69 research outputs found

    Interpersonal values in 4-year course nursing students : Comparisons with 3-year course nursing students and students not majoring in nursing science

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    1999年4年制看護課程に入学した看護学生の入学時の対人関係価値をKG-SIVによって現実の自己像とナースの理想像について調査し,これを同年に非看護課程に入学した学生と3年制看護課程に異なる時期(1990年,1993年,1996年)に入学した看護学生3コホートと比較した。その結果,4年制看護学生は非看護学生に比べ,「博愛」と「同調」を重視する程度が強く,「支持」と「承認」,「独立」を重視する程度が弱かった。また,彼女ら の対人関係価値は3年制看護課程の学生のそれに類似していた。さらに,コホートの年次的移行のなかで看護学生の対人関係価値は「支持」と「独立」への動機づけが増大し,「博愛」への動機づけが滅退する傾向を見せた。This survey studied the interpersonal values held by a cohort of students admitted to a four-year course of nursing program in 1999 to determine whether they had the same interpersonal values as the third-year course nursing students. The KG-SIV (Kikuchi-Gordon Survey of Interpersonal Values) was administered twice at the beginning of the program. The subjects described 'self' for the first testing, while they described 'ideal nurse' for the second testing. Their scores on the self and the ideal nurse were compared with those obtained for three cohorts of nursing students who started the three-year course of nursing program in 1990, 1993 and 1996, respectively. Their scores on self were also compared with the scores obtained for four-year course students not majoring in nursing. Analyses showed that compared to the students not majoring in nursing the four-year course nursing students rated the values of Benevolence and Conformity as more important, while they rated the values of Support, Recognition and Independence as less important. Their scores were simliar to the scores given by the three-year course nursing students. Also, the values of Support and Independence increased while those of Benevolence decreased across the four cohorts of nursing students. It was concluded that nursing students hold distinctive interpersonal values as compared to non-nurses irrespective of their particular nursing program. Such values are ones that are beneficial to the nursing profession

    Differences in interpersonal values for three cohorts of new nursing students

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    医療短大入学年(1990年,1993年,1996年)において異なるコホートをなす看護学生の対人関係価値を入学直後に自己像と理想のナース像についてKG-SIV(Kikuchi-Gordon Survey of Interpersonal Values)によって測定した。その結果,自己像評定では入学年が進むにつれて「支持」や「独立」の価値を重視する傾向が増大するのに対し,「博愛」の価値は逆に重視されない傾向が見いだされた。また,特に1996年では理想のナース像に対する要求水準が低くなることも明らかになった。この結果を看護学生の社会化過程と関連づけて考察した。KG-SIV (Kikuchi-Gordon Survey of Interpersonal Values) was administered twice to three cohorts of new nursing students admitted to School of Health Sciences, Okayama University, respectively, in 1990, 1993, and 1996. For the first testing, they indicated the values that were important to them, while for the second they indicated those that were important to an ideal nurse they had in their mind. Analyses showed that perceived values of Support and Independence increased while those of Benevolence decreased with the admission years. They also showed a reduced level of aspiration for an ideal nurse, particularly in 1996. Findings were discussed as they were related with a socialization process that nursing students would undertake in prospective nurse training


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    Miniscrew implants (MSIs) are currently used to provide absolute anchorage in orthodontics; however, their initial stability is an issue of concern. Application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) can promote bone healing. Therefore, LIPUS application may stimulate bone formation around MSIs and enhance their initial stability. Aim. To investigate the effect of LIPUS exposure on bone formation after implantation of titanium (Ti) and stainless steel (SS) MSIs. Methods. MSIs made of Ti-6Al-4V and 316L SS were placed on rat tibiae and treated with LIPUS. The bone morphology around MSIs was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and threedimensional micro-computed tomography. MC3T3-E1 cells cultured on Ti and SS discs were treated with LIPUS, and the temporary expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was examined. Results. Bone-implant contact increased gradually from day 3 to day 14 after MSI insertion. LIPUS application increased the cortical bone density, cortical bone thickness, and cortical bone rate after implantation of Ti and SS MSIs (P < 0.05). LIPUS exposure induced ALP upregulation in MC3T3- E1 cells at day 3 (P < 0.05). Conclusion. LIPUS enhanced bone formation around Ti and SS MSIs, enhancing the initial stability of MSIs

