86 research outputs found

    El síndrome tortícolis en el conejo

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    Failure to induce proliferative ileitis in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) by simultaneous infection with Campulobaclerjejuni and Escherichia coli

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    Conventionally bred golden hamsters (CH) and selectively decontaminated golden hamsters (DH) of a strain Han: AURA were experimentally infected with Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) strain isolated from a case of proliferative ileitis and one of four Escherichia C011 (E. 6011) strains of either porcine or human origin (serovars 0124 0138 and 0143) Experimental infection was monitored 32 days post infectionem by watching the c1inica1 signs of diarrhoea by cultivation of the infective agents and by detection of specific IgG antibodies (indirect immunofluorescence technique). All animals infected with C. jejuni alone remained healthy. No combination of C. jejuni and E. coli led to enteritis and diarrhoea. The enteritis induced by mono-infeetion with l? 6011' 0138 1t+ showed histologic signs of an acute process unlikechanges characteristic for proliferative ileitis. Surprisingly, the addition of C. jejuni to this disease provoking E. coli strain prevented the disease.The results suggest that simultaneous infection withC. jejuni and E. coli is not the cause of pro: literative ileitis in hamsters. These findings support the results Stiils (1991) describing a new intracellular bacterium as a real etiologic agent of the disease

    Hyperinvasive approach to out-of hospital cardiac arrest using mechanical chest compression device, prehospital intraarrest cooling, extracorporeal life support and early invasive assessment compared to standard of care. A randomized parallel groups ...

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    Out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) has a poor outcome. Recent non-randomized studies of ECLS (extracorporeal life support) in OHCA suggested further prospective multicenter studies to define population that would benefit from ECLS. We aim to perform a prospective randomized study comparing prehospital intraarrest hypothermia combined with mechanical chest compression device, intrahospital ECLS and early invasive investigation and treatment in all patients with OHCA of presumed cardiac origin compared to a standard of care. Methods This paper describes methodology and design of the proposed trial. Patients with witnessed OHCA without ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) after a minimum of 5 minutes of ACLS (advanced cardiac life support) by emergency medical service (EMS) team and after performance of all initial procedures (defibrillation, airway management, intravenous access establishment) will be randomized to standard vs. hyperinvasive arm. In hyperinvasive arm, mechanical compression device together with intranasal evaporative cooling will be instituted and patients will be transferred directly to cardiac center under ongoing CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). After admission, ECLS inclusion/exclusion criteria will be evaluated and if achieved, veno-arterial ECLS will be started. Invasive investigation and standard post resuscitation care will follow. Patients in standard arm will be managed on scene. When ROSC achieved, they will be transferred to cardiac center and further treated as per recent guidelines. Primary outcome 6 months survival with good neurological outcome (Cerebral Performance Category 1–2). Secondary outcomes will include 30 day neurological and cardiac recovery. Discussion Authors introduce and offer a protocol of a proposed randomized study comparing a combined “hyper invasive approach” to a standard of care in refractory OHCA. The protocol is opened for sharing by other cardiac centers with available ECLS and cathlab teams trained to admit patients with refractory cardiac arrest under ongoing CPR. A prove of concept study will be started soon. The aim of the authors is to establish a net of centers for a multicenter trial initiation in future

    Intestinal microflora of the nude mice. Abstr.

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    Hexamitiasis in experimental animals. Abstr.

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