77 research outputs found
Nutritional Qualities of Cocoa Pod Husk Treated with Bioconversion and or Provision of Nitrogen Sources in the Rumen
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of bioconversion using Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Pleurotus ostreatus and or inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaves and urea in the rumen on cocoa pod husk digestibility and fermentation in the rumen. There were 4 treatments tested: (1) 100% untreated cocoa pod husk (UCPH), (2) 55% UCPH + 43.7% M. oleifera + 1.30% urea (UCPHMU), (3) 100% bioconverted cocoa pod husk (BCPH), and (4) 55% BCPH + 44.5 M. oleifera + 0.5% urea (BCPHMU). Each of the treatments was replicated three times. Variables observed were dry matter and organic matter digestibilities and degradabilities, rumen VFA and ammonia concentrations, gas production, and calculated microbial biomass yields. Results indicated that the treatment increased dry matter (P<0.001) and organic matter (P<0.01) digestibility, with the highest for the BCPHMU and the lowest for the UCPH. The treatments also increased dry matter and organic matter degradability in the rumen (P<0.001), with the highest for the BCPHMU, followed by the UCPHMU, and then by the BCPH and the lowest was UCPH. The treatment affected rumen ammonia concentration (P=0.01), the highest value was found for the BCPHMU followed with UCPHMU and BCPH. Microbial biomass synthesis was affected (P<0.001) by the treatment and it was always higher when nitrogen was provided (UCPHMU and BCPHMU). Total VFA concentration or total gas production was higher for BCPHMU compared to other treatments. It can be concluded that nutritional quality of cocoa pod husk can be improved by either bioconversion with P. chrysosporium and P. ostreatus or inclusion of M. oleifera and urea in the rumen, but the best improvement can be obtained by the combination of bioconversion and provision of the nitrogen sources in the rumen
Bilimbi is one of the plants that contains flavonoids and it can be found in Indonesia, however its
utilization is not optimal yet. Flavanoids are known as one of the largest natural phenols which has functions
not only as an antioxidant but also can protect the cell structure, improve the effectiveness of vitamin C, antiinflammatory,
preventing bone loss, antidiarrheal, antidiabetic and antibiotics. Some previous research is
focused on testing the effectiveness of flavonoids as traditional medicine, but there is no research evaluating
the optimal conditions of flavonoids extraction from bilimbi’s leaves. This research aims to determine the
optimal conditions which include the volume of solvent and maceration time, in order to obtain the most
optimal of flavonoids extracted and are expected can improve its effectiveness as materials for traditional
medicine in the future. The research begin with the preparation of materials. Then, 10 grams of bilimbi’s
leaves were macerated using ethanol 96% by volume solvent and maceration time varied. Before the
maceration time is calculated, stirring with a mercury stirrer speed of 200 rpm for 1 hour. Liquid extract of
maceration is filtered by using a buchner funnel, then concentrated by using rotary evaporator. Condensed
extract was analyzed quantitatively by using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Optimal conditions of this research
was obtained when using volume of solvent 250 mL and macerated for 48 hours which 72.31 mg of
flavonoids extracted as its result
Model prediksi kebangkrutan pada perusahaan perusahaan properti-konstruksi di Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the Altman, Grover, and AAN models in predicting the bankruptcy of construction-property companies in Indonesia. Sample selection used the purposive sampling method, and the sample is property and construction companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data analysis used Hit Ratio followed by Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney statistical tests. The analysis of bankruptcy predictions using the Altman method obtained that in 2015 there were two issuers grouping bankrupt companies; in 2016, 2017, and 2018, there were four issuers, and five issuers in 2019. The Grover method predicted two issuers to go bankrupt in 2016, four issuers in 2017, three in 2018, and five in 2019. The bankruptcy prediction of the AAN method shows that there are 18 issuers (2015), 19 issuers (2016), 22 issuers (2017), and 20 issuers (2018). Based on the Hit Ratio value, the accuracy of the Altman method is 88.85%, the Grover method is 90.38%, and the AAN method is 61.54%. There is a significant difference between the accuracy of the Grover method, Altman and the AAN method. The best order of accuracy in predicting bankruptcy is the Grover, Altman, and AAN methods.