717 research outputs found

    Investigation of In- Vitro Method of Antiulcer Activity

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    It has long been known that medicinal plants include traditional therapeutic ingredients for the treatment and prevention of illnesses and disorders. In order to find out if hydroalcoholic extracts of fenugreek seeds may be used to treat ulcers, this study tested the extracts\u27 capacity to neutralize acids and their ability to block H+/K+ - ATPase. A 1000 mg/ml concentration of the Seeds extract significantly reduced the acidity from 11.90 at the normal 500 mg/ml of Aluminium hydroxide + Magnesium hydroxide to 6.10. The maximum percentage of inhibition of the H+/K+ - ATPase was shown by petals extract at a concentration of 400 g/ml, which is less than the typical dose of esmoprazole (73.82%). The IC 50 value of extract of fenugreek seeds is shown to be 100 g/ml when compared to the average dose of esmoprazole, which is 82.5 g/ml. According to the findings of this study, fenugreek seeds contain compounds that have the ability to neutralize acids and block enzymes, making them a potential alternative treatment for digestive problems

    Process analysis of chemical looping gasification (CLG) of biomass for liquid fuel production with net-negative CO2 emissions

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    Chemical looping gasification (CLG) of biomass, integrated with downstream Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis for the production of liquid biofuel is a potential pathway to decarbonize growing transportation sectors such as aviation and maritime sectors. CLG is a novel gasification technology that resembles indirect gasification in circulating fluidized bed, but instead of inert bed material, so-called oxygen carrier (OC), metal-oxide particles are utilized. The OC particles undergo cyclic oxidation and reduction in the air reactor and the fuel reactors, respectively, providing heat and oxygen for gasification. Thus, the raw syngas produced is more oxidized than in a conventional gasifier, with a lower concentration of tar and a higher concentration of CO2. Capturing and storage of CO2 during the subsequent gas cleaning stages would result in FT-crude production with net-negative CO2 emissions. A steady-state CLG process model using Aspen Plus was modelled with a thermal input of 100 MWth of waste biomass and was complemented with Fortran statements to calibrate thermodynamic equilibrium deviations, experienced during associated experimental activities or reported in the literature. LD-slag, an inexpensive and readily available by-product from steel production, was used as the primary oxygen carrier in the process models. The core gasification models were validated with experimental data from the chemical looping gasification tests done at Chalmers research boiler/gasifier with wood pellets and LD-slag as bed material. The gasification model predicts syngas composition, energy content and cold gas efficiency in good agreement with published data. Syngas with a high energy content of 12 MJ/Nm. (LHV basis) is predicted with an average cold gas efficiency of 56.6%. A high CO2/CO ratio is also predicted in the syngas produced, which would be suitable for carbon capture. The integrated model estimates an FT-crude production of approximately 359 barrels per day with a CO2 capture capacity of 138.5 ktCO2/year with an average chemical efficiency, i.e. the conversion efficiency of biomass-to-FT crude of 22.8%. Heat integration studies show that there are adequate heat recovery possibilities for co-generation of steam and power

    Investigation of Complex Magnetic Phenomena in Spinel FeMn2O4, MnFe2O4, and NiFe2O4

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    Frustrated magnetic systems, where all spin interactions cannot be simultaneously satisfied, have continued to attract interest due to a plethora of novel magnetic states that emerge in them due to frustration and their potential technological applications. Spinel oxides AB2O4, where A and B are metal ions) are an excellent testing ground for the exploration of frustrated magnetism. This dissertation presents the experimental investigation of complex magnetic phenomena in the spinel oxides FeMn2O4, MnFe2O4, and NiFe2O4. FeMn2O4 and MnFe2O4 are members of the manganese ferrite family where both manganese and iron can possess mixed oxidation states, resulting in additional spin interactions that compete with the collinear ferrimagnetic order leading to complex magnetic ground states. From our measurements, we found that FeMn2O4 undergoes one structural and two magnetic transitions. The structural transition occurs at Ts ~ 595 K from a high temperature cubic to a low temperature tetragonal phase. Below TFI-1 ~ 373 K, it becomes collinear ferrimagnetic, and below TFI-2 ~ 50 K, its O-site spins form a spin ice-like “two-in-two-out” order. Similarly, in MnFe2O4, we identified three magnetic transitions: paramagnetic to collinear ferrimagnetic transition at TFI-1 ~ 575 K, followed by spin rearrangements at TFI-2 ~ 50 K and Tx ~ 15 K. Furthermore, in both systems, we found that the different magnetic orders have significant effects on other physical properties. Frustration and complex magnetism can also be induced at the interfaces due to the competing magnetic orders. We extend our study into frustrated magnetism by exploring the interface-induced behavior in NiFe2O4 matrix containing self-assembled NiO columns that are magnetically distinct. The bulk magnetic measurements revealed a spin glass state below TSG ~ 28 K. By combining the macroscopic measurements with the microscopic analysis, like transmission electron microscopy and magnetic force microscopy, we establish that the spin glass state occurs at the interface due to the competing magnetic orders that frustrate the interfacial spins. We demonstrate the viability of self-assembly of microstructures within a matrix as an effective way to enable emergent phenomena

    Recent Advancement of Colorectal Cancer and Their Herbal Essential Oil Treatment

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    Colorectal cancer is the second most deadly type of cancer (CRC). In the upcoming decades, death and incidence rates would surely increase globally. Despite being disproportionately high in high-income countries, CRC-related mortality is also on the rise in low- and middle-income countries. Early diagnosis of CRC allows for both surgical and medicinal treatment options. Due to the high likelihood of recurrence and the rising rate of treatment failure brought on by cancer medicine resistance, it is regrettable that there is a significant treatment failure rate. Due to early discovery and treatment of CRC, there is a chance of survival in wealthy nations. Contrarily, these resources are noticeably scarce in less developed countries. It is crucial to inform the public about CRC\u27s current situation, its cause, progression, risk factors, and therapy. As a result, we have included in this review all of the most recent data on the global epidemiology, drug resistance, challenges, risk factors, and preventative and therapeutic approaches for CRC. Guidelines for CRC prevention and therapy are briefly reviewed, as well as pathways of CRC developments

