269 research outputs found

    Spatial-temporal redistribution of point defects in three-layer stressed nanoheterosystems within the framework of self-assembled deformation-diffusion model

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    The model of spatial-temporal distribution of point defects in a three-layer stressed nanoheterosystem GaAs/Inx_xGa1x_{1 - x}As/GaAs considering the self-assembled deformation-diffusion interaction is constructed. Within the framework of this model, the profile of spatial-temporal distribution of vacancies (interstitial atoms) in the stressed nanoheterosystem GaAs/Inx_xGa1x_{1 - x}As/GaAs is calculated. It is shown that in the case of a stationary state (t>5τd(2)t > 5\tau _d^{(2)}), the concentration of vacancies in the inhomogeneously compressed interlayer is smaller relative to the initial average value Nd0(2)N_{d0}^{(2)} by 16%Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Svjetlom do heteropolicikličkih spojeva; Reakcije supstituiranih furostilbena

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    Synthetic organic photochemistry, the chemistry of excited states of a molecule, differs from the ground state chemistry and provides a simple pathway to complicated structures, heavily obtainable by a classic synthetic approach. In this paper the polycyclic structures with oxygen, prepared by photochemical methodology of new o-substituted furan heterostilbenes are reviewed. The photochemistry of β-(2-furyl)-substituted-o-divinylbenzenes <b>6,13,15</b>, β,β-di(2-furyl)-substituted o-divinylbenzenes <b>18-20</b>, aryl and heteroaryl analogues of 2,3-distyrylfurans 33-36 is described. Due to steric reasons, on irradiation of β-(3-substituted-2-furyl)-o-divinylbenzenes 6, the preferred photoreaction was the intramolecular [2+2]-cycloaddition and formation of the bicyclo[2.1.1]hexenes <b>10</b> along with the formation of the corresponding phenanthrenes 12. On the other hand, furan analogues 6 and 13 give bicyclo[3.2.1]octadiene structures in very good yield. Di-substituted o-divinylbenzene derivatives <b>18-20</b> (with a hexatriene system as part of the aromatic ring) give bicyclo[3.2.1]octadiene derivatives <b>21-23</b> by intramolecular photocycloaddition and cyclophane derivatives <b>24-26</b> by intermolecular [2+2] two-fold photoaddition reaction. Compound 20 is the most selective of these o-divinylbenzenes yielding only the exo-bicyclo[3.2.1]octadiene derivative <b>23</b> at low concentrations, and only the cyclophane derivative 26 at high concentrations. This reaction to <b>23</b> and <b>26</b> is due - intra- or intermolecular complexation. Contrary to these results, on the irradiation of the aryl and heteroaryl analogues of 2,3-distyrylfurans <b>33-36</b> (with a hexatriene system as part of the heteroaromatic ring) different intra- and intermolecular processes have been observed. By intramolecular [2+2]-cycloaddition, this hexatriene system gives the phototransposition products. Also observed are stilbenes and phenanthrenes as secondary products obtained from the primary formed intermolecular cyclobutane adducts

    International resonance in industry of sport, predefined by social and political events in Ukraine (spring of 2014)

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    Проаналізовано виникнення, вияву і поширення міжнародного резонансу в галузі спорту, зумовленого політичною ситуацією в АР Крим, активізацією сепаратистських настроїв в Україні. Розглянуто акції протесту, дії щодо ситуації в АР Крим за участю відомих спортсменів, команд; простежено реакцію вітчизняних та іноземних спортивних уболівальників на ці події; встановлено тенденцію залучення відомих спортсменів на підтримку дій влади РФ у Криму.The article deals with origin, displays and spreading of international resonance, in sport industry, predefined by political situation in Crimea and activation of separative moods in Ukraine. It views the actions of protest and the activity on situation in Crimea with participation of well-known sportsmen and teams, the reaction of home and foreign fans on these events; the tendency of bringing in the well-known sportsmen to support the Russian government actions in Crimea.Робота виконана на кафедрі країнознавства і міжнародних відносин СНУ імені Лесі Українк

