1,000 research outputs found

    Spectrum Bids, Bets, and Budgets: Seeking an Optimal Allocation and Assignment for Domestic Commercial Electromagnetic Spectrum Products, Services, and Technology

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    This Comment analyzes the Federal Communications Commission\u27s (FCC\u27s) allocation and assignment of commercial electromagnetic spectrum licenses through competitive bidding auctions as authorized under Sections 921 to 927 of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Organization Act (NTIAO Amendment) and Section 309(j) of the Federal Communications Act of 1934. In five parts, this Comment analyzes (1) the FCC\u27s statutory mandate, (2) spectrum\u27s unique physical properties, (3) allocation and assignment methodologies, (4) traditional and nontraditional bidding systems, and (5) the preferred simultaneous multiple round electronic (SMRE) bidding structure. This Comment recommends a policy reorientation to promote spectrum capacity. To promote efficient use and public benefit of commercially usable spectrum, Congress, through the NTIAO Amendment and Section 309(j), authorized the Commerce Department and the FCC to respectively transfer and auction federal government frequencies for commercial use. The physical properties of spectrum—instantly renewable, nondepletable, degradable, and finite—make auctions an effective assignment method regardless of scarcity. The FCC selected SMRE bidding as the preferred assignment method. Auctions advance public interest, convenience, and necessity better than other assignment mechanisms with mechanisms such as first-come/first-served, comparative hearings, user fees, and random selection. SMRE bidding is more likely to award licenses to the highest value user than traditional (oral ascending, oral descending, sealed bid and second-price) or other nontraditional (Japanese and sequential sealed bid) auction structures. To further deter opportunistic behavior including overbidding, collusion, and default, the FCC introduced disclosure, deposit, transferability, build-out, aggregation, and bid group requirements

    Detection and Removal of Artifacts in Astronomical Images

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    Astronomical images from optical photometric surveys are typically contaminated with transient artifacts such as cosmic rays, satellite trails and scattered light. We have developed and tested an algorithm that removes these artifacts using a deep, artifact free, static sky coadd image built up through the median combination of point spread function (PSF) homogenized, overlapping single epoch images. Transient artifacts are detected and masked in each single epoch image through comparison with an artifact free, PSF-matched simulated image that is constructed using the PSF-corrected, model fitting catalog from the artifact free coadd image together with the position variable PSF model of the single epoch image. This approach works well not only for cleaning single epoch images with worse seeing than the PSF homogenized coadd, but also the traditionally much more challenging problem of cleaning single epoch images with better seeing. In addition to masking transient artifacts, we have developed an interpolation approach that uses the local PSF and performs well in removing artifacts whose widths are smaller than the PSF full width at half maximum, including cosmic rays, the peaks of saturated stars and bleed trails. We have tested this algorithm on Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data and present performance metrics. More generally, our algorithm can be applied to any survey which images the same part of the sky multiple times.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Computin

    CosmoDM and its application to Pan-STARRS data

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    The Cosmology Data Management system (CosmoDM) is an automated and flexible data management system for the processing and calibration of data from optical photometric surveys. It is designed to run on supercomputers and to minimize disk I/O to enable scaling to very high throughput during periods of reprocessing. It serves as an early prototype for one element of the ground-based processing required by the Euclid mission and will also be employed in the preparation of ground based data needed in the eROSITA X-ray all sky survey mission. CosmoDM consists of two main pipelines. The first is the single-epoch or detrending pipeline, which is used to carry out the photometric and astrometric calibration of raw exposures. The second is the co- addition pipeline, which combines the data from individual exposures into deeper coadd images and science ready catalogs. A novel feature of CosmoDM is that it uses a modified stack of As- tromatic software which can read and write tile compressed images. Since 2011, CosmoDM has been used to process data from the DECam, the CFHT MegaCam and the Pan-STARRS cameras. In this paper we shall describe how processed Pan-STARRS data from CosmoDM has been used to optically confirm and measure photometric redshifts of Planck-based Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect selected cluster candidates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of Precision Astronomy with Fully Depleted CCDs Workshop (2014). Accepted for publication in JINS

    Diffusion and consensus on weakly connected directed graphs

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    Let GG be a weakly connected directed graph with asymmetric graph Laplacian L{\cal L}. Consensus and diffusion are dual dynamical processes defined on GG by x˙=Lx\dot x=-{\cal L}x for consensus and p˙=pL\dot p=-p{\cal L} for diffusion. We consider both these processes as well their discrete time analogues. We define a basis of row vectors {γˉi}i=1k\{\bar \gamma_i\}_{i=1}^k of the left null-space of L{\cal L} and a basis of column vectors {γi}i=1k\{\gamma_i\}_{i=1}^k of the right null-space of L{\cal L} in terms of the partition of GG into strongly connected components. This allows for complete characterization of the asymptotic behavior of both diffusion and consensus --- discrete and continuous --- in terms of these eigenvectors. As an application of these ideas, we present a treatment of the pagerank algorithm that is dual to the usual one. We further show that the teleporting feature usually included in the algorithm is not strictly necessary. This is a complete and self-contained treatment of the asymptotics of consensus and diffusion on digraphs. Many of the ideas presented here can be found scattered in the literature, though mostly outside mainstream mathematics and not always with complete proofs. This paper seeks to remedy this by providing a compact and accessible survey.Comment: 19 pages, Survey Article, 1 figur

