47 research outputs found

    Ixodes ricinus (Ixodidae)

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte die Untersuchung der saisonalen Aktivität von I. ricinus in Kombination mit der Prävalenz des FSME-Virus in Zecken an ausgewählten Stand¬orten in Bayern zum Ziel. Hierzu wurden von April 2006 bis Dezember 2007 in den Kreisen München, Dachau, Rosenheim, Amberg und Passau in monatlichen Ab¬stän¬den Zecken gesammelt. Unterschiede zwischen den Standorten ergaben sich hin¬sichtlich der Zeckendichte sowie der Anteile der verschiedenen Entwicklungs¬sta¬dien. Dabei war an Standorten mit FSME-Vorkommen eine zeitgleiche Aktivität von Larven und Nymphen erkennbar, wohin¬gegen niedrige Zeckenzahlen mit gerin¬gen Larvenanteilen an Standorten, an denen kein FSME-Virus nachge¬wie¬sen wurde, dies¬bezüglich keine sichere Aussage ermöglichten. Die Ergebnisse stützen so¬mit Aspekte der Hypothese, dass FSME-Naturherde nur an Standorten entstehen, an denen eine Virusübertragung via Cofeeding durch synchrone Aktivitätsmuster der juvenilen Entwicklungs¬stadien von I. ricinus ermöglicht wird (Randolph et al., 2000). Nach Extraktion der RNA von 1965 Nymphen und 1465 Adulten der Art I. ricinus wurde eine real-time RT-PCR zum Nachweis des FSME-Virus eingesetzt. Die Prä¬va¬len¬zen an den einzelnen Stand¬orten variierten von 0 % [95 %-KI: 0,0 % ; 0,6 %] bis 1,3 % [95 %-KI: 0,7 % ; 2,3 %]. Dabei zeigte sich eine Überein¬stim¬mung des FSME-Vor¬kommens in I. ricinus mit der jeweiligen, auf Fallzahlen basierenden, Klassi¬fizierung in Risiko¬gebiete durch das Robert Koch-Institut. Die Sequenzierung des nahezu kompletten viralen E Gens ergab insgesamt fünf Genotypen, welche sich nach phylogenetischer Analyse in zwei Clustern in den Europäischen Subtyp eingliederten. Auf Amino¬säure¬ebene zeigten sich im Vergleich zu der Sequenz des Stammes Neudoerfl fünf poly¬mor¬phe Positionen, wobei drei der am Standort Amberg festgestellten Mutationen unter den veröffentlichten Sequenzen neuartig oder bisher nur einmalig beschrieben waren. Aufgrund der Lage dieser Mutationen in einer für die Virulenz entschei¬denden Region ist ein Einfluss auf den klinischen Verlauf von Infektionen mit FSME-Viren dieses Stammes möglich. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Ermittlung der FSME-Infektionsrate in Zecken eine verlässliche Alternative zu der auf humanen Fallzahlen basierenden Ein¬schät¬zung bildet. Zudem können auch die phänotypischen Eigenschaften des vorkommenden Virus für die Risikobeurteilung wichtig sein

    The Stream Device-A Retrospective Review of 51 Cases

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Mechanical thrombectomy is the gold-standard treatment for patients that have suffered large-vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke. Various different stent-retrievers, aspiration catheters, and techniques have been developed to perform this procedure. We present our initial results regarding the Stream device. Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective review of a prospectively maintained database at our high-volume centre to identify all patients treated with the Stream device between February 2021 and January 2023. We recorded baseline demographics, NIHSS, ASPECT scores, eTICI scores, complications, and 90-day mRS. Results: We identified 51 patients, 49.0% of whom were male (n = 25), with a median age of 73 (range: 51–89) and a median NIHSS score of 17 (range 4–22), and 68.6% received IV tPA. The median ASPECT score was 10 (range 6–10). Hyperdense clots were seen in 34 cases (66.7%), with a mean clot length of 12 ± 6.2 mm (range 2–26 mm). Clots were located in the anterior circulation in 49 patients. The standard Stream device was used in 78.4% of cases, with Stream 17 being used in 19.6% of cases. The FPE was observed in 25.5% of cases (n = 13), with the mFPE being seen in 31.4% of cases (n = 16). A final eTICI score of ≥2b was achieved in 90.2% of cases (n = 46), and eTICI 2c/3 was seen in 84.3% of cases (n = 43). Furthermore, 24 h CT scans showed that the median ASPECT score was 8 (range 0–10). Good functional outcomes at 90 days (mRS ≤ 2) were achieved in 21.6% of cases (n = 11). Conclusions: The Stream device shows acceptable rates of FPE and mFPE compared to existing devices. Further larger studies are required alongside an understanding of the optimal technique for this device’s use.Peer reviewe

