449 research outputs found

    Xenakis, Astrand, Dietz

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    Systemic Inequality | Systemic Racism in Child Neglect Laws

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    The American child protection and support system was founded in the Reconstruction era. After the Civil War, many Southern states passed so-called Black Codes, which included apprenticeship statutes. These apprenticeship statutes allowed children to be removed from their parents’ care for any number of reasons, including poor moral character or financial instability. Although these statutes have long since been repealed, the residual institutional effects still linger in today’s child neglect and custody battles. Black children are disproportionately represented in child protective services investigations, in part because Black families constitute a disproportionate part of the homeless and impoverished population in the United States. Currently, some states’ legal definitions for child neglect simply track the expected conditions of poverty. This Comment argues child neglect should be defined more narrowly to avoid the arbitrary removal of Black children from their families. This Comment also argues that child protection professionals should take into account the wider environmental conditions Black families face, which are often the result of community neglect, as opposed to parental neglect

    State Criminal Procedure Rights: How Much Should the U.S. Supreme Court Influence

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    This Note is about state court interpretation of state constitutional provisions that relate to prosecutorial summation arguments. This Note finds that when the U.S. Supreme Court rules on a prosecutorial summation issue, state court interpretations of their state constitutional provisions are less diverse than when the Supreme Court does not issue an opinion. When state courts interpret their own constitutional provisions after Supreme Court precedent has been disseminated, they give more interpretative weight to the Supreme Court opinion than any other sister state precedent. This Note uses prosecutorial summation arguments to illustrate why state courts should refrain from placing greater interpretive weight on Supreme Court precedent when interpreting their state constitutions, since state courts have more expertise and authority in the area of state criminal trial procedur

    The Effects of PTSD Counseling on Military Chaplains

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    The United States military has been involved in some level of active combat since 2001. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are no longer as active as they were in previous years, yet the hidden wounds of war are still carried by those that have gone forward. The psychological wounds of war, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder, have been highlighted by increased direct combat experiences of service members. To alleviate these symptoms, the military has a mental health provider network to assist those in need. Within this network, military chaplains are often called to provide immediate emotional and psychological support for those experiencing post-traumatic stress symptomology. Research has shown a correlation between trauma counseling and secondary traumatic stress. This study focused on military chaplains, their wartime experiences, and how their psychological fitness has been impacted by trauma counseling. A majority of the chaplains who participated in this research indicated that they had performed many PTSD counseling sessions. Their experiences have resulted in some level of adverse effects on their psyches. Most chaplains had little to no combat experience, yet the chaplains that performed PTSD counseling demonstrated some disruption in their feelings and thought processes

    Академический дискурс в польской специальной литературе

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    The article is an attempt at reconstructing the concept of academic discourse based on the available Polish specialised literature.In result of analysis, it has turned out that the concept of academic discourse does not have a clear definition in Polish science yet and its name is often used as a synonym for scientific discourse and didactic discourse. The works dealing with academic discourse may generally refer to two areas of expertise: pedagogy and linguistics.The most significant research result of this article is coming up with the typology of academic discourse from pragmatic point of view. The following subtypes have been separated within academic discourse: scientific-academic discourse, didactic-academic discourse, educational-academic discourse, administrative-academic discourse and public-academic discourse. Each type of academic discourse has features which are common for all subtypes (they have the same place of discourse functioning and strict connection between discourse participants and an academic institution) as well as differentiating features, among which there is a purpose of activity within each subtype of academic discourse (purposes such as cognition, working out didactic methods, teaching, managing the university and creating a positive, favourable social image of the university).Статья отражает опыт становления понятия академического дискурса на основании доступной польскоязычной специальной литературы. Проведенный анализ показал, что понятие академического дискурса в польской научной картине мира до сих пор не получило окончательного определения, а сам термин часто употребляется в качестве синонимов научного или дидактического дискурсов. Научные труды по академическому дискурсу можно отнести к двум наукам: к педагогике и к языкознанию. Важнейший исследовательский результат настоящей статьи заключается в проведении типологии академического дискурса с прагматической точки зрения. В рамках академического дискурса выделились следующие типы: научно-академический дискурс, дидактико-академический дискурс, учебно-академический дискурс, административно-академический дискурс и публично-академический дискурс. Каждый тип академического дискурса обладает общими для всех групп признаками (их объединяет место функционирования дискурса и тесная связь участников дискурса с академическими учреждениями), а также признаками, отличающими их друг от друга. К таким характеристикам относится прагматика (цель) языковой деятельности, проводимой в пределах каждого подтипа академического дискурса. Цели соответствующих типов академического дискурса – это познание, разработка методов обучения, обучение, управление вузом и создание положительного имиджа вуза в обществе