    Factors Contributing To Employee Decisions To Ignore Diversity Policies

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    Diversity is examined beyond the traditional definitions in the context of employers and the changing workforce. Realization by employers of non-compliance with diversity policies is revealed, as well as an exploration of reasons why perceptions and lingering stereotypes exist. Solutions for training the workforce on successfully embracing differences are explored to provide employers with the tools to commit to their missions and cultural goals for a diverse workplace

    Ohjauksen ja neuvonnan vaikutukset sepelvaltimoiden ohitusleikkauspotilaiden terveyskäyttäytymiseen, terveyteen ja toimintakykyyn

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    Effects of counseling and guidance on health behavior, health, and functional abilities of coronary artery bypass (cab) patients Hospital periods of heart patients are brief and full of activity today, and for that reason, the meaning of counseling and guidance becomes emphasized. The present intervention study started based on observations of staff members at the heart organization. According to these observations, there were gaps in counseling and guidance intended for coronary artery bypass (CAB) patients. The purpose of the present intervention study was to describe and evaluate the program on counseling and guidance organized for patients who were referred to CAB operations. More specifically, the study was to assess its short-term (3-month), intermediate (6-month), and long-term (12-month) effects on health behavior, health, and functional abilities of CAB patients of any age on one hand and elderly on the other, as well as on their mortality. The data consisted of those individuals having coronary heart disease (CHD) and living in Uusimaa (n = 365) who went through their first CAB operation at the Helsinki University Hospital between May 7th, 1998 and December 31st, 2001. Based on the need of urgency, they were divided into two groups: 1) surgery with regular referral procedure (non-acute) or 2) surgery in the acute phase of CHD. Randomization into an intervention and a control group was separately carried out within these two groups. A subgroup was formed by including those 65 years or older who were operated on with regular referral procedure. Data on health behavior, health, and functional abilities were gathered with survey questionnaires. Times and causes of death were examined January 1st, 1998 through December 31st, 2004. Intervention included counseling and guidance in small groups. The intervention of the non-acutely operated patients was implemented prior to and following surgery, whereas the intervention of the acutely operated patients was implemented after surgery alone. The control group received regular health care services. Counseling and guidance contributed in positive terms to the frequency of alcohol use among non-acutely operated men and to the frequencies of exercise and functional ability among women. The intervention was also capable of having an effect on the exercise frequencies of elderly and acutely operated men. The present intervention did not have an effect on the body mass index, whereas it had barely a slight effect on the health status of the CAB patients. The findings of the intervention and generalizations resulting from them must be viewed critically because the data analysis utilized a multi-testing situation, many variables, and several subgroups. The study did not involve intention to treat analysis. Additionally, a loss of patients was great especially among the elderly and acutely operated patients.Sydänpotilaiden sairaalahoitojaksot ovat nykyään lyhyitä ja kiireisiä, minkä vuoksi sairaalavaiheen jälkeisen ohjauksen ja neuvonnan merkitys korostuu. Tämä interventiotutkimus sai alkunsa sydänjärjestön työntekijöiden havainnoista, joiden mukaan ohjauksessa ja neuvonnassa oli puutteita sepelvaltimoiden ohitusleikkauspotilaiden keskuudessa. Tämän interventiotutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja arvioida sepelvaltimoiden ohitusleikkauspotilaille järjestetty ohjaus- ja neuvontaohjelma ja sen lyhyen (3 kk), keskipitkän (6 kk) ja pitkän aikavälin (12 kk) vaikutukset kaikenikäisten ja iäkkäiden ohitusleikkauspotilaiden terveyskäyttäytymiseen, terveyteen ja toimintakykyyn. Lisäksi arvioitiin ohjauksen ja neuvonnan vaikutuksia ohitusleikkauspotilaiden kuolleisuuteen. Tutkimusaineiston muodostivat Uudellamaalla asuvat, sepelvaltimotautia sairastavat henkilöt (n = 365), joille aikavälillä 7.5.1998−31.12.2001 suoritettiin ensimmäinen sepelvaltimoiden ohitusleikkaus HYKS:ssa. Ohitusleikkaukseen ohjatut jaettiin leikkauksen kiireellisyyden perusteella kahteen ryhmään: 1) leikkaus tavanomaisen lähetekäytännön perusteella (ei-kiireelliset) ja 2) leikkaus sairauden äkillisessä vaiheessa (kiireelliset). Satunnaistaminen suoritettiin erikseen näissä kahdessa ryhmässä, joissa kummassakin osallistujat jaettiin satunnaisesti neuvonta- ja vertailuryhmään. Iäkkäistä ohitusleikkauspotilaista muodostettiin osa-aineisto poimimalla 65 vuotta täyttäneet ei-kiireellisessä leikkauksessa olleet edellä mainitusta laajemmasta interventiotutkimuksesta. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden terveyskäyttäytymistä, terveyttä ja toimintakykyä kartoittavat tiedot kerättiin kyselylomakkeilla. Lisäksi selvitettiin tutkimukseen osallistuneiden kuolinajat ja kuolemansyyt ajalta 1.1.1998−31.12.2004. Interventioon sisältyi ohjausta ja neuvontaa pienryhmissä. Ei-kiireellisten leikkauspotilaiden interventio toteutettiin ennen leikkausta ja leikkauksen jälkeen. Kiireellisten leikkauspotilaiden interventio toteutettiin pelkästään leikkauksen jälkeen. Vertailuryhmään kuuluneet hoidettiin tavanomaisten terveyspalvelujen piirissä. Ohjauksella ja neuvonnalla oli myönteisiä vaikutuksia ei-kiireellisessä leikkauksessa olleiden miesten alkoholin käyttötiheyteen ja naisten liikunnan harrastamistiheyteen ja toimintakykyyn. Interventiolla pystyttiin vaikuttamaan myös iäkkäiden ja kiireellisessä leikkauksessa olleiden miesten liikunnan harrastamistiheyteen. Interventiolla ei ollut vaikutusta ohitusleikkauspotilaiden painoindeksiin, ja sillä oli ainoastaan vähäinen vaikutus ohitusleikkauspotilaiden terveyteen. Intervention tuloksiin ja niiden yleistettävyyteen on suhtauduttava kriittisesti, sillä siinä käytettiin monitestaustilannetta, useita muuttujia ja alaryhmiä. Tutkimuksessa ei myöskään käytetty hoitointentioanalyysia. Lisäksi potilaskato oli suurta erityisesti iäkkäiden ja kiireellisten leikkauspotilaiden kohdalla.Siirretty Doriast

