10 research outputs found

    Development of strategies to support home-based exercise adherence after stroke: a Delphi consensus

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    Objective To develop a set of strategies to enhance adherence to home-based exercises after stroke, and an overarching framework to classify these strategies. Method We conducted a four-round Delphi consensus (two online surveys, followed by a focus group then a consensus round). The Delphi panel consisted of 13 experts from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, clinical psychology, behaviour science and community medicine. The experts were from India, Australia and UK. Results In round 1, a 10-item survey using open-ended questions was emailed to panel members and 75 strategies were generated. Of these, 25 strategies were included in round 2 for further consideration. A total of 64 strategies were finally included in the subsequent rounds. In round 3, the strategies were categorised into nine domains - (1) patient education on stroke and recovery, (2) method of exercise prescription, (3) feedback and supervision, (4) cognitive remediation, (5) involvement of family members, (6) involvement of society, (7) promoting self-efficacy, (8) motivational strategies and (9) reminder strategies. The consensus from 12 experts (93%) led to the development of the framework in round 4. Conclusion We developed a framework of comprehensive strategies to assist clinicians in supporting exercise adherence among stroke survivors. It provides practical methods that can be deployed in both research and clinical practices. Future studies should explore stakeholders' experiences and the cost-effectiveness of implementing these strategies

    Screening for noncommunicable disease risk factors at a workplace in India: A physiotherapy initiative in a healthcare setting

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    Background: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) account for two-thirds of all deaths globally. Physiotherapists have the requisite expertise to initiate and lead NCD risk factor screening and prevention programmes. The workplace can provide an ideal setting for physiotherapists to screen for risk factors and implement prevention programmes. Objective: This study was designed to identify the common modifiable risk factors for NCD among employees of a healthcare institution. Methods: A cross-sectional study of NCD risk factors was conducted in a large healthcare teaching institution. Employees from four of the seven constituent institutes of the healthcare institution were evaluated using the World Health Organisation STEPS Instrument (Steps I and II). Continuous variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Categorical variables and the prevalence of risk factors were expressed as frequencies and percentages. Results: A total of 247 employees (response rate 68.2%) participated in the study. Poor dietary habits, suboptimal blood pressure, and physical inactivity were identified as the most common modifiable NCD risk factors in this population. Conclusion: Knowledge of NCD risk factors can be used by physiotherapists to implement health promotion programmes in the workplace as a means of reducing NCD-related economic and social burdens in India

    Health Competency Standards in Physical Therapist Practice

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    Although the physical therapist profession is the leading established, largely nonpharmacological health profession in the world and is committed to health promotion and noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevention, these have yet to be designated as core physical therapist competencies. Based on findings of 3 Physical Therapy Summits on Global Health, addressing NCDs (heart disease, cancer, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and chronic lung disease) has been declared an urgent professional priority. The Third Summit established the status of health competencies in physical therapist practice across the 5 World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) regions with a view to establish health competency standards, this article's focus. Three general principles related to health-focused practice emerged, along with 3 recommendations for its inclusion. Participants acknowledged that specific competencies are needed to ensure that health promotion and NCD prevention are practiced consistently by physical therapists within and across WCPT regions (ie, effective counseling for smoking cessation, basic nutrition, weight control, and reduced sitting and increased activity/exercise in patients and clients, irrespective of their presenting complaints/diagnoses). Minimum accreditable health competency standards within the profession, including use of the WCPT-supported Health Improvement Card, were recommended for inclusion into practice, entry-to-practice education, and research. Such standards are highly consistent with the mission of the WCPT and the World Health Organization. The physical therapist profession needs to assume a leadership role vis-à-vis eliminating the gap between what we know unequivocally about the causes of and contributors to NCDs and the long-term benefits of effective, sustained, nonpharmacological lifestyle behavior change, which no drug nor many surgical procedures have been reported to match. © 2019 American Physical Therapy Association

    Health competency standards in physical therapist practice

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    "Although the physical therapist profession is the leading established, largely nonpharmacological health profession in the world and is committed to health promotion and noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevention, these have yet to be designated as core physical therapist competencies. Based on findings of 3 Physical Therapy Summits on Global Health, addressing NCDs (heart disease, cancer, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and chronic lung disease) has been declared an urgent professional priority. The Third Summit established the status of health competencies in physical therapist practice across the 5 World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) regions with a view to establish health competency standards, this article's focus. Three general principles related to health-focused practice emerged, along with 3 recommendations for its inclusion. Participants acknowledged that specific competencies are needed to ensure that health promotion and NCD prevention are practiced consistently by physical therapists within and across WCPT regions (ie, effective counseling for smoking cessation, basic nutrition, weight control, and reduced sitting and increased activity/exercise in patients and clients, irrespective of their presenting complaints/diagnoses). Minimum accreditable health competency standards within the profession, including use of the WCPT-supported Health Improvement Card, were recommended for inclusion into practice, entry-to-practice education, and research. Such standards are highly consistent with the mission of the WCPT and the World Health Organization. The physical therapist profession needs to assume a leadership role vis-à-vis eliminating the gap between what we know unequivocally about the causes of and contributors to NCDs and the long-term benefits of effective, sustained, nonpharmacological lifestyle behavior change, which no drug nor many surgical procedures have been reported to match. © 2019 American Physical Therapy Association.