9 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memperoleh informasi tentang strategi pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran Matematika menggunakan kurikulum merdeka di SD Islam Kauman. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu menggambarkan subject tentang situasi dan data yang diperoleh selama pengamatan dan berbagai pertanyaan sehingga menjadi informasi yang berguna dan mudah dipahami oleh pembaca. Penelitian ini menjelaskan dan memberi gambaran mengenai strategi pembelajaran Matematika menggunakan kurikulum merdeka di SD Islam Kauman. Hasil peneletian ini menunjukan bahwa implementasi strategi pembelajaran menggunakan kurikulum merdeka di SD Islam Kauman dilaksanakan dengan optimal dan berlangsung , walaupun dalam pelaksanaanya masih ada kekurangan dan hambatan. Kunci keberhasilan dari adanya penerapan strategi pembelajaran menggunakan kurikulum merdeka di SD Islam Kauman adalah dari Kepala sekolah, guru kelas, serta wali murid untuk mendukung serta memfasilitasi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran


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    Glokalisasi dimaknai sebagai globalization with local flavor yang mana pada Pendidikan Islam, tidak terlepas dari pengembangan pendidikan lokal melalui pendekatan global value chain dan upgrading produk lulusan pendidikan. Implementasi perubahan yang dilakukan pada globalisasi lebih bertumpu perubahan material yang sebenarnya bertentangan dengan ajaran agama Islam karena masyarakat revolusi 4.0 lebih diwakili oleh kapitalisme dan sosialisme dengan ketergantungan internet. Madrasah Aliyah Keagamaan adalah salah satu lembaga yang mewadahi tentang bagaimana pembentukan siswa dengan kepribadian ISLAMI (Ikhlas-Sabar-Lillah-Amanah-Maunah-Islah) yang memiliki ilmu teknologi dan kualitas yang mampu bersaing dalam globalisasi tanpa meninggalkan budaya daerah. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah mendeskripsikan peluang glokalisasi kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Madrasah Aliyah Keagamaan di era revolusi industri 4.0. Metode penelitian adalah studi literature dengan mengumpulkan data-data tertulis dari sumber referensi yang terkait. Hasil tulisan artikel ini memetakan 1) urgensi dan peluang glokalisasi kurikulum PAI Madrasah Aliyah Keagamaan, dan 2) tahapan penyusunan glokalisasi kurikulum PAI Madrasah Aliyah Keagamaan di era revolusi industri 4.0

    Inovasi Pembelajaran PAI dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan PAI

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    In today's technological era, innovation in learning is very important. The rapid development of technological progress must be utilized as best as possible by educators, especially Islamic religious educators. This paper is specifically focused on innovative ideas for learning PAI in schools in the face of disruptive innovation in the digital era. In the learning process the use of appropriate and effective technology is a must so that the learning process is not stagnant and rigid. Islamic religious education learning innovations must also be carried out immediately so that they can quickly develop in a better direction, produce quality output, especially in learning methods. The internet as an alternative medium for innovating Islamic religious education learning methods, can be done in the form of e-learning, or applications that facilitate the delivery of learning material, so that the learning process has an increasingly existence to attract attention, not be boring and can improve the quality of education. The method used in compiling this journal is a data collection method by means of library research, carried out by collecting data that is significantly related to problems related to Islamic Religious Education learning innovations to improve the quality of Islamic Religious Education in Indonesia

    Strategi Pembelajaran Inklusi

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    Education is an instrument in shaping children's character so that they become a more qualified and independent generation. By nature, a child is born unique with different characters from one another. The difference can be in terms of physical and non-physical. And all of them must be able to be addressed by the education system and the method of attorney by positioning them according to their respective natures. Acts of discrimination both verbal and non-verbal in education must be eliminated and abolished because apart from violating government regulations it also violates the innate nature of a child. At SD Negeri Kedalingan 02 for example, where several children with special needs are given education and teaching according to their nature and needs. They are embraced so that self-confidence grows and they are nurtured using the among method and then directed to develop their potential without discrimination. And indeed educators and teachers have to work twice because they have to prepare two different devices at one time. In terms of their evaluation of the educators and teachers of SD Negeri Kedalingan 02 they are quite good although there are still some problems that must be addressed proportionately. On the other hand, parents in this case must be pro-active and mutually reinforcing for the good of their children in the future without reducing or denying the child's natur

    Strategi Guru PAI dalam Memberikan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IV untuk Mewujudkan Tujuan Sekolah di SDIT Al Islam Kudus Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023

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    This research was conducted at SDIT Al Islam Kudus, with the title raised "Strategy of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Providing Learning Motivation for Class IV Students to Realize School Goals at SDIT Al Islam Kudus Academic Year 2022/2023". Strategy is a plan that will be carried out to achieve a goal. As a teacher or educator, you must have a real plan and effort in carrying out each of your duties. Teachers are not only able to give or convey lessons (transfer of knowledge). But a teacher must also be able to provide enthusiasm or motivation, guidance, directions, solutions, and various other kinds of efforts that are expected to be able to provide understanding to students, so that they are not confused about what they have to prepare, do, and realize (realize) according to with what are the goals of themselves personally, teachers, parents, and the educational goals of their school. So that a goal can be realized, it is necessary to have a strategy that is able to provide an overview of the design (plan) which ultimately creates the best value and results for what you want to achieve. The teacher's strategy here, more specifically Islamic religious education teachers, is very important, it can even become a basis or benchmark to be able to see the extent to which each student they project is able to understand the goals expected by the school


