155 research outputs found


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    Usage lectronic word of mouth in consumer communications today helped its emergence purchase intention on certain products, especially in the field of cosmetics for women, brand image existing products also help increase consumer purchasing intentions. This research aims to find out whether electronic word of mouth has a significant effect on purchase intention Wardah cosmetic products with brand image as a mediating variable using techniques of structural equation modeling with the help of analytical tools Smart PLS 4. The type of research used is quantitative research with a sample size of 120 respondents who meet the sample criteria and were taken using techniques of accidental sampling. This research data was obtained through a questionnaire in the form of google form which was distributed to students at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The research results show that electronic word of mouth positive and significant effect on purchase intention, electronic word of mouth positive and significant effect on brand image, brand image significant effect on purchase intention, and electronic word of mouth positive influence on purchase intention through brand image as a mediating variable


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    This research aims at analyzing a significant effect of the following variables: 1) Teaching method on English academic performance; 2) Learning interest on English academic performance; 3) Teaching method on learning interest; and 4) Teaching method on English academic performance through learning interest as a moderator variable. To prove those questions, this research adopts quantitative approach with survey method. The samples are 207 students who are taken through simple random sampling calculated using Slovin formula. The data is analyzed through path analysis. It is used regression test including simple and multiple linear regressions. The result of this research indicates: 1) Teaching method has a significant effect on English academic; 2) Learning interest has a significant effect on English academic performance; 3) Teaching method has a significant effect on learning interest; and 4) Teaching method has an indirect impact on English academic performance through learning interest as a moderator variable about 18,3%. Meanwhile the direct effect is 3,4%. The result shows that the indirect effect is greater than direct effect in which the effect of teaching method on English academic performance is considered as the direct effect and the effect of teaching method on English academic performance through learning interest as a moderator variable is considered as the indirect impact. It is recommended to the teachers to evaluate their teaching abilities that foster students’ learning interest then academic performance automatically increases


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    AbstrakPenyandang disabilitas merupakan warga Negara Indonesia yang juga harus dilindungi hak-haknya, penjaminan hak-hak bagi penyandang disabilitas ini diatur dalam UUD NRI 1945. Dalam memberikan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak bagi penyandang disabilitas ini bisa terwujud dalam penyediaan aksesibilitas/kemudahan mereka untuk menunjang kemandiriannya dalam beraktivitas. Penyediaan aksesibilitas ini diharapkan mampu mewujudkan kesamaan kesempatan bagi penyandang disabilitas. Perlindungan hak-hak penyandang disabilitas dibutuhkan agar penyandang disabilitas tidak mengalami diskriminasi dalam kehidupan ini, pada hakikatnya bahwa penyandang disabilitas wajib diberikan serta dijamin dan dilindungi hak-haknya sebagai rakyat Indonesia melalui penyediaan aksesibilitas yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan penyandang disabilitas saat beraktivitas di ruang publik khususnya di Kota Surabaya, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami apakah sarana dan prasarana di Kota Surabaya khususnya bagi penyandang disabilitas sudah benar-benar memudahkan untuk beraktivitas dan pelaksanaan perlindungan hak bagi penyandang disabilitas di Kota Surabaya. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis empiris. Data penelitian di lapangan dianalisis berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan secara deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan di sejumlah ruang-ruang publik yang berada di Kota Surabaya yaitu: Taman Bungkul, Tunjungan Plaza, Jalan Raya Darmo, Stasiun Gubeng Surabaya dan Terminal Joyoboyo. Lokasi penelitian ini merupakan tempat di mana menjadi tempat beraktivitas orang banyak. Informan dalam penelitian ini menjadi sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini yakni Kepala Dinas Sosial, Kepala Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Bina Marga dan Pematusan Kota Surabaya dan penyandang disabilitas sebagai subyek hukum. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor ketersediaan, ketepatan, kondisi dan kendala menjadi faktor yang belum terpenuhi secara maksimal hal ini dikarenakan masalah pembiayaan dan skala prioritas dalam penyediaan aksesibilitas di kota Surabaya yang menjadi kendala utama, ketersediaan aksesibilitas di sejumlah ruang publik yang rata-rata hanya 30% membuat kemudahan yang seharusnya didapatkan belum didapatkan dan juga perlindungan hukum yang seharusnya didapatkan secara maksimal dengan adanya aksesibilitas juga belum sepenuhnya didapatkan bagi penyandang disabilitas. Pemerintah Kota Surabaya dan masyarakat Kota Surabaya sebaiknya lebih memperhatikan teknis-teknis dalam penyediaan aksesibilitas agar sarana dan prasarana di ruang publik bisa memudahkan penyandang disabilitas terutama untuk beraktivitas sehingga perlindungan hukum bisa didapatkan sepenuhnya bagi penyandang disabilitas.Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Penyandang Disabilitas, Kota SurabayaAbstractPeople with disabilities are part of Indonesian citizen which their right should be protected. The law protection for them is regulated by the Constitution NRI 1945. The protection can be done by providing the ease of access for them in public spaces. The provision of accessibility is expected to give the equality in living with others. This kind of protection is needed to prevent discrimination towards people with disabilities in society regarding their right as the citizen who have to be protected by the country. The aim of this study are to find out whether the public facilities, especially for people with disabilities in Surabaya are well-operated in order to reach its goal to help the one in need and the implementation of legal protection against people with disabilities in Surabaya The writer uses empirical juridical research as the research method. The data were compiled and being descriptively analyzed based on the regulation. There were several locations surveyed for this research such as Taman Bungkul, Tunjungan Plaza, Jalan Raya Darmo, Gubeng Surabaya Station, and Joyoboyo bus station. Those locations were chosen based on its function as the most visited public areas. There were also respondents in this study, the social department heads, heads of public works construction and drainage clan Surabaya and people with disabilities as the subjects of law. The results of this study show that the factor of availability, appropriately, current conditions and constraints, were not being successfully given. Those because of the financial factors and the priority of scales in providing the facilities. For example, the availability of the facilities in public areas were approximately only 30% which could not give the maximum service for the disabled people. Therefore, the legal protection which should have protected them were also could not reach its goals successfully. The Government and the society of Surabaya has to pay attention more on how the accessibility provision to them is given. This is useful in order to give the easiness for the people with disabilities. In addition, to give them legal protection, the regulation should be implemented right away to help them do their activity easily.Keywords: Legal protection, People with disability, Surabay

    Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases on Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death globally and the main problem of non-communicable diseases. Prevention is part of cardiovascular disease treatment because it breaks the chain of management and subsequent complications from the disease. Its foundation is based on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, as well as appropriate identification and treatment for cardiovascular risk factors. This study aimed to identify risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in patients with cardiovascular diseases. A descriptive study was performed with proportionate stratified random sampling and 88 patients with cardiovascular diseases participated in this study. Data were collected in one of general hospitals in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. The risk factors of cardiovascular disease patients were assessed using a questionnaire. Descriptive analysis statistic was used to describe risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, 80% of patients completed the questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of respondents (56.8%) had hypercholesterolemia. The results showed that most respondents (73) had a smoking history (83%). The result showed that most of the patients (64.8%) with cardiovascular disease have no family history of heart attacks. The result showed that the majority of the respondents (69.3%) had a family history of hypertension. Over 92% of respondents were unable to do strenuous activities and 79.5% were unable to do moderate activities even once a week. Early assessment and education about risk factors of cardiovascular diseases are important for the prevention and promotion of health. Keywords: cardiovascular disease, cardiac patients, activity pattern

    The Effect of Flipped Classroom toward Students’ Achievement in Teaching Reading

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    Flipped Classroom is a teaching strategy that combines technology in traditional teaching which today is commonly called blended learning. The flipped classroom is an opposite of traditional instructional procedures and usually done in the classroom in traditional learning to be performed at home in the flipped classroom, and usually carried out at home as homework in traditional learning to be implemented in the classroom in the flipped classroom. This research is aimed to knowhow students reading achievement can be improved by the effect of flipped classroom. To design this research, Action Research was chosen. There are two cycles on this research. Each cycle covered four steps; those were planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The subject of this study was students in critical reading class consisting of 32 students. To gain the data, test, observation sheet, and interview were used. From the result analysis showed that the students reading achievement was improved by using flipped classroom. So, it was concluded that during the teaching and learning process students were more active and enthusiastic. They had good willingness in following reading class. In the last, it was recommended to use Flipped Classroom as the alternative strategy to teach reading.  Flipped Classroom is a teaching strategy that combines technology in traditional teaching which today is commonly called blended learning. The flipped classroom is an opposite of traditional instructional procedures and usually done in the classroom in traditional learning to be performed at home in the flipped classroom, and usually carried out at home as homework in traditional learning to be implemented in the classroom in the flipped classroom. This research is aimed to knowhow students reading achievement can be improved by the effect of flipped classroom. To design this research, Action Research was chosen. There are two cycles on this research. Each cycle covered four steps; those were planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The subject of this study was students in critical reading class consisting of 32 students. To gain the data, test, observation sheet, and interview were used. From the result analysis showed that the students reading achievement was improved by using flipped classroom. So, it was concluded that during the teaching and learning process students were more active and enthusiastic. They had good willingness in following reading class. In the last, it was recommended to use Flipped Classroom as the alternative strategy to teach reading. &nbsp

    Website Quality to Increase Franchise Marketing Performance Excellent

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    According to Indonesia Association of Service Provider (APJII) survey in 2014, the internet user in Indonesia increased up to around 88 million. This number expresses that the use of the internet to seek business franchise information will increase as well. The increase of internet using should be followed by the quality of franchisor's website. The franchisor's website will relate to system quality, information quality and service quality (DeLone and McLean, 2003). This research uses SEM LISREL to see the loading factors of each indicator impact in variables and website quality variables impact to intention to purchase franchise. The result shows that all variables (System quality, Information Quality, and Service Quality) give significant impact to dependent variable Website Quality

    Analisis SWOT dan Bisnis Model Kanvas (Studi Kasus Toko EKM Motor)

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    Industry is an activity that starts from the processing of a raw materials / semi-finished materials into a finished product that has a value that is more useful so they can benefit. Based on BPS survey, such as the automotive industry is one industry that provides a substantial contribution to the economy of Indonesia amounting to Rp 275 trillion in 2013. Along with the development of technology as much as 20% of the total 74.6 million internet users in Indonesia do online shopping, the authors conducted a business development by opening an online store that sells automotive spare part
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