61 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ukuran Lebar Pita Satin Terhadap Hasil Jadi Sulam Pita Bunga Concertina Rose Pada Tas Anyaman

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    Abstrak   Sulam Pita merupakan seni menyulam yang mempergunakan pita sebagai bahan sulaman. Teknik menghias kain dengan cara menjahitkan pita secara dekoratif ke atas benda yang akan dihias sehingga terbentuk desain hiasan baru dengan menggunakan berbagai macam tusuk-tusuk hias. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil jadi sulam pita bunga concertina rose menggunakan pita satin dengan ukuran lebar ½ inchi, 1 inchi, dan 2 inchi, mengetahui pengaruh ukuran lebar pita satin terhadap hasil jadi sulam pita bunga concertina rose, dan mengetahui hasil jadi sulam pita bunga concertina rose yang terbaik pada tas anyaman. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dengan jumlah 30 orang observer. Pengambilan data menggunakan anova tunggal dengan program SPSS. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh ukuran lebar pita satin terhadap hasil jadi sulam pita bunga concertina rose pada tas anyaman jika di tinjau dari aspek susunan, bentuk bunga, dan kerapihan. Pada aspek susunan lebar pita ½ inchi nilai mean 2,90 dengan kategori baik, pada lebar pita 1 inchi nilai mean 3,50 dengan kategori sangat baik, dan pada lebar pita 2 inchi nilai mean 2,30 dengan kategori cukup baik. Pada aspek bentuk bunga lebar pita ½ inchi nilai mean 3,10 dengan kategori baik, pada lebar pita 1 inchi nilai mean 3,70 dengan kategori sangat baik, pada lebar pita 2 inchi nilai mean 2,70 dengan kategori baik. Pada aspek kerapihan lebar pita ½ inchi nilai mean 2,70 dengan kategori baik, pada lebar pita 1 inchi mean 3,70 dengan katgori sangat baik, pada lebar pita 2 inchi mean 2,50 dengan kategori cukup baik. Hasil penelitian terbukti bahwa sulam pita bunga concertina rose yang terbaik yaitu menggunakan lebar pita 1 inchi. Pengaruh ukuran lebar pita satin terhadap hasil jadi sulam pita bunga concertina rose pada tas anyaman terlihat seperti bunga sesungguhnya yang pas tidak bundar dan kotak, cekung pada tengahnya.   Kata Kunci: Sulam pita, bunga concertina rose, tas anyaman, hasil jadi, dan lebar pita.   Abstract   Ribbon embroidery is embroider art use ribbon as materials and technique decorate fabric with sewing the ribbon decorative manner on object until formed new design with kinds of various stitchs. The aim of this study is for knowing the result of concertina rose  flowers ribbon embroidery use satin ribbon with the w idth of ½ inchi, 1 inchi, 2 inchi, knowing the impact of width satin ribbon size to the result of concertina rose flowers ribbon embroidery, and knowing the impact of the best concertina rose flower ribbon embroidery on plait bag. Data collection method that is usedin study is through the observation of 30 people, the technique of data colletion of single Anova with SPSS program. Statistic shows that there is an impact of width satin ribbon size to result of concertina rose flowers on plait bag if it based on stucture aspect, flowers shape, and neat. On structure aspect ribbon width ½ inchi has mean value 2,90 with category “good’, ribbon width 1 inchi has mean value 3,50 with category”very good”. Ribbon width 2 inchi has mean value 2,30 with category “good enough”. On flowers shape aspect ribbon width ½ inchi has mean value 3,10 with category “good’, ribbon width 1 inchi has mean value 3,70 with category”very good”. Ribbon width 2 inchi has mean value 2,70  with category “good”. On neat aspect ribbon width ½ inchi has mean value 2,70 with category “good’, ribbon width 1 inchi has mean value 3,70 with category”very good”. Ribbon width 2 inchi has mean value 2,50  with category “good enough”. The best result proof concertina  flowers ribbon embroidery is using1 inchi  ribbon width. The impact of satin ribbon width to the result of concertina rose flowers ribbon embroidery on plait bag visible like real flower that fit not round and square, concave on middle.   Keyword: Ribbon embroidery, concertina rose flower, plait bag, the result, ribbon’s width


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between product quality and price with consumer satisfaction being the main objective of this study. In this study, 87 participants who had shopped at Deracake's home sector were sampled for the SPSS-based consumer questionnaire analysis. Customers who have shopped in Deracake's home industry were surveyed using a questionnaire to find out firsthand whether aspects such as product quality and price have an impact on consumer happiness or whether other variables play a greater role. Researchers in this study processed (analyzed) data using IBM SPSS software and various linear regression tests. Based on this research, when comparing the price and quality of Deracake products, product quality has a greater influence on the level of Deracake customer satisfaction than the price element. Although product quality is more important to customers than price when making purchasing choices, price is still important because consumers use price as a benchmark when comparing products. Customer satisfaction in the Deracake home industry is influenced by price and product quality.&nbsp