    A long-forgotten ‘dinosaur’ bone from a museum cabinet, uncovered to be a Japan\u27s iconic extinct mammal, Paleoparadoxia (Desmostylia, Mammalia)

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    Here, we report a new ‘discovery’ of a desmostylian fossil in the geological collection at a national university in Japan. This fossil was unearthed over 60 years ago and donated to the university. Owing to the original hand-written note kept with the fossil in combination with interview investigation, we were able to reach two equally possible fossil sites in the town of Tsuchiyu Onsen, Fukushima. Through the interviews, we learned that the fossil was discovered during construction of a debris flow barrier and that it was recognized as a ‘dinosaur’ bone among the locals and displayed in the Village Hall before/until the town experienced a fire disaster in 1954. As scientific findings, the fossil was identified to be a right femur of Paleoparadoxia (Desmostylia), which shows well-preserved muscle scars on the surface. The age was estimated to be 15.9 Ma or younger in zircon-dating. This study shows an excellent case that historical and scientific significances could be extracted from long-forgotten uncatalogued specimens as long as the original information is retained with the specimens


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    Introduction: Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) has been known to promote bone healing by nonthermal effects. In recent studies, LIPUS has been shown to reduce inflammation in injured soft tissues. Xerostomia is one of the most common symptoms in Sjögren syndrome (SS). It is caused by a decrease in the quantity or quality of saliva. The successful treatment of xerostomia is still difficult to achieve and often unsatisfactory. The aim of this study is to clarify the therapeutic effects of LIPUS on xerostomia in SS. Methods: Human salivary gland acinar (NS-SV-AC) and ductal (NS-SV-DC) cells were cultured with or without tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α; 10 ng/ml) before LIPUS or sham exposure. The pulsed ultrasound signal was transmitted at a frequency of 1.5 MHz or 3 MHz with a spatial average intensity of 30 mW/cm2 and a pulse rate of 20 %. Cell number, net fluid secretion rate, and expression of aquaporin 5 (AQP5) and TNF-α were subsequently analyzed. Inhibitory effects of LIPUS on the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) pathway were determined by Western blot analysis. The effectiveness of LIPUS in recovering salivary secretion was also examined in a MRL/MpJ/lpr/lpr (MRL/lpr) mouse model of SS with autoimmune sialadenitis. Results: TNF-α stimulation of NS-SV-AC and NS-SV-DC cells resulted in a significant decrease in cell number and net fluid secretion rate (p < 0.01), whereas LIPUS treatment abolished them (p < 0.05). The expression changes of AQP5 and TNF-α were also inhibited in LIPUS treatment by blocking the NF-κB pathway. Furthermore, we found that mRNA expression of A20, a negative feedback regulator, was significantly increased by LIPUS treatment after TNF-α or interleukin 1β stimulation (NS-SV-AC, p < 0.01; NS-SV-DC, p < 0.05). In vivo LIPUS exposure to MRL/lpr mice exhibited a significant increase in both salivary flow and AQP5 expression by reducing inflammation in salivary glands (p < 0.01). Conclusions: These results suggest that LIPUS upregulates expression of AQP5 and inhibits TNF-α production. Thus, LIPUS may restore secretion by inflamed salivary glands. It may synergistically activate negative feedback of NF-κB signaling in response to inflammatory stimulation. Collectively, LIPUS might be a new strategic therapy for xerostomia in autoimmune sialadenitis with SS

    A survey of problems in the care and support of infants born at very low birth weight

