Dry Land

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    Rice bean is a group of beans that are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This plant is resistant to pests and diseases, as well as the broad adaptability.  This study aims to obtain an efficient fertilization pattern on rice bean cultivation in dry land. The treatments consisted of 9 fertilization patterns which were RP0: no fertilizer (control); RP1: 100%  recommendation fertilizer (50 kg Urea and 100 kg SP-36 ha-1); RP2: 5 Mg ha-1 manure plus 50% recommendation fertilizer; RP3: RP2 plus MVA; RP4: 5 Mg ha-1 Crotalaria sp compost plus 50% recommendation fertilizer; RP5: RP4 plus VAM; RP6: 2.5 t ha-1 manure, 2.5 Mg ha-1 Crotalaria sp compost plus 50% recommendation fertilizer; RP7: 1.5 Mg ha-1 manure, 1 Mg ha-1 Crotalaria sp compost plus 50% recommendation fertilizer; RP8: RP7 plus MVA. Fertilization treatments were arranged in RCBD and each treatment was repeated 3 times. The fertilization treatments had no significant effect on NUE. Productivity of  rice bean in RP3 and   RP5 reached 3.75 Mg ha-1, in RP2 and RP4 achieved 2.64 Mg ha-1, and in   the control treatment reached 1.94 Mg ha-1. Carbohydrate content  in seeds increased by 20% in the fertilization treatments compared to the control. Protein and anthocyanin content in all treatments were not significantly different. The combination of 5 Mg organic fertilizer (manure and / or Crotalaria compost), 50% recommendation  fertilizer plus MVA was an efficient fertilization pattern to improve P fertilizer uptake efficiency (PUE), productivity and quality of rice bean crop in dry land.  [How to Cite: Lolita ES, UM Yakop, L Ujianto, and B Hari Kusumo. 2015. The Nutrient Uptake Efficiency, Crop Productivity and Quality of Rice Bean in Dry Land. J Trop Soils 19: 1-9. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2015.20.1.1][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2015.20.1.1


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mentransfer teknologi budidaya cabai yang ramah lingkungan pada saat off seasonkepada petani di lahan kering. Paket teknologi yang ditransfer adalah paket rekomendasi BALITSA, meliputi penggunaan varietas unggul, teknik budidaya cabai hemat air dengan irigasi tetes dan teknik penyemaian. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di lahan kering beririgasi tetes di Sambik Rindang, Desa Salut, Kecamatan Bayan, Kabupaten Lombok Utara, Provinsi NTB. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan partisipatif kepada petani sasaran.Tahapan kegiatan pengabdian sebagai berikut : (1) membangun kesepakatan bersama antara petani dan tim pengabdiandalam pelaksanaan keiatan, (2) penyuluhan teori budidaya cabai yang ramah lingkungan, (3) pembuatan Demplot cabai; dan (4) evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan sebagai berikut (1) meningkatnya  pemahaman  teori petani terkait dengan budidaya cabai yang ramah lingkungan padasaat off season;(2) petani siap mengadopsi dan menerapkan teknologi budidaya cabai off season yang rekomendasi oleh BALITSA (Balai Penelitian Sayuran) di lahan kering yang berfasilitas perpipaan irigasi tetes. Bentuk pendampinganyang masih diperlukan oleh petani seperti :pendampingan pemupukan cabai spesifik lokasi, strategi pencegahan OPT , pemiliharaan jaringan irigasi tetes, penguatan kelembagaan dan permodalan serta pendampingan pengembangan jaringan pemasaran produk pertanian.Abstract: This service activity aims to transfer chili cultivation technology that is environmentally friendly in the off season to farmers on dry land.The technology package transferred is the BALITSA recommendation package, which includes the use of superior varieties, water-efficient chili cultivation techniques with drip irrigation and seeding techniques.  These activities carried out on dry land with drip irrigation in Sambik Rindang, Salut Village, Bayan District, North Lombok Regency, NTB Province.Activities carried out with a participatory approach to target farmers.Stages of service activities as follows: (1) establishing a joint agreement between farmers and service team in the implementation of activities, (2) extension chili cultivation theory in the off season, (3) making chili demontration plots and (4) evaluation of the activities. The results of the activities were as follows (1) increased understanding of farmers regarding the theory of environmentally friendly chili cultivation in the off season; (2) farmers are ready to adopt and apply the chili cultivation technology recommended by BALITSA (Balai penelitian sayuran) on dry land with drip irrigation piping facilities.  Furthermore, the form of assistance needed by farmer, such as: assistance for site specific chili fertilization, pest prevention strategies, drip irrigation network, institutional strengthening and capital and assistance in developing agricultural product marketing networks

    Pengaruh Pemberian Biochar Terhadap Perubahan Sifat Kimia Tanah Vertisol dan Pertumbuhan Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata L.): The Impact of Biochar Application on Alterations in Chemical Properties of Vertisol Soil and the Growth of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.)

