213 research outputs found

    Neural correlates of the affect heuristic during brand choice

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    In this working paper it is investigated how affect and cognition interact in consumer decision making. The research framework is multidisciplinary by applying a neuroscientific method to answer the question which information is processed during brand choice immediately when the decision is computed in the test person’s brain. In a neuroscientific experiment test persons perform binary decision-making tasks between different brands of the same product class. The results suggest that the presence of the respondent’s first choice brand leads to a specific modulation of the neural brain activity, which can be described as neural correlate of Slovic’s affect heuristic concept.Neuroeconomics, brand choice, cognition, affect

    Dimerization versus Orbital Moment Ordering in the Mott insulator YVO3_3

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    We use exact diagonalization combined with mean-field theory to investigate the phase diagram of the spin-orbital model for cubic vanadates. The spin-orbit coupling competes with Hund's exchange and triggers a novel phase, with the ordering of t2gt_{2g} orbital magnetic moments stabilized by the tilting of VO6_6 octahedra. It explains qualitatively spin canting and reduction of magnetization observed in YVO3_3. At finite temperature an orbital Peierls instability in the CC-type antiferromagnetic phase induces modulation of magnetic exchange constants even in absence of lattice distortions. The calculated spin structure factor shows a magnon splitting due to the orbital Peierls dimerization.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Revte

    One-dimensional orbital fluctuations and the exotic magnetic properties of YVO3_3

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    Starting from the Mott insulator picture for cubic vanadates, we derive and investigate the model of superexchange interactions between V3+^{3+} ions, with nearly degenerate t2gt_{2g} orbitals occupied by two electrons each. The superexchange interactions are strongly frustrated and demonstrate a strong interrelation between possible types of magnetic and orbital order. We elucidate the prominent role played by fluctuations of yzyz and xzxz orbitals which generate ferromagnetic superexchange interactions even in the absence of Hund's exchange. In this limit we find orbital valence bond state which is replaced either by CC-type antiferromagnetic order with weak GG-type orbital order at increasing Hund's exchange, or instead by GG-type antiferromagnetic order when the lattice distortions stabilize CC-type orbital order. Both phases are observed in YVO3_3 and we argue that a dimerized CC-type antiferromagnetic phase with stronger and weaker FM bonds alternating along the c axis may be stabilized by large spin-orbital entropy at finite temperature. This suggests a scenario which explains the origin of the exotic CC-AF order observed in YVO3_3 in the regime of intermediate temperatures and allows one to specify the necessary ingredients of a more complete future theory.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    Spin Order due to Orbital Fluctuations: Cubic Vanadates

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    We investigate the highly frustrated spin and orbital superexchange interactions in cubic vanadates. The fluctuations of t2gt_{2g} orbitals trigger a {\it novel mechanism of ferromagnetic interactions} between spins S=1 of V3+^{3+} ions along one of the cubic directions which operates already in the absence of Hund's rule exchange JHJ_H, and leads to the C-type antiferromagnetic phase in LaVO3_3. The Jahn-Teller effect can stabilize the orbital ordering and the G-type antiferromagnetic phase at low temperatures, but large entropy due to orbital fluctuations favors again the C-phase at higher temperatures, as observed in YVO3_3.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Fingerprints of spin-orbital physics in cubic Mott insulators: Magnetic exchange interactions and optical spectral weights

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    The temperature dependence and anisotropy of optical spectral weights associated with different multiplet transitions is determined by the spin and orbital correlations. To provide a systematic basis to exploit this close relationship between magnetism and optical spectra, we present and analyze the spin-orbital superexchange models for a series of representative orbital-degenerate transition metal oxides with different multiplet structure. For each case we derive the magnetic exchange constants, which determine the spin wave dispersions, as well as the partial optical sum rules. The magnetic and optical properties of early transition metal oxides with degenerate t2gt_{2g} orbitals (titanates and vanadates with perovskite structure) are shown to depend only on two parameters, viz. the superexchange energy JJ and the ratio η\eta of Hund's exchange to the intraorbital Coulomb interaction, and on the actual orbital state. In ege_g systems important corrections follow from charge transfer excitations, and we show that KCuF3_3 can be classified as a charge transfer insulator, while LaMnO3_3 is a Mott insulator with moderate charge transfer contributions. In some cases orbital fluctuations are quenched and decoupling of spin and orbital degrees of freedom with static orbital order gives satisfactory results for the optical weights. On the example of cubic vanadates we describe a case where the full quantum spin-orbital physics must be considered. Thus information on optical excitations, their energies, temperature dependence and anisotropy, combined with the results of magnetic neutron scattering experiments, provides an important consistency test of the spin-orbital models, and indicates whether orbital and/or spin fluctuations are important in a given compound.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figure

