73 research outputs found

    Estimation of spleen volume and surface area of the newborns’ cadaveric spleen using stereological methods

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to compare different techniques for the estimation of spleen volume and surface area using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images, ultrasonography (USG) images and cadaveric specimen, and to evaluate errors associated with volume estimation techniques based onfluid displacement.Materials and methods: Five new born cadavers, aged 39.7 ± 1.5 weeks, weighted 2.220 ± 1.056 g, were included in the present study. Three different methods were used to assess the spleen volume. The vertical section technique was applied using cycloid test probes for estimation of spleen surface area in MRI.Results: The mean ± standard deviation of spleen volumes by fluid displacement was 4.82 ± 3.85 cm3. Volumes determined by the Cavalieri’s principle using physical section and point-counting techniques were 4.45 ± 3.47 cm3 and 4.65 ± 3.75 cm3, respectively; volumes measured by USG and cadaver using ellipsoid formula were 4.70 ± 3.02 cm3 and 5.98 ± 4.58 cm3, respectively. No significant differences were found among all methods (p > 0.05). The spleen surface area was calculated as a 32.3 ± 20.6 cm2 by physical sections using cadaver and also it was determined on axial, sagittal and coronal MR planes as 24.9 ± 15.2 cm2, 18.5 ± 5.92 cm2 and 24.3 ± 12.7 cm2, respectively.Conclusions: As a result, MR images allow an easy, reliable and reproducible volume and surface area estimation of normal and abnormal spleen using Cavalieri’sprinciple. We consider that our study may serve as a reference for similar studies to be conducted in future

    Gama absorpsiyon tekniği ile kıymetli metallerin analizi ve değerlendirilmesi

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    Silver, platinum and gold are described as precious metals; they are most popular jewelry and preferable metals in modern society. In this study, a nuclear technique as namely "Gamma Absorption Technique" is used for the analysis of the three main precious metals. Samples have been supplied for four different silver alloys, four different platinum alloys and five different gold alloys. Am-241 has been used for Ag analysis and Ba-133 gamma radioisotopes has been used for Pt and Au analysis as gamma sources. Experiment device consist of a gamma source, collimator, NaI (Tl) detector, multi-channel analyzer with shielding materials. Experiments repeated at least five times and average net counting rate is calculated.  Calibration curves could be drawn as a result of the experiments. These curves were examined by unknown samples and it was shown the reliability of the curves. The mass attenuation coefficients of alloys were measured. Theoretical mass attenuation coefficient values were obtained using the WinXCom program. The comparison of the experimental results with the theoretical values was in a good and acceptable agreement. Precious metals analysis can be observed and mass attenuation coefficients were determined at near energy of elements K absorption edge. So, it can be offered that the gamma absorption technique can be used for the determination of the mass attenuation coefficients.Keywords: Gamma absorption technique, silver, platinum, gold, mass attenuation coefficient.Bu çalışmada, nükleer bir teknik olan gama absorpsiyon tekniği, kıymetli metallerden gümüş, platin ve altının analizine ilişkin olarak kullanılmıştır. Numuneler; gümüş için dört, platin için dört ve altın için beş farklı ayarda temin edilmiştir. Gama radyoizotop kaynağı olarak gümüş için Am-241, platin ve altın için  Ba-133 radyoizotopları kullanılmıştır. Deneylerden elde edilen sonuçlarla kalibrasyon eğrileri çizilebilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın özgünlüğü çerçevesinde çalışılan numunelerin kütle zayıflatma katsayıları deneysel olarak tayin edilmiştir. Deneysel sonuçlar WinXCom programından elde edilen sayısal sonuçlarla mukayese edilmiş ve birbirleri ile ileri derecede uyum sağladığı gösterilmiştir. Bu şekilde, gama absorpsiyon tekniğinin kütle zayıflatma katsayılarının deneysel olarak tayininde kullanılabileceği önerilmektedir.   Anahtar Kelimeler: Gama absorpsiyon tekniği, gümüş, altın, platin,kütle zayıflatma katsayısı.&nbsp

    Cranial magnetic resonance imaging as a screening tool for evaluation of silent brain ischemia in severe coronary artery disease: A clinical based study