    An Optimal Method of Iron Starvation of the Obligate Intracellular Pathogen, Chlamydia Trachomatis

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    Iron is an essential cofactor in a number of critical biochemical reactions, and as such, its acquisition, storage, and metabolism is highly regulated in most organisms. The obligate intracellular bacterium, Chlamydia trachomatis experiences a developmental arrest when iron within the host is depleted. The nature of the iron starvation response in Chlamydia is relatively uncharacterized because of the likely inefficient method of iron depletion, which currently relies on the compound deferoxamine mesylate (DFO). Inefficient induction of the iron starvation response precludes the identification of iron-regulated genes. This report evaluated DFO with another iron chelator, 2,2′-bipyridyl (Bpdl) and presented a systematic comparison of the two across a range of criteria. We demonstrate that the membrane permeable Bpdl was superior to DFO in the inhibition of chlamydia development, the induction of aberrant morphology, and the induction of an iron starvation transcriptional response in both host and bacteria. Furthermore, iron starvation using Bpdl identified the periplasmic iron-binding protein-encoding ytgA gene as iron-responsive. Overall, the data present a compelling argument for the use of Bpdl, rather than DFO, in future iron starvation studies of chlamydia and other intracellular bacteria

    Association between the PSMB5 and PSMC6 genetic variations and children obesity in the Latvian population

