52 research outputs found


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    L’editoria per la didattica dell’italiano come lingua straniera è costituita prevalentemente da materiali generici, ideati per l’insegnamento dell’italiano in varie parti del mondo. Tali strumenti richiedono necessariamente l’intervento del docente che deve mettere in atto determinate strategie per adattarli ai destinatari e al contesto didattico in cui si trova ad operare. Oltre a presentare le principali sfaccettature della contestualizzazione dei materiali didattici per l’insegnamento delle lingue straniere, il contributo analizza il saper contestualizzare, un’abilità necessaria per proporre un insegnamento costantemente ancorato nella mente degli apprendenti. Viene anche proposta una griglia integrata per l’analisi e la valutazione dell’adeguatezza dei manuali ai pubblici e ai contesti d’insegnamento dell’italiano all’estero.  Contextualizing generic materials for foreign language teaching: a key competence of teachers of italian as a foreign language Materials for teaching Italian as a foreign language are mainly generic, designed for teaching in various parts of the world. These tools require teacher intervention in order to adapt them for the students and the educational context where they are used. In addition to presenting the main aspects of the contextualization of teaching materials for foreign language teaching, the paper analyzes the skills necessary for contextualization so as to keep the teaching firmly anchored in the minds of the learners. An integrated analysis and evaluation grid for the appropriateness of materials for students and the contexts of teaching Italian abroad is also proposed.


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    L’autore del contributo porta in luce alcune sfaccettature del concetto di appropriatezza comunicativa nell’insegnamento/apprendimento dell’italiano L2, prendendo spunto da una esperienza di valutatore della competenza comunicativa di due tipologie di apprendenti che si avvicinano e useranno la lingua italiana in luoghi e per scopi molti diversi. E, facendo anche riferimento all’inevitabile contaminazione culturale e conseguente variazione diatopica che accompagna la diffusione di una lingua in altre regioni, si sofferma sulle caratteristiche e le esigenze della valutazione dell’appropriatezza comunicativa in situazione L2 e in situazione LS, in quanto un uso della lingua italiana efficace a livello comunicativo e pragmatico in un contesto LS, può essere considerato un errore socio-culturale in contesto L2. “Il mio vicino di casa ha un secondo ufficio!”The ambivalence of the concept of communicative appropriateness in the teaching of italian as a foreign language The author highlights some facets of the concept of communicative appropriateness in teaching/learning Italian FL, taking inspiration from an experience evaluating the communicative competence of two types of learners who approach and use the Italian language in many different places and for different purposes. Inevitable cultural contamination and consequent diatopic variation accompany the spread of a language in other regions. The characteristics and needs of the assessment of communicative appropriateness in L2 and LS situations, as an effective and pragmatic use of the Italian language at the communicative level in a FL context, can be considered a socio-cultural error in an L2 context

    Modèles et algorithmes pour la segmentation de séquences biologiques et la reconstruction de leurs histoires évolutives

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    L’informatique est de plus en plus utilisée pour résoudre des problèmes dans divers domaines. C’est ainsi qu’avec l’accroissement des données biologiques générées par les techniques expérimentales à haut débit, la bio-informatique intervient pour tirer profit de ces masses de données et contribuer à l’avancement des connaissances en sciences biologiques. La bio-informatique est un domaine interdisciplinaire ayant pour but d’étudier et de résoudre des problèmes computationnels issus des sciences biologiques. Un des problèmes intemporels étudié en bio-informatique est la reconstruction de l’histoire évolutive de génomes, qui sous-entend essentiellement celle des gènes. Les gènes sont le support de l’information génétique et sont les unités de base de l’hérédité. De nos jours, un grand nombre de maladies, telles les cancers, ont une base génétique. Une bonne compréhension de l’évolution des gènes permettrait de mieux comprendre les processus impliqués dans ces maladies pour mieux les traiter. De plus, les connaissances sur l’évolution de gènes sont utiles pour la prédiction et l’annotation de nouveaux gènes. Il a été montré que les gènes eucaryotes subissent un phénomène d’épissage alternatif qui permet aux gènes de produire plusieurs transcrits différents afin de se diversifier fonctionnellement. C’est dans ce contexte que se situe cette thèse de doctorat. L’objectif de la thèse est de définir des modèles et des algorithmes efficaces et précis pour la segmentation de séquences biologiques et la reconstruction de leurs histoires évolutives en tenant compte de l’épissage alternatif. Dans cette thèse, j'ai contribué à accroître les connaissances scientifiques en introduisant et en formalisant des modèles d’évolution de transcrits et de gènes. Nous avons proposé deux algorithmes pour la segmentation de transcrits alternatifs. Nous avons également proposé un outil de simulation de l’évolution des séquences biologiques et un outil de visualisation de coévolution. Pour chacun des modèles et algorithmes proposés, nous avons développé des applications pour permettre l’utilisation facile de nos outils


