23 research outputs found

    Öğrencilere Bilgi Okuryazarlığı Becerilerinin Kazandırılmasının Önemi ve Okul Kütüphanecilerinin Bu Alandaki Rolü

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    An information society needs individuals who have lifelong learning skills. lnformation literacy, the ability to find and use information, is the keystone of lifelong learning. This increases the importance of information titeracy programs tor the individuals of information society. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of teaching information literacy skills at primary and secondary schools, to discuss the content of an information literacy program tor students and to stress the role of school media specialists on preparation of these programs in cooperation with teachers.Bilgi toplumları, yaşam boyu öğrenme becerilerine sahip bireylere gereksinim duymaktadır. Bilgiye ulaşma ve bilgiyi kullanma becerisi olarak tanımlanan bilgi okuryazarlığı yaşam boyu öğrenmenin temelini oluşturur. Bu durum bilgi toplumunun bireyleri için bilgi okuryazarlığı eğitim programlarının önemini artırmaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı, bilgi okuryazarlığı becerilerinin ilk ve ortaöğretimde kazandırılmasının önemini vurgulamak, öğrenciler için hazırlanacak bir bilgi okuryazarlığı programının içeriğini tartışmak, bu programların hazırlanmasında okul kütüphanecilerinin rolünü ve öğretmenlerle işbirliğinin önemini vurgulamaktır

    Sanal Gerçeklik: Gerçek Mi, Değil Mi?

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    In this paper virtual reality technology and how libraries might be affected by this technology are examined. Virtual reality sets out to address a problem. The problem is that of user-friendliness of computer systems. Needless to say, the current generation of computers still involves a barrier between human and machine. This is keyboard or mouse on the human side, and the screen on the computer side. If computers are really going to become a part of everyone’s normal day to day experiences, they, must allow users to visualise information in a way familiar to them, not the way the computers forces them to. Virtual reality provides such a way. With the increasing amounts of information available in electronic form, it is clear that virtual reality technology will have a profound impact on libraries.Bu makalede sanal gerçeklik teknolojisi ve kütüphanelerin sanal gerçeklik teknolojisinden nasıl etkilenebilecekleri konusuna değinilmektedir. Sanal gerçeklik teknolojisiinsan-makine etkileşiminde günümüz bilgisayarlarında hâlâ var olan bilgisayar ekranı, klavye veya fare gibi, insanların kendilerini doğal ortamda hissetmelerini engelleyenunsurları ortadan kaldırmayı hedeflemektedir. Eğer bilgisayarlar günün birinde günlük yaşamın bir parçası haline gelecekse kullanıcıların bilgiyi aşina oldukları biçimde görmelerini sağlamak zorunda kalacaklardır. İşte sanal gerçeklik teknolojisi bunu sağlayacaktır. Günümüzde elektronik formda elde edilebilen bilginin giderekartması sanal gerçeklik teknolojisinin gelecekteki uygulama alanlarından birisinin de kütüphaneler olacağına kuşku bırakmamaktadır

    Türk Kütüphanecilerinin Kullandığı Dergiler

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    This paper presents the results of a citation study which is carried out on the Turkish Librarianship, the most popular professional journal in Turkey, from 1981 to 1995, in order to find out about the most frequently used journals by Turkish librarians.Bu makale, Türk kütüphanecileri tarafından en çok kullanılan dergilerin bir listesini elde etmek amacıyla ülkemizde en popüler meslek dergisi olan Türk Kütüphaneciliğı'nin 1981-1995 yılları arasında yayımlanan sayıları üzerinde yürütülen atıf çalışmasınındetaylarını ve sonuçlarını yansıtmaktadır

    Information professionals and copyright literacy: a multinational study

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present findings from a multinational survey on copyright literacy of specialists from libraries and other cultural institutions. Design/methodology/approach: This paper is based on a multinational survey of copyright literacy competencies of Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals and those who work in the cultural heritage sector (archives and museums), conducted in 13 countries, namely Bulgaria (BG), Croatia (CR), Finland (FI), France (FR), Hungary (HU), Lithuania (LT), Mexico (MX), Norway (NO), Portugal (PT), Romania (RO), Turkey (TR), UK and USA in the period July 2013-March 2015. An online survey instrument was developed in order to collect data from professionals regarding their familiarity with, knowledge and awareness of, and opinions on copyright-related issues. Findings: Findings of this study highlight gaps in existing knowledge of copyright, and information about the level of copyright literacy of LIS and cultural sector professionals. Also attitudes toward copyright learning content in academic education and continuing professional development training programs are investigated. Originality/value: This study aimed to address a gap in the literature by encompassing specialists from the cultural institutions in an international comparative context. The paper offers guidance for further understanding of copyright in a wider framework of digital and information literacy; and for the implementation of copyright policy, and the establishment of copyright advisor positions in cultural institutions. The recommendations support a revision of academic and continuing education programs learning curriculum and methods

    Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümlerinde Öğrenci Profili

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    In this paper, findings of a study, the main aim of which is to collect information about student profile of Information Management Departments in Turkey, are presented. Information about student profile contributes to the preparation of learning environments adjusted according to students’ needs and to the re-organization of curricula. According to the findings, more than 60% of the students who enrolled in four Information Management Departments are female. Percentage of pedagogy departments is the highest among the first three preference of the students when they entered to the university. Around 50% of the students own personal computers and 35% have an Internet access. Students seems to have different levels of foreign language and computer literacy skills

    Öz-Yeterlik İnancı ve Bilgi Profesyonelleri İçin Önemi

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    Self-efficacy refers to a belief in one’s ability to successfully perform a particular behaviour or task. Self-efficacy is a factor which influence human behaviour. People’s actions are based more on what they believe than on what is objectively true. Teaching/teacher efficacy, on the other hand, is defined as teachers’ belief in their ability to affect student performence and achievement, and has a strong relationship with teaching effectiveness. In this paper, not only “self efficacy” and “teaching efficacy” concepts, but also their importance for information professionals are discussed

    Öz-Yeterlik İnancı ve Bilgi Profesyonelleri için Önemi / Self-Efficacy Belief and ıts Importance for Information Professionals

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    Self-efficacy refers to a belief in one’s ability to successfully perform a particular behaviour or task. Self-efficacy is a factor which influence human behaviour. People’s actions are based more on what they believe than on what is objectively true. Teaching/teacher efficacy, on the other hand, is defined as teachers’ belief in their ability to affect student performence and achievement, and has a strong relationship with teaching effectiveness. In this paper, not only “self efficacy” and “teaching efficacy” concepts, but also their importance for information professionals are discussed

    Kütüphanecilik ve Bilgi Bilim Tezlerinde Kullanılan Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri: Bir Değerlendirme

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    A literature analysis and an evaluation are made on the findings of researches which examine the research methods employed in library science and information science dissertations. The data suggest some changes regarding to research methods used in library science dissertations. Separate examinations of library science dissertations and information science dissertations suggest that there are differences as much as similarities between these sister disciplines.Kütüphanecilik ve bilgi bilim tezlerinde kullanılan araştırma yöntemleri konusunda yapılan araştırmaların bulguları üzerine bir literatür çalışması ve bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Bulgular kütüphanecilik tezlerinde kullanılan araştırma yöntemleri ko­nusunda zaman içinde bir çeşitlenme olduğunu göstermektedir. Kütüphanecilik ve bilgi bilim tezleri üzerinde ayrı ayrı yürütülen incelemeler ise bu iki kardeş disiplin arasında benzerlikler kadar farklılıklar da olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır

    From The Higher Education Council Documentation Center Towards the National Thesis and Dissertation Center Yükseköğretim Kurulu Dokümantasyon Merkezi'nden Ulusal Tez Merkezi'ne Doğru

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    Dissertations and graduate theses are important information sources for researchers, particularly for faculty members. In the present article, studies on the bibliographical control of dissertations and graduate theses of Turkey is reviewed briefly. In the next stage, the topic is reviewed with respect to Higher Education Council's (HEC) Documentation Center which owns the widest collection of dissertations and graduate theses in the country. The mentioned center should be transformed to National Theses and Dissertation Center (NTDC). Finally, the problems that prevent the center to offer more productive services regarding dissertations and theses are discussed and related solutions are presented. Tezler,akademik çalışmalar başta olmak üzere, araştırmacılar için önemli bilgi kaynaklarıdır. Bu makalede, Türkiye'deki lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyografik denetimi konusunda yapılan çalışmalara kısaca değinilmiştir. Ardından konu, ülkemizdeki en geniş tez koleksiyonuyla 1987 yılından beri ülke geneline bilgi hizmeti vermekte olan Yükseköğretim Kurulu (YÖK) Yayın ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı bağlamında irdelenmiştir. Daha sonra söz konusu kurumun Ulusal Tez Merkezi (UTM) yapısına dönüşmesi ve daha verimli hizmetler sunmasının önündeki sorunlar ve bunlara ilişkin çözüm önerileri sıralanmıştır

    Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümlerinde Öğrenci Profili / Student Profile of Information Management Departments

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    In this paper, findings of a study, the main aim of which is to collect information about student profile of Information Management Departments in Turkey, are presented. Information about student profile contributes to the preparation of learning environments adjusted according to students’ needs and to the re-organization of curricula. According to the findings, more than 60% of the students who enrolled in four Information Management Departments are female. Percentage of pedagogy departments is the highest among the first three preference of the students when they entered to the university. Around 50% of the students own personal computers and 35% have an Internet access. Students seems to have different levels of foreign language and computer literacy skills