40 research outputs found

    Analysis of components in antimicrobial effective plant extract of Pongamia pinnata by Infra-Red Spectroscopy

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    Plants have been used since olden times, to cure human beings of ailments caused by pathogenic micro-organisms. Pongamiapinnata seed extract was found antimicrobially effective against many of the tested pathogenic isolates. It was separated into two components by Thin Layer Chromatography. The aqueous seed extract and the two isolated components were analysed for their inherent ingredients by Infra-Red Spectroscopy. The active chemical groups were interpreted with the help of standard references. They could be responsible for the anti-microbial activity


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    Authentication is the process to conform the truth of an attribute claimed by real entity. Biometric technology is widely useful for the process of authentication. Today, biometric is becoming a key aspect in a multitude of applications. So this paper proposed the applications of such a multimodal biometric authentication system. Proposed system establishes a real time authentication framework using multi-model biometrics which consists of the embedded system verify the signatures, fingerprint and key pattern to authenticate the user. This is one of the most reliable, fast and cost effective tool for the user authentication

    Efficacy of Anxiolytic and Preoperative Counseling on Preoperative Anxiety Reduction: A Randomized Comparison Study

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    Background: The incidence of preoperative anxiety is high. Anxiolytic agents have been used to reduce preoperative anxiety for many years. Recently the role of non-pharmacological interventions like preoperative information through interviews, counseling, and verbal reassurance for the reduction in preoperative anxiety has been established. But, the efficacy of these non-pharmacological interventions and the anxiolytic agent has not been compared previously. In this study, we compared the effectiveness of oral alprazolam and preoperative counseling by an anesthesiologist for the reduction of preoperative anxiety. Materials and Methods: A total of 110 patients were randomly divided into two groups. Group A received 0.5 mg oral Alprazolam tablets, the night before surgery. Group C received counseling from an anesthesiologist with a fixed protocol the night before surgery. Anxiety was assessed with a state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI) scale, and scores were assessed in the pre-anesthetic assessment room, at night before surgery before giving study interventions, and on the day of surgery before shifting to the operation room. Hemodynamic parameters and respiratory rate were monitored along with anxiety scores. Data were analyzed using an independent t-test, Chi-square test, and repeated variance analysis measures (ANOVA). Results: Anxiety scores and hemodynamic parameters were comparable between the groups at all times of measurement. Anxiety scores in the alprazolam group were less than counseling group on the day of surgery, but this difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Although treatment with Alprazolam resulted in lesser anxiety scores, overall, both the methods were ineffective in reducing preoperative anxiety

    A novel algorithm for detecting differentially regulated paths based on gene set enrichment analysis

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    Motivation: Deregulated signaling cascades are known to play a crucial role in many pathogenic processes, among them are tumor initiation and progression. In the recent past, modern experimental techniques that allow for measuring the amount of mRNA transcripts of almost all known human genes in a tissue or even in a single cell have opened new avenues for studying the activity of the signaling cascades and for understanding the information flow in the networks

    Design and Fabrication of Bulk Micro-machined, High Resilience, High-Q, High Tilt Angle, Low Driving Voltage, Flexure Beam Micro-mirrors on Mono-crystalline Silicon

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    We report the design, fabrication and characterization of electrically tunable, bulk micro machined, doubly clamped, circular cross-section flexure based square-plate Metal-On-Oxide, DC bias tension applied, resonant micro-mirrors for different frequencies starting from 1 kilohertz to 172 kilohertz on silicon {100} oriented wafers with high Q factors in the air, that have high resilience. Though silicon shows inherent reflective behavior, the surface quality of the top-deposited metal layer is treatment specific. The sputtered chrome-gold films have good light scattering properties, for precise measurements within 6x6 ROI matrixes for vibrometry and AFM. We introduce novel circular cross-section flexure hinges with the advantages of compact design, 5 fold better precision of rotation compared to similar constant cross-section flexure, lesser stiffness, and beam length and beam width that are less decisive for micro-manufacture. We have fabricated the device, with a double mask, replacing torsion beams with flexure beams. These suspended-in-air-in-trapezoidal-cavity square plate micro-mirrors fabricated on the silicon {100} oriented wafers, are electrically tunable at +/- 30 Volts, with onset of motion at as low as 3 Volts electrical potential, with the largest achieved tilt angle as high as 11 degrees and parabolic capacitance-voltage characteristics, that confirm the motion of the device in a cavity. The motion of these devices was recorded as a Doppler frequency shift. The result shows a slight improvement in mirror surface quality when resonant micro-mirrors are applied with bias tension, that deviates from the results presented in prior art. The micro-mirrors initially show inactivity in motion, which stabilizes later. The exact mechanism responsible for this initial inactivity is not known, we attribute it to the sluggish behavior of joined mechanical elements with large time constants, which slow down the vibrancy

    Comparison of dexamethasone, granisetron and haloperidol in prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting following laparoscopic surgeries: A prospective, double-blinded study

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    Background: Laparoscopic surgeries are most commonly performed surgeries. However, they are associated with increased incidences of postoperative nausea and vomiting.&nbsp;Aim: We aimed to compare the effectiveness of dexamethasone, haloperidol, granisetron in prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting following laparoscopic surgeries.&nbsp;Methods: We conducted a randomized, double-blinded study including 90 patients both males and females undergoing laparoscopic surgeries in a tertiary hospital over 18 months. The subjects were randomized into three groups. Group I Dexamethasone 8mg, Group II Granisetron 2mg, Group III Haloperidol 1mg (n=30 each group). The study drugs were administered intravenously immediately after intubation. Patients were observed every 4th hourly till 24 hours for incidence of nausea, vomiting, pain and sedation.&nbsp;Results: Incidence of vomiting was significantly less in dexamethasone group (p=0.047) as compared to granisetron and haloperidol and was statistically significant (p&lt;0.047).There was no significant difference in the incidence of vomiting between other two groups. All other parameters were comparable in all the groups.&nbsp;Conclusion: Dexamethasone in the dose of 8mg significantly reduces incidence of vomiting in laparoscopic surgeries than haloperidol and granisetron.&nbsp;Trial Registry: Clinical Trial Registry of India 2018/03/018324</p