    Zwischen Mitgestalten und Alltagsdruck: Herausforderungen zivilgesellschaftlich Engagierter zur (Wieder)belebung einer Kleinstadt in Ostdeutschland

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    Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement steht gerade in Städten, die von Bevölkerungsrückgang betroffen sind, vor großen Herausforderungen, da soziale Netzwerke ausgedünnt und kommunale Dienstleistungen im freiwilligen Pflichtaufgabenbereich reduziert worden sind. Gleichzeitig nimmt in solchen Städten das zivilgesellschaftliche Engagement einen besonderen Stellenwert ein, um Engpässe bei der Daseinsvorsorge auszugleichen. Der Artikel untersucht die lebensweltlichen Umstände von zivilgesellschaftlich Engagierten und will damit einen Beitrag zum Verständnis für den unterschiedlichen Umfang des Engagements bestimmter Personengruppen in bestimmten Lebensphasen leisten. Anhand von Projektverläufen im zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagement, initiiert von jüngeren Personengruppen, werden Hemmnisse und Bedarfe aufgezeigt, die die Engagierten erfahren haben. Die Befunde zeigen, dass bürokratische und hierarchische Hürden, geringe Wertschätzung freiwilliger Arbeit und Interessenkonflikte zwischen Fördergebern und Engagierten von Letzteren als wesentliche Hemmnisse wahrgenommen werden. Dem gegenüber stehen Einzelfaktoren zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements, die im Einklang mit den lebensweltlichen Umständen der Engagierten stehen, wie gemeinsames Arbeiten, ein offener, flexibler Rahmen für das individuelle Handeln wie auch dessen flexible Einteilung und Organisation. Dem Beitrag liegen empirische Daten zugrunde, die durch Einzelfallanalysen in der ostdeutschen Kleinstadt Weißwasser erhoben worden sind.Civic engagement faces major challenges, especially in cities affected by declining populations, as social networks have been thinned out and services in the sector of voluntary municipal compulsory tasks have been reduced. At the same time, civic engagement is particularly important in such cities in order to compensate for bottlenecks in services of general interest. This paper examines the life worlds of voluntarily engaged people and aims to contribute to an understanding of the different levels of involvement of certain groups of people in certain phases of life. On the basis of project histories in civic engagement, initiated by younger groups of people, the obstacles and needs experienced by those involved are highlighted. The findings show that bureaucratic and hierarchical hurdles, low appreciation of voluntary work and conflicts of interest between funding bodies and those involved are perceived by the latter as major obstacles. On the other hand, there are individual factors of civic engagement that are in harmony with the conditions of the life worlds of those voluntarily active, such as working together, an open, flexible framework for individual action and its flexible division and organisation. The paper is based on empirical data collected in individual case analyses in the small town Weißwasser in Eastern Germany

    Pärandipõhine tootearendus maaturismiettevõttes Mustjõe Kõrtsitalu näitel

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