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis model Altman, Grover, dan AAN dalam prediksi kebangkrutan perusahaan Properti-Konstruksi di Indonesia. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Pemilihan sampel dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling yaitu perusahaan properti dan konstruksi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data dianalisis dengan Hit Ratio dilanjutkan uji statistik Kruskal Wallis dan Mann-Whitney. Hasil analisis prediksi kebangkrutan dengan metode Altman diperoleh pengelompokan perusahaan bangkrut pada tahun 2015 sebanyak dua emiten, tahun 2016, 2017, 2018 terdapat empat emiten, dan pada tahun 2019 terdapat lima emiten. Metode Grover diprediksi bangkrut tahun 2016 sebanyak dua emiten, tahun 2017 sebanyak empat emiten, tahun 2018 sebanyak tiga emiten, dan tahun 2019 sebanyak lima emiten. Prediksi kebangkrutan metode AAN menunjukkan ada 18 emiten (2015), 19 emiten (2016), terdapat 22 emiten (2017), ada 20 emiten (2018), dan terdapat 24 emiten (2016). Berdasarkan Nilai Hit Ratio akurasi metode Altman adalah 88,85%, metode Grover sebesar 90,38%, dan metode AAN sebesar 61,54%. Hasil komparasi menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara akurasi metode Altman dengan metode AAN. Ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara akurasi metode Grover dengan metode AAN. Urutan tingkat akurasi dalam memprediksi kebangkrutan yang paling baik adalah metode Grover, Altman, dan AAN
Dairy Goats Feeding Profile in Lowland Area, East Java Province, Indonesia
This research aims to study the profile of dairy goats feeding people in the rainy season and the dry lowland in East Java province, Indonesia. The area selected is Kediri and Blitar districts considering a buffer zone of Kelud agro tourism, development of dairy goat breeder for 10 years increased but there is a decrease in land for agriculture. Selection of the location of each district based on stratified sampling based on the number of farmers. Survey research methods with interview techniques and field observations on 44 dairy goat breeders taken total sampling, to obtain data on materials preparation, administration and composition of the feed, concentrate feed ingredients. Data feed intake, milk production and profits derived from measurements of the entire dairy goats belonging to 19 farmers, selected from 44 respondents with stratified sampling technic based on proximity between the locations of the breeder farm. Rainfall in wet and dry was 1933 vs. 566 mm / 6 months. A total of 61.36 % of farmers taking forage at a distance of 2-3 km (rainy) and 25.0 % (dry) , the location of paddy land as the location where the breeders take when wet forage (50 %) and dry (27.27 %) , which is then by 45.45 % farmers dikeringudarakan (Hay) when wet and when dry (22.73 %) . The highest forage types used are natural grass and crops waste, while wet 44.23 % and 56.95 % at 23:55 and 37.88 % dry. The composition of the feed is highest when the wet grass and concentrate 48.24 legumes 12:47 10.88 %, while dry legumes into a 23:47 concentrate 22.68 and 25.99 %. Concentrate in the form of increased use of cassava tubers in the dry season than the wet is 12:40 compared to 22.88 and 26.45 conversely rice hull into 15.78. Intake of DM, OM and milk production in wet vs. dry season was 85.75 vs. 55.68; 71.78 vs. 49.17 g/kgBW0.75/head/day, 0:54 vs. 0.65 l/head/day. Benefit in wet vs. dry season vs. 5.732/head/day was ÂŁ 9,448. To increase the supply of forage in the dry season should be increased use of crop waste as a source of energy and fiber as well as the provision in the form of hay or ensilage durable that can be stored. The composition of feed concentrates particularly forage ratio needs to be improved so that consumption can be obtained nutrients is met and optimal profit. Keywords: Ettawa crossbreed, Lowland, Feeding Characteristics, profit, seaso
IWAN KUSMARTONO, C 9606302. 2006: “Penggunaan Bahasa Mandarin
dalam Kegiatan Kehumasan di UPT P2B-UNS”. Tugas Akhir, Surakarta:
Program Studi D3 Bahasa China, FSSR Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta,
2009. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1). Dalam hal apa saja
penggunaan bahasa Mandarin diperlukan dalam setiap kegiatan kehumasan di
UPT P2B. (2). Apa saja hambatan dalam setiap kegiatan kehumasan berkaitan
dengan penggunaan Bahasa Mandarin?
