33 research outputs found

    Cost-effective asset management planning for the sustainable future of rural irrigation systems

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    Irrigation systems in developing countries often have low performance and poor sustainability. The asset management planning (AMP) model that has been developed in this project enables Water User Associations (WUAs) in rural Indonesia to manage the assets of a transferred irrigation system in an improved cost-effective way towards sustainability goals. The AMP was developed by building on existing processes and including elements of internationally developed assest management sytems and also with upgraded physical and management processes

    Analisis Risiko Proyek dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Studi Kasus: Proyek Perpustakaan Modern Lampung pada Tahap Lanjutan)

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    Pelaksananan proyek konstruksi gedung Perpustakaan Modern Lampung tidak lepas dari sejumlah risiko, baik risiko eksternal, maupun risiko internal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi risiko biaya dengan memberikan urutan prioritas risiko serta penanganannya.  Peristiwa risiko dapat dikaji dalam bentuk fishbone diagram dan dianalisis menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Metode AHP akan memberikan urutan prioritas risiko yang signifikan terhadap biaya proyek. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan kuesioner untuk mengetahui frekuensi risiko dan dampak risiko. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peringkat risiko yang dominan berdasarkan nilai faktor risiko (FR). Risiko dengan faktor risiko tertinggi yaitu addendum dengan FR = 0,5574 yang dikategorikan risiko level sedang. Sedangkan untuk risiko dengan kategori level sedang lainnya adalah risiko perubahan desain dengan FR = 0,4695, dan. level rendah yaitu, kerusakan fasilitas poyek oleh pihak ketiga dengan Faktor Risiko FR = 0,1459. Adapun penangan risiko addendum dengan mempercepat proses administrasi pengajuan addendum agar tidak terjadi keterlambatan pekerjaan. Sedangkan risiko perubahan desain ditangani dengan melakukan koordinasi ulang antara kontraktor dan konsultan untuk melakukan perubahan desain


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    LRT is a mass transportation mode for light rail that is expected to make the transfer of personal use to mass transportation users to reduce traffic congestion specifically in the city of Palembang. Services and facilities will be one of the supporters in the use of mass transportation. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of LRT users and the level of satisfaction of LRT passengers and to group parameters into 4  quadrants. The sampling technique used by researchers is accidental sampling. Data processing and analysis with Validity Test, Reliability Test, Satisfaction, IPA. The results showed an analysis of the level of satisfaction of the passengers were quite satisfied, with an average level of satisfaction and importance based on Service Quality on physical factors: 4,287 and 4,743, reliability factors: 4,096 and 4,678, responsiveness factors: 4,18 and 4,60, Guarantee factors and empathy factors: 4,400 and 4,860. Priority grouping into 4 quadrants, quadrant I Security officer, quadrant II cleanliness, comfort of seating in the LRT, ease of ups and downs of LRT for persons with disabilities and the availability of facilities for the disabled and facilities for breastfeeding mothers, Quadrant Analysis III LRT waiting time, availability of relevant information with the Arrival and Departure Schedule, how the speed of employees in responding complaints LRT customer problems and how the hospitality and courtesy of officers in serving LRT customers, Quadrant IV how easy access to the LRT station, how accurate the LRT schedule is and how the LRT rates are charged. Keywords: Mode of Transportation, LRT, Services, Palembang.

