255 research outputs found

    An Inside Game in Wisconsin: IBEW 1791 vs. Marathon Electric

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    [Excerpt] By the mid-1980s, allegations of union busting had become as common in the upper Midwest\u27s labor environment as management claims that competition was forcing it to seek concessions. Regardless of management\u27s true intent, local unions from Milwaukee to Minneapolis often lost ground, either in contract talks or in keeping their members interested and supportive. They lost because they continued to fight the old way, while management was using a barrage of new weapons from corporate restructurings and plant modernizations to clever legal maneuvers. But a battle fought in central Wisconsin turned the tables on management there in 1987, when 590 members of Local 1791 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) mastered the use of previously unheard of workplace strategies. The new labor tactic saved Local 1791 and its members\u27 jobs. It eventually led management to reverse its stand from harsh concessions to a healthy pay and benefit increase, and it sent a significant sign to management that labor had learned to fight back the modern way

    Measurement of the Vertical Gradient of the Semidiurnal Tidal Wind Phase in Winter at the 95 Km Level

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    When supplemented by absolute reflection height measurements, low frequency wind measurements in the 90-100 km height range become truly competitive in comparison with the more widely used radar meteor wind observations. For example, height profiles of the wind parameters in the so-called meteor zone can be obtained due to the considerable interdiurnal variability of the average nighttime reflection heights controlled by geomagnetic activity. The phase of the semidiurnal tidal wind is particularly height-dependent. The measured vertical gradient of 1/4 h/km in winter corresponds to a vertical wavelength of about 50 km. Wind measurements in the upper atmosphere, at heights between 90 and 100 km, were carried out at the Collm Geophysical Observatory of Karl Marx University Leipzig for a number of years. These measurements use the closely-spaced receiver method and three measuring paths, on 179, 227, and 272 kHz. They take place every day between sunset and sunrise, i.e., nightly. A night in this sense may last as long as 18 hours in winter. Both the measurements and their evaluation are completely automatic, and the prevailing winds and tides are separated

    Animal-Assisted Therapy In Elementary Schools

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    Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is becoming increasingly popular in school and therapeutic settings across the country (Friesen, 2010). In animal-assisted therapy (AAT), a certified therapy animal works in partnership with the counselor and/or the dog handler to provide a positive and therapeutic school environment. In this literature review, topics that are discussed include: AAT qualifications that distinguish AAT from other animal-related activities, the history of AAT, the congruence of AAT practices in theories of counseling, benefits and concerns of animal-assisted therapy, examples of AAT in classroom and counseling settings, how to establish and implement an AAT program, therapy animal considerations, and opportunities in Southwest Wisconsin for individuals who wish to enroll in animalassisted therapy training

    Seeing Through Our Eyes: Intimacy, Hope and Morality for HIV Peer Educators in Gaborone, Botswana

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    This ethnography focuses on the work of HIV peer educators at the non-profit organization of Center for Youth of Hope (CEYOHO) in Gaborone, Botswana. Drawing on Jarrett Zigon’s theory of the moral breakdown and ethical demand, I argue that from a moral breakdown of HIV, intimacy can facilitate the ethical demand or motivation for developing new moral subjects. During this moral reshaping, intimacy is part of a process that involves practices of educated hope, trust, knowledge, and accountability. More specifically, intimacy through friendship and companionship between peer educators and clients allows them to hope together for an educated future that involves HIV prevention and the de-stigmatization of those living with HIV. Through testimonies given by peer educators about their experiences as individuals infected and affected by HIV, this ethnography aims to counteract dominant frameworks that continue to stigmatize those who are “infected” and rather “bring a face to HIV.

    Wind regime peculiarities in the lower thermosphere in the winter of 1983/84

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    Temporal variations of prevailing winds at 90 to 100 km obtained from measurements carried out in winter 1983 to 1984 at three sites in the USSR and two sites in East Germany are reported. These variations are compared with those of the thermal stratospheric regime. Measurements were carried out using the drifts D2 method (meteor wind radar) and the D1 method (ionospheric drifts). Temporal variations of zonal and meridional prevailing wind components for all the sites are given. Also presented are zonal wind data obtained using the partial reflection wind radar. Wind velocity values were obtained by averaging data recorded at between 105 and 91 km altitude. Wind velocity data averaged in such a way can be related to about the same height interval to which the data obtained by the meteor radar and ionospheric methods at other sites, i.e., the mean height of the meteor zone (about 95 km). The results presented show that there are significant fluctuations about the seasonal course of both zonal and meridional prevailing winds

    Multiple colonization and dispersal events hide the early origin and induce a lack of genetic structure of the moss Bryum argenteum in Antarctica.