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    Vertisols are soils that have a high cation exchange capacity but tend to have a low organic matter content. Meanwhile, nutrients availability in vertisol tends to be low because these elements are bound by clay particles, so the nutrient availability is limited for plantsThe aim of this research is to investigate the influence of rice husk biochar and corn cob biochar application on the changes in chemical properties of Vertisol soil and the vegetative growth of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). The study was conducted using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with an experimental approach. There were 8 treatments repeated 6 times, resulting in a total of 48 experimental units. The rice husk biochar (P) treatments included the control without rice husk biochar (BSP0), rice husk biochar at a rate of 60 g/kg soil (150 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BSP1), rice husk biochar at a rate of 30 g/kg soil (75 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BSP2), and rice husk biochar at a rate of 15 g/kg soil (37.5 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BSP3). The corn cob biochar (J) treatments included the control without corn cob biochar (BTJ0), corn cob biochar at a rate of 60 g/kg soil (150 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BTJ1), corn cob biochar at a rate of 30 g/kg soil (75 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BTJ2), and corn cob biochar at a rate of 15 g/kg soil (37.5 tons/ha) + 2.5 kg soil (BTJ3). The research data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a significance level of 5%. Significant differences between treatments were further analyzed using the Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (BNJ) at a significance level of 5%. The soil analysis was carried out at the Soil Physics and Soil Chemistry Laboratories, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Mataram. The results of the research showed that biochar application influenced the chemical properties of the soil (pH, Cation Exchange Capacity, Organic-C) and the growth of mung bean plants in Lombok's Vertisol soil. Biochar did not have a significant effect on the height of mung bean plants at 7 and 14 days after planting (DAP), but it had a significant effect at 21, 28, and 35 DAP. However, the application of biochar did not significantly affect the number of leaves and dry weight of mung bean plants.

    Gerakan Percepatan Penganekaragaman Konsumsi Pangan (P2KP) Untuk Antisipasi Dampak Perubahan Iklim Pada Sektor Pertanian

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    Climate change causes changes in rainfall patterns that is high intensity rain in a short duration. This situation could threaten the agricultural sector which impacts on national food security and food fulfillment for each household. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce an effective strategy to meet household food needs through the P2KP movement in dealing with the threat of climate change. This community service aims to: (1) providing an understanding of climate change and its impact on the food agriculture sector to the community; (2) socializing the "P2KP movement" accompanied by a demonstration plot of the use of house yards for cultivation of vegetables in pots. These community service activities implement a participatory pattern, in which the target community was involved in every decision making both in preparing, implementing, and evaluating the program activities. The results of the community service activities shows that the target community's knowledge of climate change and its impact on the agricultural sector has been successfully improved. The P2KP movement has been socialized and received a positive response from the target community, then they a;ready known to optimizing the use of home yards for cultivation of plants in pots becomes an alternative agricultural system that is resilient in the face of climate change

    Converting Styrofoam Waste into Fuel Using a Sequential Pyrolysis Reactor and Natural Zeolite Catalytic Reformer

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    Converting styrofoam plastic waste (SPW) into liquid pyrolysis oil (PLO) using a sequential pyrolysis reactor and natural zeolite catalytic vessel was conducted at relatively low temperatures from 160oC to 260oC and complete pyrolysis time, tp of 60-120 minutes. The presence of natural zeolites on a reformer vessel was intended to undergo the second stage degradation of pyrolysis gas produced without further heating. This work aims to find the yield and quality of PLO that are significantly influenced by the feedstocks of SPW and natural zeolite as a catalyst. The modification of zeolite enhances its fundamental characteristics and its effect on thermochemical behavior and pyrolysis reactions. Utilizing natural zeolite catalysts as TA-ZN (thermal activation) and AA-NZ (acid activation) increases the yield and quality of PLO as fuel. The utilization of the AA-NZ catalyst provided the highest PLO yield, lowest wax, and smallest solid deposit in the shortest at complete pyrolysis time, tp.  PLO produced from SPW pyrolysis with AA-NZ catalyst contains a higher range of hydrocarbon gasoline (C5-C12) as styrene, ethylbenzene, and methylbenzene with styrene compound as the highest amount of 74.63% and without a heavy hydrocarbon compound fraction (>C20). According to the analysis of all physical properties and GC-MS characterization, this PLO lies within a range comparable to that of conventional commercial kerosene

    Komparasi Perubahan Tutupan Lahan di Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan dan Gili Air (Gili Matra): Comparison Land Cover Change in Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan dan Gili Air (Gili Matra)

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    This research aims to determine changes in land cover on Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, and Gili Air as small islands in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method in comparing land cover changes on each island and also spatial analysis using Google Earth satellite image data in 2013 and 2022. The research results show seven land cover classifications consisting of built-up land, open land, stretches of beach sand, water bodies, plantations, bushes, and mangroves. Based on the analysis of land cover changes in Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air, a trend of increasing built-up land area for ten years from 2013 to 2022. The most significant increase in built-up land occurred on Gili Trawangan, namely 48.14 Ha. It was followed by Gili Air and Gili Meno, respectively 24.86 ha and 23.71 ha. The driving factor for changes in land cover on Gili Matra is policies from the central, provincial, and regional governments regarding the promotion and establishment of Gili Matra as a tourism destination in NTB Province. Furthermore, this policy impacts the growth of tourists and the number of residents. It causes an increase in the need for tourism-supporting facilities. Therefore, there is a change in land cover, which gradually reduces the area of undeveloped land on Gili Matra