    Analisis Investasi Pembangunan Proyek Spam (Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum) Kota Bandar Lampung

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    In an effort to meet the needs of drinking water for the community, the city government of Bandar Lampung pioneered the development of a Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM), the authors reviewed the analysis of investment in the construction of the Bandar Lampung City SPAM project. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of a SPAM development project assessed from financial parameters. In this study, the feasibility of the economic aspect was carried out by reviewing the following assessment parameters, namely Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback Period (PP). The data used are detailed data on SPAM cost budget, SPAM working drawings and water consumption levels, as well as data from BI in the form of interest rates and inflation rates. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the inflation rate in Indonesia is based on a projection for 25 years, namely between 4% -10% per year, the BI rate based on projections in 2018-2057 ranges from 6% -12% per year, the total investment in SPAM development is Rp. .750,000,000,000.00, from the existing scenario it is concluded that the Bandar Lampung SPAM development project is not financially feasible. However, SPAM development is economically feasible because it increases water availability and the coverage of existing services and also expands regional development in the city of Bandar Lampung.Keywords: analiysis, SPAM, scenari

    Analisis Prioritas Perawatan Gedung Rsptn Universitas Lampung dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    Rumah Sakit merupakan tempat layanan publik yang perlu diperhatikan asetnya, terutama pada bangunannya. Agar aset memberikan tingkat pelayananan yang baik maka dari itu perlunya mengetahui prioritas perawatan aset Rumah Sakit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk penentuan prioritas perawatan bangunan gedung RSPTN Universitas Lampung agar efektif dan efisien.Penelitian ini menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) sebagai metodenya. Metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis 9 faktor terkait kinerja kerja aset yang didapat dari lokasi studi kasus yang telah melalui proses perhitungan sebelumnya. Faktor-faktor tersebut dibagi ke dalam tiga kriteria kinerja aset, yakni Kinerja Operasional, Kondisi, Tingkat Kepentingan.Hasil dari penelitian ini didapat dua hal yang berkaitan dalam aset fisik bangunan yaitu dari dampak yang ditimbulkan dan dari perawatan yang paling sering. Urutan proiritas dampaknya dari yang tertinggi sampai terendah adalah Kerusakan Struktur, Resiko, Jumlah Pengguna, Kerusakan Atap, Kerusakan Lantai, Tipe Perawatan, Kerusakan Dinding, Fungsi dan Nilai. Urutan proiritas perawarannya dari yang tertinggi sampai terendah Kerusakan Lantai, Tipe Perawatan,  Kerusakan Atap, Fungsi, Nilai, Jumlah Pengguna, Resiko, Kerusakan Dinding dan Kerusakan Struktur

    Green Building Assessment and Recommendations for Optimization Case Study of the Rectorate Building the University of Lampung

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    The Green Building Concept is a concept that offers a method of managing buildings with less energy and resources utilization to minimize the environmental impact.  Since its implementation to be mandator, it is time for the University of Lampung to start implementing this concept. This research was aimed at assessing the Rectorate Building rating based on the national standard on Green Building Certification (Greenship-GBCI).  There were several steps in conducting this research.  Firstly, an opinion survey was conducted to measure the level of satisfaction of the building’s users.  Secondly, a series of measurements related to lighting, temperature, humidity, noise, and air quality were carried out.  Furthermore, an interview survey related to the operation and maintenance of the building were conducted.  Finally, all of these data were entered in the Green Building rating tool for existing buildings. The results showed that the Rectorate Building score was 23 out of 117. This score is way below the score for a bronze rating of 35. Therefore, corrective action must be taken in order the building operation management to meet the Greenship-GBCI standard.  Assessment also needs to be done on buildings througout the university for a reference in developing the University of Lampung Eco-campus program

    Investment Analysis of New Port Development Project As a Solution to Overload Problems in Long Ports