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    Aim: Silent brain ischemia (SBI), defined as ischemic changes and infarcts without neurologic signs, is an established marker of poor survival. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is useful to define SBI and white matter hyperintensities that correspond to microangipathic ischemic disease. This study aimed to investigate the relationship among SBI, white matter lesions and the extent of coronary artery disease (CAD), and to determine possible predictors of SBI. Material and Methods: A total 10640 patients who underwent coronary angiography were retrospectively screened to reveal 312 patients who had been evaluated with a subsequent cranial MRI within 6 months. CAD severity was established with Gensini score and MRIs were evaluated to determine presence of SBI and white matter hyperintensities scored by Fazekas. Finally, 58 patients with SBI and 254 without SBI consisted SBI and non-SBI groups. Results: Patients with SBI were significantly older with higher prevalence of male gender than the non-SBI patients. Both Gensini and Fazekas scores were higher in SBI-group (p<0.001). Fazekas score was positively correlated with Gensini score (r=0.219, p<0.001) and age (r=0.465, p<0.001). In the logistic regression analysis; age, male gender and Gensini score were identified as the independent predictors of SBI. Conclusion: Although SBIs don’t present neurological symptoms they are associated with poor survival and future stroke. Our data suggest that cranial MRI may be a screening tool in risk stratification, particularly in elderly male patients with multivessel CAD. Our study also depicted that age, male gender and high Gensini scores are the independent predictors of SBI. © 2020, Duzce University Medical School. All rights reserved

    Collision Chronology Along the İzmir‐Ankara‐Erzincan Suture Zone: Insights From the Sarıcakaya Basin, Western Anatolia

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2019 American Geophysical Union.Debate persists concerning the timing and geodynamics of intercontinental collision, style of syncollisional deformation, and development of topography and fold‐and‐thrust belts along the >1,700‐km‐long İzmir‐Ankara‐Erzincan suture zone (İAESZ) in Turkey. Resolving this debate is a necessary precursor to evaluating the integrity of convergent margin models and kinematic, topographic, and biogeographic reconstructions of the Mediterranean domain. Geodynamic models argue either for a synchronous or diachronous collision during either the Late Cretaceous and/or Eocene, followed by Eocene slab breakoff and postcollisional magmatism. We investigate the collision chronology in western Anatolia as recorded in the sedimentary archives of the 90‐km‐long Sarıcakaya Basin perched at shallow structural levels along the İAESZ. Based on new zircon U‐Pb geochronology and depositional environment and sedimentary provenance results, we demonstrate that the Sarıcakaya Basin is an Eocene sedimentary basin with sediment sourced from both the İAESZ and Söğüt Thrust fault to the south and north, respectively, and formed primarily by flexural loading from north‐south shortening along the syncollisional Söğüt Thrust. Our results refine the timing of collision between the Anatolides and Pontide terranes in western Anatolia to Maastrichtian‐Middle Paleocene and Early Eocene crustal shortening and basin formation. Furthermore, we demonstrate contemporaneous collision, deformation, and magmatism across the İAESZ, supporting synchronous collision models. We show that regional postcollisional magmatism can be explained by renewed underthrusting instead of slab breakoff. This new İAESZ chronology provides additional constraints for kinematic, geodynamic, and biogeographic reconstructions of the Mediterranean domain

    What Is the Important Point Related to Follow-Up Sonographic Evaluation for the Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip?

