2,292 research outputs found

    Modelling tertiary creep in geomaterials using a continuum damage mechanics approach.

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    Tertiary creep is often observed in soft rocks and it represents a problem in a mining environment. Tertiary creep behaviour appears due to progressive micro cracking of the material and would result in a loss of strength and stiffness, which may eventually lead to failure and a complete loss of load carrying capability of the material. In this paper, the authors combined the continuum damage mechanics within the framework of hyperplasticity, thus encompassing viscoplasticity and damage within a single theory. The authors present a family of models which obeys the laws of thermodynamics. The entire constitutive behaviour is derived from two scalar potentials; a free energy potential which provides the elasticity law, and a dissipation potential which provides the yield function, the direction of plastic flow and the evolution of a damage variable. No additional assumptions are required. These new models require only few parameters which have physical meanings and are capable of capturing tertiary creep observed in soft rocks

    HPCIR: Histogram positional centroid for image retrieval

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    Content Based Image Retrival has wide application in the field of communication via internet. There exists various methods for retriving an image from the vast set of data present in the desktop, laptop, workstations and internet. The proposed Histogram positional centroid for image retrival technique uses histogrm feature extraction and position centroid. The Histogram Positional Centroid for Image Retrieval uses three feature vectors, namely histogram feature, positional centroid of each bin feature and average colour of each bin feature, for retrieval of images. Further, in the proposed method adding location and average colour description of each bin in colour histogram are incorporated. This results in speedy computation in retriving the image from the huge data base. © 2016 IEEE

    Some Fixed Point Theorem for Expansive Type Mapping in Dislocated Metric Space

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    The purpose of this paper is to present some fixed point theorem in dislocated quasi metric space for expansive type mappings. Mathematics Subject Classification: 54H25 Keywords: Dislocated Quasi Metric space, fixed point

    Evaluation of fungicides for the control of Sclerotinia stem rot of Indian mustard caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary

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    The current investigation was carried out under -in vitro and under sick plot conditions of the Department of Plant Pathology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar to test the efficacy of different fungicides against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The experiment was carried out through poison food technique under in vitro conditions andthrough foliar sprays under sick plot conditions. Efficacy of fungicides in vitro against S. sclerotiorum showed that carbendazim and hexaconazole completely inhibited mycelial growth up to 100 per cent at 50 ppm concentration. Propiconazole inhibited 96.39 per cent mycelial growth at 50 ppm and 100 per cent at 1000 ppm, while tricyclazole failed to inhibit mycelial growth up to 100 ppm, however, at 1000 ppm concentration, there was 100 per cent mycelial inhibition. Mancozeb and captan completely inhibited up to 100 per cent mycelial growth at 500 ppm concentration. Copper oxychloride and pencycuron were not effective at lower concentrations but had inhibited 45.28 and 22.50 per cent mycelial growth at 1000 ppm. Field experiment was conducted to test the efficacy of those fungicides which were found best under in vitro conditions. All the four fungicides tested significantly controlled Sclerotinia stem rot disease and increased the seed yield as compared to untreated control. Two Foliar sprays with hexaconazole @ 0.05% at 45 and 60 days after sowing was found most effective in controlling disease incidence up to 78.3 per cent and increasing seed yield up to 37.6 per cent as compared to untreated control

    Structural and Morphological Study of Nickel Doped Tin Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized Via Sol-Gel Technique

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    In the present paper nickel doped tin oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by using simple sol–gel technique. The as-synthesized sample was characterized by means of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) techniques for its structural analysis. XRD spectrum reveals that all the nanoparticles are highly polycrystalline in nature and five major peaks were clearly observed. Ni-doped SnO2 crystals existed mainly as tetragonal rutile structure. The average particle size of the nanoparticles was calculated by using the Scherrer formula and it was obtained 20 nm. EDX analysis confirms the presence of Nickel. No other impurities were found. The morphology of the nanoparticles was analyzed by using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM image of the studied nanoparticles confirms the existence of very small, homogeneously distributed, spherical and crystalline nanoparticles

    Parametric vis-a-vis non parametric measures describing G x E interactions for salt salinity tolerant barley genotypes in multi-environment trials

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    GxE interaction to know adaptability of 19 salt salinity tolerant barley genotypes was studied by parametric and non-parametric measures. Genotypes KB1516, RD2907 and RD2794 showed minimum environmental variance over different environments. Superiority index identified genotypes RD2907 and NDB1445 with lowest value accompanied with higher. Wricke’s measure exhibited lower values of DWRB168,  DWRB165 and NDB1445. Higher values of GAI showed consistent performance of RD2907, NDB1445 and RD2552. Non-parametric measures Si(1), Si(3) and Si(6) the considered DWRB165 and DWRB168  as desirable genotypes. Thennarasu’s first measure NPi(1) found DWRB168 and NDB1445 as desirable adaptable and KB1546, RD2907 and NDB1173 were unstable genotypes. Wricke’s parameter was positively correlated with NPi(1), NPi(3) and Kang. GAI had significant positive with Pi and Kang while negative with Si(6), NPi(2) & NPi(4). Worth to mention the negative association of  Pi with Si(6), NPi(2), NPi(4). Non parametric measures Si (3) Si (6) NPi (2) & NPi (4) clubbed together while Kang, Wi 2, s2i ,Si (1),Si (2) ,NPi (1) & NPi (3)  joined in another cluster.  Left over parametric measures were grouped in two separate clusters i.e. (bi, S2xi ,CVi),(Yield, GAI Pi) respectively.  Biplot analysis based on first two principal components showed three groups among the measures

    Sezary syndrome in a young retropositive male: A rare case report

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    Sezary syndrome, a rare disease, is the leukemic counterpart of mycosis fungoides accounting for less than 5% of cutaneous lymphomas.Very few case reports have been published of Sezary syndrome/mycosis fungoides presenting in young male and with coexisting HIV.We present a case of a 23-year-old retropositive male presenting with Sezary syndrome which is very rare. The present case highlightsthe fact that Sezary syndrome can rarely present in young and retropositive patients. It should be kept in differential diagnosis if apatient presents with erythroderma, generalized lymphadenopathy and characteristic peripheral smear findings. A multimodal approachinvolving flow cytometry, skin biopsy and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is required for arriving at a definite diagnosis

    Epithelioid Leiomyosarcoma of Greater Omentum- Case Report of a Rare Tumour

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    A 50 year old man presented with a large, circumscribed mass in the abdomen. With ultrasonography, computed tomography, endoscopy and FNAC, preoperative diagnosis could not be made. Complete resection of the mass was performed; the tumor weighed 10.5 kg. Immuno-histochemical study confirmed the diagnosis of epithelioid leiomyosarcoma (ELMS). These are generally solid tumours commonly arising from the stomach. It is uncommon in the greater omentum