    Target prediction and a statistical sampling algorithm for RNA-RNA interaction

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    It has been proven that the accessibility of the target sites has a critical influence for miRNA and siRNA. In this paper, we present a program, rip2.0, not only the energetically most favorable targets site based on the hybrid-probability, but also a statistical sampling structure to illustrate the statistical characterization and representation of the Boltzmann ensemble of RNA-RNA interaction structures. The outputs are retrieved via backtracing an improved dynamic programming solution for the partition function based on the approach of Huang et al. (Bioinformatics). The O(N6)O(N^6) time and O(N4)O(N^4) space algorithm is implemented in C (available from \url{http://www.combinatorics.cn/cbpc/rip2.html})Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Photoemission spectra of LaMnO3 controlled by orbital excitations

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    We investigate the spectral function of a hole moving in the orbital-ordered ferromagnetic planes of LaMnO3_3, and show that it depends critically on the type of orbital ordering. While the hole does not couple to the spin excitations, it interacts strongly with the excitations of ege_g orbitals (orbitons), leading to new type of quasiparticles with a dispersion on the orbiton energy scale and with strongly enhanced mass and reduced weight. Therefore we predict a large redistribution of spectral weight with respect to the bands found in local density approximation (LDA) or in LDA+U.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 3 figures embedded, figure 3 correcte

    Ab initio calculation of resonant X-ray scattering in Manganites

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    We study the origin of the resonant x-ray signal in manganites and generalize the resonant cross-section to the band structure framework. With {\it ab initio} LSDA and LSDA+U calculations we determine the resonant x-ray spectrum of LaMnO3_3. The calculated spectrum and azimuthal angle dependence at the Mn KK-edge reproduce the measured data without adjustable parameters. The intensity of this signal is directly related to the orthorhombicity of the lattice. We also predict a resonant x-ray signal at the La LL-edge, caused by the tilting of the MnO6_6 octahedra. This shows that the resonant x-ray signal in the hard x-ray regime can be understood in terms of the band structure of a material and is sensitive to the fine details of crystal structure.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Double exchange magnets: Spin-dynamics in the paramagnetic phase

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    The electronic structure of perovskite manganese oxides is investigated in terms of a Kondo lattice model with ferromagnetic Hund coupling and antiferromagnetic exchange between t2gt_{2g}-spins using a finite temperature diagonalization technique. Results for the dynamic structure factor are consistent with recent neutron scattering experiments for the bilayer manganite La1.2_{1.2}Sr1.8_{1.8}Mn2_2O7_7 . The susceptibility shows Curie-Weiss behaviour and is used to derive a phase diagram. In the paramagnetic phase carriers are characterized as ferromagnetic polarons in an antiferromagnetic spin liquid.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages with 5 postscript figures include

    Phase diagram of a generalized Hubbard model applied to orbital order in manganites

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    The magnetic phase diagram of a two-dimensional generalized Hubbard model proposed for manganites is studied within Hartree-Fock approximation. In this model the hopping matrix includes anisotropic diagonal hopping matrix elements as well as off-diagonal elements. The antiferromagnetic (AF), ferromagnetic (F), canted (C) and paramagnetic (P) states are included in the analysis as possible phases. It is found that away from half-filling only the canted and F states may exist and AF and P states which are possible for the usual Hubbard model do not appear. This is because the F order has already developed for on-site repulsion U=0 due to the hopping matrix of the generalized model. When applied for manganites the orbital degree is described by a pseudospin. Thus our ``magnetic'' phase diagram obtained physically describes how orbital order changes with UU and with doping for manganites. Part of our results are consistent with other numerical calculations and some experiments.Comment: 5 eps figures; a note added, to appear in Phys. Rev.