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    The increasing demand for port services at the Panjang port causes high levels of ship queues. The solution to overcome this problem is to build a new port. However, this new port construction project has not yet conducted a feasibility study. The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of port development in the Panjang district of Bandar Lampung in terms of investment or financial aspects. The methods are Benefit-Cost Ratio, Net Present Value, Payback Period, and Internal Rate of Return. The results of the feasibility study of the most profitable investment are in the seventh scenario, the Net Present Value (NPV) of Rp. 463,292,122,605.34, the BCR result of 1.2959, the IRR yield of 12.11% and the Payback Period (PP) occur in the year to thirty-seventh with an economic age of 60 years. The conclusion is that the construction of a new port can be a solution to overcome the overload of Panjang port.The increasing demand for port services at the Panjang port causes high levels of ship queues. The solution to overcome this problem is to build a new port. However, this new port construction project has not yet conducted a feasibility study. The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of port development in the Panjang district of Bandar Lampung in terms of investment or financial aspects. The methods are Benefit-Cost Ratio, Net Present Value, Payback Period, and Internal Rate of Return. The results of the feasibility study of the most profitable investment are in the seventh scenario, the Net Present Value (NPV) of Rp. 463,292,122,605.34, the BCR result of 1.2959, the IRR yield of 12.11% and the Payback Period (PP) occur in the year to thirty-seventh with an economic age of 60 years. The conclusion is that the construction of a new port can be a solution to overcome the overload of Panjang port

    Analisis Pengendalian Mutu Beton pada Proyek Rumah Susun PIK Pulo Gadung dengan Metode Statistical Quality Control

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    Pertumbuhan penduduk terjadi begitu pesat sehingga menyebabkan permasalahan lahan perumahan. Rumah susun menjadi solusi hunian vertikal dengan memanfaatkan lahan secara efektif dan efisien, sesuai dengan SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) nomor 11 yaitu menjadikan kota dan pemukiman inklusif, aman, berketahanan dan berkelanjutan. Sehingga diperlukan pengawasan agar kualitasnya terjaga. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui kesesuaian mutu beton dari pelat, balok, kolom menggunakan metode Statistical Quality Control (SQC) serta faktor yang menyebabkan mutu beton sesuai/tidak dengan rencana. Pengendalian mutu dilakukan dengan pengujian kuat tekan. Hasil pengujian dianalisis dengan SQC. Dari analisis diperoleh hasil mutu beton dari pelat, balok, kolom memenuhi mutu rencana. Berdasarkan X-chart untuk pelat dan balok sesuai target 43,75%, dibawah target 25%%, keluar UCL 18,75%, keluar LCL 12,5%. Kolom fc’ 40 MPa sesuai target 63,64%, dibawah target 9,09%, keluar UCL 9,09%, keluar LCL 18,18%. Kolom Fc’ 30 MPa sesuai target 40%, dibawah target 20%, keluar UCL 20%, keluar LCL 20%. Berdasarkan R-chart untuk pelat dan balok sesuai target 43,75%, dibawah target 56,25%. Kolom fc’ 40 MPa sesuai target 45,45%, dibawah target 54,55%. Kesimpulannya berdasarkan X-chart memenuhi rencana, tetapi prosesnya tidak stabil. Berdasarkan R-chart prosesnya stabil dan terkendali. Besarnya variabilitas beton diindikasikan karena faktor air semen, curing dan kualitas pelaksanaan kurang sempurna

    Review Design Pekerjaan Struktur Proyek Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSUD. Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek

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    Review design proyek adalah kegiatan merekayasa perencanaan bangunan sehingga didapatkan perbandingan biaya material masing-masing. Tahapan dalam Review Design meliputi tahap pengumpulan data, penentuan metodologi, tahap analisis & pemodelan, desain & rekomendasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meninjau biaya bagian struktural dari bangunan rawat jalan seperti yang direncanakan dan membandingkannya dengan pilihan lain dari bahan konstruksi. Dalam studi ini, peninjauan hanya fokus pada pekerjaan struktural karena merupakan biaya terbesar dari keseluruhan biaya proyek. Material rencana untuk gedung adalah beton bertulang. Material alternative yang digunakan adalah baja untuk kolom dan balok serta komposit untuk pelat lantai. Dari penelitian ditemukan bahwa material yang ada yaitu beton bertulang memiliki biaya lebih rendah Rp12.029.919.096,05 dibandingkan bahan baja dan komposit yang menghasilkan biaya Rp20.732.428.550,38