10 research outputs found

    Understanding Entrepreneurial Intention: The Prediction of Entrepreneurial Behavior

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    This study examines the predictive ability of entrepreneurial behavior towards entrepreneurial intention star hotel employee in Bali. Assessing self efficacy in predicting entrepreneurial intention. Review the predictions of self-determination on entrepreneurial intention. Assessing self identity in predicting entrepreneurial intention. The Entrepreneurial behavior referred to from Kirkley (2016) research, consists of dimensions of self efficacy, self-determination, self identity. For entrepreneurial intention refer to Dinis et al. (2013) research. Entrepreneurial behavior in decision making is related to the assessment process and thinking by identifying and integrating knowledge, autonomy, competence and desire in order to achieve the entrepreneurial intention goals. This research was conducted on star hotel employees in Bali with 156 respondents. The questionnaires returned were 156 with a response rate of 100%. Each research instrument uses a 5 Likert scale measurement. The initial evaluation is carried out by estimating the evaluation of the outer model, namely the validity and reliability of each reflective construct. Next is the evaluation of inner models for testing research models using the WarpPLS 4.0 program. The significance of the parameters is determined by resampling bootstrapping and using 500 sub-samples of equal size to that of the original sample. The results and discussion of hypothesis testing show that the self-efficacy of star hotels employees in Bali is able to predict entrepreneurial intention significantly. Self determination can predict entrepreneurial intention of star hotels employees in Bali significantly. Self-identity of star hotel employees in Bali was able to predict entrepreneurial intention insignificantly. Keywords: entrepreneurial behavior, self efficacy, self determination, self identity, entrepreneurial intention JEL Classifications: L26, M21 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.1007

    Predicting the Unseen: Entrepreneurial Opportunity on Entrepreneurial Intention

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    This study examines entrepreneurial opportunity to predict entrepreneurial intention of star hotels emloyee in Bali. Respondents of this study were star hotels employees in Bali total 156 people with 100% response rate. The initial evaluation was carried out by evaluating the measurement model, namely the validity and reliability of each reflective construct. Next is the evaluation of the structural model for testing the research model where each research instrument uses a 5 Likert scale measurement, with the WarpPLS 4.0 program. The parameters significance is determined by resampling bootstrapping and using 500 sub-samples of equal size to that of the original sample. The results and discussion show that the hypothesis testing showing innovation and growth of star hotel employees in Bali are able to predict entrepreneurial intention not significantly. Financial return can predict employee star hotels in Bali significantly entrepreneurial intention. The investment return of star hotel employees in Bali can predict significant entrepreneurial intention. The hypothesis testing indicates that the internal factor is able to predict entrepreneurial intention the star hotel employee in Bali significantly. And this research indicates that the customer predicts entrepreneurial intention star hotel employee in Bali not significantly. keywords: entrepreneurial intention, innovation and growth, financial return, investment return, internal factor JEL Classifications: L26, M21 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.866

    The Antecedent of Entrepreneurial Orientation: An Entrepreneurial Commitment View

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    This study purpose to predict entrepreneurial commitment as an antecedent of entrepreneurial orientation of SME employees in Bali. This research was conducted on SME employees in Bali with a total of 165 respondents with 90,91% response rate and total 150 questionnaire returned. Respondents were selected by purposive sampling method, where each research instrument uses a 5 Likert scale measurement. The initial evaluation is carried out by estimating the evaluation of the measurement model that is validity and reliability of each reflective construct. The evaluation of structural models for testing research models using the WarpPLS 4.0 program. The significance of the parameters is determined by resampling bootstrapping and using 500 sub-samples of equal size to that of the original sample. The results of this study provide a view that entrepreneurial commitment as an antecedent capable to influence entrepreneurial orientation of SME employees in Bali, be proven of each entrepreneurial commitment dimensions. Entrepreneurial orientation can be predicted by affective commitment of SME employees in Bali significantly. Calculative commitment can influence entrepreneurial orientation of SME employees in Bali not significantly. Entrepreneurial orientation predicted by normative commitment of SME employees in Bali significantly. Keywords: commitment, affective, calculative, normative, entrepreneurial orientation JEL Classifications: L1, L26 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.897


