415 research outputs found

    Biomimetic Photodiode Device with Large Photocurrent Response Using Photosynthetic Pigment-protein Complexes

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    Efficient light to energy conversion was demonstrated in solid-state, lateral photodiodes device containing photosynthetic light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complexes as active materials. The device exhibits the highest reported photocurrent density response of 365 µA/cm2 when illuminated at 320 mW/cm2 radiation source power. The photocurrent response was stabled over 104 s of continuous cycles of dark and illumination states. The short rise and decay time of the photocurrent waveform within sub-second range indicates an effective photogeneration and charge extraction within the device. Optical bandgap extraction using absorption coefficient method reveals that the energy gap of the active materials ranges from 2.8 to 3.8 eV, correspond to the Photosystem I and Photosystem II of the photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes

    Pengaruh Dosis Implantasi Ion Nitrogen pada Sifat Kapasitansi Polimer Pvdf dan Pvdf-hfp

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    Material berdensitas energi elektrik tinggi sebagai bahan dielektrik kapasitor sangat diperlukan dalam industri bidang elektronika. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengkarakterisasi dan menganalisis polimer PVDF( Poly vinylidene fluorde) dan PVDF-HFP (Poly vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropene) sebelum dan sesudah diimplan ion nitrogen. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan ialah menyiapkan sampel lapisan tipis Polimer PVDFdan PVDF-HFP kemudian diimplan menggunakan ion nitrogen pada dosis 4,69 x 1016 ion/cm2 hingga 1,41 x 1018 ion/cm2 pada energi 10 keV. Selanjutnya nilai kapasitansi, faktor disipasi dan kekuatan dielektrik sampel dikarakterisasi menggunakan LCR meter GW-Instek 800. Morfologi dan ikatan struktur dari sampel dikarakterisasi menggunakan SEM dan FTIR. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan nilai kapasitansi sebesar 4,3 kali pada polimer PVDF dan 1,4 kali pada polimer PVDF-HPF. Peningkatan nilai kapasitansi disebabkan bertambahnya ikatan rangkap C=C pada PVDF dan PVDF-HFP yang diimplan ion nitrogen. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dari hasil karakterisasi FTIR dan SEM. Namun demikian nilai kekuatan dielektrik mengalami penurunan akibat semakin konduktifnya polimer PVDF dan PVDF-HPF. Untuk sampel PVDF ada kapasitansi optimum dicapai pada dosis 9,38 x 1017 ion/cm2 sedangkan untuk sampel PVDF-HFP diatas dosis tersebut memperlihatkan gejala saturasi. Nilai kapasitansi optimal diperoleh berturut-turut sebesar 0,089483 nF, faktor disipasi 0,129613 % pada polimer PVDF dan 0,134889 nF, faktor disipasi 0,09784 % untuk polimer PVDF-HFP

    Deteksi Mutan Kentang Hitam Hasil Radiasi Sinar Γ Menggunakan Marka ISSR Dan RAPD

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    Umbi kentang hitam [Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng.] merupakan salah satu sumber pangan alternatif bagi sebagian masyarakat Indonesia. Namun, rendahnya keragaman genetik kentang hitam menjadi kendala dalam perakitan varietas unggul. Pemuliaan tanaman dengan cara mutasi antara lain dengan iradiasi sinar γ diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keragaman genetik kentang hitam. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Bulan Januari - November 2010 di Laboratorium Genetika Tumbuhan, PusatPenelitian Biologi LIPI. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeteksi mutan kentang hitam hasil radiasi sinar γ pada dosis 6, 25, dan 35 gray dengan menggunakan marka ISSR dan RAPD. Lima belas primer ISSR dan RAPD digunakan untuk mengamplifikasi genom DNA total. Di antara ke-15 primer tersebut, hanya empat primer yang menghasilkan pita-pita polimorfik untuk mendeteksi mutan hasil mutasi pada konsentrasi 25 gray yaitu (OPA 13, OPA 18, OPB 18, dan UBC 834) pada aksesi 1#10; 11.3#4; 11.3#5, dan 2.10#8 dan hanya tiga primer yang mampu mendeteksi mutan pada konsentrasi 35 gray (OPA 13, OPB 18, dan UBC 807) pada aksesi 4.10#2, 4.10#1, 4.10#4, 4.10#3, 4.10#5, dan 33d.1#3. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa marka ISSR dan RAPD dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi mutan pada kentang hitam

