167 research outputs found

    The Effect of Protected Lemuru Fish Oil Supplementation on In Vivo Nutrient Digestibility and Sheep Blood Profile

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    This research was intended to observe the effect of protected lemuru fish (Sardinella longiceps) oil for ruminants, especially for sheep. This study aimed to evaluate the digested nutrients and blood profile of sheep. This study was conducted in September-October 2020 in Dumbira Farm, Kalasan, Yogyakarta, using 12 sheep divided into 3 treatments with 4 replications each. Treatment P0 was Total Mixed Ration (TMR) without protected Lemuru fish oil (control), treatment P1 was TMR with 5% protected Lemuru fish oil, and treatment P2 was TMR with 10% protected Lemuru fish oil. The data were statistically analyzed using one way analysis of variance and continued with Duncan new Multiple Range Test for significant results. The results of this study indicated that the addition of 10% protected Lemuru fish oil in TMR feed had a significant effect (P<0,05) on the increased value of in vivo digestion of crude fiber and crude fat, but did not affect the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and protein. The addition of protected Lemuru fish oil did not cause hematological disorders showed by the blood profiles were in the normal range. In conclusion, protected lemuru fish oil supplementation had a favorable influence on the production performance without affecting blood profile of sheep

    Tenderness and the Calpain System of Three Different Types of Muscles of Kejobong Does under Two Different Energy Levels

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    Abstract. The purpose of research was to investigate whether there was influence of the addition of concentrates in basal feed on meat tenderness and calpastatin and calpain activities of three muscles of Kejobong does. A total of 20 heads of Kejobong does (2.0-2.5 years) with initial live weight range between 23.8-24.2 kg was studied and randomly set in two kinds of feed treatment, ie basal feed (p0) and basal feed plus concentrates (p1). Two kinds of feed were given to Kejobong doe for 12 weeks.   The observed variables were (1) tenderness of meat, (2) calpain activity (m-calpain activity and the activity of m-calpain), and (3) calpastatin activity. Data were processed using the General Linear Model Univariate procedure and Pearson Bivariate Correlation of the SPSS program.  Results showed that feeding (basal feed and basal feed plus concentrates) significantly affected meat tenderness of Kejobong doe. The types of muscles had highly significant effect on tenderness. Feeds affected m-calpain activity, m-calpain activity, and calpastatin activity in the muscles. Types of muscles exhibited variation in the activity of m-calpain, the activity of m-calpain, and calpastatin activity.  In conclusion, the addition of concentrates in the basal feed increased meat tenderness, and affected the activity of m-calpain, m-calpain, and calpastatin.Keywords:  activity of m-calpain and m-calpain, calpastatin activity, Kejobong doeAnimal Production 14(1):47-55, January 201

    Physicochemical Characteristics, in Vitro Fermentation Indicators, Gas Production Kinetics, and Degradability of Solid Herbal Waste as Alternative Feed Source for Ruminants

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    The aims of this research were to study the nutrient and secondary metabolite contents of solid herbal wastes (SHW) that were preserved by freeze drying, sun drying and silage, as well as to analyze their effects on in vitro fermentation indicators i.e., gas production kinetics and degradability of solid herbal waste. Physical and chemical properties on three forms of SHW (sun dry, freeze dry, and silage) were characterized and then an in vitro gas production experiment was performed to determine the kinetics of gas production, methane production, NH3, microbial protein, and SHW degradability. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) was added to the three treatments to determine the biological activity of tannins. Results showed that all three preparations of SHW still contained high nutrient and plant secondary metabolite contents. Gas production, methane, NH3, microbial protein, in vitro degradability of dry matter (IVDMD) and organic matter (IVDOM) of SHW silage were lower (P&lt;0.05) compared to sun dry and freeze dry. These results were apparently due to the high content of secondary metabolites especially tannin. It can be concluded that solid herbal wastes (SHW) can be used as an alternative feed ingredients for ruminants with attention to the content of secondary metabolites that can affect the process of fermentation and digestibility in the rumen

    Virulensi Fusarium Oxysporum F.sp. Zingiberi Isolat Boyolali dan Temanggung Setelah Disimpan Enam Tahun dalam Tanah Steril