Penulisan Tugas Akhir ini dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 2 Maret – 20 Mei
2009. Metodologi penelitian yang dilakukan adalah Metode Deskiptif, dimana
penulis tidak melakukan pengujian jalinan hubungan antar variabel yang diteliti.
Instrumen yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data adalah observasi langsung,
dan studi kepustakaan, berupa mencatat hasil observasi dan mensitir kepustakaan
(buku, teks, dokumentasi, file, artikel dimedia massa cetak).
Dari hasil pelaksanaan Praktek Kerja Lapangan dapat diketahui bahwa:
banyak sekali ruang lingkup kegiatan kehumasan yang bisa dikerjakan oleh setiap
staff UPT P2B, sehingga bisa meningkatkan mutu layanan kepada konsumen,
baik layanan administratif maupun akademis. Dari uraian di atas dapat
disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Seluruh kegiatan yang telah selesai dan terlaksana dengan
lancar sesuai dengan perencanaan yang telah disusun sebelumnya. (2).
Kekompakan antar staf di UPT P2B terus terjalin dengan baik, ini merupakan
faktor pendukung yang sangat berarti sehingga pembagian tugas dan koordinasi
tetap terjaga demi kelancaran tugas-tugas kehumasan yang dilaksanakan
Optimasi Volume Pelarut Dan Waktu Maserasi Pengambilan Flavonoid Daun Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi L.)
Belimbing wuluh merupakan salah satu tanaman yang mengandung flavonoid dan banyak dijumpai di Indonesia namun pemanfaatannya belum optimal.Flavonoid merupakan salah satu golongan fenol alam terbesar yang fungsinya tidak hanyasebagai antioksidan namun juga dapat melindungi struktur sel, meningkatkan efektivitas vitamin C, anti-inflamasi, mencegah keropos tulang, antidiare, antidiabetes, dan antibiotik.Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya masih menekankan pada uji efektivitas flavonoid sebagai obat tradisional, namun belum ada penelitian yang mengkaji kondisi optimal pengambilan flavonoid dari daun belimbing wuluh. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kondisi optimalyang meliputi volume pelarut dan waktu maserasi, sehingga diperoleh flavonoid terekstrak yang paling optimal dan diharapkan selanjutnya dapat meningkatkan efektivitasnya sebagai bahan pembuatan obat tradisional. Penelitian dimulai dengan preparasi bahan. Kemudian sebanyak 10 gram bahan dimaserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96% dengan volume pelarut dan waktu maserasi yang divariasikan. Sebelum waktu maserasi mulai dihitung, dilakukan pengadukan dengan pengaduk merkuri berkecepatan 200 rpm selama 1 jam. Hasil maserasi disaring menggunakan corong buchner, dipekatkan menggunakan rotary evaporator. Ekstrak kental yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Kondisi optimal dari penelitian ini tercapai saat digunakan volume pelarut 250 mL yang dimaserasi selama 48 jam dimana diperoleh berat flavonoid terekstrak sebanyak 72,31 mg
The Effect of Protecting Lysine and Methionine with Condensed Tannin Added Into Total Mixed Ration on Efficiency of Microbial Protein Synthesis by Using an in Vitro Gas Production Approach
An in vitro study investigating the effects of adding CT-protected Lysine (Lys) and Methionine (Met) on gas production and efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (EMPS) of total mixed ration (TMR) was conducted at Animal Nutrition Laboratory. TMR were composed of concentrate and maize stover at 50:50 ratios in DM basis. The experiment used 4x4 factorial randomized design and 3 replications. The first factor was level of Lys and Met (3 g Lys- 1 g Met; 5 g Lys- 1.67 g Met; 7 g Lys- 2.33 g Met; 9 g Lys- 3 g Met) and the second factor was level or percentage of CT (0%, 6%, 8% and 10%) of Lys and Met. Parameters measured were cumulative gas production recorded at 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36 and 48 h, DMD and OMD of residues, concentrations of NH3 and VFAs, and EMPS. The results showed that there was