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    Laju pertumbuhan penduduk ditentukan oleh tingkat kelahiran dan kematian. Tingginya tingkat kelahiran menyebabkan tingkat kematian penduduk rendah, yang berdampak pada semakin tingginya ledakan penduduk. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran penggunaan alat kontrasepi implant Wanita Usia Subur (WUS). Studi ini menggunakan rancangan kualitatif dengan Rapid Assesment Procedure (RAP). Pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan pada informan sebanyak 18 informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gambaran penggunaan alat kontrasepsi implan wanita usia subur yaitu: sebagian besar mengetahui alat kontrasepsi implan, sebagian besar merespon baik, sebagian besar mendapatkan informasi, sebagian besar tidak mengeluarkan biaya, sebagian besar mendapatkan dukungan dari suami. Kesimpulan gambaran penggunaan alat kontrasepi implant wanita usia subur mengetahui alat kontrasepi,merespon baik,dukungan baik,mendapatkan informasi,akses ke pelayanan terjangkau,dukungan baik dari suami. Saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya untuk menambah informan serta melakukan probing lebih banyak


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    PEMBERDAYAAN KADER KESEHATAN DALAM UPAYA PENCEGAHAN STUNTING PADA BALITA DI DESA BAE KECEMATAN BAE KUDUS Heny Siswantia,*, Ana Zumrotun Na, b ,Shinta Dwi Kurniab [email protected] , [email protected] [email protected] aUniversitas Muhammadiyah Kudus Desa Pelang Mayong, Jepara, Indonesia bUniversitas Muhammadiyah Kudus, Indonesia Abstrak Stunting merupakan masalah gizi yang disebabkan karena kekurangan asupan gizi dalam waktu lama pada masa 1000 hari pertama kehidupan (HPK) yang merupakan masa kritis, sehingga mengakibatkan gangguan pertumbuhan pada anak yakni tinggi badan anak lebih rendah atau pendek (kerdil) dari standar usianya.. Pevalensi stunting di Indonesia mencapai angka 37,2%, dengan kata lain terdapat 93 juta kasus stunting terjadi di Indonesia. Dari anak dibawah 3 tahun di desa Puskesmas Bae terdapat 23% anak mengalami stunting slah satunya Desa Bae. Dari permasalahan tersebut perlu adanya keterlibatan keluarga dan peran serta masyarakat sehingga program dapat berjalan. Kegiatan Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan pada Kader Gizi Anak, Pengetahuan tentang gizi anak, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak, cara menyajikan makanan batita yang baik, pembuatan media promosi yang menarik tentang gizi anak supaya lebih mudah dipahami serta pencegahan stunting. Kegiatan ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kader posyandu dan memberi pengetahuan para ibu untuk pemberian makanan yang tepat sesuai dengan usia anaknya dan mengetahui tahapan normal proses tumbuh kembang seorang anak. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah dilakukan kegiatan ini terdapat 25 kader Gizi serta membuat menu sehat untuk batita,. Setelah dilakukan pendampingan duta gizi anak, dilakukan pula pendataan gizi anak, dimana didapatkan hasil angka stunting di Desa Bae mengalami penurunan. Dan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini sangat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kesehatan batita dan keluarga. Kata Kunci: Kader, Gizi, Stunting Abstract Stunting is a nutritional problem caused by a long-term lack of nutritional intake during the first 1000 days of life (HPK) which is a critical period, resulting in growth disorders in children, namely the child's height is lower or shorter (dwarf) than the standard age. stunting in Indonesia reached 37.2%, in other words there were 93 million cases of stunting occurring in Indonesia. Of the children under 3 years old in the Bae Health Center village, 23% of the children were stunted, one of them was in Bae Village. From these problems it is necessary to have family involvement and community participation so that the program can run. This community service activity aims to provide training for Child Nutrition Cadres, Knowledge of child nutrition, child growth and development, how to serve good toddler food, making attractive promotional media about child nutrition to make it easier to understand and stunting prevention. This activity is aimed at increasing the knowledge of posyandu cadres and giving mothers the knowledge to provide proper food according to their child's age and to know the normal stages of a child's growth and development process. The results obtained after this activity were 25 Nutrition cadres and made a healthy menu for toddlers. After assisting the child nutrition ambassador, a child nutrition data collection was also carried out, which resulted in a decrease in the stunting rate in Bae Village. And this community service activity is very useful for improving the health of toddlers and families. Keywords: Health Cadres, Nutrition, Stunting

