29 research outputs found


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    “Fiber reinforced concrete” is made from cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water and many fibers that randomly spread within the mixture. To increase the ability of concrete to resist tensile and flexure, efforts are done by giving reinforcements or other material such as fibers in the tensile region.In this research the examination done in experiment with add plastic fibers of plastic benneser (poly-acrylonitryl styrene) in concrete mixture, with the percentage between 0% - 1, 00%.Otherwise in this research, the use of high concrete quality, are developing from the past research would have done in Unitomo. And the purpose of this research is to know the behavior of the mechanic phenomena like stretch and ductility from fibers concrete of beneser of higher concrete quality as united. So with this could be compare with the higher concrete quality without fibers. The concrete sample of fibers composite is made with three different things like: cylinders sample with size Ø10 and 15 cm high 20 and 30 cm, and block sample with size 15 X 20 X 60 cm. Cross section of full fibers composite and partial is used by block sample, only in stretch area below the neutral lines. The result says that: strengthened in splitting in a cylinder sample between 12, 56 – 27, 07 %, and the power of ductility from the block sample of full fibers between 12, 95 % – 20, 19 %, and the partial is 12 – 16, 57 %


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    Performance-based design is becoming increasingly popular in designing a seismic resistant building. In the study, a twelvestory, reinforced concrete office building with asymmetric configuration using dual system located in seismic zone 6 was designed conforming to the Indone sian S e i smi c Code SNI 03-1726-2002 and the Indonesian Concrete Building Code SNI 03-2847-2002. The seismic performance of the building was evaluated using the Static Nonlinear (Pushover) Analysis and Inelastic Dynamic Time History Analysis. The performance point obtained from the pushover analysis was defined using various methods, such as FEMA 356, ATC-40, FEMA 440, and SNI 03-1726-2002. The result of the study indicated that the highest performance point was that obtained according to FEMA 356 and FEMA 440, whereas the lowest value was that in accordance with SNI-03-1726-2002. The roof displacement difference of that obtained from El-Centro dynamic analysis and performance-point pushover analysis can reach up to 5 cm and 2.4 cm in X- and Y-directions, respectively. This indicates that the pushover analysis is quite accurate for evaluating the corresponding building since the first mode shape is quite dominant

    Dé Java Toucé, Sebuah Web Interaktif yang Menjadi Solusi Dalam Media Promosi Pariwisata Indonesia

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    Pariwisata merupakan suatu perjalanan yang dilakukan oleh manusia ke daerah yang bukan merupakan tempat tinggalnya dengan bertujuan untuk melepaskan diri dari pekerjaan rutin atau mencari suasana lain.Pariwisata di Indonesia dinilai sangat berpotensi dan berkembang karena didukung dengan keindahan alam dan keanekaragaman budaya.Banyak masyarakat yang merasa kesulitan tentang referensi tempat wisata yang akan dikunjungi dengan melihat biaya dan waktu tempuh, sehingga dibuatlah sebuah alternatif untuk membantu masyarakat dalam memilih tempat pariwisata yang sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat. Pariwisata merupakan suatu perjalanan yang dilakukan oleh manusia ke daerah yang bukan merupakan tempat tinggalnya dengan bertujuan untuk melepaskan diri dari pekerjaan rutin atau mencari suasana lain.Pariwisata di Indonesia dinilai sangat berpotensi dan berkembang karena didukung dengan keindahan alam dan keanekaragaman budaya.Banyak masyarakat yang merasa kesulitan tentang referensi tempat wisata yang akan dikunjungi dengan melihat biaya dan waktu tempuh, sehingga dibuatlah sebuah alternatif untuk membantu masyarakat dalam memilih tempat pariwisata yang sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat. Kata Kunci : pariwisata , Indonesia, promosi, PH

    Kontrak Baku dalam Perjanjian Jual Beli Motor ditinjau dari Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak di dalam KUHPerdat di Kota Makassar.

