153 research outputs found

    Development of optical, microstructural and mechanical properties of porcelain stonewares

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    New production systems developed in recent years made it possible to improve different aesthetic appearance and large sizes for porcelain stonewares. In order to produce these tiles, optical and mechanical properties of the porcelain stonewares should be improved. Optical and mechanical properties also related with microstructure. In this study, spodumene, alumina and zircon were used to improve the microstructure of the porcelain stonewares and consequently their optical and mechanical properties. The wear resistance of porcelain stonewares is the one of the most important mechanical properties. In this study, a different test method was used because the existing wear test methods on the tiles were insufficient. The solid particle impingement method using alumina particles was used to determine wear resistance of the porcelain stoneware bodies


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    Ham petrol açısından dısa bagımlı olan ülkeler, petrole erisim bakımından farklı yollara basvurmakta; bazen petrolü deniz yolu ile tankerler aracılıgıyla tasırken, bazen de cografi olarak yakın gördükleri ihraç ülkelerinden ham petrol boru hatlarıyla karsılayabilmektedirler. Dünya üzerinde petrol rezervi bakımından zengin bölgelerin basında Orta Dogu ve Hazar Bölgesi gelmektedir. Türkiye açısından, 21. yüzyılın stratejik enerji üretim merkezlerinden olan bu iki bölgede en çok dikkati çeken ülkeler; Irak ve Azerbaycan'dır. Irak 115 milyar varillik ham petrol rezerviyle dünya sıralamasında 4. sıradayken, Azerbaycan 7 milyar varillik petrol rezerviyle 21. sırada yer almaktadır. Bu iki ülkeyi Türkiye açısından önemli kılan konu ise; 1977 yılından beri kullanımda olan (günlük 1,6 milyon varil kapasiteli) Irak-Türkiye Ham Petrol Boru Hatları (HPBH) ve 2006 yılı itibariyle hizmete açılan (günlük 1 milyon varil kapasiteli) Bakü-Tiflis-Ceyhan (BTC) Ham Petrol Boru Hattı (HPBH)'dır. Irak-Türkiye HPBH'na ek olarak, Dogu-Batı Enerji Koridoru'nun en önemli projesi olan BTC HPBH ile Irak ve Azeri petrolünün Ceyhan Terminali'ne tasınması ve Türkiye üzerinden tankerlerle dünya pazarlarına ulastırılması saglanmaktadır. Bu çalısmada, Dogu Akdeniz'de gerçeklesen söz konusu enerji tasımacılıgının (Ceyhan Terminali'ne gelen ham petrolün hangi dünya pazarlarına dagıtıldıgının ve bu dagıtımdaki Türk tanker filosunun rolünün) 2006-2010 yılları arasındaki tarihsel gelisimi incelenecektir. Çalısma, ikinci el veriler kullanılarak, Deniz Ticaret Odası _x0001_skenderun Subesi'nden elde edilen istatistikler dogrultusunda gerçeklestirilmistir Those states depended upon production abroad in meeting their demands for crude oil try various means of reaching oil. One of these means is sometimes carrying the oil on tankers while another means is using pipelines to transport the oil needed from the nearest oil export countries. Among the richest oil reserved regions are the Middle East and the Caspian Sea. For Turkey, Iraq and Azerbaijan are the most favored oil reserved states as the sources of crude oil. The former has the fourth richest oil reserve with 115 billion barrels and the latter takes the 21st row with 7 billion barrels. The fact making these two the most favored source of crude oil for Turkey is the Iraq-Turkey Crude Oil Pipeline (COP) operative with 1.6 million barrels/day since 1977 and Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Crude Oil Pipeline (COP) operative with 1 million barrels/day since 2006. Besides, though BTC COP, the most important project for the East-West Energy Corridor, the crude oil from Iraq and Azerbaijan is offered to the world markets on tankers through the Ceyhan Terminal. The purpose of this study is to analyze the period from 2006 to 2010 in terms of the world markets meeting their demands for crude oil though the Ceyhan Terminal and the role of the Turkish tanker fleet in this particular oil distribution. The study is based on and makes the best use of such second hand data as the statistical records available at Chamber of Shipping Iskenderun Branch


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    Mesleki tükenmişlik, ağır iş yükü ve iş kaynaklı ağır zihinsel zorlanmalarda ortaya çıkabilen ruhsal bir hastalık olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Başka bir deyişle, meslek sebepli ruhsal ve fiziksel olarak bitme durumu şeklinde ifade edilmektedir. Mevcut yazın incelendiğinde, mesleki tükenmişlik konusunun birçok meslek grubunda irdelenmiş olduğu görülmektedir. Günümüzde artan ticaret hacminin denizyolu taşımacılığına yansımaları sebebiyle limanlardaki yoğunluk her geçen gün artmaktadır. Limanları mesleki kariyer alanları olarak seçen liman çalışanlarının bu yoğun tempodaki çalışma şartları her geçen gün daha da ağırlaşmaktadır. Bu sebeplerden dolayı, çalışmanın örneklemi bir liman işletmesinin çalışanları olarak seçilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, zorlu bir meslek olduğu tespit edilmiş limancılık mesleği çalışanlarının mesleki olarak tükenmişlik seviyelerini, en yaygın tükenmişlik envanterlerinden biri olan "Maslach Tükenmişlik Envanteri" (Maslach Burnout Inventory) yardımıyla saptamaktır. Bu çalışmada tükenmişlik seviyeleri, hem liman çalışanlarının demografik durumları ile ilişkilendirilmiş hem de mesleki kariyerlerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Vocational burnout is defined as a psychological malady, or disease, likely to stem from certain pressure on mind as well as tough and stressful working conditions. In other words, it is thought to get exhausted both physically and psychologically mainly due to vocational (professional) environments. A relevant literature review reveals that vocational fatigue or burnout has been studied for various vocational groups. The ever growing trade volume has recently affected the growth of seaborne trade and thus shipping, which in turn has increased the work density at seaports. Hence, the working conditions at seaports, for those who have chosen to work at ports as their career, have become tougher and tougher. That's why the population sample for this study has constituted the employees of a seaport. The purpose of this research is to analyze the extent (level) of vocational fatigue seaport employees suffer from. For this analysis, "Maslach Burnout Inventory", one of the most prevalent fatigue-related inventories, has been used. In this research, the extents/levels of fatigue have been interrelated with the demographic data concerning the seaport employees, and the effect of the fatigue levels on vocational careers has been scrutinized

    Evaluating Port Operation Managers’ Competencies Related to the Port Environmental Sustainability Performance

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    The competency characteristics of managers affect decisions that identifying the strategies in an organization. Similarly, the strategies for sustainability issues are also related to the managers’ competency on sustainability. Thus, for better sustainability performance, the managers are expected to possess competencies in this direction. In this context, this study is aimed to evaluate the operations managers’ competencies in terms of environmental sustainability in ports, which have huge effects on the physical and biological environment. For this purpose, one of the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods, Analytic Network Process (ANP) was used to evaluate the priority weights of 15 competencies. Within a framework of container ports/terminals, the findings of this study show that “management skill”, “emergency procedures”, and “safety management” are the most primary competencies of port operations manager (POM) in terms of port environmental sustainability performance (PESP). The model used in this study can contribute to human resourcing and personnel training processes of ports