    Participation of National Athletes in the Anti-terrorism Operations in Southeastern Ukraine

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    Розглянуто громадянську позицію спортсменів України щодо подій на Донбасі та в Криму, їх участь у АТО на сході України та використання імен відомих представників спорту в інформаційних війнах.Civil position of sportsmen of Ukraine is considered in relation to events on Donbass and in Crimea, their participating in АТО on east of Ukraine and bringing in of well-known representatives of sport to the info-wars

    Підтримка Гаррі Каспаровим подій євромайдану в Україні

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    Досліджено підтримку Г.Каспаровим подій в Україні 2004–2015 рр. Простежено візити Г.Каспарова в Україну, проаналізовано їх програму. На основі виступів, книг охарактеризовано висловлювання і позицію відомого шахіста щодо агресії РФ в Україні, проблем європейської безпеки.Investigated supporting G. Kasparov events in Ukraine 2004–2015 biennium. G. Kasparov traced visits to Ukraine, analyzes their application. Based on appearances, books and statements described chess position known on Russian aggression in Ukraine and European security

    Observational detection of eclipses of J5 Amalthea by the Galilean satellites

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    We carried out observations of the small jovian satellite Amalthea (J5) as it was being eclipsed by the Galilean satellites near the 2009 equinox of Jupiter in order to apply the technique of mutual event photometry to the astrometric determination of this satellite's position. The observations were carried out during the period 06/2009-09/2009 from the island of Maui, Hawaii and Siding Spring, Australia with the 2m Faulkes Telescopes North and South respectively. We observed in the near-infrared part of the spectrum using a PanStarrs-Z filter with Jupiter near the edge of the field in order to mitigate against the glare from the planet. Frames were acquired at rates >1/min during eclipse times predicted using recent JPL ephemerides for the satellites. Following subtraction of the sky background from these frames, differential aperture photometry was carried out on Amalthea and a nearby field star. We have obtained three lightcurves which show a clear drop in the flux from Amalthea, indicating that an eclipse took place as predicted. These were model-fitted to yield best estimates of the time of maximum flux drop and the impact parameter. These are consistent with Amalthea's ephemeris but indicate that Amalthea is slightly ahead of, and closer to Jupiter than, its predicted position by approximately half the ephemeris uncertainty in these directions. We argue that a ground-based campaign of higher-cadence photometry accurate at the 5% level or better during the next season of eclipses in 2014-15 should yield positions to within 0".5 and affect a corresponding improvement in Amalthea's ephemeris.Comment: Published in A&A in 2010; 6 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    George Weah – Forward Liberian politics

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    Розглянуто особливості політичної діяльності відомого футболіста Джорджа Веа, його вплив на суспільно-політичні процеси в Ліберії. Звернуто увагу на те як спортивні досягнення сприяли його просуванню у політиці, діяльність заснованої ним політичної партії.The features of political activity of the known footballer George Веа are considered, his influence on social and political processes in Liberia. Displace attention on that assporting achievements assisted his advancement in politics, activity of the political party founded by him

    Identification of gas reservoirs and determination of their parameters by the combination of radioactive logging methods

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    The paper proposes a new approach for using of combination of radioactivity logging, which allows determining a set of gas reservoir parameters (nature of saturation, true porosity, gas saturation coefficient) taking into account influence of the pressure and temperature conditions of occurrence. Analysis of the ways of averaging the neutron-apparent porosity and the density-apparent porosity for obtaining the true porosity was made. Method of determination of gas saturation, which uses the same combination of radioactivity logging as in determining the true porosity of gas reservoirs, was developed. The results presented in the paper, were obtained over a wide range of depth (up to 10 km). Application of developed approaches for determination of petro-physical parameters of gas reservoirs is demonstrated by the example of cased coalbed methane well