    Pengaruh Ukuran Lebar Pita Satin Terhadap Hasil Jadi Sulam Pita Bunga Concertina Rose Pada Tas Anyaman

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    Abstrak   Sulam Pita merupakan seni menyulam yang mempergunakan pita sebagai bahan sulaman. Teknik menghias kain dengan cara menjahitkan pita secara dekoratif ke atas benda yang akan dihias sehingga terbentuk desain hiasan baru dengan menggunakan berbagai macam tusuk-tusuk hias. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil jadi sulam pita bunga concertina rose menggunakan pita satin dengan ukuran lebar ½ inchi, 1 inchi, dan 2 inchi, mengetahui pengaruh ukuran lebar pita satin terhadap hasil jadi sulam pita bunga concertina rose, dan mengetahui hasil jadi sulam pita bunga concertina rose yang terbaik pada tas anyaman. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dengan jumlah 30 orang observer. Pengambilan data menggunakan anova tunggal dengan program SPSS. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh ukuran lebar pita satin terhadap hasil jadi sulam pita bunga concertina rose pada tas anyaman jika di tinjau dari aspek susunan, bentuk bunga, dan kerapihan. Pada aspek susunan lebar pita ½ inchi nilai mean 2,90 dengan kategori baik, pada lebar pita 1 inchi nilai mean 3,50 dengan kategori sangat baik, dan pada lebar pita 2 inchi nilai mean 2,30 dengan kategori cukup baik. Pada aspek bentuk bunga lebar pita ½ inchi nilai mean 3,10 dengan kategori baik, pada lebar pita 1 inchi nilai mean 3,70 dengan kategori sangat baik, pada lebar pita 2 inchi nilai mean 2,70 dengan kategori baik. Pada aspek kerapihan lebar pita ½ inchi nilai mean 2,70 dengan kategori baik, pada lebar pita 1 inchi mean 3,70 dengan katgori sangat baik, pada lebar pita 2 inchi mean 2,50 dengan kategori cukup baik. Hasil penelitian terbukti bahwa sulam pita bunga concertina rose yang terbaik yaitu menggunakan lebar pita 1 inchi. Pengaruh ukuran lebar pita satin terhadap hasil jadi sulam pita bunga concertina rose pada tas anyaman terlihat seperti bunga sesungguhnya yang pas tidak bundar dan kotak, cekung pada tengahnya.   Kata Kunci: Sulam pita, bunga concertina rose, tas anyaman, hasil jadi, dan lebar pita.   Abstract   Ribbon embroidery is embroider art use ribbon as materials and technique decorate fabric with sewing the ribbon decorative manner on object until formed new design with kinds of various stitchs. The aim of this study is for knowing the result of concertina rose  flowers ribbon embroidery use satin ribbon with the w idth of ½ inchi, 1 inchi, 2 inchi, knowing the impact of width satin ribbon size to the result of concertina rose flowers ribbon embroidery, and knowing the impact of the best concertina rose flower ribbon embroidery on plait bag. Data collection method that is usedin study is through the observation of 30 people, the technique of data colletion of single Anova with SPSS program. Statistic shows that there is an impact of width satin ribbon size to result of concertina rose flowers on plait bag if it based on stucture aspect, flowers shape, and neat. On structure aspect ribbon width ½ inchi has mean value 2,90 with category “good’, ribbon width 1 inchi has mean value 3,50 with category”very good”. Ribbon width 2 inchi has mean value 2,30 with category “good enough”. On flowers shape aspect ribbon width ½ inchi has mean value 3,10 with category “good’, ribbon width 1 inchi has mean value 3,70 with category”very good”. Ribbon width 2 inchi has mean value 2,70  with category “good”. On neat aspect ribbon width ½ inchi has mean value 2,70 with category “good’, ribbon width 1 inchi has mean value 3,70 with category”very good”. Ribbon width 2 inchi has mean value 2,50  with category “good enough”. The best result proof concertina  flowers ribbon embroidery is using1 inchi  ribbon width. The impact of satin ribbon width to the result of concertina rose flowers ribbon embroidery on plait bag visible like real flower that fit not round and square, concave on middle.   Keyword: Ribbon embroidery, concertina rose flower, plait bag, the result, ribbon’s width