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    This research aimed to study growth ability and virulence of several Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi isolates originated from Boyolali and Temanggung after being preserved for six years in sterile soils media. Completely Randomized Design was used with 12 treatments and 3 replications. F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi originated from Temanggung consisted of 7 isolates, i.e., TKO1, TKO3, TKO4, TKO6, TKO7, TPO1, TPO5; and from Boyolali consisted of 4 isolates, i.e., BAO2, BAO7, BAC, and BAP. Variables observed were growth on PDA, colony color, colony diameter, macroconidia and microconidia, mycelial dry weight, incubation period, attack area, and difference of fresh weight of rhizome. The result showed that all isolates of F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi both from Temanggung and Boyolali were able to grow well on PDA and fully covered the Petridish at 4.75–7.5 days. The most virulent isolate was TKO6 from Temanggung showing the fastest incubation period of 5 days after inoculation and the highest attack area of 420 mm2 or increase for 107.6%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui viabilitas dan virulensi beberapa isolat Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi setelah disimpan selama enam tahun pada tanah steril. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan tiga ulangan dan 12 perlakuan. Isolat F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi yang digunakan asal Temanggung terdiri atas tujuh isolat, yaitu TKO1, TKO3, TKO4, TKO6, TKO7, TPO1, dan TPO5; asal Boyolali terdiri atas empat isolat, yaitu BAO2, BAO7, BAC, dan BAP. Parameter yang diamati adalah pertumbuhan isolat pada medium PDA, warna koloni, diameter koloni, makrokonidium dan mikrokonidium, berat kering miselium, masa inkubasi, luas serangan, dan selisih berat basah rimpang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua isolat F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi asal Temanggung dan Boyolali, yang telah disimpan dalam medium tanah steril selama enam tahun, masih tumbuh de-ngan baik pada medium PDA dan memenuhi cawan Petri pada umur 4,75–7,5 hari. Isolat yang paling virulen adalah TKO6 asal Temanggung dengan masa inkubasi tercepat yaitu 5 hari setelah inokulasi dan luas serangan pada rimpang sebesar 420 mm2 atau ada peningkatan sampai 107,6

    Pengamatan Konsumsi Nutrien Kambing Bligon Betina Lepas Sapih Pada Pemeliharaan Kondisi Terkontrol Dan Kondisi Lapangan

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    Pemeliharaan kambing Bligon banyak dilakukan oleh masyarakat secara tradisional dimana pemeliharaan biasanya tidak begitu memperhatikan kecukupan nutrien pakan sehingga terkadang kebutuhan pakan tidak terpenuhi. Apalagi pada ternak muda, dimana pertumbuhan terjadi paling cepat, dan pemberian pakan yang mencukupi kebutuhan dapat memaksimalkan produktivitas ternak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsumsi dan kecernaan&nbsp; pada anak kambing Bligon betina lepas sapih yang dipelihara dalam kondisi terkontrol dan yang dipelihara pada kondisi lapangan. Penelitian menggunakan 16 ekor Kambing Bligon betina berumur 4 bulan dengan rata-rata berat awal 11,14 kg, yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu 8 ekor di pelihara secara terkontrol dan 8 ekor dipelihara pada kondisii lapangan. Kelompok terkontrol diberi pakan berupa kaliandra dan rumput raja, serta konsentrat, pada pemiliharaan dilapangan pemberian pakan&nbsp; disesuaikan dengan pemberian pakan yang dilakukan oleh peternak. Uji proksimat sesuai prosedur AOAC (2005) dilakukan pada bahan pakan dan feses. Analisis data menggunakan Uji-T. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi PK, LK, BETN dan TDN pada kambing yang dipelihara secara terkontrol berbeda nyata dari kambing yang dipelihara oleh peternak. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil yaitu, bahwa perlakuan pemeliharaan terkontrol dapat meningkatkan konsumsi nutrien Kambing Bligon lepas sapih

    Kecernaan Nutrien dan PBBH Kambing Bligon Betina Lepas Sapih Pada Pemeliharaan Kondisi Terkontrol dan Tidak Terkontrol

