22 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan nasional dihadapi kepada masalah antara lain peningkatan kualitas, pemerataan kesempatan keterbatasan anggaran vanq tersedia dan belum terpenuhi sumber daya dari masyarakat secara professional sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pendidikan sebagai tanggur.g iawab bersama antara pemerintah, masyarakat dan orangtua^ Persoalan seputar pendanaan pendidikan sangatlah kompleks, karena bukan saja disebabkan keterbatasan alokasi anggaran pendidikan yang disediakan pemerintah dalam anggaran pendapaban dan belanja neqara (APBN) dan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah (APBD) tetapi dana yang ada belum dapat dipergunakan sepenuhnya untuk me^apai sasaran pendidikan yang te.ah ditetapkan. Penebtan^ in bermaksud untuk mendapatkan gambaran emp.ns yang tepat.dan jelas mengenai fenomena faktor-faktor manajmen pemb.ayaan pendidikan dan Saruhnya terhadap kualitas pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Umum. P 9 Sumbefpendapatan bagi sekolah umum, yang leb.hdominan berasal dari orang tua dan pemerintah. Dana yang d.peroleh dan orang hfa basanva beupa DSP dan SPP/BP3/Dewan Sekolah, yag d'oerqunakar unTk proses kegiatan pembelajaran kurikuler dan etaZSZ sedangkan penerimaan dari pemerintah biasanya berupa naii oeqawai UYHD (Uang Yang Harus Sertanqqungiawabkan)/OPF/DBO/DIK untuk kegitan rutin belajar Kmennaaia&? daMn yiSanTgbbSeru(pBaapnrUoyekImabdaa,laShwBadOaMyaM), (BBBanEt/uLaifne OSkpilelra(tBioronaadl Rac:p Education and Life Skill), serta Block Grant. Tertapat pengaruh yang signif.kan antara manajemen pemb.ayaan pendidikan ferhadap kualitas pendidikan. J*^*?™^ pembiayaan pendidikan menentukan kual.tas pend.d.kan sebesar p=34 53 pelaksanaan pembiayaan pendidikan menentukan kual.tas pendidikan sebesar p=32,56 %, pengaruh pengawasan Pemb.ayaan npndidikan menentukan kualitas pendidikan sebesar p=4,0.7 dan besanva pengaruh yang diterima oleh kualitas pendidikan dan. aspek peeTcaL^pe^anain dan pengawasan P^^J^Z serta dari semua variabel diluar perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan penqawasan yang dinyatakan oleh variabel residu (8, adalah sebesar D2 + n2_r= 71 15 % + 28,85 % = 100 %. <X1X2AXnqqaraf pendapatan yang dipero.eh oleh sekolah, baik dan pemerintTaSu oTng LsisJa ternyata^^STSiT^ untuk peningkatan kualitas pendidikan yang d.selenggarakan. Untuk mencari pemecahannya maka ditugaskanlah Dewan ^^xnrte ^Pkolah untuk membantu memecahkan persoalan mi. Kenyataan yang ferSf masSadaDewan Sekolah/Komite Sekolah yang belum maks.ma Suk dapat memperoleh tambahan dana. Tetapi bagi sekola, terton*£1 t^rsebut sudah tidak menjadi permasalahan. oebab, p.hak uewan sTko^/KomiS Sekolah berpetan aktif dalam membantu pengadaan dana dan fasilitas bagi peningkatan kual.tas pend.d.kan

    Authentic Leadership: Strategy of the Implementation of Madrasah Management of Change

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    Implementing the management of madrasah change starts from an authentic leadership. Authentic leadership is the identity of ahead of madrasah in developing a value-based educational system. His identity is seen from his sincerity in working, his kindness in treating people, and the sharpness of his mind in determining the future of the organization. The authentic leadership of madrasah should represent the identity of Muslim morality with work orientation on the sincerity of being a STAF+B (Siddiq, Tablig, Amanah, Fathonah + Brave) leader. Leading the madrasah in the context of implementing management of change is not enough to be pious but it requires courage to take strategic and innovative decisions in realizing a qualified madrasah. This research aims to find an authentic leadership strategy model for the management of change by the head of the madrasah. The research was conducted on the head of the madrasah in Pangandaran Regency. The results show that the application of authentic leadership can build madrasah changes by empowering the Professional Learning Community (PLC) in which 4CS strategy is implemented in a reciprocal (cumsuis-Casing, Communicating, Competencies, Contribution, Sample). The followers can identify who the authentic leader is by finding the integrity of identity that represents in: his mind is vision; his heart is good and his legs work hard

    Commencing Self Directed Learning to Heutagogy Skill in Lieu of Spiritual Entrepreneurship

