6 research outputs found

    Pomoc rozwojowa jako narzędzie polityki migracyjnej UE

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    Since the refugee crisis of 2015, the European Union's institutions and EU Member States' governments have strengthened policies to manage better migration flows and protect the EU's external borders. In the external dimension, the Union implemented a wide variety of economic, political, and deterrence measures to regain control over migratory flows. Although development cooperation was declared one of the important tools for addressing root causes of migration, the externalization of migration management to neighboring transit countries became the main pillar of the anti-crisis strategy. Although this policy enabled to reduce essentially the number of irregular arrivals in Europe, it cannot be considered as a long-term solution. To be better prepared for migration challenges of the future, the EU should rethink its development cooperation with the origin and transit countries and include both forced and economic migrants in its comprehensive response. Aid can be a useful tool for the EU if it is used to manage rather than to stop migration.Od czasu kryzysu uchodźczego z 2015 r. instytucje UE i rządy państw członkowskich wzmocniły działania na rzecz lepszego zarządzania migracją oraz ochrony zewnętrznych granic UE. W wymiarze zewnętrznym Unia zastosowała wiele różnych środków gospodarczych i politycznych, a także rozwiązań o charakterze odstraszającym, aby odzyskać kontrolę nad przepływami migracyjnymi. Chociaż współpraca na rzecz rozwoju została uznana za jedno z ważnych narzędzi eliminowania pierwotnych przyczyn migracji, to eksternalizacja zarządzania migracją do krajów tranzytowych stała się głównym filarem strategii antykryzysowej. Choć polityka ta pozwoliła zasadniczo zmniejszyć liczbę nielegalnych przekroczeń europejskiej granicy, nie można jej traktować jako rozwiązania długoterminowego. Aby lepiej się przygotować na wyzwania migracyjne w przyszłości, UE powinna przemyśleć współpracę na rzecz rozwoju z krajami pochodzenia i tranzytu oraz włączyć do swojej strategii zarówno działania wobec migrantów przymusowych, jak i ekonomicznych. Pomoc rozwojowa może być przydatnym narzędziem dla UE, jeżeli będzie wykorzystywana raczej do zarządzania niż do blokowania migracji

    The Challenge from Within: EU Development Cooperation and the Rise of Illiberalism in Hungary and Poland

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    This article examines how the emergence of 'illiberal democracy' in Hungary and Poland has impacted the behaviour of these two countries in the EU's international development policy making processes. Adapting Hirschmann's concepts of voice, exit and loyalty, the article argues that three factors may have undermined the loyalty of these member states towards EU development policy, increasing the likelihood of them using more extreme forms of voice (vetoes) or even enact partial exits from the policy area. Erosion of loyalty is seen to be more likely if (1) illiberalism actually impacts bilateral development policies in the two countries; (2) they have poor track records in influencing EU development policy; and (3) alternatives to EU level action emerge. Applying this framework, a greater erosion of loyalty is expected in the case of Hungary than for Poland. Hungary's recent actions in EU development policy are in line with the expectations from the framework: it has increasingly been using more extreme forms of voice following the 2015 refugee crisis, while Poland has been a less 'problematic' member state in the policy area

    Development Assistance and Root Causes of Migration: A Risky Road to Unsustainable Solutions

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    In the aftermath of the 2015 migration-management crisis, both the European Union and several European states declared that they would be using development aid more strategically to address root causes of migration. The final report from the MiDeShare project, a joint two-year research project managed and implemented by the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), addresses two key issues that such a declaration brings to the fore: First, can development assistance really tackle root causes of migration, and second, have the EU and European countries such as Norway and Poland changed the direction of their aid since 2015? By reviewing the research already published by our joint project, we will sum up both what we know and in what areas new research-based knowledge is needed

    The External Dimension of EU Migration Management: The Role of Aid

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    Aid is seen as a key EU instrument in addressing the root causes of migration, but it has not been decisive for the drastic reduction of irregular arrivals in Europe in recent years. Nevertheless, development assistance has become crucial leverage for the EU in persuading major transit countries to improve their border control. Although this “externalisation” of EU border management seems like a successful approach for now, it is not sustainable in the long term. The Union still needs to find better synergy between migration management and development policy that is not designed to stop migration but to manage and regulate it in a more mutually beneficial way

    Can Aid Solve the Root Causes of Migration? A Framework for Future Research on the Development-Migration Nexus

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    An important dimension of the European Union’s response to the 2015 refugee and migration management crisis has been to address the root causes of irregular migration. A major tool the EU has to mitigate push factors of migration is development assistance. Yet, the literature shows that the casual relationship between aid and migration is complex and far from obvious. This article summarises the ongoing debates and major findings concerning the development-migration nexus in order to better inform policymakers about the potential risks and shortcomings of using aid in migration management. It suggests a framework for future research on what kind of assistance might work, for whom, and where