6 research outputs found

    Conditioning and updating evidence

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    A new interpretation of Dempster–Shafer conditional notions based directly upon the mass assignments is provided. The masses of those propositions that may imply the complement of the conditioning proposition are shown to be completely annulled by the conditioning operation; conditioning may then be construed as a re-distribution of the masses of some of these propositions to those that definitely imply the conditioning proposition. A complete characterization of the propositions whose masses are annulled without re-distribution, annulled with re-distribution and enhanced by the re-distribution of masses is provided. A new evidence updating strategy that is composed of a linear combination of the available evidence and the conditional evidence is also proposed. It enables one to account for the ‘integrity’ and ‘inertia’ of the available evidence and its ‘flexibility’ to updating by appropriate selection of the linear combination weights. Several such strategies, including one that has a probabilistic interpretation, are also provided

    Modelling and Fusion of Imperfect Implication Rules

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    In this paper, we develop a method to find the uncertain consequent by fusing the uncertain antecedent and the uncertain implication rule. In particular with Dempster-Shafer theoretic models utilized to capture the uncertainty intervals associated with the antecedent and the rule itself, we derive bounds on the confidence interval associated with the rule consequent. We derive inequalities for the belief and plausibility values of the consequent and with least commitment choice they become equations. We also demonstrate the consistency of our model with probability and classical logic