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    Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is an important cause of childhood disability. Subluxation or dislocation can be diagnosed through pediatric physical examination; nevertheless, the ultrasonographic examination is necessary in diagnosing certain borderline cases. It has been evaluated routine sonographic examination of 2,444 hips of 1,222 babies to determine differences in both, developmental dysplasia and types of hips, and evaluated their development on the 3-month follow-up. Evaluating the pathologic alpha angles under 59, there was no statistically significant differences between girls and boys in both right (55.57 +/- 3.73) (56.20 +/- 4.01), (p = 0.480), and left (55.79 +/- 3.96) (57.00 +/- 3.84), (p = 0.160) hips on the 45th day of life. Routine sonographic examinations on the 45th day of life revealed that 51 of (66.2%) 77 type 2a right hips were girls and 26 (33.8%) were boys. The number of the right hips that develop into type 1 was 38 (74.5%) for girls and 26 (100%) for boys on the 90th day of life (p = 0.005). A total of 87 type 2a left hips included 64 girls (73.6%) and 23 boys (26.4%). In the 90th day control, 49 right hip of girls (76.6%) and 21 right hip of boys (91.3%) developed into type 1 (p = 0.126). In the assessment of both left and right hips, girls showed a significantly higher frequency in latency and boys showed significantly higher development in the control sonography. A total of 31 girls (2.5%) and 11 boys (0.9%) accounted for a total of 42 (3.4%) cases who showed bilateral type 2a hips in 1,222 infants. On the 90th day control, 26 girls (83.9%) and all 11 boys (100%) developed into type 1 (p = 0.156). The study emphasizes the importance of the sonographic examination on the 90th day of life. Results of the investigation include the data of sonographic screening of DDH on the 45th day, and also stress the importance of the 90th-day control sonography after a close follow-up with physical examination between 45th and 90th days of life

    Outcomes of standart heparin treatment in deep vein thrombosis

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    Amaç: Kliniğimizde derin venöz tromboz tanısıyla sürekli unfraksiyone (standart) heparin kullanılarak tedavi edilen olgulara ait sonuçların retrospektif olarak incelenmesi. Yöntem:KliniğimizdeOcak 2002-Nisan 2005 tarihleri arasında derin venöz tromboz tanısıyla tedavi ve takipleri yapılan 44 olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Tedavi protokolünde tüm hastalara en az 1 hafta süreyle olmak üzere mutlak yatak istirahati uygulandı. Sürekli intravenöz heparin infüzyonu başlanarak doz a PTT değerlerine göre titre edildi. Oral antikoagülan tedavi başlanarak INR değeri 2'nin üzerine çıkıncaya kadar intravenöz heparin tedavisine devam edildi. Olguların tümünde klinik bulguların yanı sıra tanısal olarak renkli doppler USGtetkiki kullanıldı. Bulgular: Yaş ortalamaları 43,2 olan olguların, 27'si erkek (% 61,3) ve 17'si kadın (%38,7) idi. Olguların % 4.5'inde pulmoner emboli saptandı. Pulmoner emboli gelişen olgularda mortalite gözlenmedi.Heparin tedavisine olguların%45'inde 5-6. gün,%36'sında 7-10. gün devamedildi. 24 hastada yatışının 0-3. gününde, 20 hastada da 4-7. gününde oral antikoagülan tedaviye başlandı. Tedavi süresince hiçbir olguda majör kanama komplikasyonu ya da mortalite gözlenmedi. 3 aylık takipte hiçbir olguda rekürren tromboembolizm ile karşılaşılmadı. Sonuç: Derin venöz trombozda devamlı unfraksiyone heparin tedavisinin güvenle uygulanabilecek bir yöntem olduğu görüşündeyiz.Aim: In this retrospective study we aimed to investigate the outcomes of continuous unfractioned ( standart ) heparin treatment for deep vein thrombosis. Methods: 44 patients who were hospitalized between January 2002 and April 2005 with the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis are included in this study. Strict bed rest was applied in treatment protocol to all cases. Continious intravenous heparin infusion was started and the dosage was titrated regardinga PTT values. Patients were put on oral anticoagulant therapy and intravenous heparin was continued until the INR value is greater than 2. Besides clinical findings colour Doppler USG was used diagnostically. Results: The mean age of the patients was 43.2 and 27 were male ( % 61.3 ) and 17 were female ( %38.7 ). Pulmonary embolism was detected in 4.5 % of cases. There was no mortality in patients who had pulmonary embolism. Heparin treatment was continued for 5-6 days in 45 % of cases and for 7-10 days in 36 % of cases. In 24 of cases oral anticoagulant therapy was started on0 - 3 rd day of hospitalization while in 20 of them therapy was started on4 - 7 th day of hospitalization. No mortality or major bleeding complication ocuured during the course of therapy. Neither of the cases faced reccurent thromboembolism in 3 months follow up. Conclusion: Unfractioned heparin treatment can be suggested asa reliable method for the treatment of deep vein thrombosis