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    According to the recent data the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity. Aim of our study was to evaluate a possible association between genetic variations in the PSMB5 and PSMC6 genes and childhood obesity in the Latvian population. Methods. The rs11543947 (PSMB5), rs2295826 and rs2295827 (PSMC6) were genotyped in 94 overweight children versus 191 controls. Stratification was made by family history and sex. Results. Heterozygous genotype at rs11543947 (PSMB5) manifested association with the disease (P < 0.01) in total group and in patients with family history (OR = 2.445 [95 % CI 1.378–4.339] and OR = 2.746 [95 % CI 1.427–5.283], respectively). This genotype was observed more frequently (P < 0.05) in males with family obesity and in females without family history (P < 0.01).The heterozygotes at rs2295826 and rs2295827 showed association (P < 0.01) in obesity (OB), in patients with family history (OR = 2.119 [95 % CI 1.207–3.718] and OR = 2.379 [95 % CI 1.249–4.533], respectively) and in males group. The rs11543947/ rs2295826-rs2295827 multi locus genotype heterozygous at all the studied loci and the haplotype represented by the rare alleles were more frequent in obese children when compared to controls (P < 0.001 and P = 0.0001 respectively). Conclusions. Genetic variations of the PSMB5 (rs11543947) and PSMC6 (rs2295826 and rs2295827) genes can influence childhood obesity in Latvians.Згідно з останніми даними, убіквітин-залежна протеасомна сис- тема бере участь у патогенезі ожиріння. Мета. Оцінити можливий зв’язок між генетичними варіантами протеасомних генів PSMB5 і PSMC6 та схильністю до захворювання дитячим ожирінням у Латвійській популяции. Методи. Локуси rs11543947 (PSMB5), rs2295826 і rs2295827 (PSMC6) генотипували у 94 дітей з надлишковою вагою і у 191 здорового індивіда. Оцінку проводили за асоціацією з ожирінням як таким, за сімейною історією та за статтю. Результати. Гетерозиготний генотип, який належить до локусу rs11543947 (PSMB5), виявився помірно асоційованим ( Р < 0,01) із захворюванням як таким і з ожирінням з сімейною історією (співвідношення шансів СШ = 2,445 [95 % ДІ 1.378–4.339] і СШ = 2,746 [95 % ДІ 1.427–5.283] відповідно). Цей генотип найчастіше спостерігався у чоловіків із сімейною історією ожиріння (P < 0,05) та у жінок без сімейної історії (P < 0,01). Гетерозиготні генотипи по локусах rs2295826 і rs2295827 знайдено в помірній асоціації (P < 0,01) в основній групі захворювання і у пацієнтів з сімейною історією (СШ = 2,119 [95 % ДІ 1.207–3.718] і СШ = 2,379 [95 % ДІ 1.249–4.533] відповідно), а також у чоловіків. Багатолокусний генотип rs11543947/rs2295826-rs2295827, представлений гетерозиготами по всіх локусах, і гаплотип, представлений рідкісними алелями, були найчастішими у групі хворих на ожиріння порівняно з контрольною групою (Р < 0,001 і Р = 0,0001 відповідно). Висновки. Генетичні варіації локусів PSMB5 (rs11543947) і PSMC6 (rs2295826 і rs2295827) можуть впливати на схильність до захворювання ожирінням у детей Латвійської популяції.Согласно последним данным, убиквитин-зависимая протеасомная система участвует в патогенезе ожирения. Цель. Оценить возможную связь между генетическими вариантами протеасомных генов PSMB5 и PSMC6 и подверженностью заболеванию детским ожирением в Латвийской популяции. Методы. Локусы rs11543947 (PSMB5), rs2295826 и rs2295827 (PSMC6) генотипировали у 94 детей с избыточным весом и у 191 здорового индивида. Оценку проводили по ассоциации с ожирением как таковым, с семейной историей и с полом. Результаты. Гетерозиготный генотип, относящийся к локусу rs11543947 (PSMB5), оказался умеренно ассоциированным ( Р < 0,01) с заболеванием как таковым и с ожирением с семейной историей (отношение шансов ОШ = 2,445 [95 % ДИ 1.378–4.339] и ОШ = 2,746 [95 % ДИ 1.427– 5.283] соответственно). Этот генотип наиболее часто наблюдался у мужчин с семейной историей ожирения (p < 0,05) и у женщин без семейной истории (P < 0,01). Гетерозиготные генотипы по локусам rs2295826 и rs2295827 найдены в умеренной ассоциации (P < 0,01) в основной группе заболевания и у пациентов с семейной историей (ОШ = 2,119 [95 % ДИ 1.207–3.718] и ОШ = 2,379 [95 % ДИ 1.249–4.533] соответственно) и у мужчин. Многолокусный генотип rs11543947/rs2295826-rs2295827, представленный гетерозиготами по всем локусам, и гаплотип, представленный редкими аллелями, были наиболее частыми в группе больных ожирением по сравнению с контрольной группой (Р < 0,001 и Р = 0,0001 соответственно). Выводы. Генетические вариации локусов PSMB5 (rs11543947) и PSMC6 (rs2295826 и rs2295827) могут влиять на подверженность заболеваемости ожирением у детей в Латвийской популяции

    Mycobacterium microti Infections in Free-Ranging Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)

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    Infections with Mycobacterium microti, a member of the M. tuberculosis complex, have been increasingly reported in humans and in domestic and free-ranging wild animals. At postmortem examination, infected animals may display histopathologic lesions indistinguishable from those caused by M. bovis or M. caprae, potentially leading to misidentification of bovine tuberculosis. We report 3 cases of M. microti infections in free-ranging red deer (Cervus elaphus) from western Austria and southern Germany. One diseased animal displayed severe pyogranulomatous pleuropneumonia and multifocal granulomas on the surface of the pericardium. Two other animals showed alterations of the lungs and associated lymph nodes compatible with parasitic infestation. Results of the phylogenetic analysis including multiple animal strains from the study area showed independent infection events, but no host-adapted genotype. Personnel involved in bovine tuberculosis–monitoring programs should be aware of the fastidious nature of M. microti, its pathogenicity in wildlife, and zoonotic potential

    Association of Obesity with Proteasomal Gene Polymorphisms in Children

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    The aim of this study was to ascertain possible associations between childhood obesity, its anthropometric and clinical parameters, and three loci of proteasomal genes rs2277460 (PSMA6 c.-110C>A), rs1048990 (PSMA6 c.-8C>G), and rs2348071 (PSMA3 c. 543+138G>A) implicated in obesity-related diseases. Obese subjects included 94 otherwise healthy children in Latvia. Loci were genotyped and then analyzed using polymerase chain reactions, with results compared to those of 191 nonobese controls. PSMA3 SNP frequency differences between obese children and controls, while not reaching significance, suggested a trend. These differences, however, proved highly significant (PG SNP differences, while being nonsignificant, likewise suggested a trend in comparison to the nonobese controls. No PSMA6 c.-110C>A SNP differences were detected in the obese group or its subsets. Finally, PSMA3 SNP differences were significantly associated (P<0.05) with circulating low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) levels. Our results clearly implicate the PSMA3 gene locus as an obesity risk factor in those Latvian children with a family history of obesity. While being speculative, the clinical results are suggestive of altered circulatory LDL levels playing a possible role in the etiology of obesity in the young