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    Knowledge management is an organizational process to create value based on knowledge organization’s asset. Though knowledge management process is not easy, but if organization didn't shared, implemented and developed, hence will open potency losing of knowledge and competitive advantage. For that reason, required knowledge sharing at organization, that can be developed knowledge in knowledge based organization. This research done to : (1) Identify and understand knowledge sharing applied by organization, (2) understand effectiveness knowledge sharing in knowledge based organization. The research applies qualitative approach, is literature research with data collecting technique applies interview, focus group discussion, and library research. Knowledge sharing as part of knowledge management, use to increases organization competitiveness strategy. There are 5 dimension utilized to design knowledge sharing in knowledge based organization: (a) Relational Dimension, identified as: Organizational Distance, Physical Distance, Institutional Distance, Knowledge Distance, Relationship Distance. (b) Knowledge Dimension, consisted: Knowledge Explicitness, Knowledge Embeddedness. (c) Dimension Recipient. (d) Dimension Source. (e) Dimension Environment

    Perspektif MSDM dalam Pengembangan UKM Berbasis Knowledge Management

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    To reach competitive advantage its crucial for SME to apply owned knowledge efficiently to increase the innovation potency. On the other hand SME‟s limitation was understanding knowledge itself. SME required knowledge management role that matching with SME‟s characteristic which applicable to competitive advantage. The author‟s aim is to show HRM persfective in SME development based on knowledge management. In accordance with this aim, the paper focuses on knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge management used in SME and HRM perspective in developing SME base on knowledge management. The insight that were SME has some weakness, disability fund of long-range knowledge management program and risk, HR weakness interest in IT, and weakness in investment at HR training and HR education. Faces the increasing of competitiveness, SME must can overcome the weakness, must do innovation and developed product swiftly through HRM based on knowledge management efficiently and effectively. Solution required to created competitiveness through knowledge management because knowledge is key success to win the competition. Knowledge management and HRM is important key to increase SME‟s competitiveness, created from HR knowledge to become organization knowledge, so that will become SME asset

    Meningkatkan Keunggulan Bersaing UKM Berbasis Intellectual Capital dan Knowledge Management

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    In knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital and knowledge management is important source of organizational performance and competitive advantage for Small Medium Enterprises (SME). Knowledge management is process to understand organization core competence through creation, store, compile, retrieval, knowledge distribution, and transform human resource tacit knowledge as a part of intellectual capital. SME‟s intellectual capital and knowledge management can develop internal policy, procedure, decision making processes and incentive system to evaluate and select commercial innovation. The author‟s aim is to show developed understanding to increase SME‟s competitive advantage based on intellectual capital and knowledge management. In accordance with this aim, the paper highlights a number of issues, focuses on intellectual capital in SME, intellectual capital management in SME, knowledge management in SME, and knowledge management process in SME. Create competitive advantage in knowledge-based economy had shown transform from tangible asset to intangible asset. Implementation intellectual capital and knowledge management gives separate challenge to SME because requires time and effort before obtained return to investment done, though on the other side SME has time limit because business change moved quickly. Other challenge is most of SME‟s knowledge haves tacit character and will never become explicit, because no time to change it becomes explicit knowledge. SME can develop culture to share knowledge to overcome it, and always has understanding that key asset of organization is human resource. To create SME‟s competitive advantage, intellectual capital and knowledge management requires adequate information technology support, so that implementation of intellectual capital and knowledge management at SME very possible to be done