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    The problems faced by the retirement age group are increasingly complex. Declining productivity, income and welfare. The transition period from the productive workforce to the gray entrepreneurship has not been followed by an optimal learning process. The research objective is to obtain an overview and analyze the entrepreneurial orientation of retirees who have the ability to learn independently. The explanatory survey method on the entrepreneurship training participants in the preretirement program at an educational and training institution is at PT Meta Bright Vision (MBV) in Bekasi. Questionnaires were distributed to 155 respondents. Path analysis was used to analyze the data. The research then revealed that respondents who successfully applied Self Directed Learning had the ability to create value as basic skills to face a productive period of retirement. The ability to identify the knowledge, skills and processes needed for meaningful learning about entrepreneurship leads to an understanding of value creation. Independent learning to understand the learning process determines how entrepreneurial behavior in the retirement age group. Encouraging heutagogy skills in the retirement age group is a need to remain productive in the golden age

    Role of Leader-Member-Exchange (LMX) in Improving Teacher Creativity

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    This research examines the role of LMX in improving teacher creativity conducted by principals by using LMX theory. This research studies whether the principals show their maximal role in LMX and participate, empower, and collaborate with teachers to improve and increase school quality. So far, there are no apparent effects of LMX on teacher creativity. We try to examine the relationship between creativity and the role of LMX as a source of relations for teachers. The data were collected from 165 teachers and 19 principals in the Education Office in Bandung City, Indonesia. The statistical analysis used in this study is Partial Least Square (PLS) with smartPLS 3.0 software. We found out that LMX still has adverse effects when the principals have regulated and limited their participation, empowerment, and collaboration in LMX, so they have obstacles in showing their creativity. Through this research, we expect that the LMX practices based on professional effect, loyalty, contribution, and respect will greatly benefit teacher creativity; thus, principals must improve their communication and setting of shared works. Results of this research propose that friendship, mutual shares with good interpersonal communication, participation, empowerment, and collaboration are important aspects for principals to stimulate creativity

    Effectiveness of Students' Motivation Factors in the Competency-Based Approach: A Case Study of Universities in Russia and Indonesia

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    The study aimed to explore the influence of motivation factors on the development of professional competencies using Russian and Indonesian institutions of higher education as case studies. In pursuit of this objective, quantitative survey methodology was incorporated, and surveys were conducted during November and April of the 2018/2019 to 2021/2022 school years. The questionnaire was developed with a 10-point rating scale, aimed at addressing the development of students' professional competencies and the factors that motivate learning and competency development. Using the questionnaire, the level of professional competency development of students in Russian and Indonesian universities has been empirically analysed. The results of the study supported the spiral nature of students' professional competencies development, showing that the development of professional competencies follows a progressive and non-linear nature of component development. These results confirm that the process of professional competency development is structurally divided into separate, relatively independent stages reflecting sequential and gradual progression. The positive character of the influence of the balanced development level of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors on the formation of students' professional competencies has been established. The results of the research may prove useful for educational institutions and public administration bodies for the development of effective mechanisms for students' motivation within the framework of competency-based approach implementation in higher education. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-03-012 Full Text: PD

    Managing Coal Enterprise Competitiveness in the Context of Global Challenges

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    Increased geopolitical tensions and economic sanctions imposed by the U.S., the European Union, and other countries against Russian sectors of the economy have caused a slowdown of economic growth in Russia and significantly restricted access to international capital markets, creating many problems for coal enterprises due to the rapid growth of competition. Russian and Indonesian coal companies need to adopt coping strategies and implement effective management practices to successfully counter the various global challenges facing the coal sector. The article aims to develop coal enterprise competitiveness management in the context of global challenges in 2022, as exemplified by Russia and Indonesia, considering the main role of these two countries in global coal exports. The management process was empirically assessed, and a comprehensive qualitative focus group session was conducted to achieve this goal. Fifty-five top managers of Russian and Indonesian coal companies participated in the focus group session to collect data for identifying all the factors and indicators to be accounted for in a holistic assessment of the companies’ competitiveness. Suggestions were worked out for the development of coal companies in Russia and Indonesia, regarding current changes, to increase their competitiveness. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-02-021 Full Text: PD

    Analysis of the Role of Organizational Culture at the Center for Employee Education and Training

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of organizational culture at Bandung Regional Ministry of Education and Training Center. This research was conducted with a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The data were collected through interview, observation, and document review. The analysis results showed the following(1) Organizational culture seen from the aspect of providing a sense of identity, a role in an effort to arouse commitment to the organization's mission and its role in clarifying the standard of behavior has not played an optimal role one of them do not use complete attributes and do not use uniforms according to the rules (2) The obstacle in implementing organizational culture at Bandung Regional Ministry of Education and Training Center is that there are still employees who are more concerned with personal interests so that work is often neglected. Many employees are still lazy to follow the flag ceremony. (3) The efforts made by the Bandung Regional Ministry of Education and Training Center to discipline employees by distributing examples of uniformed rules that are correct in accordance with the rules, direct supervisor approach to be able to foster subordinates to work better

    Development of the Adolescents’ Communicative Culture in the Context of Digitalization of Additional Education

