59 research outputs found

    Histochemical Nature of Eosinophilic Globules in Pheochromocytoma of Adrenal Medulla

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    Eosinophilic globules were observed in 7 out of 11 cases of pheochromocytoma of the adrenal medulla. All of these globules were present in the cytoplasm, and were round and eosinophilic, measuring 3 μm to 30 μm in diameter. These globules were periodic acid Schiff (PAS) -positive with and without diastase predigestion, phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin (PTAH) positive, acid fuchsin positive, and autofluorescent under ultraviolet illumination. These findings were very similar to the eosinophilic globules of yolk sac tumor, hepatocellular carcinoma, Kaposi\u27s sarcoma, and alpha-l-antitrypsin deficiency in light microscopy and histochemistry. They were not stained with Grimelius\u27s method for argyrophil reaction, and Fontana-Masson\u27s method for argentaffin reaction. It might be suggested that eosinophilic globules in pheochromocytoma of the adrenal medulla were not related to the chromaffin secretory granules and these globules were glycoprotein

    Association of variations in HLA class II and other loci with susceptibility to EGFR-mutated lung adenocarcinoma

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    Lung adenocarcinoma driven by somatic EGFR mutations is more prevalent in East Asians (30-50%) than in European/Americans (10-20%). Here we investigate genetic factors underlying the risk of this disease by conducting a genome-wide association study, followed by two validation studies, in 3,173 Japanese patients with EGFR mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma and 15,158 controls. Four loci, 5p15.33 (TERT), 6p21.3 (BTNL2), 3q28 (TP63) and 17q24.2 (BPTF), previously shown to be strongly associated with overall lung adenocarcinoma risk in East Asians, were re-discovered as loci associated with a higher susceptibility to EGFR mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma. In addition, two additional loci, HLA class II at 6p21.32 (rs2179920; P =5.1 × 10(-17), per-allele OR=1.36) and 6p21.1 (FOXP4) (rs2495239; P=3.9 × 10(-9), per-allele OR=1.19) were newly identified as loci associated with EGFR mutation-positive lung adenocarcinoma. This study indicates that multiple genetic factors underlie the risk of lung adenocarcinomas with EGFR mutations


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    現代社会における食生活の変化、特に動物性脂肪摂取量の増加は、メタボリックシンドロームをはじめとする、脂質異常症の一要因になっていると思われる。そこで本研究では、植物性脂肪である大豆油を対照として、カカオ豆の脂肪分であるが、飽和脂肪酸を多く含み常温では固体であるカカオバターと、豚の脂肪組織から精製される食用油脂ラードを用いて高脂肪食を作製し、ラットにおける高脂肪食の摂取が、脂質代謝に及ぼす影響を検討した。3週齢SD系雄性ラットを精製飼料であるAIN-93M で予備飼育後、1群6匹になるようControl群、Cacao群、Lard群の3群に分け28日間試験飼育を行った。Cacao群とLard群は20%の高脂肪食になるよう、カカオバターとラードをそれぞれの精製飼料に添加した。試験期間中26-28日目に採糞を行った。解剖後、肝臓重量、腹部大動脈血中総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドを測定した。またFolchらの方法に従い肝臓と糞から総脂質を抽出し、肝総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドを測定した。飼育期間全般で体重に有意差は認められなかった。しかしながら、Lard群ではControl群と比較して肝臓中の総脂質含量、総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドが有意に増加した。同じ高脂肪食のCacao群では、これらの増加は認められなかった。糞中総脂質含量は、Cacao群が他の2群に比べ最も多かった。以上の結果より、カカオバターは高脂肪食ラットの、肝臓中総脂質含量や、総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドの増加を、抑制する可能性が示された。Cacao群では糞中総脂質含量が増加することから、カカオバターは吸収されにくい脂質であることが示唆される


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    Hokkaido potatoes are widely used as a source of starch. Potato starch is used for various purposes,particularly for the production of fish paste products,livestock products, and confectionery. Moreover, modified starch, which is produced by processing potato starch chemically and physically, is used in a variety of forms. This study examines the properties of modified starch gels produced by further enhancing the starch functions of potato starch. To study the primary properties of starch gels, color tone tests, viscosity measurements, and texture measurements were performed. Acetylated distarch phosphate gel had the highest values, followed byhydroxypropyl distarch phosphate gel,starch acetate gel,and potato starch gel. As for the degree of viscosity, hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate gel was the thickest,followed by acetylated distarch phosphate gel,potato starch gel,and starch acetate gel. In this experiment, changes in the properties of modified starch gels were observed as compared with those of potato starch gel. In the future,we would like to compare various types of modified starch and the effects of being frozen or defrosted on starch properties