77 research outputs found

    Filsafat Ilmu Indonesia: Kontribusi Berkelanjutan terhadap Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan

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    This article provides a brief overview of the development of philosophy of science in Indonesia, highlighting the unique and original contributions of Indonesian philosophers and scientists in expanding insights and understanding of science. By bridging the gap between Western philosophical traditions and local cultural contexts, they have enriched the theories and methodologies of the philosophy of science and made significant impacts on societal development and educational improvement in Indonesia. This research employs a descriptive literature-based research method with specific analysis and criteria. The results indicate the development of local epistemology, critical thinking towards Western knowledge, the development of local concepts, reflection on the social and environmental implications of science, dialogue between science and religion/culture, as well as critical studies of technology and innovation. In conclusion, this article emphasizes the importance of the complementary relationship between philosophy and science in the pursuit of deeper knowledge and wisdom, and in leading a responsible life

    Internet Sebagai Media Penyebaran Ideologi Radikal: Dampak, Tantangan, dan Upaya Penanggulangannya

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    The concept of the Internet has become a very influential medium in spreading radical ideology around the world. This phenomenon has created significant social, political and security impacts in various countries. In this scientific work, we investigate the impact of the spread of radical ideology via the internet, the challenges faced in dealing with it, and the efforts made to overcome this problem. This research is based on a literature review and data analysis related to the internet as the main medium for spreading radical ideology. The challenges in dealing with the spread of radical ideology through the internet are complex and varied. Some of the main challenges include the lack of effective regulation, online anonymity, the rapid development of technology, and the existence of radical groups that are savvy in leveraging social media and online platforms to spread their message. Apart from that, there are also issues around privacy and freedom of speech that need to be maintained so they are not disturbed by countermeasures. To overcome this problem, various countermeasures have been carried out at the national and international levels. This includes establishing policies and regulations that limit the spread of radical ideologies, cooperation between governments, the technology industry, and international institutions, developing harmful content detection algorithms and technologies, and empowering people to understand and deal with radical narratives. Although countermeasures have been taken, challenges in dealing with the spread of radical ideology via the internet remain. In this scientific paper, we provide a comprehensive description of the negative impacts generated by the spread of radical ideology via the internet, the associated challenges, and the various countermeasures that have been undertaken. This research is expected to be the basis for the development of more effective strategies in dealing with this problem in the future

    Masyarakat Kalijeruk dalam Pelestarian Pertunjukan Ebeg

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    The sophistication of technology and communication systems has had an impact on the high flow of globalization that has entered Indonesia. Not a few foreign cultural influences that enter are not in accordance with the cultural norms of the Indonesian nation. This is because people are more familiar with foreign cultures compared to native Indonesian culture. One of them is the traditional art of Ebeg as one of the noble heritages of the ancestors of the Indonesian people, which from now on is rarely found. A sense of belonging to the young people of Kalijeruk Village is needed for Ebeg art as an art that deserves to be upheld and becomes the pride of the community. This Ebeg art is widely displayed by people at festivals, celebrations, competitions and celebrations on certain days. The author discusses the preservation of Ebeg art using documentation and observation studies. Through literature review and observational notes, the data obtained was then collected, selected and presented in the discussion. As early as possible, the young people of Kalijeruk Village are introduced to Ebeg art and trained to play it so that they can continue the art that has been passed down from generation to generation as an intangible cultural heritage. The explanation presented is expected to be able to become a value of public awareness of the preservation of the Indonesian nation's traditional arts

    Peran Pengurus Panti Dalam Mencegah Kenakalan Remaja (Studi Kasus Panti Asuhan Sinar Melati Yogyakarta)

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the disgraceful behavior that is often carried out by foster children at the Sinar Melati Orphanage, as well as examine the role of the administrators in preventing it. In addition, this study aims to determine the factors that influence preventing this behavior in foster children. The research method used is qualitative research with data collection techniques through interviews and observation. Based on the results of the study, it was found that administrators have an important role in preventing dishonorable behavior towards foster children and they also help guide and foster foster children to become more compliant with applicable rules.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji perilaku tidak terpuji yang sering dilakukan oleh anak asuh di Panti Asuhan Sinar Melati, serta memeriksa peran dari para pengurus dalam mencegahnya. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam mencegah perilaku tersebut pada anak asuh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa pengurus memiliki peran penting dalam mencegah perilaku tidak terpuji pada anak asuh dan mereka juga membantu membimbing serta membina anak asuh untuk menjadi lebih patuh dengan aturan yang berlaku.                             &nbsp


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    The Korowai tribe is a group of indigenous people who live in remote areas in the province of Papua, Indonesia. The Korowai tribe is known for their wooden houses built in trees to protect themselves from floods and wild animals. The traditions and culture of the Korowai tribe are very unique and unique, such as traditional dances, woodcarving and belief in ancestral spirits. However, modernization and epidemics that are increasingly affecting the region significantly change the life of the Korowai tribe. External influences have changed the lifestyle, diet, and use of technology for the Korowai people. However, they try to maintain their original identity and culture. This study discusses the social and cultural changes of the Korowai tribe in the context of modernization and globalization. The results of the study show that the effects of modernization and globalization affect the daily life of the Korowai tribe with complex changes. Factors influencing these changes are access to the outside world, changes in mindset, foreign cultural influences and infrastructure development. Although these changes had positive impacts such as improving the quality of life, they also had negative impacts in maintaining the original culture and traditions of the Korowai tribe. Therefore efforts to restore the original Korowai culture and traditions are very important through programs that support and develop local culture as well as education about the importance of cultural care. This study recommends further research to understand the impact of changes in social culture on the Korowai tribe and how they respond to these changes