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    Pendidikan Membaca Alquran Berbasis Media Video Call Whatsapp pada Anak-Anak Gizaka Privat Desa Babalan, Kecamatan  Gabus, Kabupaten Pati memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui tahapan pendidikan membaca alquran berbasis video call whatsapp pada anak-anak Gizaka Privat Desa Babalan, Kecamatan Gabus, Kabupaten Pati dan mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat pendidikan membaca alquran berbasis video call whatspp pada anak-anak Gizaka Privat Desa Babalan, Kecamatan Gabus, Kabupaten Pati. Adapun jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif deksriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi dianalisis dengan teknik triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian berkaitan dengan tahapan-tahapan pendidikan membaca alquran berbasis video call whatspp pada anak-anak Gizaka Privat Desa Babalan, Kecamatan Gabus, Kabupaten Pati dan faktor pendukung serta penghambat pendidikan membaca alquran berbasis video call whatsapp pada anak-anak Gizaka Privat Desa Babalan, Kecamatan Gabus, Kabupaten Pati

    The Role of Ipnu - Ippnu in Education During Pan-demi Covid -19

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    Organisasi pelajar dapat bertindak sebagai salah satu penguat karakter bangsa di masa depan. Sebagai organisasi pelajar dibawah Banom NU, IPNU-IPPNU memiliki peran dalam menghadapi permasalahan bangsa, terutama disaat pandemi seperti. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan kajian tentang kontribusi organisasi pelajar IPNU-IPPNU dalam pendidikan dimasa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini termasuk studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Objek kajian yaitu peran IPNU dan IPPNU PAC Tlogowungu Kabupaten Pati dalam pendidikan di masa pandemic covid-19 dengan informan ketua IPNU-IPPNU, dan pengurus PAC Tlogowungu serta orang tua dan pelajar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan observasi dengan teknik analisis data deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan dari Miles and Huberman yang terdiri dari reduksi data, data display dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tantangan terbesar IPNU-IPPNU dalam pendidikan di masa pandemic covid-19 adalah lemahnya akhlak pelajar karena kehilangan sosok guru sebagai teladan selama pembelajaran jarak jauh. Program pendukung pendidikan masa pandemi diantaranya webminar, teras pelajar, student corner, konco sinau, program dakwah melalui media sosial dan membentuk departemen yang khusus dalam dunia pendidikan, yaitu JSP (Jaringan Sekolah dan Pesantren). Keberhasilan program IPNU-IPPNU PAC Tlogowungu didukung dari antusiame kader dan dukungan stakeholder setempat, sedangkan hambatannya keterbatasan dana dan juga Fasilitas penunjang kegiatan program kerja, ijin dan juga aturan yang kondisional mengikuti perkembangan kasus covid-19 yang mengakibatkan beberapa program di IPNU-IPPNU tidak dapat berjalan secara optimal. Student organizations can act as one of strengthening the nation's character in the future. The student organizations under the NU Banom, IPNU, and IPPNU are expected to deal with the nation's problems, especially during this pandemic. This study investigates IPNU-IPPNU student organizations' contribution to education during the covid-19 pandemic. This research is a case study research with a qualitative approach. The object of the study was carried out on the role of IPNU and IPPNU PAC Tlogowungu Pati Regency in education during the covid-19 pandemic with informants, namely the leader of IPNU-IPPNU, administrators of PAC Tlogowungu, and also parents and students. Data collection techniques using interview and observation techniques with analytical data use descriptive analysis with Miles and Huberman Model approach, including data reduction, data display, and verification techniques. The results showed that the biggest challenge of IPNU-IPPNU was the weakness of students' morals due to the loss of a teacher as a role model during distance learning. Educational support programs during the pandemic include webinars, student terraces, student corners, Konco Sinau, programs through social media, and forming a special department in the world of education, namely JSP (School Network and Islamic Boarding School). The supporting factors of the IPNU-IPPNU PAC Tlogowungu program, the enthusiasm of cadres and the support of local stakeholders, while the obstacles are limited funds and also supporting facilities for work program activities, permits, and also conditions that are conditionally uncertain following the development of the Covid-19 case which resulted in several programs at IPNU -IPPNU cannot run optimally


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    In an education there will be something called curriculum, because the nature of the curriculum is part of the systematics of education or can usually be used as a backbone in explaining material to achieve an educational success. From that, to achieve the right goals and also succeed, the curriculum must be able to develop according to the times. As from the 1994 Curriculum to the Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK), from KBK to KTSP, and from KTSP to the 2013 Curriculum until now, only a few schools have implemented what is called the Independent Curriculum. Changes to the Curriculum itself are usually influenced by several factors. from human needs that are always changing or usually can also be caused by economic, political, and also cultural factors


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    The curriculum is one of the most important factors in the implementation of education, because the curriculum is the benchmark that will be conveyed by the teacher to his students. Therefore, the curriculum must also be adapted to the needs of students, so that the curriculum must go through a development phase, especially in the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum. From the development of the PAI curriculum, a foundation is needed so that the curriculum can be applied, namely with the principles of the PAI curriculum. This study aims to review the principles of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum development which are the main foundation in curriculum development