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    Il meccanismo del transfer, soprattutto nelle fasi iniziali dell’apprendimento, è una caratteristica comune agli apprendenti di lingue straniere, indipendentemente dalla loro provenienza geografica e dalla loro lingua materna. Per quanto riguarda i francofoni che si avvicinano all’italiano, queste interferenze si rivelano notevoli soprattutto ai livelli morfosintattico e lessicale.Tenendo conto dell’estrema variabilità geografica della lingua francese, il presente contributo vuole portare in luce la differenziazione dei transfer (soprattutto negativi) degli apprendenti francofoni nell’italiano. Con l’esempio dei camerunesi francofoni l’articolo cerca di mostrare che, per quanto riguarda l’interferenza tra L1 e L2, il generico profilo “apprendente francofono” conosce in realtà numerose ramificazioni. D’altra parte, il contributo procede ad una rivalutazione dei presupposti dell’approccio contrastivo, evidenziando l’importanza didattica della prevedibilità degli errori e della direzione dei transfer.DIATOPIC VARIATION OF FRENCH AND ITALIAN L2: TEACHING NEGATIVE TRANSFER OF ITALIAN LEARNERS FROM CAMERONThe transfer mechanism, especially in the early stages of learning, is a feature common to learners of foreign languages regardless of of their geographical origin and their mother tongue. Regarding Francophones studying Italian, these interferences have proven to be striking, especially in terms of morphosyntax and lexis.Bearing in mind the extreme geographical variability of the French language, this paper aims to bring to light the differentiation in transfer (mostly negative) in French-speaking Italian L2 learners. The French-speaking Cameroonian students featured in the article show that, regarding L1/L2 interference, the generic profile “French-speaking learner” actually has numerous ramifications. This paper re-evaluates assumptions of the contrastive approach, highlighting the didactic importance of the predictability of errors and the direction of transfer


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    La diffusione dell’italiano in Camerun è in piena rivoluzione, soprattutto in seguito alla recente introduzione della lingua italiana come materia di studio nelle scuole secondarie camerunensi. Tale evento, che colloca l’italiano L2 allo stesso livello di altre lingue straniere che godono di una più lunga tradizione d’insegnamento entro il sistema educativo camerunense, ha determinato un mutamento radicale delle sorti della lingua italiana nel nostro paese. Il presente volume vuole ripercorrere la storia della diffusione dell’italiano in Camerun, mettendo in luce le peculiarità e le dinamiche dell’insegnamento/apprendimento di tale lingua in questo paese attraverso i contributi e le esperienze dei principali protagonisti della diffusione dell’italiano in Camerun. 1995- 2015:  20 years of Italian L2 Teaching in Cameroon. Results and prospectsThe spread of Italian in Cameroon is in full swing, especially following the recent introduction of the Italian language as a subject in secondary schools in Cameroon. This event, which places the Italian L2 at the same level of other foreign languages that have been taught longer within the Cameroon education system, has led to a radical change in the destiny of the Italian language in Cameroon. This paper traces the history of the spread of Italian in Cameroon, highlighting the characteristics and dynamics of Italian L2 teaching/learning through the contributions and experiences of the main protagonists in spreading Italian in Cameroon

    Effects of avocado seed extracts on growth performance and caecal flora of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)