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsumsi dan kecernaan nutrien anak kambing Bligon jantan lepas sapih pada kondisi terkontrol dan kondisi lapangan. Empat belas ekor kambing Bligon jantan lepas sapih dengan umur 4-5 bulan digunakan dan terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok yang terdiri atas 7 ekor yang dipelihara secara terkontrol di Laboratorium Ilmu Ternak Potong, Kerja dan Kesayangan, Universitas Gadjah Mada dan 7 ekor dipelihara pada kondisi lapangan di Kelompok Gama Ngudi Lestari, Banyusoco, Gunung Kidul dengan berat rata-rata ternak pada kedua perlakuan 11,53 kg. Kelompok terkontrol diberi pakan berupa kaliandra dan rumput raja, serta konsentrat, sedangkan pemeliharaan di lapangan pemberian pakan disesuaikan dengan pemberian pakan yang dilakukan oleh peternak. Uji proksimat sesuai prosedur AOAC (2005) dilakukan pada bahan pakan dan feses. Analisis data menggunakan Uji-T. Hasil menunjukkan kecernaan BO, LK, SK, dan BETN pada kambing yang dipelihara terkontrol berbeda nyata dari yang dipelihara pada kondisi lapangan oleh peternak. Hasil PBBH menunjukkan bahwa pemeliharaan secara terkontrol maupun oleh peternak tidak menunjukkan hasil perbedaan nyata (p&gt;0,05). Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil yaitu, bahwa perlakuan pemeliharaan terkontrol dapat meningkatkan PBBH dan FCR akan tetapi belum efektif untuk menaikkan PBBH Kambing Bligon lepas sapih

    Physicochemical Characteristics Identification and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Solid Herbal Waste as Source of Feed Rich Fiber and Supplement for Ruminants

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    A study was conducted to determine the potency, physicochemical characteristics, and analyzed the secondary metabolites content of solid herbal waste (SWH) as a substitute source of feed rich fibre and feed supplements in ruminants. The first study includes an analysis of production potential, physical analysis, and chemical composition analysis of SWH. The second study was an analysis of secondary metabolites content of SWH. The results showed that SWH volume reached 6-8 m3/day or 4020-5360 kg/day, the chemical composition of herbal solid waste was similar to king grass with high lignin content (17.53%). SWH containing total phenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins , alkaloids and essential oils which generally have antimicrobial activity. According to the potential availability, chemical composition and secondary metabolites content of SWH, it can be used as an alternative for substitute of feed rich fiber or feed supplements with attention to the content of secondary metabolites that can affect the process of fermentation and digestibility in the rumen. Further in vitro and in vivo research ore needed to determine the effect of SWH on rumen fermentation parameters and its application in the ration in ruminant livestock

    Genetic Analysis Using Partial Sequencing of Melanocortin 4 Receptor (MC4R) Gene in Bligon Goat

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    Melanocortin 4 Receptor gene is involved in sympathetic nerve activity, adrenal and thyroid functions, and media for leptin in regulating energy balance and homeostasis. The aim of this research was to perform genetic analysis of MC4R gene sequences from Bligon goats. Fourty blood samples of Bligon does were used for DNA extraction. The primers were designed after alignment of 12 DNA sequences of MC4R gene from goat, sheep, and cattle. The primers were constructed on the Capra hircus MC4R gene sequence from GenBank (accession No. NM_001285591). Two DNA polymorphisms of MC4R were revealed in exon region (g.998 A/G and g.1079 C/T). The SNP g.998 A/G was a non-synonymous polymorphism i.e., changing of amino acid from methionine (Met) to isoleucine (Ile). The SNP g.1079 C/T was a synonymous polymorphism. Restriction enzyme mapping on Bligon goat MC4R gene revealed three restriction enzymes (RsaI (GT’AC), Acc651 (G’GTAC_C), and KpnI (G_GTAC’C), which can recognize the SNP at g.1079 C/T. The restriction enzymes may be used for genotyping of the gene target using PCR-RFLP method in the future research

    Tenderness and the Calpain System of Three Different Types of Muscles of Kejobong Does Under Two Different Energy Levels

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    . The purpose of research was to investigate whether there was influence of the addition of concentrates in basal feed on meat tenderness and calpastatin and calpain activities of three muscles of Kejobong does. A total of 20 heads of Kejobong does (2.0-2.5 years) with initial live weight range between 23.8-24.2 kg was studied and randomly set in two kinds of feed treatment, ie basal feed (p0) and basal feed plus concentrates (p1). Two kinds of feed were given to Kejobong doe for 12 weeks. The observed variables were (1) tenderness of meat, (2) calpain activity (m-calpain activity and the activity of m-calpain), and (3) calpastatin activity. Data were processed using the General Linear Model Univariate procedure and Pearson Bivariate Correlation of the SPSS program. Results showed that feeding (basal feed and basal feed plus concentrates) significantly affected meat tenderness of Kejobong doe. The types of muscles had highly significant effect on tenderness. Feeds affected m-calpain activity, m-calpain activity, and calpastatin activity in the muscles. Types of muscles exhibited variation in the activity of m-calpain, the activity of m-calpain, and calpastatin activity. In conclusion, the addition of concentrates in the basal feed increased meat tenderness, and affected the activity of m-calpain, m-calpain, and calpastatin
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