    Irradiation Embrittlement Monitoring Procedures and Results of Reactor Pressure Vessels WWER Type

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    This paper describes part of a knowledge preservation programme coordinated by JRC Petten. The following issues are discussed and analysed: comparison of surveillance specimen results from WWER-440 and 1000 units; surveillance specimen programme modernisation based on the new philosophy and approaches; the efficiency of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) steel annealing by implementation of procedures such as boat sampling, instrumented hardness, neutron diffraction, positron annihilation, etc.; the analyses of irradiated samples from RPV materials by modern methods; the irradiation embrittlement of the RPV weld metal due to the effects of impurities; the evaluation of RPV irradiation embrittlement trends during planned LTO; critical analyses of existing rules and codes, used by lifetime evaluation; theoretical models which may more or less describe the influence of impurities in RPV steels; evaluation of impact and toughness test results by implementation of the ‘master curve approach’.JRC.F.4-Safety of future nuclear reactor

    "Jeg er den samme, men på en litt annen måte". Erfaringer med fysisk aktivitet, ett til to år etter hjerneslag hos personer med selvstendig gangfunksjon

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    Formål: Formålet med studien er å få økt forståelse for hva som ligger til grunn for fysiske aktivitetsvaner ett til to år etter hjerneslag hos yrkesaktive og unge pensjonister med selvstendig gangfunksjon. Metode: Forskningsdesignet er kvalitativt, og forankret i hermeneutikk. Elleve individuelle intervjuer ble gjennomført med åtte menn og tre kvinner, ett til to år etter hjerneslag. Forskningsmaterialet ble analysert ved bruk av Malteruds Systematiske tekstkondensering. Resultat: Informantenes erfaringer ble sammenfattet under en overbyggende overskrift: «Jeg er den samme, men på en annen måte» og et hovedtema: Svekkende eller forsterkende aspekter for mestring av fysisk aktivitet og praktisk gjennomføring av målrettet trening med påfølgende seks undertema som gjenspeiler variasjoner og fellestrekk i hovedtemaet. Erfaringene informantene har delt tyder på lavere mestring og deltagelse i fysiske aktiviteter etter hjerneslaget. Dette til tross for lette motoriske utfall og selvstendig gangfunksjon. Økt trøttbarhet, kognitive vansker og nedsatt fysisk form ble identifisert som hemmende. De fleste gav uttrykk for at fysisk aktivitet hadde fått økt betydning for dem etter gjennomgått hjerneslag og de ønsket å øke deres deltagelse i fremtidige fysiske aktiviteter. Men noen beskrev at de ikke var tilstrekkelig trygge til å gjennomføre dette, til tross for oppfølgingen de hadde hatt. De som hadde mest erfaring med fysisk aktivitet før hjerneslag, virket å være mer aktive også i ettertid. Det var imidlertid variasjon i informantenes motivasjon og muligheter for å komme tilbake til tidligere aktivitetsnivå eller eventuelt å bli mer fysisk aktive enn før. Utilstrekkelig oppfølging, savn etter sosialt støtte og de tidligere fysiske aktivitetsvaner virket til å ha en rolle i dette. Treningstilbud i grupper med likesinnede som er individuelt tilpasset personer etter hjerneslag utpekes som et manglende supplement til dagens oppfølgingstilbud. Konklusjon: Informantene beskrev redusert mestring og lavere deltakelse i fysiske aktiviteter ett til to år etter hjerneslaget. Deres beskrivelser gav innsikt i hvordan ulike kognitive og emosjonelle vansker, samt generelt nedsatt fysisk form preger deres deltagelse i fysiske aktiviteter. Å ha fokus på de «usynlige» vansker og på utholdenhetstrening i rehabilitering kan være med å hindre utvikling av en sedat livstil