31 research outputs found

    Reakcja szałwii błyszczącej i słonecznika zwyczajnego na zasolenie solami sodu

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    Zbadano reakcje wybranych roślin ozdobnych na podwyższoną zawartość sodu w podłożu. Do badań wykorzystano dwa gatunki roślin ozdobnych – szałwię błyszczącą (Salvia splendens Buc’hoz x Etl.) ‘Scarlet Piccolo’ oraz słonecznika zwyczajnego Helianthus annuus L. ‘Teddy Bear’. Rośliny uprawiano w zwapnowanym torfie wysokim wzbogaconym makroi mikroskładnikami. Zróżnicowanie zawartości sodu uzyskano, stosując dwie sole sodu (NaCl i Na2SO4) w dawkach odpowiadających po przeliczeniu 0–500 mg Na ⋅ dm–3. Zmiany właściwości chemicznych podłoża spowodowały zaburzenia gospodarki mineralnej roślin. Niezależnie od zastosowanej soli sodu wzrastająca zawartość Na miała negatywny wpływ na badane cechy morfologiczne roślin Salvia speldens. Badania wykazały, że słonecznik był bardziej tolerancyjny – negatywny wpływ zastosowanych soli sodu w przypadku tego gatunku nie zawsze był statystycznie udowodniony. Wyraźne obniżenie zawartości chlorofilu zaobserwowano jedynie w liściach szałwii. Bardziej niekorzystny wpływ na wartość ozdobną szałwii (wysokość i średnicę roślin mierzoną w połowie pędu głównego) i słonecznika (średnicę kwiatostanu) miał chlorek sodu.The aim of the presented study was to evaluate the response of scarlet sage and common sunflower to an increasing sodium content in the substrate. The experiment was conducted on plants of Salvia splendens Buc’hoz x Etl. ‘Scarlet Piccolo’ and Helianthus annuus L. ‘Teddy Bear’. Plants were planted in pots filled with limed high-moor peat substrate with the necessary nutritional components. The content of sodium was diversified by adding two different sodium salts (NaCl and Na2SO4) to the substrate at 0 to 500 mg ⋅ dm–3. The change of substrate chemical properties caused disturbance in mineral nutrition of plants. Irrespective of the applied salt, increasing concentrations of sodium affected negatively the analysed morphological features of Salvia splendens. The study showed that sunflower was more tolerant – in case of this plant the negative influence of applied sodium salts was not always statistically proven. A marked decrease of chlorophyll content was recorded only in sage leaves. A more adverse effect on the ornamental value of sage (plant height and plant diameter at mid-height of the main shoot) and sunflower (inflorescence diameter) was observed for sodium chloride

    Influence of sodium chloride on selected growth parameters and macronutrient content in pelargonium leaves

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    The aim of this study was to assess the potential of cultivation of Pelargonium × hortorum cv. Survivor Dark Red in a substrate contaminated with sodium chloride. After applying 0.45, 0.96, 1.47, 1.98, 2.49, 2,99 g NaCl dm-3, the substrate contained 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 mg Na+ and 287, 595, 903, 1211, 1519, 1827 mg Cl- dm3. Growing medium with natural sodium (22 mg Na+) and chloride (13 mg Cl-) content comprised the control. Electrical conductivity (EC) of the substrates was as follows: 0.11, 0.62, 1.28, 1.75, 2.42, 2.82, 3.72 mS cm-1. Water purified by reverse osmosis was used for watering the pelargonium plants. The effect of sodium chloride on the chemical composition of leaves was evaluated based on the analysis of leaf blades collected at the flowering stage. Sodium chloride negatively influenced all measured plant growth parameters. Increasing salinity also decreased the chlorophyll index values. Significant reduction in the number of inflorescences was recorded in plants grown at ≥ 800 mg Na+ and ≥ 1211 mg Cl- in 1 dm3 of peat substrate. However, the pelargonium plants grown in a substrate containing up to 600 mg Na and 903 mg Cl still retain high decorative value. The increasing sodium chloride content in peat substrate increased the concentrations of phosphorus and calcium in the leaves. Simultaneously, the concentrations of potassium and magnesium decreased, while the concentration of nitrogen was found to be stable. Despite increasing doses of sodium chloride, the content of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in pelargonium leaves fell within or slightly exceeded the established range of guideline values

    A 5–50 GHz sige BiCMOS linear transimpedance amplifier with 68 dbΩ differential gain towards highly integrated quasi-coherent receivers

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    Quasi-coherent optical receivers have recently emerged targeting access networks, offering improved sensitivity and reach over direct-detection schemes at the expense of a higher receiver bandwidth. Higher levels of system integration together with sufficiently wideband front-end blocks, and in particular high-speed linear transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs), are currently demanded to reduce cost and scale up receiver data rates. In this article, we report on the design and testing of a linear TIA enabling high-speed quasi-coherent receivers. A shunt-feedback loaded common-base topology is adopted, with gain control provided by a subsequent Gilbert cell stage. The circuit was fabricated in a commercial 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology and has a bandpass characteristic with a 3 dB bandwidth in the range of 5–50 GHz. A differential transimpedance gain of 68 dBΩ was measured, with 896 mVpp of maximum differential output swing at the 1 dB compression point. System experiments in a quasi-coherent receiver demonstrate an optical receiver sensitivity of −30.5 dBm (BER = 1 × 10−3) at 10 Gbps, and −26 dBm (BER = 1 × 10−3) at 25 Gbps. The proposed TIA represents an enabling component towards highly integrated quasi-coherent receivers