    Calibration of Linear Imager Camera for Relative Pose Estimation

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    The process of camera calibration is of paramount importance in order to employ any vision based sensor for relative navigation purposes. Understanding and quantifying the physical process that converts the external electromagnetic stimulus into an image inside a camera is key to relating the position of a body in an image to its pose in the real world. Both camera calibration and relative navigation are extensively explored topics. In the topic of camera calibration, various algorithms have been proposed that model the image formation process in different ways. This research utilizes the Homography approach proposed by Zhang [1] along with two distortion models: Brown’s nonlinear Distortion Model and the Geometric Distortion Model in order to model the intrinsic distortion and discrete image formation process. The idea of this research is to utilize the intrinsic parameters estimated using the homography optimization approach for the estimation of the relative pose of an object in the camera’s field of view. A nonlinear optimization based approach is presented for this purpose. The camera used here is the Phasespace Motion Capture camera [2] which utilizes linear imagers to form a fictitious image plane. Hence, the applicability of the two distortion models is tested through multiple datasets. Through testing with three datasets, it is found that neither distortion model is adequate to describe the distortion and image formation process in the Phasespace camera. A further test is conducted in order to validate the efficacy of the optimization based approach for relative pose estimation

    Past and Current Prospectives of Herbal Product for Skin Care

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    The treatment of skin ageing is vital in controlling numerous skin problems, especially in the elderly, which is a welcome side effect. Consumer demand for non-invasive products with fewer harmful effects than those currently on the market has led to a rapid surge in the development of new dermocosmetics. Herbal-derived formulations and natural compounds from plants have gained popularity because to the wide range of effective, non-toxic active ingredients they contain, many of which target different parts of the skin\u27s ageing signalling pathways. The purpose of this review was, therefore, to identify the most current developments in the study of herbal-derived products, such as herbal formulations and isolated components with skin anti-aging effects. Clinical trials with available pharmacodynamics data support the protective effects of herbal-derived products used to treat, prevent, or control the ageing of human skin, and these investigations assessed the biological effects of these products in in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo settings

    Role of Antioxidants of Natural Herbs in Management of Male Infertility

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    If you and your spouse have been trying to conceive for a year and neither of you has been successful, there is a possibility that you are one of the 50–80 million people throughout the world who struggle with infertility. There is a male component present in approximately 20%-30% of these instances. It is common knowledge that low-quality sperm and oxidative stress (OS) both have a role in the aetiology of male infertility. Because of the oxidation of DNA, proteins, and lipids, excessive levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) have the potential to disrupt the viability, motility, and morphology of sperm cells. ROS are responsible for these changes. Methods: Through the use of the PubMed interface, we searched the MEDLINE database for studies that had been completed and published during the past ten years that analysed the effect that antioxidants had on sperm in infertile guys (2012–2022). A number of different phrases, including infertility, alpha-lipoic acid, zinc, folate, coenzyme Q10, selenium, and vitamin, were utilised during the search. The study\u27s findings indicate that inositol serves a purpose in a number of different mechanisms that foster contacts between sperm and oocytes, and that it also affects OS levels in sperm cells by way of its engagement in mitochondrial events. Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) lessens the damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and improves the quality of sperm in a number of ways, including motility, morphology, and count. There might be a connection between not getting enough zinc in your diet and having low-quality sperm. Zinc and folate are two nutrients that can boost the quantity and quality of sperm. When taken orally, coenzyme Q10 increases the number of sperm as well as their overall motility and forward movement. A therapy with selenium (Se) results in an improvement in the sperm\u27s overall quality, and this improvement is connected with an increase in ejaculatory production. Only vitamin B12 has been found to improve the quality of sperm; it does this by boosting sperm count and motility and by decreasing sperm DNA damage. Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that has been proved to do this. Conclusions: Dietary supplementation with antioxidants may improve sperm quality in men with low-quality semen by reducing OS-induced sperm damage and increasing hormone synthesis and spermatozoa concentration, motility, and morphology. This may be achieved in men who also have low levels of antioxidants in their semen. Antioxidants can exert their effects in a variety of ways; hence, it is important for researchers conducting future clinical trials to study the possibility of combining a number of antioxidants

    Liposomes: A targeted drug delivery system- A review

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    Liposomes are a novel drug delivery system (NDDS), which are vesicular structures consisting of hydrated bilalyers which form spontaneously whenphospholipids are dispersed in water. They are simple microscopic vesicles in which an aqueous volume is entirely enclosed by a membrane composed of lipid bilayers. Novel drug delivery system aims to deliver the drug at a rate directed by the needs of the body during the period of treatment, and channel the active entity to the siteof action. It has been a study interest in the development of a NDDS. Liposomes are colloidal spheres of cholesterol non-toxic surfactants, sphingolipids, glycolipids, long chain fatty acids and even membrane proteins and drug molecules or it is also called vesicular system. It is differ in size, composition and charge. It is a drug carrier loaded with great variety of molecules such as small drug molecules, proteins, nucleotides and even plasmids. Few drugs are also formulated as liposomes to improve their therapeutic index. Consequently a number of vesicular drug delivery systems such as liposomes, niosomes, transfersomes, and pharmacosomes were developed. The focus of this review is to the various method of preparation, characterization of liposomes, advantages and applications etc
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