interaction effect between levels of Lys-Met and CT on cumulative gas production and b value, with treatment A1B3 (3g Lys + 1g Met) + 8% CT) being the lowest (106.2 ml 121.9 ml) and A4B1 (9g Lys + 3g Met) being the highest (121.9 ml and 136.8 ml). Increasing level of Lys-Met alone significantly increased cumulative gas production, DMD, and ammonia-N, but did not increase c value, OMD , concentrations of acetic, propionic and butyric acids, total VFA, ratio of C2/C3, and EMPS. Increasing level of CT reduced cumulative gas production; b value, ammonia-N, C2, C3, C4, and total VFA, with 0% CT and 10% CT being associated with the highest and the lowest value of those parameters. The highest value of EMPS was found on treatment A1B4 (3g Lys + 1g Met+10% CT; 50.3 g N/kg DOM). It can be concluded that CT is able to protect Lys-Met from being fermented in the rumen, hence improving EMPS value. Keywords: lysine, methionine, CT, in vitro gas productio
Botanical Composition and Quality of Ruminant Feed Resources in the Dry Land Farming Areas in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the botanical composition and quality of ruminant feed resources in dry land farming areas. The research toke place in Kemejing village, Semin subdistrict, Gunugkidul district, Yogyakarta province, Indonesia. Data obtained in a participatory rural appraisal method of 17 samples of farmers which are determined by purposive sampling. Data taken within two seasons namely dry season and the wet season each for 4 x 10 days and 3 x 10 days are respectively along with agricultural harvest crops. All the data obtained are reported descriptively. The results showed that the type of feed given to cattle is very varied. There are 35 species in the dry season and 15 species in the wet season. There is no concentrates were used as feed for 2 seasons. Rice straw is the most dominant type of feed used as feedstaff seen from the frequency of services and the amount consumed both in the dry and wet season, followed by elephant grass, corn straw, native grass and peanut straw. Ration composition was dominated by two types of feed rations by both dry and wet season with a variety of types 1-6 in the dray season and 1-4 type on the wet season. The chemical composition is not much different for each type of feed between seasons, whereas the greatest difference between the different types of feed. The conclusion, farmers provided feed to the cattle have not been based on the nutrient requirements for production, but rather the number of quantity (stuffed animals). And to survive in difficult circumstances widely used feed forage feed from other plants. Key words: feed resources, botanical composition, ruminant, dry land, forage, cattl
Feeding strategies for improving ruminant productivity in the post-COVID 19 pandemic era particularly for small holders
COVID-19 has highlighted the need for robust cattle supply chains using local feed resources. Higher Income Over Food Costs (IOFC) are usually achieved when live weight gains are high and the cost of the ingredients are low. There is a need to formulate rations with high metabolisable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) to achieve the high live weight gain. Rations can be formulated locally by farmer co-operatives, entrepreneurs and local commercial enterprises to take advantage of cheaper prices for local ingredients. To do this, rations need to be altered quickly to take advantage of local fluctuations in prices and availability of ingredients. A recent ACIAR funded project has developed a least cost ration (ACIAR LCR) system to formulate rations to meet minimum ME and CP contents for beef cattle using locally available ingredients. The use of cassava and its various products in combination with protein sources, such as tree legumes and high protein by-products, have markedly improved IOFC
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