    The Effect of Quality of Subsoil Structure Identification on the Execution of Pile Structures for Bridge Supports

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    Supports of road viaducts or bridges are founded predominantly on piles. This is determined by the subsoil structure and the location of the designed object. In certain cases the selection of the pile system is also influenced by the neighboring buildings and infrastructure. The design for bridge foundation in such cases needs to be based on high quality geotechnical documentation. Although this criterion is specified in Eurocode 7: PN-EN 1997 parts 1 and 2, binding throughout Europe, including Poland, frequently geotechnical documentations are not very precise and do not present an accurate subsoil structure, leading to building disasters. Such a case is discussed in this paper. Identification of the structure of subsoil, on which the designed bridge was to be founded, was limited to rotary drillings, while strength and deformation parameters were determined on the basis of indicator characteristics eg. liquidity index or relative density index. The assessment of the effect of geotechnical properties on pile construction did not take into consideration the complex subsoil structure or hydrogeological conditions. The occurring failure was caused by the unexpected translocation of concrete masses in the subsoil in the course of formation of large-diameter piles. Additionally, concrete filling of the pile grid was by approx. 2700 m3 greater in comparison to the designed level and the amount necessary for appropriate pile construction. The analysis of causes of the failure in the protection sheet pile wall, constructed in the vicinity of the piles, includes the effect of the perception factor, specific properties of subsoil soils as well as tensed groundwater levels, organic soils, lignite and expansive clays found in the subsoil

    Badanie związków korelacyjnych parametrów zagęszczenia nasypu budowlanego w warunkach in situ

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    Geotechnical assessment of the implementation correctness of a road embankment wide range of issues, among which important selection and control of the quality of the earthworks are extremely significant. The article presents results of in situ tests determining correlations between the depending parameters defined by a static plate – VSS test – E1 and E2, and obtained from the study LFG Dynamic Load Plate. Studies indicate that the determination of the correlation between the parameters characterizing the particle size distribution (Cc, Cu, D10, D20, D30, D60), and the compaction parameters obtained by examining the compaction of sand embankment (Evd, E1, E2, I0) is physically complex and hence extremely difficult. Geotechniczna ocena poprawności wykonania korpusu drogowego obejmuje szereg zagadnień, wśród których istotne są dobór i kontrola jakości wykonywanych robót ziemnych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań in situ nad określeniem zależności korelacyjnych pomiędzy parametrami określonymi przy pomocy badań płytą sztywną VSS – E1 i E2, a uzyskanymi z badania lekką płytą dynamiczną LFG. Badania wskazują, iż określenie związków korelacyjnych pomiędzy parametrami charakteryzującymi uziarnienie (Cc, Cu, D10, D20, D30, D60), a parametrami odkształceniowymi uzyskanymi podczas sprawdzania stanu zagęszczenia piasku średniego równoziarnistego nasypu (Evd, E1, E2, I0) jest aktualnie praktycznie trudne lub fizycznie złożone

    Improving Communication with Public Officials on Social Media: Proposals for Protecting Social Media Users’ First Amendment Rights

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    Government officials undermine a key platform for communication with the public when they block users or delete their comments on social media. Those actions also often run afoul of the First Amendment. To address a problem that exists at all levels of government, this report recommends legislation that bans public officials using social media for official purposes from blocking users or deleting their comments, except when comments are unprotected by the First Amendment

    Udział biskupów polskich w I Soborze Watykańskim

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