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontrak baku dalam perjanjian jual beli motor di kota Makassar merupakan suatu perjanjian yang bertentangan dengan undang-undang hukum perdata dalam buku III, perjanjian baku dikatakan bertentangan karena perjanjian tersebut tidak memenuhi 4 (empat) unsur syarat-syarat dalam pembuatan perjanjian yang diatur dalam Pasal 1320 yang intinya harus ada kesepakatan antara kedua belah pihak. Kontrak baku juga merupakan suatu perjanjian yang isi perjanjiannya di tentukan oleh pihak perusahaan yang diberikan kepada pembeli (konsumen), sedangkan para konsumen hanya mensepakati surat perjanjian tersebut tidak ada campur tangan dalam menentukan isi dan syarat-syarat perjanjian. Timbulnya kontrak baku dilatar belakangi terhadap surat perjanjian dalam artian pihak pelaku usaha (penjual) tidak menginformasikan terlebih dahulu dan tidak juga memberikan duplikat dari surat perjanjian tersebut maka ketika ada permasalahan maka pihak konsumen tidak boleh mempermasalahkannya karena didalam isi perjanjian sudah diatur segalanya tentang barang,hak pembeli,hak penjual (kreditur), kewajiban pembeli dan kewajiban penjual


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    Construction technology has been rapidly developing nowadays which often requires the use of higher ductility of structural elements. All structural members, especially columns as primary structural components should have higher ductility so that it can delay the collapse of the buildings during earthquake. There is a significant difference in behavior between unconfined and confined concrete columns. Confined concrete columns show higher ductility compared with those unconfined. To accommodate the analysis, a computer program called MoCurv v.1.2 is developed. This program is an improvement of the earlier developed program called MoCurv v.1. This program can be used to analyze circular column sections with NSC and HSC. Five major factors are dominantly control the value of curvature ductility, i.e. transverse reinforcement spacing, number and size of longitudinal bars, strength of concrete, column size, and axial loading. Parametric study has also been done to compare the effectiveness of each parameter. It can be concluded that the most influencing parameter to the value of curvature ductility is the spacing of transverse reinforcement

    Intra-family food insecurity and profile of food consumption

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    OBJECTIVE: Describe and evaluate daily food consumption among families experiencing food insecurity. METHODS: A population survey was conducted in Campinas, São Paulo, in 2003, with 456 families. One qualified member of each family was interviewed about their daily intake of 14 food groups. For the food insecurity classification, a scale divided into three categories was used: 1) Food security; 2) Mild food insecurity; 3) Moderate or Severe food insecurity. RESULTS: Significant differences were found among the categories of food insecurity with respect to food consumption. The proportion of respondents from families experiencing moderate or severe food insecurity or mild food insecurity that did not consume dairy products, fruits, vegetables, meats, on a daily basis is significantly higher than respondents from families who are food-secure (p<0.001). Among food-secure families, 73.7% consumed at least one fruit per day and 62.1% consumed dairy products every day. These percentages were 11.4% and 5.5%, respectively, in families with moderate or severe food insecurity. The majority of these families consumed only grains, oil, sugar, and dried beans on a daily basis, and they spend roughly 68% of their monthly income on food. There are significant differences in the frequency of the main daily meals among the food security categories, which is always less frequent among families with moderate or severe food insecurity. CONCLUSION: Families experiencing moderate or severe food insecurity have a boring diet, composed basically of energetic foods. Even among food secure families, adequate diet quality was not always present. These results show that it is necessary to strengthen nutrition education efforts in public policies that aim to improve food security and promote healthy diets.OBJETIVO: Descrever e avaliar o perfil de consumo diário de alimentos entre famílias em situação de insegurança alimentar. MÉTODOS: Inquérito populacional realizado em Campinas (SP), em 2003, com 456 famílias. Realizou-se levantamento do consumo diário de 14 grupos de alimentos, mediante informação de membro qualificado da família. Para categorização da insegurança alimentar utilizou-se uma escala dividida em 3 categorias: 1) Segurança alimentar; 2) Insegurança alimentar leve; 3) Insegurança alimentar moderada ou grave. RESULTADOS: Foram detectadas diferenças significativas entre categorias de segurança alimentar e consumo alimentar. A proporção de famílias em situação de insegurança, cujo informante não consome diariamente leite e derivados, frutas, verduras/legumes, e carnes é significantemente maior do que aquelas em situação de segurança alimentar (p<0,001). Nas famílias em segurança alimentar, o consumo de pelo menos uma fruta diariamente foi 73,7% e de derivados do leite 62,1%. Essas proporções são 11,4% e 5,5%, respectivamente, em famílias que experimentam insegurança alimentar moderada ou grave. Nestas últimas, a maioria consome diariamente apenas cereais, óleo, açúcar e feijão e gasta cerca de 68,0% da renda com despesas em alimentação. Existem diferenças significantes na freqüência das principais refeições diárias entre as categorias de segurança, sempre com menor freqüência entre os informantes das famílias em insegurança alimentar moderada ou grave. CONCLUSÃO: Famílias em insegurança alimentar moderada ou grave apresentaram dieta monótona, basicamente composta por alimentos energéticos. A condição de acesso ao alimento entre famílias em segurança alimentar, entretanto, não garantiu a adequação qualitativa da dieta. Esses resultados trazem a necessidade de reforçar, nas políticas de segurança alimentar, ações educativas direcionadas à promoção de alimentação saudável.135s144

