29 research outputs found

    Teacher Vocational Education Competence in Digital Age: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Over the years technology has transformed the way people live and behave. Teaching clearly cannot be an exception. Teachers at all levels of education undergo a process of adaptation to develop the digital skills necessary for this transformation. Moreover, vocational education teachers are required to adapt the skills taught to the needs of the industry. The purpose of this paper is to provide an extensive bibliometric literature review on the competence of vocational education teachers in the digitalization era. Articles are found via publish or perish software and the Google Scholar database. Scanning by scimagojr.com (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4), we analyzed 42 articles from 26 leading journals from January 1, 2010 to June  30, 2022. Mendeley software is used to manage and resume references. We have reviewed this database and tried to classify articles using the VOSviewer software. Three groups were reviewed; The words that appear most often in each group are ‘vocational education’, ‘apprentices’, teaching’, ‘e-learning’, professioanl competence’, dan ‘competence based education’ This cluster represents the flow of teacher digital competence (TDC) research


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    Pendidikan jasmani pada dasarnya merupakan pendidikan melalui aktivitas jasmani yang dijadikan sebagai media untuk mencapai perkembangan individu secara menyeluruh. Guling depan merupakan pembelajaan pada senam lantai. Hasil belajar guling depan pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Biru semester 1 tahun pelajaran 2018-2019masih rendah. Dengan KKM 75 pada kondisi awal hanya terdapat 7 dari 22 siswa yang tuntas (31,82%). Tindakan yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar digunakan pembelajaran menggunakan sponge sebagai alat bantu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa melalui penerapan sponge sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran pada siswa kelas IV. Hasil penelitian memperoleh data peningkatan rata-rata klasikal dari kondisi awal sebesar 63 menjadi 73 pada siklus I dan 78 pada siklus II. Sedangkan ketuntasan belajar klasikal juga mengalami peningkatan dari kondisi awal hanya sebesar 31,82%, pada siklus I mencapai 45,45% serta pada Siklus II meningkat mencapai 86,36%. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menyarankan guru penjasorkes untuk menerapkan pembelajaran melalui penggunaan sponge sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran serta memperhatikan kesesuaian materi dan karakteristik siswa, hendaknya guru memberikan bimbingan yang lebih intensif pada saat siswa mempraktikkan guling depan, sehingga gerakan yang dilakukan sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan

    A Bibliometric Analysis of the Employability Skills Research Trends in Vocational Education

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    Employability skills are the skills needed to acquire, retain, and do a good job. Employability skills are essential in helping prepare students to increase competitiveness and work productivity. The world of work wants graduates to be competitive and technically competent with skills relevant to technological developments. This study aims to analyze research trends related to employability skills in vocational education. We use bibliometric analysis procedures on 1123 published articles in the Scopus database. The results of this study reveal citation, co-authorship, co-citation, and keyword analyses producing a pattern of research maps in vocational education. The findings identify publication trends, widely cited articles, contributing countries, productive journals, and obtain information for future research on employability skill

    The Role of AI In Vocational Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    This research aims to comprehensively investigate and explain the important role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of education, with a particular focus on vocational education. Using the systematic literature review (SLR) method as the chosen research approach, the researchers carefully scrutinized a selection of articles published in the time span between 2018 to 2023, which were carefully selected from the Scopus database. The PRISMA method, renowned for its precision, was carefully applied to screen and filter out documents that did not fit the strict inclusion and exclusion criteria outlined for the study. Upon examination and review of the selected articles, an interesting pattern emerged, underscoring the considerable impact and transformative potential of AI in the education sector, with a particular emphasis on vocational education. The advent of AI technologies has ushered in a new era, one that is brimming with potential to revolutionize and enhance the teaching-learning experience in educational settings. It is quite clear that a thoughtful and strategic implementation of AI promises to improve the efficiency, personalization, and overall effectiveness of education, thus paving the way for a brighter and more adaptive educational landscape

    Profile of the Need for STEM Teaching Materials in Science Learning in Vocational Schools

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    Science education in vocational schools has undergone several changes in subject characteristics. Science teachers need to understand these characteristics to facilitate the delivery and implementation of learning in the classroom.Therefore, the purpose of this article is to describe the requirements profile of needs for STEM teaching materials in science learning at vocational schools.The research methods used are descriptive and qualitative through field observations (field studies) derived from professional research in the form of curriculum documents, lesson plans,learning videos,and analysis of six science textbooks in vocational school. The results of a curriculum analysis from document, videos and textbooks on the availability of project-based STEM components in learning equipment plans and existing materials are still inadequate to support the life skills of 21st century professional students, and the following curriculum requirements are: Not yet supported. So, in future research need integration, project-based, and underlying skills according to competency skills in vocational school

