558 research outputs found

    The Efficiency of Post‐Communist Countries’ Health Systems

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    Health‐care costs are a major financial burden for the transition economies, which have experienced rapidly increasing demand for health‐care services. The former communist countries of the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia needed to reform the financing of their health‐care systems and make efforts to strengthen the role of primary care while limiting the role of hospital care. The growing health needs and, consequently, costs resulted in the increased attention paid to the performance of health systems. The aim of this chapter is to determine the efficiency of health systems in post‐communist countries. The data envelopment analysis method was used. The effective health systems were identified and recommendations for the inefficient countries were formulated

    Subsidization of entrepreneurship in rural areas in Poland : scale, effects and regional diversity

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    Purpose: The objective of this article is to deepen knowledge about public support for entrepreneurship in rural areas and to assess the scale and effects of this support considering the spatial context. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is based on a set of data from official reports of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture. The analysis included programs supporting entrepreneurial initiatives in rural areas in Poland, implemented under the Rural Development Program 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. Findings: The results show that the demand for support for economic initiatives in rural areas in Poland is high. The consumption of programs supporting the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas and the scale of their subsidization varies regionally and depends on the spatial context. The effects of this subsidization are visible in investments in fixed assets, improvement of farm infrastructure, restructuring in the production of food and non-food agricultural products, increase of employment in rural areas and generation change in the countryside. Practical Implications: The study provides evidence of the effectiveness of subsidizing activities to support the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas and stresses the importance of regionalization of subsidizing agriculture and rural areas in the efficient allocation of public funds. In addition, the study highlights the need to continue this support and to develop new, complementary programs that will consider region-specific needs and their local conditions. Originality/Value: This study contributes to literature, showing that the consumption of entrepreneurship support programs in rural areas varies considerably depending on the territorial context.peer-reviewe

    Competencies of graduates as future labour market participants–preliminary study

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    The aim of article is to examine and compare the views of employers and future employees on the desirable competencies of the potential labour market participants. The applied research method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods –interviews conducted among recruiters (representing potential employers) and a survey of university graduates (future employees). The study shows that both the Polish graduates and the employers identify the deficits of professional competencies. The differences of opinions were related to their assessment of generic competencies, the deficits of which were pointed to by the interviewed recruiters, who described them at the same time as fundamental to obtaining the employment. Meanwhile, the graduates assessed their generic competencies as the highest. According to the recruiters, the future employees lack also practical experience. On the other hand, the employers believe that the graduates are not prepared to using the possessed theoretical knowledge in practice. It should be noted, however, that employers perceive a great potential for the development of graduate competencies, which, together with acquiring practical experience, will probably lead to the narrowing of the competence gap

    Fischer's "Plants in folk beliefs and customs" : a previously unknown contribution to the ethnobotany of the Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian borderland

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    Background: Historical ethnobotanical studies are useful starting points for further diachronic analysis. The aim of this contribution is to present archival data from the Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian borderland, which were collected by Adam Fischer, a Polish ethnographer from Lviv, in the 1930s. These data were originally gathered for publication in the first part of the Lexicon of Slavic beliefs and customs, dedicated to plant uses in traditional Slavonic culture. It was intended to be a joint international enterprise, but was never actually fulfilled. Methods: In this article we used information from historical Lithuania (the Great Duchy of Lithuania), nowadays a border region between Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. We applied cultural importance indices such as Use Value, Relative Importance value and Sørensen similarity coefficient, in order to compare our data with a western Ukraine data set from the same research framework. Results: In total, 153 plant taxa were registered as used in peasant culture in the Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian borderland in the 1930s. The species which achieved the highest Use Values were: Calendula officinalis, Cyanus segetum, Helichrysum arenarium, Betula sp., Prunella vulgaris, and Nuphar lutea or Lilium sp. The most salient use categories were medicinal, followed by food and home garden plants. The overall similarity to plants recorded in western Ukraine within the same project of Fischer’s is quite low (46%), which may be explained by the partly different flora found in the regions, and a cultural discontinuity, revealed by the difference in species with the highest UV. Moreover, the field collaborators were different in the two regions and may have paid attention to different cultural spheres of use. Conclusions: The presented ethnobotanical data are a valuable contribution to the ethnobotany of Eastern Europe as a whole. In particular, the presented list of plants may be a rich source for future studies on the ethnobotany of the Polish diaspora in Lithuania, and diachronic studies in north-east Poland and Belarus

