90 research outputs found

    What Justifies Civil Disobedience?

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    Thesis (M.A) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2019Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019Thesis aims to show that civil disobedience should be justifiable. More precisely, civil disobedience should be justifiable, because it can be illegal, but also can be morally right and just. Paper is divided into five chapters. Civil disobedience is continuously changing and contested concept, so first chapter analyzes the various conceptualization of the concept. At the analyze of various conceptualization, five main axis's and eleven constituents comes into prominence. Thinkers which is analyzed at third chapter argues that it would be immoral to disobey the laws, morality requires obedience to laws. In contrast to this view at the fourth chapter paper analyzes the justifications of civil disobedience.Bu tez sivil itaatsizliğin meşrulaştırılabileceğini savunmaktadır. Sivil itaatsizlik illegal olabilir, fakat aynı zamanda ahlaki açıdan doğru ve haklı da olabilir. Tez beş bölümden oluşuyor. Sivil itaatsizlik sürekli değişen ve tartışılan bir kavram olduğu için, ilk bölüm sivil itaatsizliğin farklı kavramsallaştırılmalarını analiz ediyor. Bu analiz sırasında, beş ana tartışma ekseni ve on bir bileşen ön plana çıkıyor. Üçüncü bölümde analiz edilen düşünürler, yasalara uymamanın gayriahlaki olduğunu, ahlakın yasalara uymayı gerektirdiğini savunuyor. Bu görüşlere karşıt olarak dördüncü bölüm sivil itaatsizliğin gerekçelendirilmesini analiz ediyor. Farklı bağlamlarda, yasalara uymak gayriahlaki, uymamak ise ahlaki olabilir. Dördüncü bölüm, kavramın normatif boyutunu üç kısımda inceliyor. İlk kısım sivil itaatsizliği ahlak prensibi, ikinci kısım ahlaki değer, üçüncü kısımsa bir erdem pratiği olarak analiz ediyor. Son bölüm sivil itaatsizliğe ihtiyacımız olduğunu, but sebeple marjinalleştirmemiz gerektiğini savunuyor. Tez, ne yasalara uymada ne de yasalara uymamada kendinden gelen bir değerin olmadığını savunuyor. Çünkü, ikisi de eşit olarak gerekçelendirmeye ihtiyaç duyar.Yüksek LisansM.

    E-Learning and microformats: a learning object harvesting model and a sample application

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    In order to support interoperability of learning tools and reusability of resources, this paper introduces a framework for harvesting learning objects from web-based content. Therefore, commonly-known web technologies are examined with respect to their suitability for harvesting embedded meta-data. Then, a lightweight application profile and a microformat for learning objects are proposed based on well-known learning object metadata standards. Additionally, we describe a web service which utilizes XSL transformation (GRDDL) to extract learning objects from different web pages, and provide a SQI target as a retrieval facility using a more complex query language called SPARQL. Finally, we outline the applicability of our framework on the basis of a search client employing the new SQI service for searching and retrieving learning objects

    Impact of Dental Rehabilitation Under General Anesthesia on Oral Health-Related Quality-of-Life and Dental Anxiety in Turkish Children

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    Objective: To analyze children's and parents' oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and children's dental fears before and after the dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia (DRGA). Material and Methods: 104 parents and their 3 to 13-year-old children (5.90 ± 2.42) who received DRGA were surveyed before and after DRGA. The children were divided into two groups: Group 1 - healthy children (n=43) and Group 2 - children with medical problems (n=61). After recording their socio-demographic information, parents completed a self-administered questionnaire named Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS), which includes two main parts - Child Impact Section (CIS) and Family Impact Section (FIS). On the other hand, the children received a dentist-administered questionnaire named Children's Fear Survey Schedule-Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS) and Frankle Behavior Scale (FBS). For statistical analyses, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank, Mann Whitney-U, Kruskal-Wallis, and Spearman's Correlation tests were used. Results: A statistically significant decrease in all CIS, FIS, ECOHIS and CFSS-DS scores was observed after DRGA (p<0.01). This decline was greater in healthy children than in children with systemic problems (p<0.01). Conclusion: Children's and parents' OHRQoL showed better results after DRGA. The decreases in dental anxiety in children were observed after DRGA

    Olivier Roy, La Nouvelle Asie centrale ou la fabrication des nations

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    Le titre du livre, La Nouvelle Asie centrale ou la fabrication des nations, ne reflète pas parfaitement son contenu. L'ouvrage se concentre sur l'évolution de la fabrication des nations en Asie centrale depuis le Moyen Âge jusqu'à présent, et non pas sur la nouvelle Asie centrale. L'analyse des données historiques est en effet indispensable à la compréhension de la fabrication des nations. Le lecteur aurait cependant aimé que la situation actuelle soit plus développée qu'elle ne l'est. En dépit de ces réserves, La Nouvelle Asie centrale ou la fabrication des nations est une contribution de qualité aux études centre-asiatiques et à l'analyse de la formation des identités nationales

    POL S 655 Seminar in Comparative Politics

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    POL S 103 Intro to Comparative Politics

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    Olivier Roy La Nouvelle Asie centrale ou la fabrication des nations , 1997

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    Le titre du livre, La Nouvelle Asie centrale ou la fabrication des nations, ne reflète pas parfaitement son contenu. L'ouvrage se concentre sur l'évolution de la fabrication des nations en Asie centrale depuis le Moyen Âge jusqu'à présent, et non pas sur la nouvelle Asie centrale. L'analyse des données historiques est en effet indispensable à la compréhension de la fabrication des nations. Le lecteur aurait cependant aimé que la situation actuelle soit plus développée qu'elle ne l'est. En dépit de ces réserves, La Nouvelle Asie centrale ou la fabrication des nations est une contribution de qualité aux études centre-asiatiques et à l'analyse de la formation des identités nationales. A. T. K.Kuru Ahmet t. Olivier Roy La Nouvelle Asie centrale ou la fabrication des nations , 1997. In: CEMOTI, n°32, 2001. Drogue et politique. pp. 347-351

    Reinterpretation of secularism in Turkey : The case of the justice and development Party

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from in : University of Utah Press, 2006