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    The diversification of animal protein sources is a beneficial strategy to fill the protein deficit that all developing countries like Cameroon are facing. This work was initiated with the aim of increasing the productivity of guinea pigs through the use of avocado seed extracts. Four experimental rations (T0, T1, T2 and T3) were formulated with graded level of avocado seed extracts (0; 100 g; 200 g and 300 g of extracts per 100 kg of food respectively). Each treatment was tested on 15 females and 3 males divided into 3 subgroups. The results reveal that the mean weights of the animals were significantly the highest: at farrowing (87.00 g); at weaning (160.80 g) and at 8 weeks of age (234.40 g) were obtained with the T1 treatment. The significantly highest total gains (147.4 g) were obtained with the T1 treatment, the T3 treatment having given the lowest mean gain. In animals receiving T0 and T1 treatments, the level of lactobacilli was higher than the level of E. coli. The reverse was observed with T2 and T3 treatments. The use of avocado seed extracts can be considered at an incorporation rate of 100 g / 100 kg in guinea pigs feed. La diversification des sources de protéines animales est une stratégie salutaire pour combler le déficit protéique dont font face tous les pays en développement à l’instar du Cameroun. Ce travail a été initié dans l’optique d’accroître la productivité des cobayes à travers l’utilisation des extraits de noyaux d’avocat (ENA). Quatre rations expérimentales (T0, T1, T2 et T3) ont été formulées contenant respectivement 0 ; 100 g ; 200 g et 300 g de ENA pour 100 kg d’aliment. Chacune des rations a été testées sur 15 femelles et 3 mâles divisés en 3 sous-lots de 6 sujets chacun. Les résultats ont révélé que les poids moyens des animaux significativement les plus élevés : à la mise bas (87,00 g) ; au sevrage (160,80 g) et à 8 semaines d’âge (234,40 g) ont été obtenus avec les animaux recevant 100 g/100 kg d’extrait de noyau d’avocat (T1). Les gains totaux significativement les plus élevés (147,4 g) ont été obtenus avec le traitement T1, le traitement T3 ayant donné le gain moyen le plus bas. Chez les animaux recevant les traitements T0 et T1, le taux de lactobacilles a été supérieur au taux de colibacilles. L’inverse a été observé avec les traitements T2 et T3. L’utilisation des extraits des noyaux d’avocat peut être envisagée à un taux d’incorporation de 100g/100kg d’aliment chez le cobaye

    Knowledge Management Terhadap Kinerja Operasional Pada PT. Btn (Persero) Tbk. Cabang Manado

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    Pengetahuan penting bagi organisasi, sehingga perolehan dan pemanfaatannya perlu dikelola dengan baik dalam konteks bagi peningkatan kinerja organisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh knowledge Management terhadap kinerja Operasional PT. BTN (Persero) Tbk. Cabang Manado. Metode penelitian asosiatif dengan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh Pegawai Bank BTN Cabang Manado. Sampel adalah pegawai pada level operasional yang telah bekerja minimal 1 tahun, dan berjumlah 100 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel Judgement Sampling. Hasil analisis menunjukan Knowledge Management yaitu teknologi, job procedure, personal knowledge berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja operasional, penunjang Teknologi dengan adanya sarana dan prasarana komputer serta internet. job procedure dapat ditingkatkan dengan Pelatihan, Pelaksanaan prosedur kerja, personal knowledge didorong dari adanya ide, community dan networks terhadap kinerja operasional, manajemen Bank BTN Cabang Manado, sebaiknya berupaya untuk meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana Teknologi seperti perangkat komputer dan jaringan internet sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja operasional. Kata kunci: knowledge management, kinerja operasional

    Measurement, modeling and simulation of photovoltaic degradation rates

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    Photovoltaic degradation rates play a vital role in visualizing and analyzing the performance of the PV modules over the long run. A site survey is conducted to calculate PV degradation rates. The results have shown that for the first three years since the initial installation, the degradation rates have remained in line with the manufacturer values (i.e., less than 0.6%), while the next two years the degradation rates have almost increased by 40%. This is due to discoloration of the encapsulant causing the reduction of the short circuit current (Isc). Mathematically, modeling such visual loss factors has not considered so far. The visual loss factor equation is developed and incorporated in the output current equation of the PV module. Further, the I-V curves are simulated and compared with the measured I-V curves. The results have shown an acceptable error percentage of around 0.3%
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