    A prominent lack of IgG1-Fc fucosylation of platelet alloantibodies in pregnancy.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.Immunoglobulin G (IgG) formed during pregnancy against human platelet antigens (HPAs) of the fetus mediates fetal or neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT). Because antibody titer or isotype does not strictly correlate with disease severity, we investigated by mass spectrometry variations in the glycosylation at Asn297 in the IgG Fc because the composition of this glycan can be highly variable, affecting binding to phagocyte IgG-Fc receptors (FcγR). We found markedly decreased levels of core fucosylation of anti-HPA-1a-specific IgG1 from FNAIT patients (n = 48), but not in total serum IgG1. Antibodies with a low amount of fucose displayed higher binding affinity to FcγRIIIa and FcγRIIIb, but not to FcγRIIa, compared with antibodies with a high amount of Fc fucose. Consequently, these antibodies with a low amount of Fc fucose showed enhanced phagocytosis of platelets using FcγRIIIb(+) polymorphonuclear cells or FcγRIIIa(+) monocytes as effector cells, but not with FcγRIIIa(-) monocytes. In addition, the degree of anti-HPA-1a fucosylation correlated positively with the neonatal platelet counts in FNAIT, and negatively to the clinical disease severity. In contrast to the FNAIT patients, no changes in core fucosylation were observed for anti-HLA antibodies in refractory thrombocytopenia (post platelet transfusion), indicating that the level of fucosylation may be antigen dependent and/or related to the immune milieu defined by pregnancy.Sanquin/PPOC-09- 025 Landsteiner Foundation for Blood Transfusion/0721 info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/27853


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    The problem that underlies this activity is to see the condition of the school environment that requires counseling about the use of electrical equipment. The existence of teachers regarding the installation and maintenance of electrical installations in the regions is not well understood, very different from teachers who are in urban areas and moreover those with a background in electrical engineering vocational schools who are classified as advanced both in terms of knowledge level and skills in practice. On the basis of this condition guidance or counseling is carried out for these teachers. Even if they have the skills to install electrical installations, it is hoped that teachers will be able to maintain, repair and install electrical installations, even if they are simple ones. The method used in Community Service activities at SMK N 1 Cisarua, namely Lectures, discussions and exercises. The instructor explains material about the use of electronic devices followed by discussion and questions and answers, while the implementation can be carried out by the teaching team at each school who can consult with the lecturer about saving electricity. As a result of this counseling and training, teachers at SMK N 1 Cisarua can understand the importance of electrical energy and how to use electrical energy efficiently. The conclusion from this activity is that the teaching team at SMK N 1 Cisarua can save electricity in the school and its surroundings so as to reduce the cost of electrical energy.Masalah yang mendasari diadakannya kegiatan ini yaitu melihat kondisi lingkungan sekolah yang memerlukan penyuluhan tentang penggunaan peralatan listrik. Keberadaan guru-guru tentang pemasangan, pemeliharaan instalasi listrik di daerah belum dipahami dengan baik, sangat berbeda dengan para guru yang berada didaerah perkotaan dan apalagi yang berlatar belakang dari SMK jurusan listrik yang tergolong maju baik dari tingkat pengetahuan, dan keterampilannya dalam praktek. Atas dasar kondisi ini dilakukanlah bimbingan atau penyuluhan kepada para guru-guru tersebut. Bahkan dengan dimiliki keterampilan pemasangan instalasi listrik diharapkan pula para guru mampu memelihara, memperbaiki dan memasang instalasi listrik, walaupun yang sederhana. Metoda yang digunakan pada kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di SMK N 1 Cisarua, yaitu Ceramah, diskusi dan latihan. Instruktur menjelaskan materi tentang penggunaan perangkat elektronik dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dan tanya jawab, sedangkan penerapannya dapat dilakukan oleh tim pengajar di sekolah nya masing-masing yang dapat konsultasi dengan dosen tentang penghematan energi listrik.  Hasil dari penyuluhan dan pelatihan ini, guru SMK N 1 Cisarua dapat memahami pentingnya energi listrik dan cara memanfaatkan energi listrik secara efisien. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini yaitu tim pengajar SMK N 1 Cisarua dapat melakukan penghematan energi listrik di lingkungan sekolah dan sekitarnya sehingga mampu menekan biaya energi listrik

    The Effect of Adolescent Therapeutic Group Therapy (TKT) on the Development of Adolescent of Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmalaya

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    The stage of adolescent development is a unique stage of development, adolescents must face changes both physically, cognitively, and emotionally that can cause stress and trigger a unique behaviour in adolescents. Today's Muslim youth are many who follow the Islamic boarding school program. This causes the development of adolescents that are less than optimal, if they cannot adapt to the life of the Islamic boarding school, so that it can interfere with the learning process in the Islamic boarding school. And furthermore, their mental health will be disturbed in their adolescent development, such as being less independent, unable to make decisions and having difficulty interacting with peers. One of the efforts to deal with developmental problems faced by adolescents is the therapeutic group therapy (TKT) approach. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of therapeutic group therapy on the ability of adolescents to stimulate identity development in high school students at the Ibadurrahman Islamic Boarding School, Tasikmalaya City. The design used is "Quasi experimental pre and post-test without control group". The population in this study were all students at the Ibadurrahman Islamic Boarding School, Tasikmalaya City, amounting to 374 respondents with a sample size of 80 students. Analysis using paired-t test (T-test paired). Respondents were divided into 6 groups, with each group totaling 13-14 students. The implementation of TKT for each group is carried out every week with a time of 60 minutes. The results showed a significance value of = 0.001, there is a significant difference in the average ability to stimulate identity development scores between before and after TKT treatment. This TKT can be done as a therapy to improve adolescent development

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