    Rehabilitasi Desain Bendung Tukuman Kali Dengkeng Cawas Kabupaten Klaten– Jawa Tengah

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    Tukuman Weir is a weir of Dengkeng Cawas River, Klaten Regency, Central Java. This weir got a severe damage due to the excessive discharge in December 1989. This caused the people around the weir irrigated their field by free intake. The problems discussed in this paper are 1) the damage of the weir overflow, and 2) the damage of the tail water. The aim of the research is to maximize the flow of water into the irrigation network that the need of irrigation water can be met properly to increase the income of farmers each year. This research uses the latest data which then is processed by using hydrological analysis as the basic of the next planning. Watershed (DAS) of Dengkeng River is 101, 157 km2 in large, with three rain stations: Gantiwarno, Kemudo and Ngelo. The calculation of flood discharge plan uses several methods. The chosen discharge is the result of the calculation using HSS Gama I method with return period of 100 years, then continued with Qdesign=110 m3/sec. The large of the irrigation area of Tukuman weir is 150 hectares, with 0.22 m3/sec water need. From the result of the balance sheet analysis, the need of water irrigation is fulfilled, even it is a surplus. The rehabilitation concept is combining the fixed and barrage, but keeping the elevation of the old weir overflow. The redesign of the weir dimension with the fixed weir, the elevation height of the overflow is +102.02 m.dpl, rounded overflow with effective width of 7.75 m. While for the motion overflow, the overflow elevation is +99.7 m.dpl as planned, with 5 doors and effective width of each is 2.5 m. the length of the floor to the weir face is 10.5 m as planned, and the tail water of USBR type III is chosen. The cost of the weir rehabilitation is Rp. 3,241,000,000 with time estimation is 20 weeks. Based on the calculation, it is obtained that there is surplus on the water need that might be considered using it for other needs, for instance, enlarging the irrigation area or fulfilling drinking water needs

    Genetic enhancement of resistance to foliar diseases

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    Rust and Late leaf spot are among the most destructive and widespread diseases of groundnut. Cultivation of resistant varieties is economically most viable and environmentally sound strategy. Germplasm with high level of resistance is available in cultivated and/or related wild species. In spite of innumerable attempts, breeding has met with limited success in combining resistance with yield, crop quality and adaptation. The modern tool of Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) is expected to improve the speed and precision of resistance breeding. The progress and challenges in the application of molecular markers in breeding for resistance to foliar diseases will be discussed

    Investigation of dosimetry in four human head models for planar monopole antenna with a coupling feed for LTE/WWAN/WLAN internal mobile phone

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    The objective of the present study is to evaluate the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) within the human head model exposed to the radiation of planar monopole antenna with T-shaped coupling feed and an inductive shorting strip. The presented design has a compact structure, a planar configuration and occupying a small size of 36×20mm2. Two wide bands can be generated by the proposed antenna 546 MHz (734-1280 MHz) and 1066 MHz (1934-3000 MHz) for the LTE/WWAN/WLAN internal mobile phone. The antenna performance parameters comprising return loss, radiation patterns, and gain are discussed. In this research work four different human head models have been implemented: homogenous spherical head, spherical seven layer model, Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin (SAM) phantom and HUGO human head model. On the other hand the effects of operating frequency and gap distance between the mobile phone antenna and the human head model on distributions of the SAR inside the human head are investigated. All the simulations are done for three different distances between the antenna and the head model (5 mm, 10 mm and 20 mm). Moreover, the SAR levels for the head tissues are calculated in accordance to the two currently accepted standards: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

    Fabrication of arrays of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) nanodots via block copolymer self-assembly

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    This Article presents a simple methodology for the fabrication of two-dimensional arrays of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) nanodots on n-doped Si substrates via the directed self-assembly of PS-b-PEO block copolymer templates. The approach produces highly ordered PZT nanodot patterns, with lateral widths and heights as small as 20 and 10 nm, respectively, and a coverage density as high as ∼68 × 109 nanodots cm–2. The existence of a perovskite phase in the nanodots was confirmed by X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The piezo-amplitude and ferroelectric domain response obtained from the nanodots, through piezoresponse force microscopy, confirmed the presence of ferroelectricity in the PZT arrays. Notably, PZT nanodots with a thickness ∼10 nm, which is close to the critical size limit of PZT, showed ferroelectric behavior. The presence of a multi-a/c domain structure in the nanodots was attributed to their polycrystalline nature
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