79 research outputs found

    A novel design of an isochronous integration [iIntegration] framework for first/second order multidisciplinary transient systems

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    Of fundamental interest are multidisciplinary interactions encompassing: (1) first order systems such as those encountered in parabolic heat conduction, first order hyperbolic systems such as fluid flow, and so on, and (2) second order systems such as those encountered in hyperbolic heat conduction, hyperbolic second order systems such as elastodynamics and wave propagation, and so on. After space discretization using methods such as finite differences, finite volumes, finite elements, and the like, the consequent proper integration of the time continuous ordinary differential equations is extremely important. In particular, the physical quantities of interest may need to be mostly preserved and/or the equations should be optimally integrated so that there is minimal numerical dissipation, dispersion, algorithm overshoot, capture shocks without too much dissipation, solve stiff problems and enable the completion of the analysis, and so on. To-date, practical methods in most commercial and research software include the trapezoidal family (Euler forward/backward, Galerkin, and Crank Nicholson) for first order systems and the other counterpart trapezoidal family (Newmark family and variants with controllable numerical dissipation) for second order systems. For the respective first/second order systems, they are totally separate families of algorithms and are derived from altogether totally different numerical approximation techniques. Focusing on the class of the linear multistep (LMS) methods, algorithms by design was first utilized to develop GS4-2 framework for time integration of second order systems. We have also recently developed the GS4-1 framework for integrating first order systems. In contrast to all past efforts over the past 50 years or so, we present the formalism of a generalized unified framework, termed GS4 (generalized single step single solve), that unifies GS4-1 (first-order systems) and GS4-2 (second-order systems) frameworks for simultaneous use in both first and second order systems with optimal algorithms, numerical and order preserving attributes (in particular, second-order time accuracy) as well. The principal contribution emanating from such an integrated framework is the practicality and convenience of using the same computational framework and implementation when solving first and/or second order systems without having to resort to the individual framework. All that is needed is a single novel GS4-2 framework for either second- and/or first-order systems, and we show how to switch from one to the other for illustrative applications to thermo-mechanical problems influenced by first/second order systems, respectively

    Isochronous explicit time integration framework: illustration to thermal stress problems involving both first- and second-order transient systems

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    In this article, an isochronous explicit time integration framework (or the explicit iIntegrator) for solving thermal stress problems is illustrated. Similar to the implicit case, the same adaptation process of the isochronous integration is valid for the explicit case. That is, the adaptation process endows the explicit version of the generalized single step family of algorithms for second-order systems (explicit GS4-2 family of algorithms) with the applicability to first-order systems, and the explicit version of the GS4 family of algorithms for first-order systems (explicit GS4-1 family of algorithms) is automatically generated. Two illustrative thermal stress dynamic applications are shown to demonstrate the practicality and convenience of the explicit iIntegrator

    Mixed Strong Form Representation Particle Method for Solids and Structures

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    In this paper, a generalized particle system (GPS) method, a general method to describe multiple strong form representation based particle methods is described. Gradient, divergence, and Laplacian operators used in various strong form based particle method such as moving particle semi-implicit (MPS) method, smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH), and peridynamics, can be described by the GPS method with proper selection of parameters. In addition, the application of mixed formulation representation to the GPS method is described. Based on Hu-Washizu principle and Hellinger-Reissner principle, the mixed form refers to the method solving multiple primary variables such as displacement, strain and stress, simultaneously in the FEM method; however for convenience in employing FEM with particle methods, a simple representation in construction only is shown. It is usually applied to finite element method (FEM) to overcome numerical errors including locking issues. While the locking issues do not arise in strong form based particle methods, the mixed form representation in construction only concept applied to GPS method can be the first step for fostering coupling of multi-domain problems, coupling mixed form FEM and mixed form representation GPS method; however it is to be noted that the standard GPS particle method and the mixed for representation construction GPS particle method are equivalent. Two dimensional simple bar and beam problems are presented and the results from mixed form GPS method is comparable to the mixed form FEM results

    DEM simulation and experimental study on the screening process of elliptical vibration mechanical systems

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    For an elliptical vibration system, the vibration parameters seriously affect conveying speed and sieving efficiency of the materials. In addition, considering the lack of studies about the elliptical vibration machine, we applied the discrete element method to simulate and analyze the elliptical vibration screening process in this paper. A vibration screening model is particularly based on the purpose of our research to fundamentally demonstrate the novel relationships among the conveying speed, sieving efficiency and vibration parameters of the materials. And the sieving experiment of typical materials is additionally carried out on the same simulation system. This paper analyzes the influence rule of vibration parameters on conveying speed and sieving efficiency of the materials during the elliptical vibration screening process by virtue of comprehensively comparing the results of experimental study coupled with simulation research. Consequently, we can throw up the optimal vibration screening parameters to guarantee high sieving efficiency and large throughput of the screening machine at the same time. The screening test carried out in this paper lays the experimental foundation for the study of the mechanism of elliptical vibration screening machine and the study of materials screening characteristics by combining the conclusions of DEM simulation analysis of lots of materials. It provides not only a basis for selecting the vibration parameters of the actual working process of the screening machine, but also data support based on the experiment and simulation for the study of the sieving mechanism of elliptical vibration systems. For screening mechanism, this is a significant progress which will affect future design and manufacture of elliptical vibration machines. Furthermore, the conclusions drawn from this research can help us study and explain better the screening process of other vibration machinery