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    The dispersal routes of taxa with transoceanic disjunctions remain poorly understood, with the potential roles of Antarctica not yet demonstrated. Mosses are suitable organisms to test direct intra‐Antarctic dispersal, as major component of the extant Antarctic flora, with the cosmopolitan moss Bryum argenteum as ideal target species. We analyzed the genetic structure of B. argenteum to provide an evolutionary time frame for its radiation and shed light into its historical biogeography in the Antarctic region. We tested two alternative scenarios: (a) intra‐Antarctic panmixia and (b) intra‐Antarctic genetic differentiation. Furthermore, we tested for evidence of the existence of specific intra‐Antarctic dispersal routes. Sixty‐seven new samples (40 collected in Antarctica) were sequenced for ITS nrDNA and rps4 cpDNA regions, and phylogenetic trees of B. argenteum were constructed, with a focus on its Southern Hemisphere. Combining our new nrDNA dataset with previously published datasets, we estimated time‐calibrated phylogenies based on two different substitution rates (derived from angiosperms and bryophytes) along with ancestral area estimations. Minimum spanning network and pairwise genetic distances were also calculated. B. argenteum was potentially distributed across Africa and Antarctica soon after its origin. Its earliest intra‐Antarctic dispersal and diversification occurred during a warming period in the Pliocene. On the same timescale, a radiation took place involving a dispersal event from Antarctica to the sub‐Antarctic islands. A more recent event of dispersal and diversification within Antarctica occurred during a warm period in the Pleistocene, creating favorable conditions also for its colonization outside the Antarctic continent worldwide. We provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that contemporary populations of B. argenteum in Antarctica integrate a history of both multiple long‐range dispersal events and local persistence combined with in situ diversification. Our data support the hypothesis that B. argenteum has been characterized by strong connectivity within Antarctica, suggesting the existence of intra‐Antarctic dispersal routes

    The lower thermosphere wind regime from simultaneous observations over Euroasia (Collm, Dushanbe, Frunze)

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    The circulation in the lower thermosphere as determined from the results of measurements in 1984 is considered. Ionospheric drift measurements were taken using the method of spaced reception in the long wave range. Other measurements were taken using the D2 method. Average daily values of wind velocity were used. Discontinuity of measurements ranged from a day to a week. Preliminary data were reduced to the common average height of 93 km with the help of vertical profiles of wind velocity components. The results of measurements of zonal and meridional wind velocity components are presented. Zonal circulation changes from westerly to easterly winds were observed in winter, in periods of spring time reversal and during stratomesospheric rises in temperature

    ReflexĂ”es sobre bolsonarismo e violĂȘncia policial: assassinatos e violaçÔes de Direitos Humanos de travestis e transgĂȘneros no Brasil

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    O presente artigo busca fazer uma reflexĂŁo do bolsonarismo e da violĂȘncia policial com o enfoque no assassinato e na violação de direitos humanos dos travestis e transgĂȘneros no Brasil. Nosso problema de pesquisa consiste em analisar a influĂȘncia do bolsonarismo na violĂȘncia policial em se tratando de assassinato de pessoas trans e travestis. A metodologia utilizada Ă© a bibliogrĂĄfica e a anĂĄlise documental do dossiĂȘ ANTRA sobre assassinato de transgĂȘneros e travestis

    A human MAP kinase interactome.

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    Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways form the backbone of signal transduction in the mammalian cell. Here we applied a systematic experimental and computational approach to map 2,269 interactions between human MAPK-related proteins and other cellular machinery and to assemble these data into functional modules. Multiple lines of evidence including conservation with yeast supported a core network of 641 interactions. Using small interfering RNA knockdowns, we observed that approximately one-third of MAPK-interacting proteins modulated MAPK-mediated signaling. We uncovered the Na-H exchanger NHE1 as a potential MAPK scaffold, found links between HSP90 chaperones and MAPK pathways and identified MUC12 as the human analog to the yeast signaling mucin Msb2. This study makes available a large resource of MAPK interactions and clone libraries, and it illustrates a methodology for probing signaling networks based on functional refinement of experimentally derived protein-interaction maps