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Clodomiro Unsihuay-VilaCoorientadora: Prof.a Dr. a Thelma Solange P. FernandesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/08/2019Inclui referências: p. 127-133Área de concentração: Sistema de energiaResumo: A frota de veículo elétrico (VE) cresce rapidamente no mundo, em 2018 já superou a marca de 5,1 milhões. A inserção de VE nas redes ativas de distribuição significa uma evolução nos sistemas de energia elétrica, mas essa evolução requer avanços no planejamento da operação, de maneira a considerar o aumento da complexidade que esses novos elementos podem causar na rede. Por isso, se faz necessário ferramentas computacionais que permitam analisar os impactos que o VE causa na operação de redes ativas de distribuição, de maneira a auxiliar na definição de estratégias operativas apropriadas e garantir a otimização de todos os recursos energéticos do sistema. Dessa forma, nesta dissertação foi desenvolvido um modelo computacional, formulado como um problema de otimização capaz de determinar a programação diária da operação de redes ativas de distribuição, considerando a inserção do VE na rede. O problema foi abordado através de um Fluxo de Potência Ótimo (FPO) multiperíodo. A intertemporalidade do problema é formulada através da introdução de uma função de acoplamento representada pela energia armazenada pelas baterias do VE. A resolução do FPO foi através do Métodos dos Pontos Interiores versão Primal-Dual. O horizonte de planejamento é de 24 períodos, divididos em horas. Também é considerado a geração distribuída fotovoltaica e um sistema de tarifação horária de energia. O veículo elétrico é incorporado no problema por meio da adição de uma variável de otimização à função objetivo que além de alterar as restrições de balanço de potência também é usada para monitorar a energia armazenada nas baterias. Como resultado, têm-se um FPO multiperíodo que busca, além da minimização dos custos operativos e perdas de transmissão, também a maximização da energia armazenada nas baterias dos veículos elétricos conectados à rede visando a injeção ótima de energia à rede ativa. Nas simulações realizadas, foram utilizados cenários determinísticos de conexão do VE para avaliar seus impactos nas perdas, custos operacionais e perfil de tensão do sistema elétrico. Os resultados de simulações demonstraram que, no cenário de perfil residencial, que possibilitam o carregamento/descarregamento, é perceptível uma melhora no perfil de tensão do sistema. Isso mostra que a apropriada operação dos VEs com possibilidade de injeção de energia à rede podem ser uma boa alternativa para deslocar picos de carga e reduzir custos operacionais da rede ativa de distribuição. Para o perfil comercial, é perceptível uma redução do perfil de tensão para o seu instante de conexão. Entretanto, esse comportamento pode ser complementado através de uma geração fotovoltaica, que apresenta seus picos de geração nos mesmos instantes em que o VE carrega. Para os cenários que consideram uma alta inserção de VE na rede, os impactos no perfil de tensão do sistema são bastante significativos, demonstrando que para que a rede seja capaz de atender uma grande frota de VEs devem ser feitos investimentos na infraestrutura da rede de distribuição. O impacto da inserção do VE à rede pode aumentar em até 40% as perdas do sistema. Os impactos no custo de operação são significativos, podendo aumentar em até 19%, para cenários de alta penetração de VE. Palavras-chave: Planejamento da Operação. Redes Ativas de Distribuição. Veículo Elétrico. Fluxo de Potência Ótimo. Método dos Pontos Interiores versão Primal-Dual. Armazenamento de energia em baterias.Abstract: The electric vehicle (EV) fleet is growing rapidly in the world, by 2018, it has already surpassed the 5.1 million mark. The insertion of EV into active distribution grids means an evolution in power systems, but this evolution requires advances in operation planning in order to consider the increased complexity that these new elements in the grid may cause. Therefore, computational tools are needed to analyze the impacts that EV has on the operation of active distribution networks, in order to help define appropriate operating strategies and ensuring the optimization of all energy resources in the system. Thus, in this dissertation a computational model was developed, formulated as an optimization problem capable of determining the daily programming of the active distribution networks operation, considering the insertion of the EV in the network. The problem was addressed through a Multi-Period Optimal Power Flow (OPF). The intertemporality of the problem is formulated by introducing a coupling function represented by the energy stored by LV batteries. The resolution of the OPF was through the Primal-Dual Interior Point Method. The planning horizon is 24 periods, divided into hours, under the influence of photovoltaic generation and an hourly energy hourly charging system. The electric vehicle is incorporated into the problem by adding an optimization variable to the objective function which in addition to changing the power balance restrictions is also used to monitor the energy stored in the batteries. As a result, there is a MultiPeriod OPF that seeks, in addition to minimizing operating costs and transmission losses, also maximizing the energy stored in the batteries of electric vehicles connected to the grid for optimal injection of power to the grid at peak hours. In the simulations performed, deterministic EV connection scenarios were used to assess their impacts on losses, operating costs and voltage profile. Simulation results showed that, in the residential profile scenario, which enables loading / unloading, an improvement in the system voltage profile is noticeable. Showing that appropriate EV operation can be a good alternative for shifting power generation from light load moments of the system to high load moments, optimizing the use of system energy resources, reducing operating costs of active distribution. For the commercial profile, a reduction of the voltage profile is noticeable for its connection time. However, this behavior can be complemented by a photovoltaic generation, which presents its generation peaks at the same time that the EV charges. For scenarios that consider a high insertion of EV in the grid, the impacts on the system voltage profile are quite significant, demonstrating that for the grid to be able to serve a large fleet of EVs, investments in the distribution network infrastructure must be made. The impacts of EV insertion into the network can increase system losses by up to 40%. The impacts on operating costs are significant and may increase by up to 19% for high EV penetration scenarios. Keywords: Operation Planning. Active Distribution Networks. Electric Vehicle. Optimal Power Flow. Primal-Dual Interior Point Method. Energy storage in batteries