    Analisis Implikasi Perubahan Kurikulum Terhadap Pembelajaran PPKn Pada Sekolah Jenjang SD

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    In writing scientific papers based on literature studies, it is hoped that it will be able to overcome confusion over the problem of curriculum policies which often change, which are policies from the government under the pretext of the times and technology so that the curriculum must also always experience changes. The curriculum has a dynamic nature and continues to be developed or adapted according to the context and needs of students to build competencies or abilities according to the present and the future. What is needed in the educational process in curriculum development is that it is hoped that all educational academics will be able to collaborate with the community to organize socialization for all components of society, namely the role of parents, communities and schools must place needs, opinions, experiences, learning outcomes and the interests of students as curriculum development because The curriculum is designed for the needs of learners. In the subjects there were also changes in terms of the naming of the subjects which were originally Pancasila Education and Citizenship changed their names to Pancasila Education, in the contents of the content of the lesson values also added the profile of Pancasila students as strengthening character values, implementing Pancasila personality as an example in the behavior of daily life - day. By changing the curriculum, of course, it can further improve the understanding of learning material, create a new view of learning programs that should be carried out, be more flexible, concise and efficient and be able to answer challenges in the world of education in the current era of digital technology development. So each curriculum in its implementation requires evaluation every year in order to determine the level of success of the learning process of students

    Peran Pendidikan Pancasila dalam pembentukan karakter

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    This article was prepared with the aim of knowing how Pancasila as the basis of the state also has a role in shaping the nation's character. Indonesia can be said to be experiencing a moral and moral crisis, because cases often happen to the community and many of the perpetrators of these cases are still underage. This is certainly something that cannot be underestimated because if it is allowed to continue it will cause the loss of good character in the nation's generation. This article conveys several formulations including: 1) How important is Pancasila Education? 2) What are the values contained in Pancasila? 3) How are Pancasila values applied in shaping character? This study uses a qualitative approach, the method used in compiling this article is a literature study. Sources of data are taken by searching and then reading reference journals. The results of the study show that the application of Pancasila values has a role in shaping character, because in each value of the Pancasila precepts there are goals and ideals of the Indonesian nation. With this Pancasila education, it is hoped that the generation of the Indonesian nation has a character in accordance with the values contained in each item of the Pancasila precepts. The decline in the value of Pancasila as a result of the development of globalization and the development of science can threaten the nation's ideology. Strengthening the values of Pancasila must be carried out to maintain the existing values of Pancasila


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    The Indonesian government’s program still includes HIV/AIDS prevention as a top priority. The number of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) increases daily, while the handling of HIV cases remains out of control. A signifcant proportion of HIV patients are lost to follow-up in the feld, which is one of the difculties faced by HIV patients. Moreover, the issue of societal stigma and prejudice towards PLWHA is still a major concern in Indonesia and the rest of the world. Social stigma, prejudice, and isolation in social life is still scary outcome. This research seeks to examine the role and communication techniques of the international NGO the Aids Healthcare Foundation interpersonal communication in reducing stigma, discrimination, and loss to follow up PLWHA based on the stages of the interpersonal communication process using social penetration theory. The utilized research methodology is a combination of qualitative descriptive and case study techniques. The data collection methods include in-depth interviews, participant observation, and a review of the literature. The fndings of this study indicate that stigma and prejudice against PLWHA clients remain high, leading the rate of clients who are lost to follow-up to continue to increase. Nonetheless, AHF was there as a government partner to lower this to meet the 2030 SDG target through an interpersonal communication approach with PLWHA

    Agama sebagai Benteng untuk Mencegah Kasus Kekerasan Seksual Anak Sejak Dini

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    Violence is a part that is closely related to a person's frustration and aggressiveness. The perpetrator vents a sense of emotional resentment towards himself who deliberately injures the other party. In this study using a literature review study or literature review where a study relevant to a particular topic that provides an overview of what is discussed and discussed.religion as a solution. As religion exists it is for mankind's own good, protecting all kinds of human interests, inviting righteousness, and forbidding evil. Among the things that become solutions to prevent cases of sexual violence are First, equipping themselves with a complete understanding of religion. Second, set a good example from parents. Third, equip children with knowledge. Fourth, look for a good environment. With so many cases of sexual harassment and sexual violence juxtaposed in the education process, it is very necessary as a nation to see the problem more complexly

    Akulturasi Budaya Lokal dan Agama Dalam Grebeg Apem di Kabupaten Jombang, Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Grebeg Apem is a symbol of the relationship between ancestors, nature and each other. This is a ritual pattern that contains local culture and Islamic values. So do not be surprised if the implementation of Grebeg Apem is still related to local culture which is then assimilated into Islamic values by Wali Songo. In addition, this study will explain how the relationship between Nyadran and religious values. A qualitative research approach was applied to answer research questions. These results show a very strong relationship. Religious values with the Grebeg Apem tradition include the value of worship aimed at worshiping Allah, the second value of muamalah aims so that the Islamic community and others do not differentiate between each other, the third value of hospitality aims to keep brothers and sisters unbroken and more harmonious and peaceful
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