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    That knowledge management implementation at SME works well, need to understand critical success factor (CSF) of knowledge management implementation according to SME’s characteristic. CSF viewed as action and practice to ensure the success of knowledge management implementation. Knowledge management is process to create, obtain, understand, divide, and apply knowledge, it doesn't matter where knowledge is, to increase organization learning and performance, include identify, create, acquisition, transfer, sharing, and knowledge exploitation. Knowledge management implementation have challenges to SME because there are very basic differences of knowledge management implementation between SME with business organization, either evaluated from management side, structure, culture, and HRM also. Knowledge management implementation success at SME determined by CSF, like leadership and management support, culture, information technology, strategy and goals, measurement, organization infrastructure, process and activity, motivation, resource, training and education, HRM and HRM participation. CSF understanding assists SME to identify important problem that must be faced when designing and applying knowledge management. No understanding of CSF causes SME will not obtain benefit from knowledge management implementation

    Peran Mitra Strategis dan Agen Perubahan dalam Manajemen Talenta dan Kinerja Manajer

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    Abstract  The purposes of the study are to analyze: (1) characteristic of strategic partner and change agent roles, talent management and managers performance, (2) influence of strategic partner and change agent roles to talent management and its impact to managers performance. Four hundred hotel managers in Bali were participated in this study by using proportional random sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and SEM. The result shows that: (1) strategic partner and change agent role, talent management and managers performance are in enough category, (2) positive and significant effect between strategic partner and change agent roles to talent management and its impact to managers performance. Keywords:Strategic Partner Role, Change Agent Role, Talent Management, Managers Performance.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis: (1) karakteristik dari mitra strategis dan peran agen perubahan, manajemen bakat dan kinerja manajer, (2) pengaruh mitra strategis dan peran agen perubahan untuk manajemen bakat dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja manajer. Sebanyak empat ratus manajer hotel di Bali berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan proporsional random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan SEM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) mitra strategis dan peran agen perubahan, manajemen bakat dan kinerja manajer termasuk dalam kategori cukup, (2) pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara mitra strategis dan peran agen perubahan untuk manajemen bakat dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja manajer.Keywords: Peran Mitra Strategis, Peran Agen Perubahan, Manajemen Talenta, kinerja Manajer.</div

    The Examining of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Students with Entrepreneurial Education and Individual Value: Mediation Role of Human Capital

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    This study aims to examine the mediating role of human capital on the effect of entrepreneurial education and individual value on entrepreneurial intention. This research was conducted on students majoring in business at a university in Bali with a population of 7,246 people. A sample of 379 and data was collected using a questionnaire that returned as much as 279. Testing the research model using PLS-SEM with WarpPLS 7.0. The findings show that entrepreneurial education influence human capital, and individual value has an effect on human capital. Entrepreneurial education can influence entrepreneurial intention. Individuals could an effect on entrepreneurial intention, human capital can influence entrepreneurial intention. This study also found that human capital was able to partially mediate the influence of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial intention. Human capital was almost not able to mediate individual value on entrepreneurial intention. This study shows evidence of the importance of entrepreneurship education and individual value for creating competitive human capital in generating entrepreneurial intentions. These findings also provide an understanding of developing entrepreneurial intention models with an entrepreneurial education system and value strategies that shape the competitiveness of human capital

    The linkage between individual value and knowledge creation in human capital

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    This study aims to examine the relationship between individual value and knowledge creation in human capital.The effect of individual value on each element of knowledge creation – socialization, externalization, combination and internalization – is tested in this study. The study also tested the effect of each component of knowledge creation with human capital. Data were collected using an online questionnaire. A total of 286 questionnaires were sent to managers of medium-sized companies in the province of Bali, Indonesia. Of the 196 questionnaires that were sent, returned and filled out completely, 158 had responses that were utilizable, showing a usable response rate of 80.61%. Data analysis was carried out using variance-based structural equation modelling with a partial least squares approach (SEM-PLS) with WarpsPLS 7.0. The results of the study found a significant positive effect of individual value on each element of knowledge creation: with socialization, with externalization, with combination and with internalization. This study also found that each component of knowledge creation has a significant positive effect on human capital: socialization, externalization, combination and internalization, respectively. This study shows that the value that is believed by individuals based on knowledge can be a strong factor of competitiveness for future of human capital