    Bifidobacterium-host-diet interactions

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    Bacteria belonging to the genus Bifidobacterium are key members of the gut microbiota. They are widely distributed in the animal kingdom, with over 80 recognised species and subspecies, and a host range spanning from insects to mammals. Bifidobacterium are among the earliest colonisers of the human gastrointestinal tract and have been associated with health-promoting benefits. However, investigations of infant-associated Bifidobacterium across early-life changing dietary periods are lacking. In addition, there is limited information on the diversity and the saccharolytic properties of this important microbiota member in diverse animal hosts. Thus, in this work I sought to comprehensively explore human- and animal-associated Bifidobacterium strains using both genomic and phenotypic approaches. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) and bioinformatic analyses were employed to examine a unique collection of Bifidobacterium longum strains (n=75) isolated from nine either exclusively breast- or formula-fed infants across their first 18 months, encompassing pre-weaning, weaning and post-weaning dietary stages, as well as a novel collection of animal-associated Bifidobacterium isolates and publicly available sequences recovered from a diverse range of hosts (n=433). These genomes were analysed either in combination or as discrete subsets to determine their genomic diversity and predicted functional properties related to carbohydrate metabolism. To complement bioinformatic analyses, a subset of infant-associated B. longum isolates were characterised phenotypically using experimental approaches to determine their carbohydrate metabolism capabilities, which linked to genomic analysis. Glycan uptake analysis and proteomics resulted in the determination of the mechanisms employed by selected B. longum strains to metabolise different carbohydrates. Bacterial isolation resulted in the recovery of a substantial collection of animal-associated Bifidobacterium isolates (over 100) and the identification of potential novel species. The results of the bioinformatic analysis indicated a highly diverse “open” pan-genome and an overall very broad repertoire of carbohydrate utilisation genes that could be associated with the host diet. This work represents the largest phylogenetic and comparative genomic analysis of animal-associated Bifidobacterium isolates to date. Overall, this work enhances our current understanding of genomic and phenotypic properties of Bifidobacterium and lays the foundation for subsequent in-depth research aiming at further assessment of animal and human-associated Bifidobacterium diversity, and their functional potential for both therapeutic and industrial applications

    Nowości European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2012

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    Draft genome sequence of Bifidobacterium breve DSM 32583, isolated from human milk

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    Here, we describe the draft genome sequence of Bifidobacterium breve DSM 32583 isolated from human milk obtained from a healthy mother. Potentially, this B. breve strain could serve as a probiotic.</p