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    In this paper a highly scalable parallel formulation of the primal-dual technique is presented for index-3 constrained flexible multi-body dynamics system. The key features of the primal-dual approach are constraint preservation, preserving the original order of accuracy of time integration operators that are employed, and faster convergence rates of nonlinear iterations for the solution of flexible multi-body dynamical systems. In addition, this technique not only preserves the underlying properties of time integration operators for ordinary differential equations, but also eliminates the need for index reduction, constraint stabilization and regularization approaches. The key features of the parallel formulation of rigid and flexible modeling and simulation technology are capabilities such as adaptive high/low fidelity modeling that is useful from the initial design concept stage to the intermediate and to the final design stages in a single seamless simulation environment. The examples considered illustrate the capabilities and scalability of the proposed high performance computing (HPC) approach for large-scale simulations

    Performance of a Large-Area GEM Detector Prototype for the Upgrade of the CMS Muon Endcap System

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    Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology is being considered for the forward muon upgrade of the CMS experiment in Phase 2 of the CERN LHC. Its first implementation is planned for the GE1/1 system in the 1.5<η<2.21.5 < \mid\eta\mid < 2.2 region of the muon endcap mainly to control muon level-1 trigger rates after the second long LHC shutdown. A GE1/1 triple-GEM detector is read out by 3,072 radial strips with 455 μ\murad pitch arranged in eight η\eta-sectors. We assembled a full-size GE1/1 prototype of 1m length at Florida Tech and tested it in 20-120 GeV hadron beams at Fermilab using Ar/CO2_{2} 70:30 and the RD51 scalable readout system. Four small GEM detectors with 2-D readout and an average measured azimuthal resolution of 36 μ\murad provided precise reference tracks. Construction of this largest GEM detector built to-date is described. Strip cluster parameters, detection efficiency, and spatial resolution are studied with position and high voltage scans. The plateau detection efficiency is [97.1 ±\pm 0.2 (stat)]\%. The azimuthal resolution is found to be [123.5 ±\pm 1.6 (stat)] μ\murad when operating in the center of the efficiency plateau and using full pulse height information. The resolution can be slightly improved by \sim 10 μ\murad when correcting for the bias due to discrete readout strips. The CMS upgrade design calls for readout electronics with binary hit output. When strip clusters are formed correspondingly without charge-weighting and with fixed hit thresholds, a position resolution of [136.8 ±\pm 2.5 stat] μ\murad is measured, consistent with the expected resolution of strip-pitch/12\sqrt{12} = 131.3 μ\murad. Other η\eta-sectors of the detector show similar response and performance.Comment: 8 pages, 32 figures, submitted to Proc. 2014 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symposium, Seattle, WA, reference adde

    Design of a constant fraction discriminator for the VFAT3 front-end ASIC of the CMS GEM detector

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    In this work the design of a constant fraction discriminator (CFD) to be used in the VFAT3 chip for the read-out of the triple-GEM detectors of the CMS experiment, is described. A prototype chip containing 8 CFDs was implemented using 130 nm CMOS technology and test results are shown. © CERN 2016

    Quality control and beam test of GEM detectors for future upgrades of the CMS muon high rate region at the LHC

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    Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) are a proven position sensitive gas detector technology which nowadays is becoming more widely used in High Energy Physics. GEMs offer an excellent spatial resolution and a high particle rate capability, with a close to 100% detection efficiency. In view of the high luminosity phase of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, these aforementioned features make GEMs suitable candidates for the future upgrades of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector. In particular, the CMS GEM Collaboration proposes to cover the high-eta region of the muon system with large-area triple-GEM detectors, which have the ability to provide robust and redundant tracking and triggering functions. In this contribution, after a general introduction and overview of the project, the construction of full-size trapezoidal triple-GEM prototypes will be described in more detail. The procedures for the quality control of the GEM foils, including gain uniformity measurements with an x-ray source will be presented. In the past few years, several CMS triple-GEM prototype detectors were operated with test beams at the CERN SPS. The results of these test beam campaigns will be summarised

    Quality control and beam test of GEM detectors for future upgrades of the CMS muon high rate region at the LHC

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    Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) are a proven position sensitive gas detector technology which nowadays is becoming more widely used in High Energy Physics. GEMs offer an excellent spatial resolution and a high particle rate capability, with a close to 100% detection efficiency. In view of the high luminosity phase of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, these aforementioned features make GEMs suitable candidates for the future upgrades of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector. In particular, the CMS GEM Collaboration proposes to cover the high-eta region of the muon system with large-area triple-GEM detectors, which have the ability to provide robust and redundant tracking and triggering functions. In this contribution, after a general introduction and overview of the project, the construction of full-size trapezoidal triple-GEM prototypes will be described in more detail. The procedures for the quality control of the GEM foils, including gain uniformity measurements with an x-ray source will be presented. In the past few years, several CMS triple-GEM prototype detectors were operated with test beams at the CERN SPS. The results of these test beam campaigns will be summarised

    Upgrade of the CMS muon system with triple-GEM detectors

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