222 research outputs found

    TT Arietis - Observations of a Cataclysmic Variable Star with the MOST Space Telescope

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    We measured the photometric flux of the cataclysmic variable TT Arietis (BD+14 341) using the MOST space telescope. Periodic oscillations of the flux reveal the orbital period as well as other features of this binary system. We applied a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) on a reduced dataset to retrieve the frequencies of TT Arietis. The analysis of the system revealed a photometric period of 3.19 hours. Though the MOST data has a high cadence of 52.8 seconds, a fine structure of the accretion disk is not obvious.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, JENAM 2008 proceeding

    A search for transiting planets in the β\beta Pictoris system

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    The bright (V=3.86)(V=3.86) star β\beta Pictoris is a nearby young star with a debris disk and gas giant exoplanet, β\beta Pictoris b, in a multi-decade orbit around it. Both the planet's orbit and disk are almost edge-on to our line of sight. We carry out a search for any transiting planets in the β\beta Pictoris system with orbits of less than 30 days that are coplanar with the planet β\beta Pictoris b. We search for a planetary transit using data from the BRITE-Constellation nanosatellite BRITE-Heweliusz, analyzing the photometry using the Box-Fitting Least Squares Algorithm (BLS). The sensitivity of the method is verified by injection of artificial planetary transit signals using the Bad-Ass Transit Model cAlculatioN (BATMAN) code. No planet was found in the BRITE-Constellation data set. We rule out planets larger than 0.6 RJ\mathrm{R_J} for periods of less than 5 days, larger than 0.75 RJ\mathrm{R_J} for periods of less than 10 days, and larger than 1.05 RJ\mathrm{R_J} for periods of less than 20 days.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Observations of Cepheids with the MOST satellite: Contrast between Pulsation Modes

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    The quantity and quality of satellite photometric data strings is revealing details in Cepheid variation at very low levels. Specifically, we observed a Cepheid pulsating in the fundamental mode and one pulsating in the first overtone with the Canadian MOST satellite. The 3.7-d period fundamental mode pulsator (RT Aur) has a light curve that repeats precisely, and can be modeled by a Fourier series very accurately. The overtone pulsator (SZ Tau, 3.1 d period) on the other hand shows light curve variation from cycle to cycle which we characterize by the variations in the Fourier parameters. We present arguments that we are seeing instability in the pulsation cycle of the overtone pulsator, and that this is also a characteristic of the O-C curves of overtone pulsators. On the other hand, deviations from cycle to cycle as a function of pulsation phase follow a similar pattern in both stars, increasing after minimum radius. In summary, pulsation in the overtone pulsator is less stable than that of the fundamental mode pulsator at both long and short timescales.Comment: accepted in MNRAS, 11 pages, 10 figure

    SMEI observations of previously unseen pulsation frequencies in γ Doradus

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    Aims. As g-mode pulsators, gamma-Doradus-class stars may naïvely be expected to show a large number of modes. Taking advantage of the long photometric time-series generated by the solar mass ejection imager (SMEI) instrument, we have studied the star gamma Doradus to determine whether any other modes than the three already known are present at observable amplitude. Methods. High-precision photometric data from SMEI taken between April 2003 and March 2006 were subjected to periodogram analysis with the PERIOD04 package. Results. We confidently determine three additional frequencies at 1.39, 1.87, and 2.743 d−1. These are above and beyond the known frequencies of 1.320, 1.364, and 1.47 d−1. Conclusions. Two of the new frequencies, at 1.39 and 1.87 d−1, are speculated to be additional modes of oscillation, with the third frequency at 2.743−1 a possible combination frequency

    Studying the photometric and spectroscopic variability of the magnetic hot supergiant ζ\zeta Orionis Aa

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    Massive stars play a significant role in the chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies. However, much of their variability, particularly during their evolved supergiant stage, is poorly understood. To understand the variability of evolved massive stars in more detail, we present a study of the O9.2Ib supergiant ζ\zeta Ori Aa, the only currently confirmed supergiant to host a magnetic field. We have obtained two-color space-based BRIght Target Explorer photometry (BRITE) for ζ\zeta Ori Aa during two observing campaigns, as well as simultaneous ground-based, high-resolution optical CHIRON spectroscopy. We perform a detailed frequency analysis to detect and characterize the star's periodic variability. We detect two significant, independent frequencies, their higher harmonics, and combination frequencies: the stellar rotation period Prot=6.82±0.18P_{\mathrm{rot}} = 6.82\pm0.18 d, most likely related to the presence of the stable magnetic poles, and a variation with a period of 10.0±0.310.0\pm0.3 d attributed to circumstellar environment, also detected in the Hα\alpha and several He I lines, yet absent in the purely photospheric lines. We confirm the variability with ProtP_{\mathrm{rot}}/4, likely caused by surface inhomogeneities, being the possible photospheric drivers of the discrete absorption components. No stellar pulsations were detected in the data. The level of circumstellar activity clearly differs between the two BRITE observing campaigns. We demonstrate that ζ\zeta Ori Aa is a highly variable star with both periodic and non-periodic variations, as well as episodic events. The rotation period we determined agrees well with the spectropolarimetric value from the literature. The changing activity level observed with BRITE could explain why the rotational modulation of the magnetic measurements was not clearly detected at all epochs.Comment: 20 pages, 5 tables, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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