    Premises of Granting Reliefs in Payment of Tax Liability

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    The paper was devoted to issues related to the premises of granting reliefs in the payment of tax liability. The prime purpose of the study is an in-depth analysis of the conditions of application of the tax preferences in question. The considerations serve to justify the thesis that the main purpose of the application of tax reliefs in the payment of tax liability is to ensure flexibility in the application of tax law. At the same time, the criteria for their application were formulated on the basis of general clauses, which hinders the practical use of this institution. The research used the method of analyzing the legal text and the judicature acquis as well as the tax law [email protected] for Financial Law, Chair of Territorial Self-Government Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, Poland. Member of Center for Information and Research Organization in Public Finance and Tax Law of Central and Eastern European Countries.University of SzczecinBogucka, I.: Państwo prawne a problem uznania administracyjnego (Rule of law and the problem of administrative discretion), Państwo i Prawo (State and Law) no. 10 (1992).Borszowski, P.: Określenia nieostre i klauzule generalne w prawie podatkowym (Vague terms and general clauses in tax law), Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer, 2017.Brolik, J.: Postępowanie podatkowe w przedmiocie ulg w spłacie zobowiązań podatkowych z art. 67a§ 1 ordynacji podatkowej (Tax proceedings in the scope of reliefs in the payment of tax liability pursuant to Article 67a§ 1 of the Tax Ordinance Act), Przegląd Podatkowy (Tax Review) no. 8 (2012).Dąbkowski, S. (ed.): Mała Encyklopedia Prawa (Small Encyclopaedia of Law), Warszawa: PWN, 1960.Filipek, J.: W sprawie uznania administracyjnego (On administrative discretion), Przegląd Prawa i Administracji (Law and Administration Review) vol. XXXVIII (1997).Kulicki, J.: Konstytucyjne podstawy nakładania podatków (Constitutional basis for levying taxes), Prawo Spółek (Company Law) no. 3 (2000).Lang, J.: Z rozważań nad pojęciem interesu w prawie administracyjnym (Considerations on taking up interest in administrative law), Przegląd Prawa i Administracji (Law and Administration Review) no. 38 (1997).Leszczyński, L.: Funkcje klauzul odsyłających a model ich tworzenia w systemie prawa (Functions of referring clauses and the model of their creation in the system of law), Państwo i Prawo (State and Law) no. 7 (2000).Mastalski, R.: Prawo podatkowe (Tax law), Warszawa: C.H. Beck, 2000.Mincer, M.: Pojęcie uznania administracyjnego (The concept of administrative discretion), Państwo i Prawo (State and Law) no. 3 (1976).Nowacki, K.: Kontrola decyzji opartych na uznaniu administracyjnym (Review of decisions based on administrative discretion), Wrocław: Uniwersytet Wrocławski, 1986.Nykiel, W.: Zwolnienia i ulgi podatkowe a konstrukcja podatku (wybrane zagadnienia) (Tax exemptions and reliefs and the structure of tax (selected issues)), in: Brzeziński, B. et al.: Księga pamiątkowa ku czci Profesora Apoloniusza Kosteckiego. Studia z dziedziny prawa podatkowego (Professor Apoloniusz Kostecki’s commemorative book. Studies in the area of tax law), Toruń: TNOiK Dom Organizoatora, 1998.Ochendowski, E., Prawo administracyjne (Administrative law), Toruń: TNOiK Dom Organizatora, 1997.Olszowy, W.: Decyzja podatkowa, podejmowanie i kontrola (Tax decision. Taking and review), Warszawa: KiK, 1997.Orłowski, J.: Przesłanki umorzenia zaległości podatkowych w ordynacji podatkowej (Conditions for writing off tax arrears in the Tax Ordinance Act), Radca Prawny (Legal Adviser) no. 4 (2000).Presnarowicz, S.: Zwolnienia i ulgi uznaniowe – przesłanki rozstrzygnięć (Discretionary exemptions and reliefs – conditions for decisions), Przegląd Podatkowy (Tax Review) no. 7 (1998).Redelbach, A. et al: Zarys teorii państwa i prawa (Outline of the theory of state and law), Warszawa: PWN, 1992.Wójcik, K.: Klauzule generalne jako odesłanie pozasystemowe (General clauses as non-system, referral), Acta Universitatis Lodziensis no. 32 (1987).Zdyb, M.: Interes jednostki a interes publiczny (społeczny). Konflikt interesów (Individual interest and public (social) interest. Conflict of interests), Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Marii Curie- Skłodowskiej w Lublinie (Scientific Papers of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin) no. 31 (1993).Zieliński, T.: Klauzule generalne w prawie pracy (General clauses in labour law), Warszawa: PWN, 1988.Ziembiński, Z.: Stan dyskusji nad problematyką klauzul generalnych (The state of discussion over the issues of general clauses), Państwo i Prawo (State and Law) no. 3 (1989).PL: Tax Ordinance Act of 29 August 1997.PL: Supreme Administrative Court: SA/Wr 3095/95.PL: Supreme Administrative Court: SA/Sz 850/98.PL: Supreme Administrative Court: I SA/Lu 1485/98.PL: Supreme Administrative Court: I SA/Kr 983/98.PL: Supreme Administrative Court: III SA 372/99.PL: Supreme Administrative Court: I SA/Lu 1770/98.PL: Supreme Administrative Court: I FSK 31/08.PL: Supreme Administrative Court: II FSK 510/11.PL: Supreme Administrative Court: II FSK 1134/15.PL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Lu 944/12.PL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Po 315/15.PL: Voivodship Administrative Court: OSK 1334/14.PL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Po 1281/16.PL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Op 111/17.PL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Sz 1063/16.PL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Gd 362/17.46147

    The Relationship between a Western Amazonian Society and Domesticated Sedges (Cyperus spp.)