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    In the era of digitalization of education and economy and the development of artificial intelligence, adolescents appear highly competitive compared with other generations in understanding digital technologies, acquiring expertise, and mastering modern means of communication, which normally causes intergenerational conflicts and the loss of an adult’s personal and functional authority. The aim of this research was to develop and test a model for developing adolescents’ communicative cultures in an institution of additional education. The research emphasizes the significance of personality-oriented, interactive-communicative, and cultural approaches and conducts a comparative analysis of the sources. Methodologically, the study relies on a quantitative method with primary sources. Besides, the findings of the study contribute to the existing limited stress on the importance of adolescents’ communicative cultures from the perspective of the digitalization of additional education. The study finds that the use of digital options in education has reduced social interaction among students. However, the students prefer to use digital methods of learning as they find them more convenient for communication. Therefore, the digital communication culture has high potential in the educational sector. The findings are novel as this study is one of the few recent studies that examined how communicative culture has transformed due to digital means in education. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-019 Full Text: PD


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    Penelitian ini beranjak dari permasalahan pengelolaan pembiayaan sekolah dasar, dalam mengalokasikan atau mendistribusikan biayanya masih mengacu pada pengalaman-pengalaman yang sudah dilaksanakan sebelumnya, belum berdasarkan pada program atau kegiatan prioritas yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajar peserta didik. Berdasarkan fakta empirik tersebut, rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah “Bagaimana pengelolaan pembiayaan Sekolah Dasar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajar peserta didik ?”. Tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang dasar perlunya pemerintah membiayai pendidikan SD, kebijakan pembiayaan, besaran biaya yang dibutuhkan, efektivitas dan efisiensi pembiayaan, serta model pengelolaan pembiayaan SD yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajar peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif-Analitik, dengan pendekatan kulitatif. Peneliti sebagai key instrumen dalam menetapkan fokus penelitian dan pengumpulan data, yang dilakukan dengan pengamatan, indepth-interview, menelaah dokumen, dan observasi. Hasil dan pembahasan penelitian yang diperoleh adalah : 1) Pembiayaan pendidikan, diarahkan kepada pendidikan yang dapat membantu mengembangkan potensi dan kecakapan dasar sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajar peserta didik; 2) Kebijakan pembiayaan yang ditetapkan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran dan menggali sumber dana dengan membangun kerjasama antara pemerintah dan masyarakat; 3) Sumber pembiayaan berasal dari BOS Pemerintah Pusat sebesar Rp.397.000,-; Pemerintah Provinsi sebesar Rp.25.000,- dan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota sebesar Rp.17.500,- per siswa; 4) Return on investment sebesar 37 %, artinya layak dilaksanakan. Hubungan biaya dengan manfaat pendidikan sebesar 73%, artinya, biaya memberikan kontribusi terhadap produktivitas ekonomi; 5) Model pengelolaan pembiayaan SD berdasarkan kebutuhan belajar, memfokuskan pada pendistribusian dan pengalokasian dana berdasarkan program atau kegiatan yang menjadi prioritas, dengan pendekatan penghitungan alokasi dana menggunakan activity based costing, supaya efektivitas dan efisiensi penggunaan dana dapat tercapai, sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajar peserta didik. Adapun temuan penelitian yang dapat diungkapkan adalah pengelolaan pembiayaan untuk menjalankan program wajardikdas 9 tahun kurang efektif dilaksanakan, karena kurang mampu mencapai target yang ditetapkan. Selain itu, dukungan sarana dan prasarana yang kurang layak pakai, dan pengetahuan guru dalam mengajar, masih kurang menyentuh kebutuhan dasar yang harus dimiliki peserta didik. Kepala Sekolah kurang memiliki kemampuan manajerial dalam mengelola dana, sehingga penggunaannya tidak sesuai dengan perencanaan dalam RAPBS/RKAS. Rekomendasi hasil penelitian bagi pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung, hendaknya menerapkan model pengelolaan pembiayaan sekolah dasar sebagaimana yang telah dipaparkan secara komprehensif di bab IV; serta membuat dan menetapkan kebijakan yang mengatur pembiayaan pendidikan bagi sekolah dasar yang berada di daerah terpencil, berdasarkan kondisi geografis sekolah, dan tidak mengacu kepada jumlah murid yang terdaftar. Bagi sekolah, hendaknya menerapkan model pengelolaan pembiayaan sekolah dasar berdasarkan kebutuhan belajar, serta mengidentifikasi program atau kegiatan sebagai dasar dalam mendistribusikan dan mengalokasikan dana yang tersedia secara efektif dan efisien, sebagaimana yang telah dipaparkan secara komprehensif di bab IV; serta Rencana Kegiatan Anggaran Sekolah yang disusun hendaknya memuat program atau kegiatan peningkatan PBM yang menitik beratkan pada peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap, keterampilan dan kecakapan dasar bagi peserta didik, dengan didukung oleh ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, dalam membentuk watak dan karakter peserta didik untuk dapat tumbuh dan berkembang secara tota