    Konstruksi Media Online Detik.com dan Kompas.com terhadap Vanuatu

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    Vanuatu is one of the Pacific Island countries that consistently raises the issue of alleged human rights violations in Papua at every opportunity at the UN session. On September 27, 2020, Vanuatu, represented by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu, Bob Loughman, returned to address the issue related to human rights violations of the Papuan at the 75th UN session. Vanuatu's statement and its reply from the Indonesian diplomat, Sylvany Austin Pasaribu, at the 75th UN session became the spotlight of various media. Detik.com and Kompas.com as online media pioneers and one of the most frequently accessed news sites, were also reported that occurrence. This research aims to find out the differences between those media on packaging its report of Vanuatu after the issue of Papuan human rights violations was raised at the 75th UN General Assembly. The news period under research is from 27 September to 2 October 2020. This research uses qualitative research method with the Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M Kosicki framing analysis model. In this research, Detik.com was more likely to corner Vanuatu. This matter can be seen in terms of quantity and packaging of news. Meanwhile, Kompas.com, didn't put Vanuatu in an advantageous position, but was trying to show balance in its report


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    This study focuses on introvert learners in eighth grader of A and B class. Totaling 72 students and 2 teachers at state Junior High School 2 Sungailiat. The objective of this study is to determine the lack and expectation of introvert learners and the teacher of English handles introvert learners for the importance of their speaking ability. This study used descriptive study and used questionnaire to analyze students who are classified as introvert and interviewed with teacher of English and counseling teacher. The result that 8 introvert learners in eighth grader of A and B class. The biggest problems faced by introvert learners were lack of vocabulary and self-confidence in their speaking activities. Introvert learners found it difficult to express opinions in front of many people. Then, teacher of English could provide learning based on the lack of introvert learners, such as group discussion, thus introvert learners could express their opinions in a small scope. The expectation of introvert learners, was that teacher of English paid more attention to themselves. The teacher could provide material with the media of English songs because introvert learners tend to be audio-visual learners, introvert learners more easily accept the material in a fun way


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    Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Desa Sukaharja adalah untuk memanfaatkan lahan idle dengan menanam cabai adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampian buruh tani dalam menanam cabai dengan menggunakan lahan yang tidak termanfaatkan.  Selain itu juga, untuk menambah pendapatan bagi para buruh tani.  Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan di kampung Cijulang Desa Sukaharja Kecamatan Cijeruk Kabupaten Bogor kepada 20 orang buruh tani.  Metode pengabdian dilakukan dengan metode intervensi.  Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan buruh tani dalam menggunakan media tanam, proses pembibitan, penyemaian dan penanaman pada lahan yang terbatas dengan menggunakan polybag.  Hasil lainnya adalah adanya tambahan pendapatan baik secara langsung ataupun tidak bagi buruh tani dari hasil panen tanaman cabai.   &nbsp

    Ion speciation: A key for the understanding of the solution properties of ionic liquid mixtures

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    Recently, combinations of two (or more) ionic liquids, known as ionic liquid mixtures, have become popular and have a broad range of applications. However, the fundamental knowledge on the molecular interactions that exist in ionic liquid mixtures is far from being understood. In this work, the experimental measurement of the water activity coefficient and computational modelling using Conductor-like Screening Model for Real Solvent (COSMO-RS) were carried out to get an insight into the molecular interactions that are present in ionic liquid mixtures in aqueous solution. The results show that the combination of two ionic liquids of different basicity in aqueous solution allows fine tuning of the water activities, covering a wide range of values that could replace several pure fluids. This is an important feature resulting from the unexpected ion speciation of the ionic liquid mixtures in aqueous solution.We thank the CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-007679 (Ref. FCT UID/CTM/50011/2019) and Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984 (Ref. FCT UID/ EQU/50020/2019), financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC and when appropriate co-financed by FEDDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Learning Disorders in Neuroscience and Islamic Education Perspectives

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    This study examines the learning problems of neuroscience perspectives and Islamic education. To find out what are the factors of learning disorders with a view of neuroscience and Islamic education itself.  Neuroscience as a field of science that studies the nervous system in the brain, while Islamic education has great urgency for life. The research uses qualitative methods of literature study by analysing and understanding related to the phenomenon of learning disorders, views of neuroscience and Islamic education. Research with relevant literature sources, this research technique includes summarizing data, and making conclusions. The findings in this study that symptoms of learning disorders in students can be diagnosed from learning outcomes that are not in accordance with the efforts made, slow in completing tasks and then behaviours such as lying, opposing, and lack of confidence. Disorders in neuroscience perspective learning such as Learning Disability, Dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD. While in the perspective of Islamic education there are internal factors with intelligence, enthusiasm and patience. While external factors such as cost, guidance, teachers, and quantity of learning
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