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    The article discusses the relationships between the Ashaninka people from Peruvian Amazonia and the domesticated sedges (Cyperus spp.) cultivated in almost every Ashaninka home garden, and mostly exchanged within family circles. An over-differentiation phenomenon is observed, in which four species of Cyperus correspond to 86 folk species. The names of folk species are formed by secondary lexemes, composed of a semantically active constituent and a generic suffix (i)benki. The names contain mnemonic cues to differentiate otherwise morphologically similar plants, and their meanings correspond to Ashaninka ontological categories, thus revealing many levels of connectivity between them and non-humans. The wide scope of specific uses (approx. 60 registered) assigned to Cyperus spp. is only partly supported by phytochemicals and ergot alkaloids in the fungus-infested sedges. The key to understanding the ibenki?s (Cyperus) agency lies in local cosmologies, in which domesticated sedges are viewed as plant-persons and kin. The Ashaninka are engaged in producing the bodies of their kin, the ibenki. Simultaneously, ibenki are powerful allies in restoring harmonious social relations and protecting people against the intentional actions of other humans and non-humans.El presente artículo analiza las relaciones entre el grupo asháninka de la Amazonía peruana y las juncias domesticadas (Cyperus spp.). Estas son plantas cultivadas en casi todos los huertos hogareños asháninka, y son mayormente intercambiadas dentro de los círculos familiares. Se observa un fenómeno de sobrediferenciación, en el que cuatro especies de Cyperus corresponden a 86 taxones vernáculos (etnoespecies). Los nombres de los taxones vernáculos están formados por lexemas secundarios, compuestos por un componente semánticamente activo y un sufijo genérico (i)benki. Los nombres contienen señales mnemotécnicas para diferenciar plantas morfológicamente similares, y sus significados corresponden a categorías ontológicas asháninka, revelando diversos niveles de conectividad entre los asháninkay no humanos. La amplia gama de usos específicos (aprox. 60 registrados) asignados a Cyperus spp. sólo están parcialmente respaldados por factores fitoquímicos propios de los alcaloides del cornezuelo de centeno que se encuentran en los hongos que infestan las juncias domesticadas. La clave para entender la agencia de los ibenki (Cyperus) se encuentra en las cosmologías locales, en las que las juncias domesticadas se consideran personas-plantas y parientes de los asháninka. En este sentido los asháninka se dedican a producir los cuerpos de sus parientes, los ibenki. Simultáneamente, los ibenki son aliados poderosos necesarios para restaurar relaciones sociales armoniosas y proteger a las personas contra las acciones intencionales de otros humanos y no humanosFil: Kujawska, Monika. University of Lodz; ArgentinaFil: Zamudio, Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Albán Castillo, Joaquina. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; PerúFil: Sosnowska, Joanna. Museum of Ethnography in Krakow; Poloni

    Zachowanie inwestycyjne polskich rolników – czy konieczna jest zmiana polityki rolnej?

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    Investment in agriculture is related to modernization and technological upgrading of agricultural holdings and it influences all the aspects of functioning of farms. Numerous studies proof that investment plays a key role in improving farms’ competitiveness and increases their resilience to changes in surrounding. The aim of the paper is to analyze the investment behavior of the Polish farmers. The study was conducted on the basis of the Polish Farm Accountancy Data Network data for the period 2009-2015 and it applies a logistic regression model. The results indicate that eight variables have a statistically significant impact on investment. These are: share of the land leased by the farmer under a lease contract for a period of at least 1 year in the total agricultural land, land yield indicator, land productivity index, education of the person managing the farm, quality of utilized agricultural area, production type, debt capital ratio and return on equity. Following the results, it can be stated that policy support needs to concentrate on smaller farms which lack resources to conduct investment necessary for the improvement of their competitiveness.Inwestycje w rolnictwie są związane z modernizacją i unowocześnieniem technologicznym gospodarstw rolnych i mają wpływ na wszystkie aspekty ich funkcjonowania. Liczne badania potwierdzają, że inwestycje odgrywają kluczową rolę w poprawie konkurencyjności gospodarstw rolnych i zwiększają ich odporność na zmiany w otoczeniu. Celem artykułu jest analiza zachowań inwestycyjnych polskich rolników. Badanie przeprowadzono na podstawie danych Polskiego Systemu Zbierania i Wykorzystywania Danych Rachunkowych z Gospodarstw Rolnych za okres 2009-2015 z wykorzystaniem modelu regresji logistycznej. Wyniki wskazują na to, że osiem zmiennych ma statystycznie istotny wpływ na inwestycje. Są to: udział gruntów wydzierżawionych przez rolnika na podstawie umowy dzierżawy na okres co najmniej 1 roku w całkowitej powierzchni gruntów rolnych, wskaźnik dochodowości ziemi, wskaźnik produktywności ziemi, wykształcenie osoby zarządzającej gospodarstwem, jakość użytków rolnych, rodzaj produkcji, wskaźnik zadłużenia aktywów ogółem i wskaźnik rentowności kapitałów własnych. W oparciu o uzyskane wyniki możemy stwierdzić, że wsparcie publiczne powinno koncentrować się na mniejszych gospodarstwach, którym brakuje zasobów, aby przeprowadzić inwestycje potrzebne do poprawy ich konkurencyjności