5 research outputs found

    Identity and Ideology in Sakura Katakana Shimbun

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    This thesis focuses on Sakura Katakana Shimbun, a children’s newspaper published in Singapore during the Japanese Occupation, as an example of Japanese imperial propaganda targeted specifically at children. In Japan, child-oriented propaganda was widespread in the form of kamishibai paper plays, but in occupied Southeast Asia, Sakura is perhaps the only such specimen. In examining the discontinuities between the first and second halves of Sakura’s publication run, this thesis aims to shed light on the roles and ideologies of Japanese propagandists in wartime Singapore. In addition, it considers how local children’s identities were imagined, constructed, and manipulated by the authors of Sakura to various ends. When the 25th Army captured Singapore, they sought to Japanise it not only by making formal changes to its systems, institutions, and name but also by transforming the minds of its people. For military leaders and conscripted literati, this meant implementing a strong Japanese language policy. Sakura was one such tool used to educate the local children in both Japanese language and cultural knowledge. The use of music and visually attractive illustrations in Sakura created a pleasant aesthetic and made it a relatively successful example of Barak Kushner’s definition of effective propaganda. However, as Japan’s success in the war began to falter, a strategy of manipulating children’s subjectivities emerged in the second half of Sakura, with propagandists attempting to instil in local children a sense of collective will. They started to encourage a pan-Asian identification, with more content catered specifically to the local context as compared to previous efforts. They also began to view local children, especially Malay boys, as potentially useful future soldiers. However, more blatant applications of propaganda slogans and imperialist ideology may have made the second half less effective overall

    COVID-19 in Singapore and New Zealand: Newspaper portrayal, crisis management

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    News frames influence destination reputation. Research primarily focuses on social media impact relative to destination reputation. Newspaper reporting is a major source of information which remains a study area underexplored when assessing news media framing. This study fills the gap by analyzing how newspapers from tourist generating countries such as China, USA, and Australia portrayed reputable destinations like New Zealand's and Singapore's efforts to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. The ProQuest library database was used to collect 192 newspaper articles. The software Qualtrics Text iQ and Leximancer were used to track sentiments, identify themes and concepts correlating with literature on tourism crisis management. Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic yields a negatively lower sentiment value for New Zealand, than Singapore's higher sentiment value. The contribution lies in the relationship concept emphasizing shifts in destination reputation corollary to crisis management, and to account for reputation fluctuations in media framework theory