    ガクガンメン リョウイキ ニオケル コツチユ ニ タイスル テイシュツリョク チョウオンパ パルス ショウシャ ノ シヨウ ケイケン

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    Fracture healing has traditionally been thought to be a naturally optimized process with predetermined time-course for bone metabolism, and no one had had an idea that fracture healing may be manipulated to occur at a faster rate. In 1980s, the use of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) was demonstrated with a significant promotion of bone healing and LIPUS has been used extensively for bone fractures in the limbs. On the other hand, the effectiveness of LIPUS for maxillofacial bone fractures has not been studied yet. In clinical orthodontics, there are many cases closely related to bone healing: the traumatic bone fracture in maxillofacial region, the osteotomy of jaw deformity, and the bone grafting in to alveolar cleft. The purpose of this study was to examine the benefit of LIPUS to the acceleration of maxillofacial bone healing. Thirty-five patients received LIPUS after surgery served as subjects. Of total subjects, 11 patients had surgery for maxillofacial bone fracture fixation, 7 patients with jaw deformity had orthognathic surgery, and 17 patients affected by cleft lip and palate underwent alveolar cleft bone grafting. Five-seven days after surgery, the patient received 15 minutes of LIPUS (BR sonic-pro, ITO Co., Tokyo, Japan) per day for 14 days. A LIPUS signal was transmitted at a frequency of 1.0 MHz with a spatial-average intensity of 160 mW and pulsed 1: 4. In addition, we used the visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain assessment, and simple radiographs and computed tomography (CT) for evaluation of the bone healing. In most cases, pain disappeared within one week after surgery. In the patients with bone fracture fixation or jaw osteotomy, bone healing was validated by plain radiographs and/or CT taken at 3 months after surgery, leading to stable occlusion. In the cases with alveolar bone grafting, early bone formation was observed from CT taken at 3 months after surgery. In addition, the catabolic effects of LIPUS exposure were not found at all. In conclusion, LIPUS application might involve in acceleration of maxillofacial bone healing after surgery. Therefore, LIPUS may be a promising therapeutic tool for bone healing in maxillofacial region

    High-Throughput Cryopreservation of Plant Cell Cultures for Functional Genomics

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    Suspension-cultured cell lines from plant species are useful for genetic engineering. However, maintenance of these lines is laborious, involves routine subculturing and hampers wider use of transgenic lines, especially when many lines are required for a high-throughput functional genomics application. Cryopreservation of these lines may reduce the need for subculturing. Here, we established a simple protocol for cryopreservation of cell lines from five commonly used plant species, Arabidopsis thaliana, Daucus carota, Lotus japonicus, Nicotiana tabacum and Oryza sativa. The LSP solution (2 M glycerol, 0.4 M sucrose and 86.9 mM proline) protected cells from damage during freezing and was only mildly toxic to cells kept at room temperature for at least 2 h. More than 100 samples were processed for freezing simultaneously. Initially, we determined the conditions for cryopreservation using a programmable freezer; we then developed a modified simple protocol that did not require a programmable freezer. In the simple protocol, a thick expanded polystyrene (EPS) container containing the vials with the cell–LSP solution mixtures was kept at −30°C for 6 h to cool the cells slowly (pre-freezing); samples from the EPS containers were then plunged into liquid nitrogen before long-term storage. Transgenic Arabidopsis cells were subjected to cryopreservation, thawed and then re-grown in culture; transcriptome and metabolome analyses indicated that there was no significant difference in gene expression or metabolism between cryopreserved cells and control cells. The simplicity of the protocol will accelerate the pace of research in functional plant genomics