    (In) Segurança Alimentar: experiência de grupos focais com populações rurais do Estado de São Paulo

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    O presente trabalho apresenta a experiência de grupos focais com participantes oriundos de populações rurais do Estado de São Paulo, que possibilitou analisar e elucidar a compreensão existente acerca dos conceitos utilizados pela Escala Norte-Americana para Medida de Segurança Alimentar (USDA Core Food Security Module, hoje denominada Household Food Insecurity Access Scale - HFIAS), previamente adaptada e validada para populações brasileiras urbanas. Essa fase qualitativa antecedeu e forneceu subsídios para realização da fase quantitativa do estudo de validação dessa escala para populações rurais. Foram realizados dois grupos focais, compostos, cada um, por 12 participantes, escolhidos e convidados para representar diferentes categorias da população rural paulista, incluindo: assentados, agricultores familiares tradicionais, trabalhadores assalariados e quilombolas. Os conceitos e palavras-chave investigados foram: “Segurança alimentar”; “Qualidade da alimentação”; “Alimentação saudável”; “Alimentação variada”; “Alimentação saudável e variada”; “Alimento suficiente”; “Condições para ter alimento suficiente: trocas, reserva, estoque, produção de alimentos para consumo e compra de alimentos”; “Dinheiro suficiente”; “Ficar sem nenhum dinheiro”; “Insegurança alimentar” e “Fome”. Os participantes expressaram uma compreensão abrangente sobre segurança alimentar, englobando diferentes aspectos do tema. A análise dos depoimentos desses grupos focais apontou para o reconhecimento no conceito de segurança alimentar do direito humano à alimentação, o que envolve também questões como acesso ao trabalho, saúde, educação, moradia e renda. Na compreensão do termo “Qualidade da alimentação” ficou evidente a preocupação com o consumo de produtos sem agrotóxicos, tendo sido observadas, em menor escala, referências às questões de preço e aparência mais recorrentes nos grupos focais com populações urbanas. Os resultados conduziram a modificações no questionário e contribuíram para o desenvolvimento da Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar (EBIA), válida para diagnosticar essa condição e monitorar o impacto de políticas voltadas para o combate à fome no país. O processo de validação concluído permitiu o uso da escala brasileira em projetos de pesquisa sobre segurança alimentar que atenderam a um edital do CNPq, ainda em 2003, e posteriormente, essa escala foi incorporada ao suplemento de segurança alimentar da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD-2004), do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)

    Identification of neural oscillations and epileptiform changes in human brain organoids

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    Brain organoids represent a powerful tool for studying human neurological diseases, particularly those that affect brain growth and structure. However, many diseases manifest with clear evidence of physiological and network abnormality in the absence of anatomical changes, raising the question of whether organoids possess sufficient neural network complexity to model these conditions. Here, we explore the network-level functions of brain organoids using calcium sensor imaging and extracellular recording approaches that together reveal the existence of complex network dynamics reminiscent of intact brain preparations. We demonstrate highly abnormal and epileptiform-like activity in organoids derived from induced pluripotent stem cells from individuals with Rett syndrome, accompanied by transcriptomic differences revealed by single-cell analyses. We also rescue key physiological activities with an unconventional neuroregulatory drug, pifithrin-α. Together, these findings provide an essential foundation for the utilization of brain organoids to study intact and disordered human brain network formation and illustrate their utility in therapeutic discovery